Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 25)

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with that being the case it's kind of tempting to give her the blasphemous vial more yea accuracy deranged yeah absolutely doing that for sure I don't know what I was thinking the speed bonus is nice and the Dodge is good too but this is pretty damn good here which means I should upgrade the noxious blast as well so that's the last bit the last little baby Buddha there we go that's a big bonus to her damage too so hopefully hopefully it'll be good good I can't retreat from this class chill reef thanks buddy I feel like an awesome person today I feel good I feel great let's do that and no shovel no shovel what am I thinking no torches either I don't think I need some blood just go ahead and bring a full stack for funsies and maybe yeah maybe laudanum will be a thing who knows that bring a bunch of holy water just to be able to resist some [ __ ] and then I guess food doesn't really matter here either does it so let's not waste the money I don't need give me a yeah or an a do I need food I don't think I do and then almost 9 percent sure we don't need torches or shovels an ageist scale you know I'll go ahead and bring it just in case that might be a lifesaver um the only thing keeping me alive is caffeine and this new massage pillow I got any speaking of which hmm oh yeah you know what that sound means dark roast I got my new shipment finally hmm ah I missed it I missed it all right we're ready we're ready let's go ooh unique works I don't know if you saw the tweet a couple days ago but I got my my full assortment [ __ ] man wasn't one just my dark rest it was a beautiful thing to see it was a casa de madrenas a pyramid of madrenas if you will a pyramid Rinas laser TG let my contribution fuel the crits against this weakling bird oh cool 240% blight resistance not gonna be doing that whoopsie also can't hit it with this okay good stuff this is the perfect team this is the perfect team for this fight move forward please thank you oh [ __ ] Wow let's the holy water immediately just did not let everybody bleed to death hey that's a good start yeah we're wasting it but we did bring blood so we're gonna be able to fix that as assuming we act at some point oh the disease right away she's lowered her accuracy we do have a couple of herbs at least though now okay so this needs to immediately be addressed in all manner and circumstance okay popping the aegis right now we're doing it and 36 percent chance to create do it Theresa fuels the crits dodge it ow oh god the damage over time Lourdes within me now I mean I don't deny that you'd probably get some if you cut deep enough but I'd like for you not to yeah I'm not gonna hit him with that blight obviously and that random chance isn't gonna do us any favors either hopefully he doesn't come back to bite me oh sorry I was actually encouraged by your subscription don't mean to make you misinterpret that thanks for the sub welcome to the Bearpaw my friend thank everybody for the support appreciated joy bagent emotes bleed would be good she has a 22 percent chance to hit I just realize that was really dumb tarkov thanks for the 200 bitties bits for bird crates excuse me thought he may just fuel mine but didn't get lucky you did get lucky you [ __ ] you actually did it you actually did it 95 percent but it wouldn't really do me a lot of good I gotta assume he's gonna dodge some you know a 63 dodge good lord okay it's not too terrible so far Landing a lot of strikes that's scary though vistas of emptiness keep her off death's door she has literally zero percent chance to hit basically that was not a that sentence sucks sorry it's not an accurate statement I hated myself for it here we go this team would work it just got ways to play desperation mode alright if patters kisses above 50 percent I think we want to chance it oh wait no what am i doing that's not that's a [ __ ] blight move you dummy dammit oh that's bad that's really bad oopsie so I gotta do this allow the árboles to hopefully heal up the plague oh yes thank you close call she oh I moved him forward to or her forward I guess now got to do that is the scary [ __ ] oh that's dangerous only one damage on the crusader though that's lucky oh she left oh nice that would have been helpful dissuade the sharpened blade welcome to the bear pile he lives away yeah that's the way thank you so much for the twitch Prime subscription my friend appreciated and shappers thank you so much for this Critias biddies and walsh it is retro gadget I like that guy oh thanks for the host - buddy how you doing good to see you you just wrapping up there's nothing else we can do in here right yeah I think we're just done zou cool goodie nobody died yeah and we got oh my god yes yes we're back in business baby I got it got it got it all Cash Money cash money cash money in Fame - berserk masks dismisses head back the focus ring the [ __ ] leopard trinket I forgot I even had and the ancestors can doll let's go let's go both rock all that is fantastic as well bo frak thank you for five months in a row appreciate it sim tics are gone I'm about to blow your mind bear queue is just a queue followed by four silent letters like I haven't been pissed off about that since I discovered it was a word in time you will know the tragic extent of my failings most unnecessary series of vowels in existence welcome try me I'm awesome eleven months in a row thank you very much welcome back appreciate it buddy was it a bad decision to lock in hard skinned on my vest old I mean will help may be a waste of money all right speaking of which yeah we have wasted some money on that now kill on the Shrieker unfortunately but we did manage to us survive and get the trinkets back so yeh sinned ahead some good luck biddies for future cribs I like it thank you apparently it's become a war of the bits I don't know who's really on whose side anymore like I don't know who to trust are you trying to fuel for me are you trying to fuel for them who do you really like who do you like more cinder head me near the enemy havoc same question talk off County biddies for enemies to see this is ridiculous it's out of control at this point shappers coming in with more bad luck babies for future ended I can't this is the the chat has the chat has mutiny at this point I am fully convinced the chat is mutiny I'm also out of money whoops yeah that happened again Oh alright let's fix that real quick first of all I definitely don't need two of these nice to get another one back but I'll go ahead and sell that for the cash let's go down to the bottom again I'm just gonna get rid of that oh just kidding you can't hmm oh yeah that one sucks that's gone let's get rid of the life all that much gamblers charm as well I keep the cudgel wait for now snipers ringing it might be next to go I think I might have enough right now to just go in and screen right at the bottom level though or maybe even an endless run let's find out it we got here three highwayman and a bounty hunter holy [ __ ] I totally want to do this oh my god if only we had a fourth one we can't oh that's the thing knows we can only bring to the same kind of mercenary so I couldn't do that even if I wanted to lame womp-womp we can go on a good old-fashioned endless run with the squab we've got here though I like the squab we've got right now actually if we were to go with past four ire and then maybe even throw Nick back in the lineup I've been wondering whether or not I'd try out the plague doctor buffs again and I think now's the time calm and ruminator really not that bad gothic unfortunately doesn't really make a difference none of her positive quicks really make a difference what she'll break her better I don't think it was I think actually that I'd prefer to have we know I could do this again this was pretty fun I really just liked having this hmm didn't you do a for gesture team earlier yeah that was with well was that with mercenaries I know it limits you want maybe it only limits you on some of the mercenary classes that you can bring in maybe you can bring in for highwayman or something like that shield breaker seemed better I mean it has a lot more options that's for sure it shuffles the party around a bit to it it gives us options for moving the party around if we get the lepers in the backline ah now I know I don't have anything I want to swap out for these guys right now I know the lepers disease too but it's just tapeworms so it's not really gonna make a big difference for the endless run anyway I'm pretty damn sure I'm gonna do this so I might as well just throw those two back there it's really just about this second spot welcome to the bear pile basics what will the pile my friend bear hugs please thank you for the newest member of the are the I'm just gonna start that sentence over thank you very much for blaze --ax for subscribing at which time it was member of the pile just kidding 73 is the best number the new newest member of the bear pile thank you very much for your twitch Prime subscription as well Blazek sorry you didn't get to stick around too much it didn't keep subscribing us baby oh don't worry about that you do you you always take care of you first you worry about that bear pile membership second a hundred percent of the time Jack I'm gonna let you make my call here we've got three good options I would be happy with any of them let me know if you'd like to do plague doctor leper or shield breaker for this second spot I'm happy again again all three I think you're good they've got their pros and cons I think will succeed basically no matter what leper for the crits it could be fun well would be a lot of crits few votes for shield breaker hey there mark or I'm Mac how you doing plague doc mix it up I'm