Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: Modded Campaign (Ep. 7)

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because a lot of people recommending that and V comments I want to say there was a third one you know let's just go ahead and go back to the menu real quick in fact I just want to make sure I enabled them to so let's just check this real quickly and then I can make damn sure the ones I've got we got yes okay commissar the commissar the courtesan and the fury those are the three that we've added right here so there you go visual aid for you metal Barre senpai how you doing buddy discover you darkest dungeon never be able to catch stream so now and say you're gifting with knives you gifted me with laughs no the tragic extent of my faith when my jar was empty poetic Thank You buddy appreciate the kind words Dave guy tech not welcome guys thank you all for coming back I thought for sure that going away for five days on Twitch basically meant that I didn't exist in people's minds anymore so I do appreciate y'all returning to the pile thank you very much as well appreciated enjoy your badge and emotes thank you buddy said there we go there's our new mods that we've installed when we left off of course we had the Enigma the new class that we just acquired whose name Bourassa so I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna go ahead and leave that name there that's if you didn't know Chris burrows is the the lead artist and one of the main dudes over at Red Hook and he actually gave me Rula Commission for me not commissioned I should dial that back he made a piece of art that is the man-at-arms with a bear taffy emblem on its shield going into the dungeon and it is the coolest thing in the world is on my wall I'm looking at it right now I wish I had like a hot link to show you where about it or the the image itself but anyway I'm gonna keep that guy named Bourassa I'm also probably mispronouncing his name but that's fine all right let's do it let's get going let's use that new character class the Enigma because he is very interesting in fact I want to take him into the guild real quick just so I can use all his skills and have a lot of fun with him but I'm gonna get the bank going at some point here too we have been working toward the puppet theater we'll eventually unlock that with those two hundred crests which is still a pretty big ass misty to Dave guy here 404 welcome man how you doing we'll go ahead and unlock all these though I got a good amount of gold right now 21 months thank you so much welcome back to the pile buddy let's see so it's definitely gonna be an enigma build I don't know Affairs it doesn't look like there's a potential for a town event right now so maybe we just maybe we make some progress where I am unlikely to do so in the near future so but like the Warren and not the warrants let's not do a short mission let's go on the Weald let's do this explore let's get a blight amulet which is okay I guess maybe useable something I could see myself equipping at some point definitely gonna throw him in the mix so who would be good with him so here's what's interesting about this guy you get this skill esoteric barrier you can use four times and I don't know this for sure but I am assuming that that buff lasts for the entire battle so while he does have a heal it's fairly weak it's like an antiquarian heal at level one but you use this skill three times all of a sudden this is healing for like four to eight or something like that so it becomes pretty damn good not to mention the accuracy buff David thousand bits thank you man I believe in you thank you very much appreciate those bits get some bear grease please I don't believe it does unfortunately no doesn't not that's hmm okay he's a ramp class so we need some setup work but he's a lot of fun right so we need to support him so he can get a lot stronger as the battle goes on what I think I want to do is only equip well I don't know I feel like I should have these two equipped I was looking at him a little bit before I started the stream today and I'm assuming that he'll be better suited for specializing in one or the other not necessarily being able to do both bleed and stun but doing one of them and then having his heal equipped I'm pretty sure that's what I want to end up doing DJ falsifier two months in a row thanks dude but I think I'm gonna try this build to start off with I don't know if we're gonna be able to use both buffs either I suppose you know if maybe we build around making the fights last longer we could potentially do that and that's totally something we're capable of doing first of all let's take him to the survivalist and unlock his camping skills as well because look at this one I love this and I'm probably gonna use it Stoneskin increases the party's health by 15% and then heals them up for that amount to plus plus puzzling riddles is an incredible stress field so I'm definitely gonna get that one to his this camping skills are really interesting I really like these the enigmatic manifestation creating a fragment of power is really a curious thing esoteric arcanist