Patrick Ryan's No Fuss Sourdough Pizza

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[Music] today we're actually gonna make a very very simple pizza dough and let's be honest who doesn't love pizza it's an absolute great recipe to make with friends and family with kids and so so simple so I'm going to show you a couple of tricks here which takes all the effort out of it but also a great ways in which we can bake it at home and particular kind of use it domestic well but without tickly need to buy expensive pizza stones expects equipment so the big thing about this recipe and it does take a little bit of planning because the fact the dogs actually only take about 24 hours to ferment so for example Friday night's pizza night just make this on a Thursday I know it seems a lot of effort but you're gonna see it's so so quick and so so easy so what's a little bit different about this recipes actually gonna be using a little bit of our siren or culture it is a Roy started and but you can actually you could use a white starter culture no problem with off whatever you have at home great thing about using the serrano just adds a great depth of flavor into your dough but what's probably a little bit different here is we're actually going to spite the door with a tiny bit of yeast just helps to give it an extra little kick and also to helps keep it all lovely and soft so very simply we're going to start off with 500 grams of strong flour or bread flour we're using a good-quality white flour here so you got 500 grams and we're simply gonna add a teaspoon of salt mix s straight in and then toradol we're actually going to add 50 grams of semolina so it just helps to give a lovely crust to our pizza bases later on so again just mix that straight in so to our 500 grams of flour we're simply gonna add 200 grams of sourdough starter this was fair and you can see it's bubbling away fed last night bubbling away perfectly ready to go this morning so then to our dough were adding 325 mils of water this is quite a soft wet dough and then just for a little bit of richness we're gonna add about 50 grams of olive oil we're literally gonna add about 1 gram of freshest just give a tiny little spike had a little flavor it's gonna help to keep it all living soft as well now the great thing about this recipe is it's so so easy virtually no need it's gonna bring the whole dough together so again if you don't have fresh yeast joy G's will work perfectly the same you look at a bear little pinch again just about a gram so just roughly work to go dough together just how kind of incorporate all that kind of loose Flair you don't even have to get your hands in and that is it that is our dough needed done ready to go the idea basically what we're going to do is want to pop into a fridge and we're going to let it ferment for 24 hours as the dough is proving you're going to find that the dough helps to develop so so so easy it's just case a little bit of planning two seconds for your know to get a pop in the fridge cupboard over who let it ferment for 24 hours so here is the exact same dough which has been sitting in the fridge for menteng nice and gently noise and slowly for the last 24 hours so you can see that as it's proving up its growing within the basket so what we were to do is we can we need to knock her go back it's a bit of softer though and you can see all the beautiful fermenting knocking the air from her so you'll find just with some very simple shaping once you bring your dough back together again you actually find it leave a beautiful smooth perfectly developed dough which virtually took absolutely no effort to make bring it all together let it ferment and let the dough do all the magic so now we're just gonna shape our dough just for what's gonna be used for each of our other pizza bases so I generally find about 200 grams is a really nice portion for home so I'm just using a weighing scales just how quarter notes make is sure it's nice and consistent you can do it by eye if you wish oh no if you're not gonna used abortion though you'll probably find that one is this size one is Desai's and you'll have some people given out to some people don't want pizza bigger than others very gently bring the dough together ball into a nice little ball so again when you're rolling we're kind of using this part of our hand pushing the dough into the table make a large circle hand becomes a bit like a claw if you find the dough a little bit soft or a liver sticky don't be afraid to use a little bit of flour again we don't need it's not not too much just enough so you can handle it manipulate to know sometimes it's easier just to put a little bit of flour and familiar and now again we're going to let these prove for a little while longer probably at least an hour to an hour and a half because what we want you to find at the door at the moment a little bit tight because it's been work has been kneaded has been knocked back so we want in order to be lovely relaxed so normal comes to shaping later very very simple very very easy to do so if you think about it you've met the dough the night before you come home and evening very quickly for us you don't we let them prove hooper meant so at this time great time to get your sauce ready your toppings carry on with your life and a perfectly good to go so from 500 grams of air we're going to see six great pizza bases [Music] I do has been has been improving nicely for the