kind of leaning toward that too actually I also the plague doctor offers disease removal that's a very good point so I could even like bring Auto with me and then remove his tapeworm after the fact although I would have to obviously commit to eating food they're eating extra food at least once to do that um grave-robber yeah why not abomination for the means I you know I'm going plague doctor I'm thinking I know lepers maybe the the most fun for the idea of the the mega crits but I like the plague doctor to to make the the crits that we do get even sweeter you know that 50% damage buff that you can stack on to him that is that is pretty legitimate so I think I'm rocking this yeah this will be our squad okay let's do it make sure well actually now they're all they're all set to go for sure they've got all their skills and everything there's gonna be about the trinkets in this case no purge it's gonna be with Stan there's our set play doctor she's got all the right stuff right yeah and not battlefield medicine this time of course mr. Hulu welcome back mr. alou thank you very much for 30 months in a row appreciate it if you want a wall buried you leper Crusader man and arms and Vestal once I get some of my own level sixes up here it's gonna be a lot more fun I think the freedom I'll have to be able to send in squads of my own composition my own making you know but for now we've only got these available to us frisky Slav baby is brewing bear don't worry I'll take all the responsibility thank God silver kitsune Betty's in trying times for some crits can I offer you a bit in this trying time let's do some oh my god good trait gets good trinkets I missed you I missed you so much focus ring for sure on our leper up-front got to give him that accuracy buff and then I very well might just give him bruiser k-- mask as well for an extra 10 percent buff to his crit chance however got to consider also the possibility of the VA ancestors signet ring might be the better play here accuracy again very helpful ancestors candle also quite good damage speed and dodge he's got a decent amount of Dodge I think I might rather give this to the plague doctor though by chance havoc I give it a bit easy buddy play Minecraft you're not yeah you're right sorry I don't know what I'm doing wasting my time with it we should play Minecraft we should play minecraft guys sorry let's play some minecraft my bad I'll waste your time anymore we got to get to the good games now just [ __ ] like he did you joking he's a goof there's a goof is what I'm doing there all right there we go uh let's give her oh yeah again the bloody herb here accuracy it's a lot of damage the bleed skill chance buff is actually pretty nice I like that and then the ancestors candle for her sounds good probably got better options actually like the shoe celebrating my birthday take this and go get some cake or crits or something dan I saw the song lyrics hang on there goes another lawsuit due to in court so much man I shoulda went to law school little everybody brog and darkest dungeon it was all cool until I hit the bartender with the barstool alone see when you put the consonants all together like that you're actually you'reyou're along gating that part of it you got to put the vowels together to elongate that I read it literally stress healing from the gesture I'm sure the VOD people are gonna love this episode [Laughter] kids in the dungeon bare take it forever alright I will actually give militarists locket to the vessel this time as well and then let's do Geneva's head I suppose there we go there we go I think we're ready actually this is a pretty damn good looking squad I actually I like I'm confused not confused I'm I'm debating whether or not I want to go with like a super booster crit chance but I don't know if 10% more makes a difference when you're looking at between like 65 and 75 percent you know like I think I'm happy with 65 percent if it means a trade-off for accuracy and protection I think I'll lean towards this I'm ten percent protection that'll make a difference that's big for the leper he's gonna be able to survive a lot longer so I like it I like it I'm gonna sneeze I think is it gonna happen nope no I talked about it so it went away all right great all right let's go farmstead farmstead ahoy Loras may be 100 biddies Louis appreciate it nope just kidding' and boof BAM boy just what do you do it shift-click oh I don't have the money right I forgot oh I'm so poor javis I revoked my enemy crib its destroy the farmstead and all that is in it you're a good tattoo dan thank you maverick thank you for the Betty's buddy let's do it I think we're ready I'll dispose of those herbs though in favor of probably more like anti-venom and I'm gonna sell one more trinket don't hate me don't hate me for that don't hate me for that you didn't see nothing there that's better I like this actually yeah over preparing is always nice more blood - now I don't need blood we all need blood we're fine okay let's do it here the almighty battle horn of the bear taffy tremble in fear ye peasants ye plebeians and despair yea i doth tremble verily boost let's go well that's a go see just how strong this leper can really be but was what does the guy in the well have to say about that bear let's ask him hey grandpa bear how you doing down there [Music] now I'll have any food for your grandpa Barry just stay down there for now okay that's all right man you're gonna do just fine we'll figure it out later seven techs are gone you said he needs food he's hungry sound noise don't worry about it I'll deal with him later poor grandpa poor grandpa bear what about me what about poor bear - I gotta deal with this [ __ ] guy down the well the whole day so loud and obnoxious just needs food and water so annoying toy bits for afflictions lucky you so far goddamn we're gonna have to fix that bear you're playing a video game for money no poor you why isn't anyone looking out for poor old bear taffy then you know how much I'm suffering horrible it'll see it's gonna stun this one just gonna stun this one I didn't stun that one subtext Oh God helmet bits for positives that's I like I don't like the sound of that we also need to stress heal that got really bad really quickly I was too busy making goofs and gaffes I also gotta keep in mind I'm not gonna be able to use the battlefield medicine get rid of that anti-venom solitaire do-over that doesn't make sense good God that is enough I'd like one lucky there we go alright it'll give us a moment to fix up here doing well Runk the funk how are you starting off yet another endless run here looking for some quick cash I mean that is kind of the point more so than getting the shards this time weirdly enough is we're looking for a bit of gold because I am dirt poor but I'll take anything really bro let's go France who you rootin for chatters the enemy crumbles who you got France vs. Croatia I'll pretend I know what I'm talking about compassion is a rarity in the fevered pitch of battle [Music] Marrs inspiration oh I definitely like where your head's at intelligent life on Mars takes this opportunity to finally reveal itself in the form of Croatian soccer players I knew it hi bear thanks for your YouTube videos help me concentrate on my studies your XD leads me to believe that's not necessarily on a percent true do I perhaps provide you a distraction to your studies as if so I can't in good conscience continue to recommend you watch my content I can do it in the bad conscience that all I can i % do that I can guiltily say it please continue to do so definitely supports me knockout round about well c'mon in Dan you have that crazy ability to just even I don't even know if you mean to I think in this particular instance you may mean to but you just you you create emote swarms wherever you go you're like a disease I don't want make it sound bad though you're like a good disease you're like what's I'm not gonna do well trying to come up with a good disease and I think I'm gonna fail that mizzu bear Dan's taking over chat a disease that heals yeah something like that rabies yeah there we go that one's sort of useful in this game Dan you're like rabies grit voice activation confirmed hell yeah - that's awesome what's your drawn doo doo doo disease is dis plus ease so a positive one would just be an ease so Dan is an ease I don't know about that I don't know the first thing that called Ang's Lee is an ease he is a barrel of monkeys that one the bundle of fun where are all the giant dago's seriously we're missing them full heels let's go and duck off this is going too well for you bear time to stir the rabble and buff the enemy crits too late you failed for examination hmm I think I'll let the best don't do this yeah there we go everybody help I'm drowning in warframe again I tried that on my ps4 today I don't think I'm gonna go back to it kami just felt like destiny it's it's safe to say that warframe is very similar to destiny having not gotten beyond probably like the first half hour or hour he's gonna trigger am I gonna make people mad only in the theme really okay okay warframe is destiny without the scummy devs I won't weigh in too heavily on that because I still have a soft spot in my heart for Bungie even though I know that Bungie is going the to the dark side for the most part in fact a lot of the people that worked at Bungie originally aren't there anymore chat golden Kappa check is that like my warning sign for bear you're entering controversial conversation territory quick emergency evacuation golden Kappa check don't talk about it bear I get it I get genuinely discouraged by that one come on I know it's a one in ten million chance but why can't I just have it just give it just give it I want it executed thank you they they do not like this plague doctor it's