these are just ridiculous words so how about Ronin maybe Lucas a squad food welcome to the pile thank you very much for the subscription appreciate it Dewie banchon emotes bear hugs please a swallow of them if you will Bhagwan welcome what is a fragment of power good question we'll find out hopefully how does Ronin sound in this composition what would he end up doing he would probably use these four and I suppose you wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to to have him be my frontliner let's try this just a second consumables that grant a quest long buff will [ __ ] now we know revenant might work here we're going into the Weald right cos could be okay Dave also happy Anniversary to you and Elise thank you man appreciate it blood Knights despise me quite a bit of man of stone who's worthless to me they can't go together for some reason okay that's weird we could throw a man-at-arms in the mix he seems like he's a pretty good candidate for a team like this then maybe we want an actual healer in the EMA and the team as well and if that's gonna be the case maybe I should think about throwing a flagel in in here we did something like this that seems like it might be pretty good we got some bleed synergy with these two as well and then maybe like a cannoneer or a falcon here or yeah a falconer in the back I think that'd be pretty nice thank you very much welcome to the pile they'd appreciate it an admiral wily life now has meaning once again quit for three Betty fib thanks dude give me that three months around with twitch Prime thank you guys so much my god the welcome back love is real I really do appreciate it thank you for all the support how you liking the mod so far they're really solid honestly every single one I've seen so far has been really well made I'm impressed with this stuff alright so we still don't have that great a trinkets unfortunately we don't have the are bolused in this team not gonna be able to use this nor do we have the leper I do have all three heads which is quite helpful I think I might even give the flagellants this one the Geneva I will actually not never mind I'm not gonna do that boss 7:52 well with a pile thank you for subscribing thank you thank you thank you so much guys let's see suffering scholar really doesn't make a lot of sense probably want to do this lowering his healing skills probably not all that big of a deal I'm not gonna give him a protection stone let's improve his bleed skill chance and then Ronan what do you got pretty sure you're not staying up front the move skill bonus doesn't make a lot of sense his dodge could be buffed up I'm pretty okay with that and then supplementary to that the slippery boots I guess yeah sweet that works out enigma in the back well actually you know what let's go ahead and give ronan dismisses head that works out really well for him that's a huge buff in fact holy [ __ ] damage percentage values on the ronin are huge for that max amount he's such a wild card with that that's so crazy and then do I want to give Barrett Harrison's head to him he's got 40% protection by default what the hell that's awesome only 20 hit points but still let's do this sixty percent protection base level enigma can't bleed I don't think so right he's got unknown he's only got 50% base level resistance so he's not actually more vulnerable to bleed than some others which is really weird but he does have that stone skin which is pretty [ __ ] baller berserk charm for more damage stress this actually might be pretty good on my ronan loss of accuracy might hurt him but this isn't a bad option for the to swap right there I'd be giving him oh if I use the if I use the enigmas hmm the enigma has this accuracy buff with his heal if I take off arcane fervor and replace it with unusual dynamism use esoteric barrier and then don't worry about illusionary slash and replace it maybe with delusional exertion then I get the stun buffs and the debuff skill chance so I can use these two skills I like this build let's do that okay I like that and then he can use this charm and then if we're going that route I suppose we could use Junius head and that would be okay right if I buff this hmm let's assume I I only get one stack is it worth it to take Junius head if I buff this skill by 120 percent that's effectively raising it to 2 to 5 if I'm lucky maybe with math being on my side then a 30% buff to that is it worth it at all probably not seems weird the moves you want to probably use once per battle having a cap of 4 maybe it's a nerve to his boss fighting ability that seems like it probably would be the the check the balance there right yeah it's an overload of purple it's quite a bit yeah I'm starting to think juni his head is really not worth it so how about we give him life crystal doesn't make a lot of sense I did add more class mother Vangelis yeah I got a few more in there I'm gonna add them to the mod list once I get a chance as well or if I can actually access that list I'm not sure I can I'm gonna give him the stun skill chance I guess slightly better than Ginny has had for him that is a massive stress addition if I gave him