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hello welcome back to my Channel today I am making a very special dish and it is the national dish of our bailiffs it's called black bone themselves and I'm gonna give you step-by-step exactly how black banana sauce is made but before I do that I want to ask that you please go be look below and you'll see that little red button that says subscribe if you can click on that button it would be really great because it allows me to continue to bring videos to you and it allows you to be able to see my video first as soon as I put it up so welcome back No let me talk about black penis estimable to me and give a little bit history about our black penis cells black penis cells is a bigger dish that is made on Saturday it is a dish that goes back generations I mean when people back in slavery when they were handed down the leftover of the pig which was the head and the feet they made something with it so they made some delicious black pudding it sells it took the head of the pig and it took part some meats different parts of the meat for the pig and it made the Pickler in themselves and they take the feet and they also pickle down I know that and then they took some potatoes that it got from the ground and it makes something called black pudding black pudding years ago was made with the casing of the stomach of the peg and it will also have like the pig blood today people are gonna use that anymore that was years ago so let me show you exactly how this is done but before I start and want to show you the ingredients that is gonna go into the black pudding so let's look here so first I have my sweet potatoes right here this we put it have to be greater it have to be peeled and I have to be greater and in that sweet potato is it's gonna have some onions and some scallions and it will also have some seasonings some different seasonings which I will show you as they do it and some pepper this goes into district potatoes so I'll show you how that is done this is the port that I'm gonna pickle right here I have this is pig feet I didn't want it I had it cut up small so you'll see that and this is just some stupor that I have cut up so I will show you how that is gonna be done I probably use half of this cut this is a lot to make the pickle is gonna be lots of cute umm lemons or lights whichever you prefer cucumbers they should have a whole set of cucumbers here parsley and of course onion goes into that as well and some pepper so I'm gonna get started on this and the first thing I'm gonna start with is I will start to peel my potatoes I'm grating my potatoes and anyway so that's my potato all greater now I'm gonna measure that in a little while until exactly how much that is but I graded that now I'm gonna set that aside and I'm gonna show you next process so I finished bergeron my potatoes and they match it as potatoes potatoes and it is 4 cups which is 2 pounds so I'm using 2 pounds of potato and in here I haven't just wash an onion some scallion a piece of time and a piece of pepper so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put this in a blender and blend it up now let's get started by putting or ingredients together in our potatoes so first I'm gonna do I have a glass of water here I'm gonna pour some water kind of get all this 210 off migrator because we need to use a little water not too much water in there this is glass of water here is some onion some scallions some thymus and pepper I'm gonna add this to that I have some black pepper here I'm just gonna sprinkle on some black pepper [Applause] this is grown close I'm gonna add some ground clove I'm gonna use about an eighth of a teaspoon of clove because you don't want to add too much Club because clovers have a very strong flavor and you don't want it to overpower what you're doing so I'm just gonna use the boat if a clove and that's it I'm not going to use any more of that because it has a strong taste and then you mix your ingredients together we add it this way make sure it doesn't now we're gonna add some sugar so how my magic come here and I'm gonna measure out it takes a lot of sugar this is brown sugar so I'm gonna add about one cup of brown sugar to that mix it up banging because they said earlier one thing that people used to use years ago as a pig's blood and a pig's blood used to give it a dark color people don't use pig blood anymore that was years ago back in those days so today to use coloring browning this is browning that also gives it the dark color so we want the dark color here so I'm gonna use some my browning now you have to be careful and don't use too much of this otherwise it's gonna be too dark I don't want it too dark I was like a Carmel color see that color it's like Carmel that's the color that you want that's the right color there I just mix it up to make sure your sugar and everything that you put in there blend up alright put some more sort of missing in them good that's what it was missing so just much better now much better alright now let's start to get this now I'm gonna bake this in the oven potatoes are all finished so what I'm gonna do I have a pan here that I