it's become a problem very very quickly I'm gonna go ahead and pop that it's considering maybe fixing her up a little but I could probably be better off doing this right it doesn't crit though it's not gonna help that much so let's well I mean disorienting blast isn't gonna be that helpful I have a let's just do that and healer up there we go bear if you had to pick and pick a favorite Metallica album what would it be what is the name of it I'm not gonna remember the name nor can I remember any of the songs on it right now because you know that would involve adding a memory but I'll tell you the memory associated with it is that I went to a Guitar Hero tournament in Utah back when you know guitar hero was the thing so this is probably in like 2011 2012 something like that and I did pretty well but this was a Guitar Hero World Tour tournament actually which means maybe it was a little bit later than that what did world work him out world tour came out in 2008 what what no really that blows my mind what the hell 10 years ago good god that's stupid anyway anime anyway goodness sorry I'm getting my mind blown a little bit here so that was like [ __ ] 9 or 10 years ago then yeah anyway we went to the tournament I was playing guitar for whatever his song was in that game that was by Metallica and I did pretty good in fact I I did well enough when I did my run to be in first place so I was in first place and then I watched a few other people play and then the last dude came up and he got a drum set out that was like hidden behind a [ __ ] banister or something I didn't even realize it was available but he got that out and I was like oh god he can drum also you're allowed to do that what and so you know like if you're not familiar Oh bad dog oh that's naughty that's right you're not familiar without things working that game the drum charts provide way more points than the guitar guitar charts do so wasn't that tough for this guy who was admittedly very very good at the drums to just wipe the [ __ ] floor with everybody light suddeniy us to say I didn't win but let me tie this back to your original question what I did win was a copy of a Metallica album so that's for album that was is the one I buy for I listen to the most because it was the only one I've ever gotten and I did like a few of the songs on it but I've never really been a huge Metallica fan so whatever their new album was back in like 2009-2010 something like that that's my favorite Metallica album that's the point of that story alright cool cool I'm a professional streamer thanks for watching good evening and some stress he's gonna be way too much stress so quick here I don't think I don't think I can battle ballot yet I think I try to stun the ghoul 90% okay it's actually a really low chance to hit there - that was really lucky the loss slate grinded these bits the longest time let's make sure they're crits let's do it let's let's buff up before we do that let's just guarantee shall we give you the highest possible chance for success here turn 3 we'll start these crits of rollin baby especially if we dodge some stress here in fact I feel comfortable enough right now to probably pop a battle ballot right away assuming this doesn't do too much seven or eight scurvy all right well we do have the plague doctors so hopefully we're leaving to get rid of that let me have a look at her camping skills real quick just to make sure I've got the right stuff yeah she's got the cure okay god that sucks too lowered bleed resistance um let's work on him I mean we have to buff it up you got your crit immediately congratulations there you go I'll give you an extra six percent for fun all right and then revenge to start off with it do we go ahead and chop these fools I think we could probably pull it off it's for continuous crits 3:30 in the morning and just saw you streaming thank you for the thousand bits little miss Potts appreciate it all in the Dodge beautiful thank you thank you yeah that's very kind ideally it will indeed fuel what you're seeking here let's find out how's he looking he's got that 50% baby and let's allow him to chop the leper or not the leper the other ghoul and ideally just get a one shot here let's oh he still needs to revenge though I think we just go ahead and do that now and just deal with the ghouls how nice that is massive god of course okay fair enough I can bleed these guys like doctors damage is gonna help us out for sure I'll pop a lot and I'm here and then chop chop city yeah [ __ ] you let's go let's go but quits Cigna head look at that lepers wing baby miss it easy at 10% protection though 85% damage buff good god holy [ __ ] stress healing to boot this is so good looks like the leper isn't doing around that was those good her doctor that was girl give you points oh my god 72 let's go let's go bear needs the host at how we movie marathon that'd be fun one more pun and I leave says Admiral baru watch you go ahead and make like a tree hmm get the [ __ ] out of here how's the Hat is that that more your style a copy well that sucks do that don't you suck my dick yeah there we go that's the top tier comedy y'all come to see watch make like a tree and die due to climate change comedy helps us to get through problems like all society killing the earth who wear those mini horses are gonna give you all the rabies luckily we determined that to be the lone good disease though so at least that's nice hey bear can you tell my roommate that he's a dick he tries to prevent me from watching the stream honestly I think he's just looking out for you buddy I didn't even see this until just now alright it's fine now everything's okay hey buzz light-skin go pretty well pretty pretty well I'd say let me this time actually tell you what let's create set up a finale on the giant get the [ __ ] out of here Debra Chuck eleven months you got the such four crits you know it stop that stop this goodness I'm trying to help him out here I don't know what the hell to do there we go that'll be nice okay one more tree branch smack down gonna bring right back down to zero though so let's stun try to nope still the still worth it to do this and then hopefully finale dapper gent still rocking that tier three man thank you yeah if the bear brown love much appreciated bringing to the front so I want to set up that you got damage no well yep no crits where are they they're missing are they here there they are I found I found them guys don't worry 91 and it's probably a teleport right no how about some more kills fair taffy can you please help me with my homework what is one plus one write down on the paper the answer is meaningless existence is meaningless hand that and see what they think about that telling us they [ __ ] woke at last some sheltered corner of reality all right whoa thank you I keep forgetting to try this I wanted to give her the locket see if that does anything but here comes its knees time right oh that was nice I was trying to echo it didn't quite make it let's go now Wakko no dice yeah sorry I mean to be a better entertainer for y'all now step it up in the next one hey Barry can you help with my philosophy homework it's fill in the blank overconfidence is a slow and insidious blank the answer is to a b b - pardon me here I gotta clean up after that sneeze that's better all right fixed up oh he's scary he's scary I'm surprised actually that we managed to keep this stress so low that's an excellent dodge as well I think we're still gonna be able to just apply buffs the whole time we'll be nice to stress you all right now I think I will actually do it simply because I don't expect to use the lepers attack until revenge is applied how many kills I met like yeah 30 33 that's UI right now we don't even check that [ __ ] till we're past the sleeper at this point man quickly the tide turns spooky seeds which one do you like more Vermont the state or valiant the animated movie never been to Vermont never seen valiant but boy do I have strong opinions about this first of all Vermont is way better than valiant let me give you the top three reasons Vermont contains Vermont uns the best people you'll ever meet hands-down the kindest most generous Souls they'll give you their house if you ask for it welcome Simo 47 welcome to the bear pile my friend welcome back I gotta say right from from ages ago of course dapper gent thank you for gifting it let's try to kill him hey Vermont Ian's can I have a house congratulations chill Reeve you were the new owner of three houses courtesy of the three Vermont uns in the chat give me a bear yeah if you're from Vermont don't lie L know the mortgage the taxes I'm doomed penguin evening I [ __ ] love this song so much [Music] where's my stay hydrated bot how am I to know what to do hmm remember all by myself okay that's scary same hemisphere yes close enough you're basically in Vermont Eric can you please be sick I heard your voice sounds more sexy that way true but rude but understandable and you want the highest level of entertainment available for your dollar I get that I get that trust me the crowds the heel for eight it's better than the normal heel that's right I may not be sick but I am sir I actually just sounded like I was sick thank you for the Betty's buddy bear I need you to contract a deadly incurable disease so I can hear that sexy voice reasonable request I'll get right on it that's a bleed kill that's a it's a waste of a bleed kill actually oh well I'm gonna let that go through judgment again did someone say disease I'm glad you're on call for that at this point in miss it NORs misses again oh never lucky baron we don't need you to have a great day you can't tell me what to do sick a twitch track trying to dictate my life I'm an independent bear stress you yet ban him for that bear he's lucky I don't diss the women