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hello welcome back thank you so much for being here if you're new to this channel welcome if you've been here before welcome back today we are going to be making something that one of my subscribers asked me to make his name is eli stone and eli asked me to make pelau so we're going to be making pillow and i will start from scratch and show you exactly how i make my pillow i have a chicken a whole chicken so what i'm gonna do i'm putting my chicken here because i want to start from scratch i want you to see exactly everything i do when i'm making my pillow so we're going to use this chicken but i'm thinking that this chicken for me is going to be a bit much because i have a small family that i'm cooking for but if you have a large family you may need to use a whole chicken i'm going to use half of this chicken but i'm going to go ahead and season up the whole thing and use the other half another day so this is how i prepare my chicken so i'm gonna cut this chicken up and uh of course i'm gonna take all the skin off because when you're making pillow you don't want all this skin in your in your meat so here i cut up my meat and i took the skin off and i throw that away these are the wings it's kind of hard to take the the skin off the wings so those i left those on there but the fat and skin i took off off the enemy and now that now we're going to start by cleaning our meat this is the first thing we should always do so this is vinegar i'm just going to put some vinegar just throw some vinegar over there you don't have to measure it out you can use vinegar lemon or lime i just happen to have vinegar right now and this is my salt i just pour some salt over my meat like that and mix it all up together so that all the meat would um get that and now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna set this aside for about five minutes just to sit here for a few minutes and then i'll come back and clean it our chicken is cleaned our chicken is clean i just washed it off and washed all that salt and that vinegar off so now i am going to season this meat up because that's what you need to do before you start your palau is to season your meat so let me season my meat so i have my tina rice seasoning i'm going to season my meat but of course my bottle is almost empty i'm going to have to see to make some more but if you want to know how to make this seasoning just go up there look for bedroom seasoning and you would see how i made this with scallions and onions and different herbs so i'm just going to finish up this bottle right here in here and then of course i'll rinse this bottle out and then i'm making my um the rice i would add this water to it but this is it this is all i have in here my bottle is empty so my seasoning that i have in here i am just is enough for me to just season up my meat and once you use your seasoning like that because this have all the herbs and everything inside of it so it's really nothing more that i need to add to this so um i'm gonna sit this aside for five minutes and then i'll come back and show you so that the the seasoning can just marinate to the chicken and then i would start the next process okay now we're gonna start on our pillow we have our chicken that's already seasoned and what i'm gonna do first thing is i'm gonna put a little bit of olive oil this is probably about two tablespoons of olive oil in my pot and i have some garlic here this is a pot of garlic that i chopped up i'm gonna put it in here because what i want to do is just bring up all the flavors in the garlic so i put that in first let me get my spoon [Music] so give this a minute here just to get the flavors of the garlic to come out now you have to stay close to it because garlic burns very easily and we don't want to burn our garlic up we just want to um marinated a little bit in the oil just to get the flavors of the garlic out and then once we do that we have our onion here this is one large onion we're just gonna drop that in there get all of it out and we're just gonna saute this a little bit just a little bit just to get the flavors out of the onions as well i have my onion and my garlic here that i have been sauteing for a little bit in olive oil so now i'm gonna add my chicken to that my chicken has already been cleaned and seasoned i'm gonna add to that and then continue to saute that so then all the onions and the garlic that we're sauteing just mix everything up together and i'm just going to leave this here for a minute so that the garlic and the onions can just go through the chicken i'm going to give it one minute right now i have my stove on high i'll keep my stove on high for a little bit and what i'm gonna do is molasses now guys some people burn sugar and put that coloring in here but if you use molasses you really don't have to burn sugar because molasses is sweet and it also darkens give the meat a color so you can use molasses if you like molasses it means it tastes good and you can even you know eat it just like that is very good for you so i'm gonna pour some elastin in here maybe about a tablespoon or so and that gives it a sweet flavor because as they said it's sweet and it also darkens your meat put my molasses in here and as you can see the molasses has turned the color dark all right it does it turned color dark and that's what we're looking for but i'm also gonna also add a little brown into that as well oops that may have been a little bit too much there's some things you can pour in like that free hand and end up pouring a little bit too much i think i just did that but that's fine and so far guys with the onion and garlic and i'm just gonna leave this put a cover on and just bring this my stove is high and just leave this on here for about four minutes and then i'll come back and add the other stuff to it so i just took my cover off i left my chicken here boiling for well i had a stove on high then i put it to low and um i left it here for a while so you see all the water in here that this has sprung so now what i'm gonna do to it guys is i'm gonna add some herbs in there i like to add lots of herbs to my food because i like my food to be nice and healthy so first i'm gonna start with some fresh thyme i'm gonna drop that in there i have a tomato that i chopped up just add that in here i have some cilantro some fresh cilantro in trinidad this is called shallow benny this um i'm gonna add that in there i have here um two scallions our chives add that in there this is one um celery stick chopped up i have one big carrot that i diced up small i put that in there and here i have a couple um peppers bell peppers i'm just gonna add those in there and just mix this all up together i like my food colorful now i'm gonna add some seasonings to this now here i am gonna go ahead and start adding my seasonings so i'm gonna start by adding some turmeric in there just sprinkle a little bit of turmeric i will