How's Phoenix Point Behemoth Edition...ON CONSOLE?

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hey everybody chris farrard here uh today we're looking at phoenix point but not in the way that you might imagine i have completed a full playthrough of this uh back when it released on pc and uh had a great time with it there was definitely some things that they've changed between now and then which is why when snapshot games offered to sponsor a video uh i was like yeah this is great timing you guys asked me all the time to try phoenix point again since the updates and uh here we are however small surprise uh this game is releasing on consoles now so i'm actually playing this on the ps5 uh this is technically a ps4 version there's an xbox one version uh if you buy this game you'll get a free 4k 60 fps uh upgrade to the next gen version when that's released i'll have links down below if you want to check that out for yourself uh another cool thing about this they're calling this the behemoth edition and the reason for that is that when you purchase this you also get all of the previously released dlcs so living weapons blood and titanium legacy of the ancients festering skies and corrupted horizons uh if you don't know anything about this game it's made by uh julian gollup who is the creator of the original x-com series in the 90s and you can see a lot of similarities between phoenix point and x-com for good reason but i will say having played both games pretty extensively they play very very differently uh i've got a save here that i'm gonna load and uh it's just taking place like of i would say a couple hours into a campaign we're gonna go on one of the first like major missions that's presented to us um i'm not gonna do a full tutorial on this game here i feel like um that would be better served for a different type of video since this is the console launch i do want to talk about a couple of things related to how something so ui heavy will feel using a controller um once we boot into the geoscape you're gonna notice like there's a i can only imagine how much work they put in to make this uh work really well with the controller this aspect of the geoscape like actually moving around the world works very well it's super smooth to access the different sections um along the bottom you just use l2 and r2 so here's our base here's our personnel unit within this we can obviously you can see the the icons at the bottom you can rename your units you can go in here to then swap through equipment training or any customization options that you may want uh it's really intuitive and that was my biggest worry trying this on a console is that navigating this part of it would not be intuitive but here we are and it's working very well uh so let's get into a mission because that plays quite differently than you would imagine on pc as well this is the simes retreat mission so let's head over here our operatives have reached randall symes iii private retreat where he may be able to find additional information that may help us decipher his note to make sense of his activities however our scans indicate enemy presence in the area uh so here's our current squad we've got odd the heavy we have walter an assault class we have dexter also an assault class and we have a ram one of our sniper classes now one thing that hearkening back to my original playthrough that i've actually done here that would be i'm not gonna say controversial okay but i've given this uh phoenix heavy body armor to our sniper now it does incur a stealth and accuracy penalty but i can make up for that in other ways by uh skills and different helmets um but what this does lets us use jet jump so i can pretty much navigate anywhere i want and then if i have a pistol i'll still have action points left to take a shot whereas with the heavy if you jet jump you can't then follow up by firing a shot so it's it i just find it a little bit more mobile here i've also got a few upgrades so uh iram here is level two we're going in with cautious where we get extra accuracy at the cost of damage but i think that's a good trade-off extreme focus meaning overwatch is reduced by one point if i hit l1 and r1 that's how i can go through the characters in this type of screen you can see here on our heavy class we've got heavy training we could go into sniper training the second row here kind of like you get the bonus abilities in x-com um but we're not going to take any of those right now we also have brawler so we can form a melee bash with increased damage and then our assaults have a couple of things um walter has dash and he's got return fire and dexter isn't quite level three yet so he's only got dash and the assault training we could also spend our additional points to go into things like strength willpower and speed this one thing i really appreciate about phoenix point is it's not just perks that you're leveling but it's also this balance between trading those experience points for perks and then putting things into strength for more hit points and how far you can throw stuff increasing your encumbrance uh willpower which dictates uh basically casting your abilities and then speed which dictates how far you can move in a turn so anyways let's uh let's get rock and roll and get into a mission here and uh hopefully we can be successful i'm playing on uh i'm playing on the difficulty that's one below the highest only because it's been a while since i've played so i would like to put on a successful show here we'll see if that if that happens um i will talk about some of the mechanics and stuff that i really like um in phoenix point compared to something like xcom which i imagine if you guys are watching this you're probably familiar with both games but my guess is that you're definitely familiar with xcom so if you've never seen phoenix point before recommend watching this and then going to check out a play through because it's it plays completely differently than xcom [Music] okay here we are um so navigating we actually already see enemies right out here which is kind of nice uh we got a strangler here an arthron