that [Music] in your own air wow that was terrible 27:27 let's do that sets up the hue next turn ideally assuming he doesn't shuffle us around or shuffle them around which is probably likely actually isn't it yeah well if you paws the ground that's the only thing we can count on not to [ __ ] us up I guess cuz rearing strike I think moves them forward let's find out it does not oh good okay yeah there we go good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] does not dissuade the sharpened blade 26/11 now go ahead and pop one more here feels good man feels good mm-hmm loving it bat bat bat bow nice place of refuge if only for a fleeting moment so again I want to make sure yeah she's got the right camping skills equipped here and they all do don't they yeah I think we're all set cool don't need sanctuary obviously even though it would heal him but I am NOT in need of an ambush prevention so we will do the Cure first get rid of the scurvy he is not the one of the disease right I was the other leper I'm pretty sure I got the rabies on my vestal though if you don't get the rabies I think I'd like to keep that although she doesn't have any accuracy but bonuses so maybe let's see what else we're gonna use before we before we do that first of all seems like a very good idea here reflection also usually quite nice for him tempted to go with bloody shroud as well actually that's been a pretty effective one for him to bless could also be really nice another accuracy and dodge bonus for him chance not quite necessary it would be leeches ahead of blasts I suppose and then is there anything I can get for two that would be really helpful here bloody shroud us too okay let's do that then and then let's let's do the chant I'd say cuz I really don't think rabies is all that big of a priority to get rid of and I'd like to have these accuracy and dodge bonuses on the leper just to basically guaran-damn-tee that he doesn't miss anything +30 accuracy I'm pretty sure he's going to be okay welcome to the bear little miss Potts the bit sub combo today Thank You Little Miss Potts welcome to the pile bear hugs please you wouldn't mind oh god my USB quick question USB is this the first time you've tuned in in a little while [Laughter] we've had some words with your friend grievous injury how talk of good maggots good maggots first time in like ten days yeah all goodness you uh you're a cultist well I'll leave it to you to discover what happened why I guess Chad just wants to tell you all right you've got you got some fun VOD to watch as all I'll say I think I got to get rid of a couple of them right away that's how you do it it's actually a lot of stress they managed to pile up right away to double Dodge [ __ ] yeah okay time to stress he'll for sure don't need to buff anymore so it's time for her to kill these maggots and I can revenge for sure judgment I guess Crowley welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing appreciate Julie Abed me mulch bear-hugs please if you wouldn't mind yes so many hugs such a warm comfortable pile thank you all very much for sharing the love around appreciate it we keep working on that a tourettes how you doing welcome let's prevent any further stress accrual if we can wow that stinks all right go for the hue for sure right now actually you know what chop seems better Oh God that sucks we need battle ballad we need battle ballad stacks for sure that's the crit bonus we're depending on basically if I can get that ahead of his hue next turn there's a good chance that I'm able to get him down enough to allow the plague doctor to finish him but is he the first priority maybe I should go for her first there's not a lot I can do against her though I kind of need to depend on the judgement to get her in fact managed to resist a shitload of stuff there didn't they okay so now like I said ideally played doctors just be able to wipe him out let's do it and now that I don't need the battle ballot I think I'll just go ahead and keep working this stress down especially because she's still alive I don't think he's actually gonna be able to do anything besides lash of the tail either which is fine even if I get too stunned it's not really that big of a deal to just be clearing corpses next door no matter what no dodge okay welcome it is good it is indeed welcome to the pile bear hugs please for it is good show your badge memo's buddy thank you for sharing the love y'all 26 ow owie I'm really glad I helped you that was nearly a check holy [ __ ] okay probably don't need to apply a bandage here I'd say this would be an inconvenience done [ __ ] and it really sucks all right let's see it target him yes miss it yeah it's okay well I got punished a little bit ooh oh wow thank you Hugh for sure yes it's beautiful it's truly beautiful might've even wanted to go for the stun on him I'm not gonna bleed him obviously so let's go for that so rigged you will feel the weight of your hubris mortal slowly whittling that down she's got a - 40 percent stress for the next three rounds - so obviously help her out that leper is a goddamn tank keep it up the crits your fault beautiful two more of those we're in the [ __ ] clear and he's nearly dead no stunts great dodge very convenient okay oh come on no goddamn it that's convenient that's a knee then let's do it brokenness is precious mill does he the one with Fairweather No thank God that would be so frustrating oh yes musical though damn I didn't realize that that's fantastic let's attempt the stunt I guess not a very likely chance but where if aquel and let's begin the battle ballad right now I really don't need to worry you but too much about the stress here talk of Crete the hapless heroes to oblivion he says not a chance it's gonna be about the stress primarily definitely revenge buff to begin with here allowing the 50% to truly be able to cut through this frozen farmhand not to mention the crit chance buff quite nice oh I tell you what let's help them out I could still hew here if I really wanted to and it's tempting cuz this isn't actually that great I think I'd rather do this that's a big chunk of damage on the Miller not to mention he's nearly dead he does still get his action but it's not that bad a three to one i doing okay here we go no damage on the vest I'll play doctors in very bad shape oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah so obviously do that let's help her out a little bit this way and then hopefully she'll just be able to finish this thing off there we go oh I didn't think that would create a corpse [ __ ] okay well you know that I can still do that so there we go my god it actually killed it holy [ __ ] thank you it was not expecting that so low heal for sure play doctors and dangerous waters and now you're kind of worried I'm worried about you too let's do that actually and then I know I want to set up the finale eventually too so let's just keep on doing things that allow me to make that better very nice dodge from the gesture there but again the plague doctor good god he is not happy but he's also putting himself in a really bad spot for this round because he didn't summon any creatures he's fully exposed not to mention his protection is gone so I can blight him oh yeah very nice let's see yeah who's the crit maybe Dirk stabbed in like one or two turns here no there we go no reaping alright that's good that's excellent love it when he summons those let's see I still think that's the best move no reaping [ __ ] that was pretty good actually that wasn't too bad of one just stop hitting the plague dr. Bell I've got to move her back that's my next move I move her back to set up a finale assuming I get the first action good crit come on come on come on come on come on Group healer individual heal individual healed might have even wanted to judgment there for the extra damage just to guarantee it ha that stinks okay Derek stab in the finale for sure easily my best move and then disorienting blast now let's just give him the extra blade just no reaping no reaping no reaping that's perfectly fine he can heal himself all he wants I'm gonna have more than enough damage with a finale perfect yes even better yay come on now 64% max damage kills no matter what 26 dodge 95% chance to hit do it let's go it's a go see you [Music] that'll do that'll do yes love seeing that goodie okay and an immunity masquerade talked health you think you're gonna win you will eventually this isn't endless run after all but for now I get to add the last laugh ha ha ha ha ha ha okay now play a little safe you're gonna eat and let's go home I guess onward right yeah yeah that group stress heal is an amazing curio to run into extremely handy so I still think I just buff right away off the start but my hmm my health is a big concern right now I think just group he'll continuously withstand more than likely for they oh my god yep really yeah definitely withstand right away and then hopefully just get some dodges maybe and no disease please I do have a plague doctor thankfully but this is where it could be bad I got the bleed - son of a [ __ ] stop it thank you alright there we go now pop an herb on him next turn as well giving of that [ __ ] which I probably should have done first actually that was kind of a mistake can I get a kill here it's unlikely a crit would do it obviously a bleed is close but that's maybe not worth it maybe even a stun is better for me here only I could stun him I'd like to try to prevent disease as much as possible little miss Potts have a wonderful evening thank you for the support appreciate it get rid of that I don't really need to stress heal so I'll just keep going for this I guess so old tech little pig little pig let this crit wait on that one you wait on that one buddy hold your horses here hold your small dog O's heal the