greased so I'm gonna put this in here i greased that with butter and I'm gonna put this in here wow this is all done and I am going to cover it with some foil and I have my I need my oven set at 350 so I'm gonna put this in the oven and let it sit in there and just cook but it's--but at 350 until all the inside you can check it and make sure that the inside is cooked and you would tell his cook because it's gonna turn to a brownish car and you can see the difference so let me put this in the oven in the ILA usually clean our meat with lemon or lime and salt and you take some salt and just put salt all over it and mix it all up together and then let it sit for a few minutes so I just added my meat to the hot water here here and you don't need to cut your onion too small it's cut your onion like that I just need it onion to flavor the water right so just drop that in there sometime in the water I'm just gonna add the garlic to me just cut it garlic and I'm just add the garlic to the water just like that alt all purpose seasoning here you get it open and I'm just gonna leave this here to cook okay guys so while the meat is boiling I am gonna start preparing the pickle that this is gonna go in straight up so you'll see so here I have my cucumbers I have three five cucumbers and I have a whole bunch of parsley so what I'm gonna do is I'm first I'm gonna peel these cucumbers and then I'm gonna I'll show you how I'm gonna cut this up and then I'll cut the parsley up and I have my onion and my lemon we're preparing our pickle now in here is my cucumber so they have five you can braise they have an onion some tomato some mom lemons or some pepper and scallions these are all washed and ready to be cut up so this is how you're gonna cut up your cucumber to pickle it you're gonna go like this okay you want to cut it up small you go you just chop it up like that first and then and then this is the texture this is the size that you're gonna cut it up so you pretty easy just make sure you don't cut yourself so this is another way that you can do your cucumber you take your grater now you're gonna use this side of the green if you have one of these graders you leave this side of the grater I am just wherever at that seven low bhishma here is my fight cucumbers as already chop-chop so no to die I'm gonna add my onion so okay I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna add it to my cucumbers now next thing I'm gonna add here is my pepper just put that in there good now the next day I'm going to put in there is my lemons and I have my strainer here put this over here so that I don't have to hold my fingers to get the seeds and then of course I'm gonna need more lemons than that but I'm just gonna stop and then here goes my salt um I'm not gonna measure this I'm just gonna sprinkle this in but over the advice you just sprinkle just a little bit out of time okay she's starting to look good you know kind of parsley it very small taught me something really small okay think this is a book good here so now this is what a little now I take my parsley and I put it in there yes squeeze it justice up then I'm gonna cut it's this and see if I need more lemon so have a little bit here put a little bit in my hand tis it okay I can test in lemon and either I still need maybe that one more lemon and some more salt out in here so I can take the copper saw I mean like a tablespoon of salt a quarter salt or if it's all because you have to taste it that's why I say put a little bit in test it f if you ever taste again want more solitude and add some more salt to it okay it depends on how much you're making so this needs some more lemon so I'm gonna add another level and this would have made six lemons die attitude I've and this is six six cucumbers in there and this is six lemons and this is my pickle so what what happens notice once the pig feet and they meet it's finished cooking I'm gonna let that cool and once it's cool I'm gonna cut it up small and add it to this and let it kind of take on the flavor of this so I'm gonna taste it one more time to make sure that it's good it's good it's good so I'm going to sit for a few minutes that's it we will tell you I'm gonna let it sit a draw that's what I said let it sit and dry never you put in me and you may even have to add a little more lemon or a little more salt depends but I'm gonna set this aside and I'm gonna go down checking me and see if the meat is cooked and the potatoes so everything kind of finish around the same time so let's check on me okay guys the meat is tender you see the heart just went right through it meat is finish cooking so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to turn off the stove and I'm gonna leave this note for a while because that have to cool I'm gonna rinse the meat off with some cold water let's check the potato and see how ice is going in the oven oh it looks good that's how it's supposed to be guys so let's check you top maybe cook but the bottom may not be cooked so let's check the bottom so guys the potato is cooked but it's done because they don't want it you don't want it to dry out so this is good it looks good it's done yeah