and another arthron here um you can go and get additional info on this moving around the uh the map here is just as you would expect on a controller it feels very smooth no problems at all um so you can go up and down in elevation by using the right stick and then you can go back down by clicking it down obviously you can rotate it's basically like a free cam that way um yeah and moving around on tiles like i've played i have played xcom on uh like a switch and that definitely takes a little while a little of getting used to i'd say about took me about five maybe 10 minutes to get out like just that kind of initial awkward feeling of using a controller in a game that i'm very used to using um uh mouse and keyboard for so i don't think you're gonna have too many problems there now uh let's get let's get moving here around i'm gonna actually move into cover this is our sniper i don't mind taking this opening shot here one thing we could do because i've got vision here cool thing about phoenix point is that you're not limited to moving then shooting i could take my shot here and my shot takes three action points i could use the remaining action point to then move back into cover you can see that this is using uh it uses actually partial action points for your movement so you can i could probably even get a little bit further like back here if i wanted to and i might because yes this indicates that i'm in cover however any obstacle and phoenix point is is treated as such so even if i'm just standing back here and that enemy is on the opposite side this obstacle is going to block just as much as if i was standing here maybe even more so because my part of my body will be leaning out but anyways let's um let's start out by just aiming our gun at one of these guys uh you hit l2 to do that and then i can cycle through the enemies with l1 or r1 now if you notice at the top um you're not seeing any uh percentages to hit or anything like that um the way that it works is the wider and brighter that that bar is the higher chance you have to hit so what i mean by that is if you look here so this arthron is kind of like a lighter shade of pink that's not as certain to hit as this one where that damage is almost guaranteed it's pretty bright white and one of the really cool things about phoenix point if you've never played it you can have a free aim here so it's tough in this scenario because i'm actually shooting through a tree but a tree will not block my shots um let's see if i can get a better visual here yeah there we go so i can free aim this and there's two circles the inner circle has a much higher percentage chance of having shots land in there um or sorry the outer circle is where almost all of your shots are gonna land that inner circle is where majority of your shots are gonna land but there will be some stray bullets uh since this is a sniper rifle we're only firing once it can go anywhere in that circle but it's gonna have a higher likelihood to land in that center area and then you can see here like at the top as we move around the color of that bar starts to fluctuate it might be a little confusing at first but it's actually a pretty intuitive system once you get used to it another cool thing in phoenix point is you have limb specific damage so if i was to go and disable the head which means literally blowing the head off we're going to inflict bleeding we're going to reduce his will power um and we're going to reduce his max hp by getting rid of that body part um willpower will um make it so that it has a harder time casting abilities you can also like blow off part of its arms this guy is going to attack with with melee uh using his arms so if we blow that off we're in a pretty good spot but you can see here we have a much higher chance to miss this right so i think for now we're just gonna put some damage right here somewhere like center mass if it hits the head then great uh we're gonna manually aim this as we are and hit r2 for our shot and nailed it okay beautiful now um i'm gonna just swing back into cover like this and we're laughing okay so these trees uh do not provide any cover which is something to consider um i don't really wanna stand out there one cool thing you can do is like i could move up here to get a better shot and then i could pull back maybe to here um you can see the action points that things cost underneath them so if you look at that middle bar that's all of our abilities if you look in the bottom right those are our different items that we have equipped we have backpack items as well you can access here and if you want to switch things between your backpack and your equipped units that will cost actions to do that so a lot different from xcom in that regard uh so i think what i'm going to do i'm going to come up here um i could even i could even come a little closer if i wanted but i think if i go here that's going to use almost a full action i can take my shot and then i'll retreat back into uh cover let's just see what we're looking at here so you can see with this type of gun um those white markers on the health bar are not as uh bright let's look at these other guys if i back out of this uh not as bright not super bright so yeah you have to consider in phoenix point um that everything is on a ballistic level what i mean by that is if this gun's gonna shoot six times which it is it's gonna do 20 to 30 damage uh per shot for six shots each bullet is going to have some stray some of it's going to drop some of it's going to move to the left or the right and uh you're just hoping that some of your bullets end up landing on the target so let me see here this guy i only need a couple of things to land i'm gonna place this thing like i'm gonna place as much of his body in here as possible and uh let's take this shot beautiful okay so we got one guy down already i'm gonna shift dexter back to here walter now we do have if we wanted we could use something like dash so essentially for one action point i can get in much closer and then i could maybe run back this is going to dangle them a little bit but just for the sake of showing you