gesture for sure look at with all beautiful cran heal I've got the protection and the withstand on my leopard now so I got to assume he's okay it's really the just the gesture that was the issue and now no longer the case Abuk thank you for the biddies buddy appreciate it but your gut here nice couldn't find anything online after I asked you like a week ago is there anything with Mildred in her locket oh yeah it was actually just mentioning that I have not yet tried it but I'm still curious about whether or not there's an interaction there I'm gonna eventually when I remember do so see if that's the case there we go I kind of doubt it but I'm willing to give it a shot I really should have killed somebody there I just left them with for again more chance for disease gray Dodge that was extremely unlikely let's do it again how about one more oh my god little penguin the 420 bit says get those crystals rigged now the double resistance all right and he's got one hit point now he's got six eight points all right that's fine that's acceptable I guess good I kill him with this jerk stab it's actually pretty likely [ __ ] you [ __ ] you hey that's nice no disease okay okay that's fine I should kill him he hurts a lot definitely need to heal up let's stun him I tried to do that last turn didn't work that's sort of sucks but actually it's fine yay got him he did oh whoops uh-oh where's my crit ease where am I pretty set there they are all right he can still [ __ ] them I think unless he has to be in the back too which would be extremely convenient for me keep on buffing oh he can Wow in a single strike all right very lucky we didn't blight on that oh wow wowie die he hurts holy [ __ ] [ __ ] can i stun him 85 against 140 sure that'll do Pig that'll do where are my crit heels and now I got one I need more wee oh baby there we go that's what I'm talking about worried about the stress here but gotta do what we got to do I guess let's stun you control game baby set up a hue next turn big individual he'll coming up for the plague doctor resistance nope but I think I'll let that one go please Hugh please Hugh come on come on come on come on come on come on correct yes stress eel we can survive one more attack from this guy although maybe it will get extremely lucky with the incision and the judgment where's the bleed come on eight damage you got this yes yes lovely that was innate damage failure oh that is magnificent to hell yes okay keep it up indeed beautiful glad to hear it do doc I am digging the endless runs quite a bit I'm a big fan loving it loving it although it would like to land stuns mark can't make sure they keep their focus there if I can make them do so and I think I can stress you'll at this point I'm expecting sow the seeds a few times at least well cat thank you for subscribing with twitch prime bear hugs please thank you for support everybody certainly appreciate and I do feel again obligated to mention that bear pile is swelled tremendously over 1100 members now and thank you thank you so so much for that for being a wonderful community also keep in mind we got the discord as well if you'd like to join that it's pretty simple I've seen very complex dis chords and I certainly don't you know I won't disparage anybody for that but I keep mine pretty straightforward we got one channel we got one text channel for talking to the and I like it special : flake one with a bear buddy thanks for subscription appreciate yet bear Ryan this is what we do we say each other's names and that's our that's our thing it's cute hello oh oh we've changed that up okay I thought we had a thing but I guess we're greeting each other with greetings now thought I thought I knew you but guess not how what happened oh no oh god you have stress who let that happen what the [ __ ] chat supposed to pay attention for me there we go rather I get to watch on Twitch since that work night so watch the vod's on YouTube get that be Kathy yeah thanks for something as well appreciated tell her called it was me bear goddammit they even dab while they do that not as much of one but it's still a goddamn dad he knows it too that was not what I showed him down there so much balls closing the Chad whispers of conspiracy he'll it bear have you any plans to play breath of the wild that gives me the same feel Shadow of the Colossus fives mix with a little jak and dax Jack and Dexter that's the new one Jack and textures that's a Knick game for sure you play as DAC and you're just going around on the debug room looking at all the different textures in the game I have played breath of the wild actually I played a good deal breath with a while back in the early release day of it probably won't stream it though I think it's I think I've had my fun with it I didn't eat I didn't even actually finish it I got to like the second divine beast and then I kind of lost interest I see what you're saying though for sure I got a similar vibe it's very easy to get lost in it's a great world for that I loved playing Jack and dentures back on the PlayStation 64 [Music] go to the old folks home and just steal things love that game what you get shocking like Skyrim very big but pretty shallow I think that's a thing that the triple A's are beginning to realize they're getting to pick up on is that they can't get away with that anymore you know you can't just give us a big you know you can't give us a notion with the depth of a puddle anymore everyone's begun to catch on to the strategy there the deceptive depth you know something else too Ryan I'm gonna give you points for your argument here but I do genuinely believe now that the the gaming audience is very capable of deciding for themselves what deserves attention and what does not and I think that calling to is like the prime example of that now the coaling ii had a chance to be successful because it had an audience and it had you know like streamers backing it but there were like so many signs so many like oh my god nice but calling 2 should give everyone faith in consumers exactly yeah because now it's literally got like I just checked this this morning it has zero players literally no one is playing it so I think we're good now like I think we've kind of figured it out at this point like we we we can see past the [ __ ] as a society as a collective of gamers gamers rise up slanderous puts a pin in the any press is good press argument yeah definitely like we don't even I don't even believe that was ever true like maybe back before the internet but just with the with the collective desire to no longer be duped you know I think that has begun to grow in the age of Twitter dunks we don't want to be the lone [ __ ] playin the culling - still you know I would look like a [ __ ] idiot this track is a banger this whole soundtrack I will continually gush about it it's phenomenal and stop reordering things we're still saying that I'm still pretty orderly stuff a pre-ordered [ __ ] Last Guardian for like a year I still have the little statue I had to check to make sure but they do got stickers and everything i pre-ordered Pokemon UPS come clean come clean was the last thing you pre-ordered yet this is a safe space we won't judge you except for all the judgment that we'll be coming for when you admit to things apart from that for souls all right yeah there you go that's a good one stellaris Monster Hunter Crimson Court I like that black ops 2 dark souls 2 Dishonored 2 once a sequels in the list which doesn't surprise me talk of i pre-ordered bits hell yet get the inside scoop huh I knew about them before they were even rolling out that's impressive no man's sky oh no oh no Dre Oh what have you done you still playing it you checked into it lately how what's uh what's no man's sky looking like yikes what was the calling to never knew about the calling the calling was like a decent kind of original Battle Royale game that came out in like 2016 2015 something like that and it had a lot of issues because they kept changing like main mechanics in the game and that really drove a wedge in the community so they decided [ __ ] it let's just copy h1z1 and resell the game is the culling too and in the marketing material we'll say it's calling Lear because that'll get people to buy it I'll probably preorder an NHL 19 to get more free transit microtransaction points you're part of the problem you are the problem Ryan I don't care [ __ ] fair enough [Laughter] stop get some help well we don't have any stress anymore that's one is buying into early access a pre-order - I don't think so you know what you're doing with that and you actually get the product you get to play the game when you have it in early access unlike a pre-order which is just banking on something being good with absolutely no guarantee I've never really been so adamantly like don't have a pre-order or anything like that's never really been a mountain I want to die on he's like I said I got pre-order stuff still usually it's things they know I'm going to play it out a 100% guaranteed and I have a much better justification for that obviously these days do I haven't played since the second day after release but they actually managed to push enough updates that I'll try it again after the next update no man this guy is actually looking a lot better I've heard as much I don't want to hate on it too much because I know the very art they're trying which you know kudos to them for not entirely giving up on in the walking away with a billion dollars which they could have they could have done that and they haven't done that so I like that I am happy ok we'll probably go with basically the same buffs that we applied last time didn't I give another disease now I just still have the rabies ok so we even get to save a little bit with the cure I think we got to do Tigers I probably just reflection