last hour and a half lovely and relaxed so when it comes to cooking your pizza dollars particularly at home make sure you turn your oven up literally to the highest possible setting crank it up full we need that really high intense heat and again you'll often get a lot of place to kind of get a pizza stone which are great if you have it but if you don't you can always improvise I'm just taking a very simple roasting tray and you're gonna flip it upside down and the idea now I've got a kind of a lovely flat base which has been beautifully preheated and I'm gonna slide my pizza base directly onto it so once I hit it it's cooking what we're going to do here is use our board here it's gonna kind of act a bit like a peel so we can shape our pizza base on this and inside it from here onto our preheated roasting tray so basically it's hitting the hot surface it's cooking instantly because if you were kind to shape it round just onto a tray or basically what's gonna happen you want to put onto a cold tray you're gonna pop into the oven then you're waiting for the trade to heat up and all the time your door was less drying out see the ideas we wanted to be cooking instantly so we're just gonna use a little bit of a mix between kind of semolina and some flour when it comes to move you do again don't just kind of grab it as a ball and squash you're gonna try retain the natural shape that I've got just use our little dough scraper again don't knock the air from it just yet so it actually takes very little where I carry out the shaping gent with the door it's already in its natural shape use my fingers working to do I'm already you can see it kind of stretching if you color like that pizza makers are that Lobley aren't even crust that's all you're gonna comically shape up by hand and it does take a little bit of more practice because if you're using a rolling pin basically you're not all the air from the dough it's going very flat so if you can try and work it by hand if you're not comfortable it don't worry rolling you find all I'm doing when I come to shake my hand my hands in underneath I'm simply transferring the dough from one side to the other not come very gently could only put my fingers to it I'm using the natural way to the dough to stretch work it out very very little work the dough because we're working with a much softer wetter dough it stretches and works out very very easy so I'm simply just gonna take my chopping board here again and uses some semolina so minis gray pipe doesn't burn as easily as flour so a little bit or also it's lovely and easy to figure you don't to move transferred a judo if your favorite find it you're doing was torn ever so slightly are you afraid to waste it just cut a little piece off you'd always patch it up no one's ever gonna know and then before I go is just just make sure it's moving he's you know none of the dough is sticking so when it comes to slide it off it's gonna come off nice and easy now when it comes to top of your pizzas really is a case of less is more you need very very little toppings and you don't want to overload it with different ingredients because again it adds too much weight to the dough it's a sauce worker from the center all the way out again just when you're sauce in the pizza just become on just don't let it kind of drip on to decided to trays because it can again cause the dogs taking a little bit so we're just going to go for a little bit so over here and when it comes to you it's all about personal preference whatever you have whatever you're into green peppers 20 bit of Sherlock few different green olives certainly a lover hey think I got a little more thinking where he's gonna use a little bit of buffalo mozzarella you can use grated no problem whatsoever blue cheese is great little bit of parmesan goat cheese you can really kind of very blessed here in Ireland to have some of the best cheese in the world and that is kind of this [Music] it's basically we're just simply using a wooden chopping board it's gonna act as a peel you can see it's moving you're in full control just work towards the back of the road okay once the dough starts moving its a polity straight back and you're looking at about four to five minutes of full Heat [Music] that's it five minutes that's all it takes just a normal domestic oven what's absolutely great you can see that beautiful kind of uneven probably bubbly crust it's exactly what we want so you can see a lovely kind of puffy light beautiful crust so it's a bakery when I would fired over we've generally be doing our pizzas up to 350 degrees C a really done really high intense heat but beyond this you can do a really great job at home you can see there's nice of the chair mark starting to form that's exactly what we want in this one we're family were kids absolute perfect [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ilovecookingireland
Views: 874,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sourdough, pizza, pizza dough, sourdough pizza, Patrick Ryan, I love cooking, pizza from scratch, bread, firehouse bakery ireland, no knead pizza, sourdough starter recipes, sourdough starter, perfect sourdough pizza, ultimate sourdough pizza, easy sourdough pizza, sourdough pizza masterclass, Patrick Ryan Masterclass, I Love Cooking Masterclasses, I Love Cooking Ireland
Id: l3GcHQoxrYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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