that's what i'm going to do so let's go ahead and set this up that would normally take like two actions to get there but we used will points instead so keep an eye on the bottom left that's going to show you our little summary of the soldiers how much ap they have left how much hp and their will points um i could go ahead and do this again if i wanted to really drain his will points and get a lot closer but let's take a look and see what our shot's like from here walter does have a special gun uh that we started with so i made sure to equip him with like our non-basic gear we have really good shots on both now what you could do if you really wanted to you could take like a shot like this and some of your bullets would hit either enemy um truthfully i could aim like way up here and some of those shots are probably still going to hit this guy um but seeing as this triton strangler is getting close to us let's see what kind of options we have here so he's got double perception restores health to damage limbs if disabled removability regeneration if we are able to destroy his torso uh you can hit their legs to decrease their uh movement range which is very effective especially against like melee units and stuff so anyways we're gonna take our shot kind of mid middle of the frame here and let's do something like this and we got through a little bit of armor that's not bad uh but as i said now we're kind of like we're kind of dangled here um not great not horrible maybe what i'll do is um we'll actually use a dash just to move out of here there we go i think that's fine um that is using a lot of willpower that's not an unlimited resource so yeah it's something to keep in mind now we have our heavy um our chances with this heavy are going to be kind of interesting because this is more of like a canon let's move up just a tad angle and can i get in here it's it's not bad but like you can see how big the outer circle is like these shots could vary wildly i'm gonna target it here if it lands i'm happy and if it doesn't i'm less happy let's do something like this beautiful that's actually huge that's actually huge okay we're out of action points now let's let's end the turn i know we're dangling our heavy there but they're our toughest unit so i'm i'm fine with that and we're getting a little flank let's see what these guys decide to do can't quite reach us he's got the bleed as well you can see the limbs that are impacted by uh the damage that we've done i said i wasn't gonna do like a tutorial but i realized i am kind of just explaining things as a tutorial um you probably noticed i'm going through like all of the actions pretty cleanly and the reason i'm saying that is because using a controller for this while wasn't natural when i started feels totally fine right now and i think they've done a very very good implementation i've played controller-based strategy games like this before and they weren't always super hot so yeah okay this guy's pretty close to us i think we could probably just hammer him here you can see like if i just do my standard targeting i don't even have to free aim this but free aiming is way cooler so uh let's go for the head you can see at the top um the skull that's blinking there that means we have a very good chance to just kill this unit um one thing to keep in mind is that some enemies actually will like sway you see how they have um you see they have like some movement there so if i'm free aiming something here and as we shoot he starts to move his head so my bullets can actually miss that um let's go down for these legs here and see if there's any uh disabling we're probably gonna just kill him here i can take two shots because my gun only requires two action points yeah so we actually just dusted that group which felt real nice uh our sniper's in a pretty good position to take this shot down here um i'm just gonna reposition a tad here to make sure that we're at least well hopefully at least hitting something uh it could sway in between his limbs but let's take it did he hit did it hit yeah i hit it hit hit and then we'll just move into this cover here um let's see our heavy we definitely do better when we get up close now we notice we have some movement icons here so this guy is going to likely come through the window if he sees us um i could maybe just put our heavy over here just to be a target just to be a target that we're okay with them shooting at let's go back to dexter here do i have a good way up i mean kind of i think i will go high ground here and get him into a better position for next turn uh in terms of this being on a console wise it's pretty good um especially if you're running it on like a ps4 or an xbox one that said that next gen update will be very nice texturally will be so much different you can see some of the tree trunk stuff and i'm not one to nitpick on uh graphics generally i'm just gonna end my turn here by hitting the uh middle controller button but uh yeah it's definitely noticeable when you're coming from the pc so just something to keep in mind okay so that guy's coming in pretty hot oh the strangler okay okay okay i love that we've gone up top now and that might backfire on us a bit we'll see my goal in this mission is to try and get uh somebody's journal i believe it's in the top part of this bit in the top part of this base so that guy did get bleeding inflicted from our sniper problem here is if i don't deal with this group it's going to be really nasty uh can i get here in two moves not quite i can get here what i'm looking at is how can i best utilize our uh cannon i might have to set up some overwatch's which i don't mind we can actually go ahead and try our jet jump here oh i'm underneath i'm underneath an overhang okay so because i'm under the overhang that's going to mess things up a bit um i can move out and then jet jump but i won't be able to take any further actions because that's going to use pretty much everything but i don't want a ram to be a target here so those enemies look mostly melee i'm fine just like jumping down here we've got a good sniper shot for next turn and with dexter how