again less and bloody shroud alright that works I guess it didn't really matter that we save the points on the cure so let's just give her the disease resistance as well cool Hill Council for is 78 so we're making our way to the sleeper pretty soon which is exciting oh just kidding it's right here yeah I forgot I always forget we do literally do I can never decide what is like the best play here I really don't think I should even bother attempting to get one because it's just rolling the dice on which one he decides to buff and then healing is that even really worth it I guess I'm trying this out Runk the funk by the way bear I knew you are I know you said you try monster hunter Alvin in case you don't stream it I figure I'll give this warning now beware the pickle fear the pickle respect the pickle I already live by that philosophy talk hop go my phallic imagery these foolish heroes I guess I could have tried to chop that thing too but I think I'd rather have the Revenge buff and see what we can do it's always the beginning of this fight this the most confusing as far as what I should prioritize but I think I've got a pretty good situation going here maybe you should just do that since he's not being protect I should have done that the first round yeah just damage the fracture obviously and then I think I just have to let that one go he's gonna be guarded by that I believe all right now I don't remember what that is Oh a double hew with a 50-person 5% chance to crit that's tempting but let's just make sure we get at least one fly hey glad to hear it okay this is acceptable I guess except he just put the front one up which means I can't reach this guy which is obviously a big issue big issue speaking of which boom oh my god exact damage let's go let's go and let's try to get this I'll do my best even though I seriously doubt that I'm actually gonna be able to do it flight chance though whew nope damn it alright so almost guaranteed not to be there's not to happen here which means I guess I got to just take this see what happens the thing is though once that explodes he falls a lot further behind in the rotation of oh my god that's the stun one okay thank God it was just a gesture oh yeah he falls a lot further behind in the rotation of crystals so this is the opportunity we have to catch up and with the leper being available I want to take a big chance here here to fall okay the walls Hugh again if he gets the chance first actually let's do this and then let him chop and he'll deal a bunch of damage that way oh yes and now we absolutely got a heal because he passed her an especially yeah that's beautiful we got to try to top off prior to his transformation which might actually happen sooner than I think we got to remember I've got a finale in the back pocket too I love a crit from her I'm gonna believe that of course let me get this big he'll please oh yes he's gonna pass turn I think I might transform it like right now yep sure AM there it is all right now this is where it gets scary these sleeper stirs there's nothing you can do about it you just gotta [ __ ] take it his blight resistance is actually kind of low that's good he's got the full round of buffs here I believe as well noxious blast nice that'll do come on now buddy there we go talk of awaken from your sleep and crit no no no no no no no no not here not now not now there we go there we go baby very happy with that we need two big Chris there's one come on finale come on finale that's not as big as I thought it would be but that's still very helpful very very helpful Ali's [ __ ] got the blight I'm gonna top them off again or do my best to anyway no crits unfortunately got to anticipate that the laudanum is gonna be necessary after this leper first come on baby do it yes beautiful I'm gonna let that one tick off actually oh man oh man that was a great sleeper fight that was beautiful basically perfect those leopard crits were huge yeah yes thank you oh my god this is the run that is incredible okay now let's go ahead and do this she's a little higher than I'd like maybe even on her as well but I think we'll be good I want to preserve the lot in them a bit off we go I guess right yeah cool second the last item that's a kava : signet not very good will likely sell it it's a bit more stress - yeah we've already got 110 crystals that is a lot this has been an excellent run [Music] probably pop though with Stan just to increase his bleed resistance here nice dodge much a tiny horses to start with the mill in the inventory that's a memory which is a an item we need to build the mill district building which ends hunger checks which is obviously [ __ ] huge and it immediately stress you'll stress he'll the whole time here and like I said would stand for sure for the leper eat that bleed resistance up mark the target as well which will help us out okay keep it up I think you need five memories for it is it ten I thought it was only five damn I don't know if I need a revenge buff for these guys I might want to try to get a numbers advantage right away is it ten damn Islands that's a lot all right it's gonna take a minute then I guess I could easily get the damage here I think so I think I'll just go for the hue right away hopefully the accuracy is enough so I hate letting these guys just stack on bleed after bleed here they are pretty accurate too and they've got a chance to apply rabies of course as well which would be a problem I know crits though god damn it well now the plague doctor at least can act so I can hopefully kill one that's a low chance to hit I'd rather he'll do try it yeah I know crits got damn it please let the plague doctor act first although I guess you can't even get back to this guy anymore so it doesn't make a big difference but let's get this kill is there one that makes you not need shovels cuz that's the level we're taking yeah that would be nice wouldn't it but no sadly not that I'm aware of you need shovels perpetually what would you do if the siren appeared in use song of desire on the leper is that a thing that can happen that'd be horrifying ah with you again I guess keep pumping these panic I guess ya cry also acceptable solutions I thought that said two hundred eighty percent per second there we go there's that two hundred eighty percent crit chance full effect baby me never need shovels really true that yeah shovels are for wusses he's gonna be the big priority for sure I'll probably even just chop him I try working on one person at a time here bring her down to zero first it's gonna be exclusively stress healing for him for this run for this battle still haven't revenge buffed might actually still do that here to an elongate this a bit oh I need to stress you'll him yikes okay okay that's not too bad actually if they keep doing that I'd prefer it that's cute we go ahead and get rid of that bye good you see your time there pal is that enough just enough right show me this guy it is one off there there's one off god damn it and here comes a wren the marked crit [ __ ] guaranteed Wow all right Color Me pleasantly surprised Color Me aquamarine and ka the color of madness but I boobs all right that's better keep working on her yay thank goodness it's gone we protected bears verge and eyes you talking about it doesn't look like anything to me Oh baby one more incision will finish that one off a pretty high resistance to blight there so I think we're good yeah okay that's not too bad let's work on you again one at a time here I guess one more on him we'll bring him back to reasonable territory yes son of a [ __ ] fine we'll just hew him to death you might just be able to crit himself back in the great shape - ah okay now the gesture definitely needs some I don't want to let him get a check that would be really inconvenient time for a tree smacking no confusion spores of course manages to land it on the one completely [ __ ] us over you got move Vestal back nope nevermind you'd still do that more than likely gonna be what she continually does hopefully that doesn't end up murdering me I guess no come on come on that almost murdered me thanks for the knock back I guess oh boy and no curio fragment a glistening shard of memory will get rid of that onward sweet they motivate a meal how you doing eat the stress heels going yeah gettin on some food there I'm trying to be a little bit more conservative with it yikes I should have eaten some food there boy please thank you thank you ah they hate her stop it oh my god [ __ ] this [ __ ] you [ __ ] all of you [ __ ] all of you ridiculous series of events never mind everything's great we're winners let's go let's go it's so huge that is massively helpful oh my god holy [ __ ] let's go the powerful plague doctor please don't die please don't [ __ ] I'm gonna play so safe until she's healed up all right that's good what do you got what do you got excellent excellent was that virtually do it occasionally I believe allows her to buff up her teammates which is obviously [ __ ] awesome one more heal and she'll be good to go I think I'll do this and not revenge yet I'll go for the crit here no luck I actually might have been a better opportunity to crit or not to crit to to revenge buff I'm probably oh my god they want to take her [ __ ] positive affliction away or virtue I guess is what you call that they're taking it away no that is mine there we go leave him with to leave him to restore his own health or my special badge is taking effect oh yes yes beautiful get the kill yeah not the stress you know I might even give her a stress he'll normal he'll [ __ ] it she is my saving grace and I'd arrant waste this chance good meowing chitin hello come on come on come on come on come on there we go definitely revenge buff now no need to rush this at all all right she's finally saved saved boys good