sprinkle a little bit of black pepper can we season it up now guys we have everything else in there i use a little bit of paprika just sprinkle a little bit in there and guys you know me i like to add ketchup to stuff so i'm gonna add a little ketchup in there i'm going to add a little bit of pepper sauce need a little bit of kick a little hot sauce gives it a little kick so we use a little bit of hot sauce let me cover that that i'm gonna use a little bit of all-purpose seasoning flavor it up a little bit and i like to use a little bit of curry we're just going to use a little bit because we're not making curry chicken we're just making but i just just for flavor i add a little bit of curry in there and that's it so now i'm going to mix this all up here looks good doesn't it guys oops smell good about the dirty myself looks good see they have the color that i want now this is what i'm gonna do here i have a box of chicken stock guys water is fine you don't have to use chicken stock i just have it so i'm going to use it but you do not have to use chicken stock okay water is just fine to use in there i use a little chicken stock in there bring it to almost to the top of the chicken right here i have here guys there are kind of pigeon piece i strained the i took the water off the piece we didn't want to use all that water sodium and so on in there so it got all of that water and now i have a can of coconut milk i'm just gonna add some coconut milk in there let me just get it all out get a spoon and add some coconut milk a lot of stuff going on in this meat guys this smell is beautiful so what i'm gonna do here i am going to bring this to a boil i'm going to let this boil for a couple minutes and then i'm going to just taste it remember we always talk about tasting your food to make sure that um you have the right amount of seasonings and everything looks good this is like a soup looks good now i'm gonna taste this to see if i need to add a little more salt to it or a little more of anything let me just get a spoon i don't want to put it in my hand because i don't want it to burn so let's let's taste it now i could do a little salt i didn't add any salt to it okay now i'm going to taste it now that i add that salt to it to see what it tastes like oh good it's good i think it could do with a little more salt now let me test it again perfect okay so now this is what i'm going to do guys remember that chicken water that i had the marinaded chicken in and also i rinsed out the tina ryan bottle that had my seasoning so now i'm just gonna pour that in there and i'm gonna add a little bit of butter a little bit of butter to help flavor it and now i am going to add my rice this is brown rice and this is the rice that i usually cook of course you know you can use whatever kind of rice that you prefer but i use brown rice that's my favorite choice of rice okay this looks good i see the water comes just above this just the water comes just above what i'm doing so i think that's about enough water in there so i'm not going to add anything else to that what i'm going to do now is when you're cooking this rice guys you want to steam it okay you don't want the stove to be too high because what's going to happen is it's going to dry down and your grains are still going to be hard so we're going to steam this so what i'm going to do right here i'm going to take some foil paper and i'm gonna put some foil paper on the top and then i'm gonna put my cover on top of that that way the steam stays inside and i'm gonna put my stove low and just let that take its time and dry down and then once it's done i'll come back and show you the finished results all right guys so let's take our cover off now this has been steaming for a while oh that looks good oh yeah it looks yummy it smells so good i can smell the coconut let's test it and see if it's done the rice looks good look at that it looks good it might need drying out a little bit more probably you can leave it a few more minutes to dry out but it looks nice and moist now let me taste this it's too hot now i'm not gonna taste it it looks good guys it looks good i think it needs to be dried out for a few more minutes but the greens look good like the grains are cooked i could look at them and see that they cook without even tasting it it's cooked it looks yummy yummy yummy and guys that's how you cook your pillow beautiful everything looks good everything is cooked i'm gonna leave it for a few more minutes just to get the greens to dry a little more and then i'll come back and show you and guys our pillow has finished let's look here our pillow is all done and ready to be eaten guys it smell really good i can smell the coconut in there smells so delicious can't wait to dig in but i wanted you to see what it looks like and this is how i make my beijing palau now i'm going to taste it for you and tell you exactly what it tastes like to me so guys now i have the honor of oh and eli this is your beijing pillow stone asked me to make pillow and i made pillows so eli i will taste this for you wish you were here to taste it but i'll taste it for you so let's see here and see what is good about this it has a little carrots you have your fresh vegetables in here and the flavor is out of this world a little bit of everything is really delicious it looks really good so let me taste it for you guys all these flavors come together perfectly this tastes really good when you're making your palate you can make it you can dry the all the liquid out and make the grains really dry you can leave a little bit of liquid in there and leave it a little bit soft however you want to do it but i steamed it and left it there and unfortunately i wasn't checking it when i steamed it so i can't tell you exactly i didn't stir it or anything i just put the cup default paper on i put it on a very low heat and i left it and i walked away and i just came back to check it to see how it was done and the greens was already soft so you can do that same thing and i forgot to mention when i had put the rice in that i put two cups of rice so this is two cups of rice okay [Music] guys this is my pillow i had fun making my pillow i hope you have fun making pillow for your family don't forget to subscribe and give me some love give me a thumbs up until next time bye bye
Channel: Tinaraine
Views: 14,016
Rating: 4.861042 out of 5
Keywords: chicken pelau, how to make pelau, peas and rice, rice recipe, rice and peas, pelau recipe, chicken pelau recipe, how to make pelau with chicken, how to make caribbean pelau, how to make pilau rice, cook up rice instant pot, peas and rice with coconut milk, peas and rice instant pot, rice recipes by food fusion, peas and rice recipe, peas and rice without coconut milk, pelau, Bajan pelau, bajan pelau recipe, tinaraine pelau recipe, pelau caribbean food
Id: uEsJsQ8GnpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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