do we want to handle this because like if i drop down one of the nice things is dexter is uh level three so we have return fire so anybody that shoots at us will get to shoot back but these guys being melee i don't know if that's gonna be hugely [Music] beneficial here's what i'm gonna do uh i'm gonna back to here i'm not gonna worry about cover so much because they are melee uh let's bring you up here there is friendly fire as well so if you're firing at somebody and your a bullet goes straight well that's too bad that's too bad could be problematic and we'll just move in slightly here let's set up an overwatch this is another thing that works pretty differently from something like xcom you do have to throw down your cone you can adjust the width of the cone with l1 and r1 but i'm just going to cover uh this doorway and let's confirm that we're gonna do an overwatch here as well try and cover that doorway you can see that bright area that's getting blocked by that beam so that's showing you your true uh area that you're actually covering and then let's do another one we're just gonna hit this door and yeah i think they might be able to break through this window but i'm just gonna cover the door and see if that works for us all right let's go this guy just slowly bleeding all over the place unsure of what to do makes sense i don't even know if he can attack us because his arm is blown off good hits good hits still alive can the cannon kill him beautiful we had to land all of those but they're all very close to us so chances are gonna be much higher that said uh we don't have any way to stop further advances here okay so they're not sure what to do which is great for me bad for them uh what i might do can i get a visual on any of these guys i mean technically we could go up top we could go up top wait for one of them to come out um i don't know if that's what we really want though one thing we could try here so we know that this enemy is right back here and if i just free aim and look to blow up this wall with a cannon that might okay we did not we didn't blow it up okay forget i said that maybe this wall this specific wall not destructible don't know but uh total total backfire on that one uh let's try this instead i'm trying to show you guys as many options as i can um let's go grab our grenade and see if let's see if i can target something like this so see how that's hovering on him so that's going to guarantee damage here and we'll see if this takes down the wall [Music] not quite it took down one section but this corner section standing strong and now i'm kind of exposed in a way i'd rather not be that said i'll take an overwatch here uh let's set that nothing's getting past me iram does have a visual now so you see that line that's moving out from our position that's what we're looking for um to know that we'll have visual on that enemy let's go in manually here so if i were to leave it default it's just going to go center mass but i have a better chance of hitting something like this even though it's not great i have a better chance so i'm going to take that oh got it actually beautiful job beautiful job and then i'll move walter in here oh i'm sorry walter is actually the level three unit uh dexter dexter is not so walter has the return fire that we were speaking of um you know what we still have 6 willpower regaining some of that back so i'm going to actually go ahead and use how many action points do i have here yeah so if i if i do use another action to come over here even with um dash then i'm gonna be short so i should have done that at the start if i wanted to do it that said it's okay we're gonna lay down this this overwatch cone here and confirm that let's see what this guy does i'll put um i'll put odd up a bit to be the target let's make this happen hopefully they take that date so he regenerated and got his arm damaged back which is pretty huge but nothing stops the absolute blasting from dexter okay let's see if we can find the rest of these guys here what's our shot like basically through the wall um we could try this let's move our heavy up i'm just gonna take i'm gonna try this again i'm gonna try this again see if we can't damage that no i guess not i guess not the grenades are gonna be much more preferable i guess let's make this happen oh another cool thing that that phoenix point does when you're dashing or moving to a position it will pause you and like save your remaining action points if you spot an enemy so that you can reposition or change your strategy or what have you um let's go grenade here this is going to make all the difference yeah i mean i hope so it's going to do a chunk of damage let's throw it okay so grenades clearly the way to go to get rid of the uh environment now i wanna see if i can get a shot on this guy let's go from here we're pretty far back you can see like our chances are not very high um i want to make sure our soldier is not anywhere in any of those circles and it's very likely we could just hit the desk here too but yeah i think we did i think we hit the desk this shot is much better now that looks pretty good to me beautiful even though i kind of flubbed some of those uh environmental destruction things we're still handling things pretty well this guy uh he is completely useless he is running for his life quite literally um let's see if i can maybe catch him uh if i go here let's start with that [Music] okay we're still slightly out of range i'm gonna switch to my pistol yeah we can't quite see him uh so let's move up for now we will have him from this position on the next turn where are we at here we do actually need to reload so let's use this another thing about phoenix point ammo is not infinite you have to bring ammo with you on every mission if you do not do that you will run out of ammo and you will have problems so that's a big gameplay change if you're used to something like like xcom okay let's see if we can catch him or is he gone i think he might be gone now i believe they can get to like the edge of the map here and then just disappear which good for them i guess he lives to fight another