it's done I am just rinsing the meat so all that stuff from when it cook is not into me rinse to me and obviously because the meat was cooked with salt and all that stuff and I just rinsed it off I'm going to add a little more salt to it because as I said I just rinse the pork i rinse a lot of seasoning oxr I just added some salt now I'm gonna add a lemon juice to that and then what I'm gonna do I'm gonna mix this up I'm gonna mix this up I'm sorry lemon juice and a salt and go all over and I'm just gonna let it sit for a few minutes on to this cool cuz it's a little hot you don't want to put it in into your pickle when it's hot you let it cool first so I'm gonna sit for a few minutes and cool and once it is cool I will put it with my pickle and then I'll come back and show you the end process close to the end so this is what we're gonna do now we're gonna take our meat that we have and we're just gonna drop it in here in the pickle you're just gonna drop it in there any big pieces you can cut up but this is a pig feet which is already cut up so I'm just gonna drop that in there on the meat is nice and soft and I need that phone I have my meat in here so not I have to combine everything together you're gonna combine your meat this I made the sauce so Effie you are obedient are you a Caribbean and you want to know how to make black pudding themselves you ever you've heard of it but you have no idea to make it this is how you make it guys and those people in the islands that make this every day they have a process that it ok this sticks up a wall but I guess they've been doing it for years so you know you can do it like 1 2 3 and then do it quickly but you know this is not something that I would make every Saturday because it's a lot of work but it is worth it if you do everyone's know what is worth it and if you have someone in your community that makes it on Saturday put in your order early go get it but it's gonna go ahead and taste it again just to make sure you don't have to add anything else to it to make sure that it is testing just right it looks good but let me just test it just to make sure it doing it off bang-bang good so now I'm gonna put our - oh and I have something else to show you guys alright I can show you this this is a breadfruit I had done a brand food in a previous video and you saw how a what a breadfruit looks like but this is a breadfruit and I cooked this breadfruit so what happened is people also serve a piece of bread foot next to your black pudding themselves okay so I'll be serving this is already cooked it's already cooked it's nice and moist and it's melted so all three of these go together is one dish so this is your black pudding and your city color of it is pack is black and this is yourself and this is your break through so this is black pudding themselves and this I so let me show you how this is so I have a ditch right here and I have my ice cream scoop so what I'm gonna do just scoop this out so of course I made this so I have to share this so my brother-in-law my sister-in-law because this is not something to get right often so this is something of a tip for them I think this is usually my favorite part pinning okay so that's the pudding right there over here let me get a fork I will take some of the bright fruit and I will put it on the side like that few pieces like that and then I'm gonna take myself over here right the other side [Applause] a couple of small pieces of the meat and then pick something liquid because you need a liquid in there put a bit some of the liquid in here do you need to eat both together here we have it black pudding and cells this is my country's national dish for a biggest national dish black pudding themselves you see how I made it guys I try to do it step by step that each of you could follow the directions I would put a link below and so that you can look at the ingredients that I put in here know exactly how to do it and you can do it yourself it takes a little while but your home you can afford to do it I make your own black pudding ourselves okay thank you so much for joining me this was a lot of fun guys give it a try you you may end up doing really good but you're not going to know unless you try it so all the pages will never trade it a glory salad it and spend $20 for it take the $20 and go buy the ingredients and just try making it yourself for your whole family okay thank you so much for joining me please do not forget to subscribe that little button below just press that button it helps me to continue to bring videos and every time I put a video up you're the first to see my videos until next time bye bye
Channel: Tinaraine
Views: 28,153
Rating: 4.8702202 out of 5
Keywords: pudding and souse recipe barbados, pudding and souse recipe, pudding and souse barbados, pudding and souse toronto, black pudding, souse, sweet potato recipe, cucumber recipes, tinaraine, barbados recipes, barbados food recipes, barbados souse recipe, food recipes, food recipes easy, pudding and souse, black pudding recipe, black pudding dnd
Id: TkU-orRxFYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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