stuff quick kill oh man 30 damage from a plague doctor stabbed his ridiculous totally absurd oh my god stress heals let's go let's go I'm getting down to zero [ __ ] it I'm taking the chance absolutely I need no further damage I'm gonna heal up we're gonna take care of business right now brick hilt guaranteed guaranteed mister logs was wrapping my mom birthday presents is that a mare that is indeed a memory in my inventory yes happy birthday to yo mama crit keep stress ceiling this is amazing this is all my [ __ ] god 76 Wow we Wow we zero stress for the leper half of the horse's health with a base level shot from the plague doctor yikes we are Almighty our confidence is amazing it's our best friend Mew Mew Mew Mew yep and the zero what horse sorry yeah I don't know what I'm talking about yeah pop me out I'm ready whoo nice measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike let's actually go oh I didn't rearrange my party that's all right and that's a big or not too big of a deal kills right now or 99 we're going on one hundo here comes the crit okay no need to stress CEO let's get this battle ballads rolling hopefully the crits will provide us the stress healing we're looking for here and I kind of want to top us off but judgment damage against the backline is actually pretty suitable for this so I will take it such Paola is infected - sold yes yes indeed you can use keys on stock piles really oh I should bring a couple oh dude this is beautiful I almost want to do this but not high enough chance I don't think hopefully that mark will allow him to take the majority of the punishment next turn to plague doctor is Bay right now I absolutely absolutely true this is the first virtue I think I've ever had in the in the endless run so I am looking to take maximum advantage [Music] it was very very happy to see that equal judgment next turn hopefully the bore rush isn't too bad all beautiful yeah as stuns fine I can deal with that can I and I can do that that's fine judgment again damn that was a 90% chance that sucks let's do a little stress he'll maybe I wasn't necessary on her but me boy hello welcome back good dodge anticipating a bore retreat here ow that's what I get for anticipating a retreat the backhand smacks me like a [ __ ] further buffs as though we need them oh yes becomes dust let me see that 50 damage crit Derk stab finish him oh my god it's beautiful yes sir only 49 rib no problem he's already dead he just doesn't know it yet nice dodging oh my goodness there's the retreat he's gonna miss it he's already dead hue this turn is beautiful and then we can finish them off with a plague doctor nice and stress heal for sure Oh mei-hua motioned a room you got me did you get me what you do to me [Music] what have I done Oh Nonnie it's an old meme bear so many people knew it oh my god an oldie but a goodie apparently I'm playing both your videos and twitch at the same time that's hardcore probably confusing item I'd imagine does it help if I talk a lot on this one and try to distract you from the one you're watching on youtube I better be really weird if I just kept talking over and over really just kind of overwhelming the one you're watching over on YouTube probably doesn't matter nearly as much like man saying this many words this guy vo really confusing undertaking having to listen and process all this information at once even though I'm mostly just rambling but you never know I can introduce something important like I'm made of lava and then I'll just keep talking and talking this is like wait a minute hold on go back to that one thing he just said did he just say that well I thought he said that doesn't make any sense how is he how is he gonna be doing a twitch stream made of lava that what hold on hold on go back now I'm just kidding I'm just messing around hey what's up I'm Barret after playing some darkest dungeon just doing the normal thing I do just having a regular everyday occurrence here on Twitch joke's on you I'm writing marketing blogs and listening to you at the same time did everything I just said make its way into your marketing blog is the word lava somewhere in your marketing blog gotta be at least once right lava or larva what did I say you'll never know I need some heels please there we go Thanks bringing the only you eat yeah yes kind of want to set up a finale but it's probably not necessary I think we're nearly through this wave anyway Sun seems good but a group feels better baby this overconfidence sure feels nice doesn't it oh my god it's great what a relief we're banging my mom thanks for the twitch prime sub I appreciate it I'm gonna blow my nose into the microphone for you since apparently that's something people like [Music] do you think it's a problem that a gesture is almost mandatory of doing long runs on endless I guess I wanted I wanted to bake that mostly just to debate the point but I probably don't disagree with the fact that he's basically mandatory pound mastering creo that's sort of well it doesn't really matter does it bulimic I think it just affects food right oh my I got bad humors as well god dammit alright we're gonna have to fix that anyway yeah how master Crusader is gonna be obviously the only other ones that you're really gonna be having as viable candidates for stress healing and you're of course relying on a chance for the Hound master to nor can you specify who you want to target with it so it's quite a risk either way that sucks thank reading probably try to set up a finale here so let's go for the Dirk stab skill him to full health Last Crusade endless run win I want to do for a Crusaders at some point I'm sure that it could at least get like 50 kills or something Wow okay I guess that's fine well that's really convenient though [ __ ] there we go if this sets up the finale well enough I might have to do this which is so dumb but I'm not gonna yeah I'm gonna have to let these hit me actually oh wow that is just a super inconvenient draw good lord that sucks let's see it hmm hmm ow oh and the blight okay okay and nothing well you have a little extra food here so I'm gonna prevent what happened last time from happening again there we go and they're all swapped up ready for action let's get rid of some D buffs and out we go right there we go do you think you tried man alarms for bus for an endless run at some point probably yet I want to try a lot of compositions I want to try the non-standard things see what works best stress immediately an issue again we got to stress dealers on the back line as well considering as a stun I think it's probably a decent chance I don't know if I can necessarily embolden vapors here I think I might want to try to control these guys a bit more and allow the leper to take some attention off an auto himself and hopefully be able to stress healing effectively in the meantime that's good that's bad yikes I'm gonna need to give him an individual heal which means giving up on the stun although I can't reach who I want to stun with that turn anyway my special batch is taking effect too raw disorienting blast no longer effective I actually think that's what I want to do I want to try to get a numbers advantage right away and also bring the stress damage to the fronts if I can oh my [ __ ] god wow yeah they're looking to prevent her from helping if they can nice I really think I need to do that [Music] inconvenient but necessary I'd say and then let's go for this he's in dangerous territory you could be graveyard slashed again ouch okay revenge he's got what standing on the mark still he just got to do what you got to do there and then hopefully I can get a buff on him as well fact battle ballad I think we'll be away where we go with that Hugh I think is gonna be enough so let's hopefully guarantee it there that's good especially that result I'm not gonna stun you so let's seal it a lot of them okay I really want to try to prevent a check on him he's got 12 goddamn speed I was he not acting first that's so ridiculous that he actually got his action are you [ __ ] kidding me that's [ __ ] that's actually [ __ ] all right I definitely bandaged now I've got surplus of those at this point of course let's kill this to give her the small heal and then allow the hue from the leper to be a lot more effective ideally and also probably need to stress you there's too much on him right now and I got to keep doing that more than likely I think I still need to do this because these guys are too low [ __ ] finally thank you proper turn order alright well that took care of a lot of issues didn't it that's gonna be like 27 more stress though Oh God great all righty Hugh might be still enough for that I can't stun let's keep doing this one more is helpful hey there we go yes more buffs let's keep that up too hey guys hey doing pretty well pretty damn good endless run here so far yes thank you that's what I need that's been a long time coming in this setup oh my god they just cannot let her be happy need to heal her please no crits please no crits get rid of you thank you all right all right all right all right there we go goodness goodness me oh my what makes the plague doctor randomly buff your team there she is powerful right now she got a positive virtue extremely unlikely but we got lucky here all right thank God finally no stress damage from their team or more than likely just gonna clear some folks out really quickly here anyway the incision almost certainly gonna come from the plague doctor as well I'm gonna give the individual heal I guess and then we finally got everybody mostly fixed up in that regard that is definitely what we want to do there I will stress heal her again making our way baby just know crits on the plague doctor please that's all I need all right that's fine keep individually healing her in fact incision for