day so why not all right let's see if we can find the journal should be in here somewhere um where are we if i want to find said journal is it on the desk i don't see it clearly indicated just yet oh here it is it's up on the on the other level okay so there's an extra level to this still awesome awesome awesome it's my best way up there i don't think we're gonna see any more enemies to be fair we could probably just end the turn and we'll have a ram do this for us we can set this i believe as our goal point no maybe not i miss remembering things okay we'll end our turn and then she can get here activate the objective and boom we've won nice so as you can see like i'm pretty comfortable with the controller now it took me about 10 minutes um and if you're looking for this type of experience on a console it does it very very very well probably one of the best that i've seen being able to integrate all of its ui navigating through soldiers cleanly um i actually like the manual aiming so a lot of stuff you're activating with the x button but when you're manually aiming you're activating with the r2 button to kind of simulate almost like you're aiming down sights clicking r2 like you would naturally in an fps and um yeah i think i think that's done extremely well i'm trying to think if there's anything else that i can show you guys that would demonstrate it but i think you have a pretty good idea of it um they've definitely worked out some of the part around us it was difficult some chose to be proactive and fight but not me i came here instead my best weapon is my mind and i need silence to put it to work the history of the phoenix project is a complex tapestry in russia turkey britain spain not one unbroken lineage but a tangle of organizations each passing the torch to the next with only one goal to protect the human race but protect it from what did they know about the pandora virus and if so how the answers are out there so much has been investigated and collected and analyzed but it's all scattered lost i don't know if it's possible to track it all down but i have to try there's only one thing i'm sure of i can't stay here anymore okay cool um i guess just other like small small things that you might be interested in if you've never played a game like this all of your gear has to be built individually when we come back to base if we want to replenish some of our stuff that we've used like our grenades um we can just say replenish all and then it will cue that all up ammo is manufactured instantly but grenades take i think four hours to do um there's a whole bunch of different research that you have to unlock and um and research it's basically it's all time based anytime you're doing something on the geoscape your research is happening in the background at your base itself you can uh build in these empty sections you can destroy stuff if you so choose um to place it elsewhere it's all there there's a ton of different stuff to do oh one thing people might like is uh yes our air force you can build multiple uh manticores if you want to fly around there's different versions of these planes that you can use to get around that have faster or slower speeds uh higher or lower capacity technically i could have taken six soldiers on a mission there but i only have four at the moment um yeah there's what else can i show you let's show you the manufacturing tab so right now this is all the stuff that we have access to equipment wise you've got all your magazines your guns everything that's been researched um or unlocked so far they all have different stats armor-wise this is very important if you're brand new to phoenix point because all of this stuff it can impact your uh aim your stealth your speed and i would encourage you to experiment i remember when i played i was using some uh i would i guess i'd say it's gear that was incongruent with the class and it made for some really interesting combinations but the one thing i did want to touch on here was the vehicles so you can deploy vehicles they take up additional slots in your plane you can deploy vehicles on the battlefield and they're very strong um you can use them to tank for you no pun intended uh they can launch rockets and stuff um but they're pretty costly take a lot of time to build resource intensive but the trade-off can be absolutely huge uh there's a diplomacy section here where you can see what your relationships are like currently we're uh just just over friendly we just met knew jerick who knew jericho and disciples of anu but that'll change as you go depending on what decisions you make in the game and then lastly you've got a phoenix pedia which is super deep like you can learn about all the different damage types all the story stuff all the research you unlock everything's in here and uh yeah if this is your type of jam you're gonna have a lot to do in here so i hope i've at least demoed how this plays on a console well for you guys to give you a good sense of the controls uh how it runs it runs very smooth loading is not going to be as fast as on a pc obviously i'm on a ps5 so things are probably loading a little bit faster than it would be on a ps4 um but overall i would say this is this has been moved over to console extremely well and i'm really impressed that they've been able to pull this off uh with a game that's this ui intensive so congrats to them uh guys check out the links down below if you're interested and if you have any questions leave them down below if i don't have an answer i will fire it off to the developers and i will get you one and we'll go from there thank you so much for watching we'll see in the next one bye for now
Channel: ChristopherOdd
Views: 27,294
Rating: 4.9102039 out of 5
Keywords: phoenix point, phoenix point behemoth, phoenix point consoles, phoenix point ps5, phoenix point xbox one, phoenix point ps4, phoenix point xbox, phoenix point behemoth edition gameplay, phoenix point ps5 gameplay, phoenix point console gameplay, phoenix point 2021
Id: 1uz05DzjZBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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