her on this thing of course since she's up front still and then a chop slash you may just clear out the whole lot of them of course naturally I mean maybe stun here then now let's keep healing her she's still low and then heal him next the R&G return order has a range of plus or minus 8 you have to have 16 speed higher than the enemy to guarantee you go first good god that's insane how time how about we stun him 69% now let's play safe nice crib there we go good stuff still stress healing still worried about this potential from this dude obviously and hopefully the plague doctor does actually get to go first further buffs alright yes it's working everybody dodge everybody dodge it that's not what I said big grit I'm not listening anymore guys this is [ __ ] I don't think I need to heal anymore hey that'll do nice okay thank you much should get first action here Oh goddamnit alright that's fine I guess yes blaze with hate light I thought that was the stress relief one but still yay more shards alright yeah hello stress healer buff I say stress shield good opportunity to bring us back down to zero again possibly let's get a stun off or not do our best is there an end boss in this mode oh my [ __ ] god what was that there's not really an end boss in this motor there's a boss called the sleeper that occurs around the hundred kill mark a little before that and he's effectively like the toughest boss I assume that you encounter in here he's unique to this area as well there's also the Miller that you have to fight very glad that they didn't end up fully stacking stress on this guy that could've been a problem we'll do this in that and then withstand and we definitely need to stress heal him next turn or is gonna be gone very good very good very good keep that up you know I want to get a numbers advantage early on here but I don't think I well you know now that doesn't look good shop does look good I think I'll take this thank you it's a stress he'll for him to so obviously that's nice I think I'm trying to sit down one more time here as well just to prevent further so the seeds let's do that please thank you some akov pray for the fanatic to show up and cleanse this farmstead of these evil heroes good lord that would be a horrifying thing to run into i really don't know where the limits are place as far as what you can run into in here though so I wonder if that's even actually possible the Sham blur can show up good god that's just silly fanatic can't show up in the farmstead okay let him bleed out stress is still a little high across the board luckily they're not sowing the seeds though and I can easily deal with the damage on the lever hey pal doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo yay well you know what I gotta let the shop slash you take care of business here so there we go he's bleeding out so that's better much much better another stress he'll for the gesture I'll pop it you'll on him too thank God for the fanatic not being and unless that would be a nightmare maybe it would be like the one thing that seems a bit over the top apparently other bosses can show up I've yet to really get that far but that is also quite threatening [Music] this is a new record for this estate by the way so that's pretty exciting stuff 1:24 baby [Music] do-do-do-do-do is there I haven't had to use too many of our provisions either which feels good double format holy [ __ ] that means both of these gonna be stirred hopefully we can get one shots on them how I didn't stir it he's got three hit points beautiful well judgment to kill they're ideally he is a powerful and farmhand now that's scary I know crit keep the stress heels going I guess I still need it [Music] and again judgment on the front guy for sure that is a lot of damage from that thing especially with the [ __ ] Li that hurts and it hurts there we go he's low please don't hit him thank you the stress to this has actually been a fairly difficult series of enemies there we go plague doctor can get the landing there as well nice crit go ahead and pop another bandage we do have an abundance sweet yeah.he more buffs beautiful it was beautiful just miss it yeah that's why we got feather crystal I knew there was a reason Gago week a couple you just finished watching episode 10 on YouTube so I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on you're a bit behind say oh yeah wee bit behind am a joke your buffers imagine actually having a dog that size that'd be a Clifford dog hey welcome back at around hue done that I guess sho'nuff BAM oh it's looking so much better so so much better that's probably a shuffle yep okay which means Boop oh wow we might actually be able to finale here yay [Applause] vestal vestal first havoc thanks with 215 bits do you appreciate it damn no vestal first I'm gonna go ahead and stress heal then but the best to move back on her action yeah we aren't little stress won't stress no big deal that's actually like a super weak attack by - the teixeira t13 welcome to the bear pile thank you thank you thank you for your subscription appreciate it enjoy your badge in your emotes and the crit heels let's go I'll just pass whoops yeah well certainly not fools to press on fools to leave them with one that's for damn sure there we go heal her up stress heal as well just make sure everybody's feeling great good to have you twitch twitch Bo see your first stream I also love seeing a chat full of bear hugs it makes my heart warm and cozy thank you very much q please thank you oh baby waiting in the forest yes sir let's go stress yield air sick alright oh my god yeah hey greed is good if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption 1:34 off we go at the end of this line haunting oh [ __ ] okay cosmic dreamscape alright then let's go let's do it Oh that'll do that's a start yes sir I definitely embolden me nice start with revenge no withstand this time I got to be aggressive that's fine that certainly is a thing absolutely Oh God light antivenom Ali okay hue every time clear every aberration peel every stress remove every blight or I could do this Mick puberty thanks for the tier 1 sub welcome to the pilot my friend bear hugs please in the chat thank you so much for the sport no problem no problem plus the debuff there that is lower damage lowered speed all right we're gonna use an herb on that for sure that's stress do that again the problem stress heal anti-venom holy water just to prevent further damage there he can bleed he's now got his protection okay so I think it finale might be an order here but I can't probably just chop him down yeah that 80% protection is nuts ow owie owie owie owie okay sure yeah yeah you hate her I get that very clear to me thank you for not oh my [ __ ] god please please help help he'll okay now the incision to heal her again and allow the Chop because we needed although well the difference didn't damage is actually not that much and in fact it might be better for me to try to bleed him again because he's got a little seventy three percent resistance which isn't that terrible let's try it yes yeah she wasn't virtuous we'd be probably screwed actually good God leave her alone man that is enough okay we got another ticket bleed I'm at least there he's gonna heal that up obviously but you hit four nine I really do not want to let her lose this virtue and I think if I get up to a hundred it's gonna be gone so I want to make sure that might be 200 I'm not a hundred percent on that yikes oh my [ __ ] god hmm oh I need to get rid of that debuff I forgot [ __ ] no stun the virtue can be lost yeah dammit why that was seven he had eight hit points do the [ __ ] math game why did that happen I don't get it revenge [ __ ] you revenge goddamn extra damage taken alright we got to get him a heal please please alright actually I think my bleed is gonna maybe save me here she's stunned so she can't heal there's nothing I can do about him killing this one so goodbye that's annoying he's dead you're right oh look at that corpse that's great I love that yikes gross and a blasphemous approximation of reality I mean it's pretty damn good All Things Considered didn't actually fully heal her there oh well oh man well it was a good run didn't even meet our previous best somehow we got a lot of shards in a memory out of it I'm happy leave with the king's ransom yes [Music] very nice that's true we got you know what I like your attitude 73 that means we get to keep more shards we eat we get to keep 10% more of our shards courtesy of sacrificing that leopard we record a 135 year and he's not dead of course he's just refracted so we'll bring him back eventually cool 197 shards left I have a look at what we can get with that let's go ahead and sort by stress real fast and get people fixed as well tolerates gonna get rid of this oh wait no not the rabies don't need to get rid of the rabies yet also got to keep in mind a week is not advanced here so people are still committed I do have money now thankfully yay let's fix like everyone every single little person needs the loving today right now yeah there you go great okay good stuff you gonna take a quick break y'all just a few minutes when we come back we'll have a look at the available crystalline trinkets that we can buy and then more than likely let me fight a boss or two maybe try to get closer to the vikon here today all kinds of wonderful options to further explore so thanks for watching appreciate your time I'll be back with more color at Madison just a bit hold on
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 37,409
Rating: 4.9457626 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: Lk1LfPq6geY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 0sec (7920 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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