a plus 20% there two more heads for the head god I could actually give him the calming crystal that would be a terrible idea and then him having less speed makes sense that I just basically get plus 20% protection from my trinkets and I'd be ok with that losing a little bit of Dodge their losses I mean it's never really a great idea to try to negate the negative effects of a trinket with another trinket so that's that's kind of questionable but oh well alright finally getting to the falconer here let's give her this one wow thanks for something with which Prime appreciate it buddy beaten boobs well c'mon in how you doing ah I will give you the shimmering cloak yeah bump of it bump that dodge up there alright cool now we feeling spirited cry to clear our stuns pretty happy with her moveset right now gonna be using i fief quite a bit of course this isn't exactly built to prolong fights but it's a fairly good team all the same and I think the Enigma will be able to stay alive with that 60% protection just fine so we're good let's go ahead and level everybody up in here as well I think again despite the fact that I want to save these crests I kind of want to spend them at the same time to get a rank 3 here and I don't have to I think Rank 2 will probably be acceptable and I don't need to upgrade that you're all good to go you're all good to go and let's take rank 2 of these it is a neo upgrade for this fortunately calming Zen good soon yeah I'm pretty significant one will take that and then let's see here where's the guard stance it's a little better okay it's about what I should expect I suppose for these things yeah there we go okay let's do it let's go I think we're all set here I got all the right camping skills right I got way of Bushido which I haven't really thought about using yet but it's not bad takes away all his dodge chance basically meditates or mediate pretty damn sure that's supposed to be meditate maybe not a terrible one either but now let's just go ahead and call it good let's go do that a couple of those a few of each of these cuz we do not have any direct ways of addressing those issues torch is necessary we won't bring holy water okay let's do it hey there's still Motown you doing atomic Oh pakka glad to hear it good to have you back to pepper does anyone else think the falconer has some striking similarities to Quinn from League of Legends yeah I can see that I knew all these paths once now they're twisted as my own ambitions if you can believe it I played a little league back in the day let me see if I can like recall at what points I left League of Legends based on like characters I think I remember like eight rocks like the the giant dude with a blood sword I think he might have been like the most recent champion to be released and I stopped playing that okay so hold on let me see Oh what forgiving I wasn't done oh yeah well I mean when I was drunk in Utah I was donut but in actuality no I am NOT DOTA yeah I was years ago yeah that was indeed years ago I've been a minute feel so bad for aatrox he was so damn cool he was like the Reaper of legal legends dude although I will admit I played him a few times what am i doing this is not a good idea not a good use of a shovel well actually I mean it's right barren it's a free room toward our completion so why not Nature herself a victim to the spreading corruption malformed with Miss intent sharks has never been played since Oh No reaper is bad excuse you i will pardon you the opportunity to rescind your statement sir as a former reaper main in aatrox main match is struck a blazing star is born' edgiest edge lord this side of Edgington a handsome reward for a task well performed you know me the real reaper is now a character kindred the twin spirits of death that does sound like him yeah spring deck what's up hiding my thunder bring it forward sir welcome to the pile thank you very much for the support I appreciate it enjoy your badge and emotes hi faith dig in there for an eyeball there's one somewhere duty to kindred is a girl oh my bad don't do it nice dodge well played okay finally get an opportunity to use our enigma here let's see I'm gonna start with this okay so this is 5% protection buff of the entire team buff my healing skills for two rounds I think it said so I think I can use it twice and then heal somebody and then the buff is gone but you kind of have to consider like if you get the buff but you get the debuff skill chance buff it might be more useful actually to like go for the debuff skill instead or usually I would imagine to go for the nice to go for the the stun if you land that - oh they're both dead sweet a little overkill stealing both of his eyeballs assumably Oh that was pretty sweet what he just did though took the blight unfortunately but only not a big deal okay so yeah let's go ahead and pop this again hi Josh I got a random renewing the sub two months in a row thank you man oh wait no we refresh it or do we [Music] yeah okay happy hey teens you want proper gameplay that's entertaining and educational join me on twitch TV slash bear taffy and tune into some darkest dungeon hey bad toffee I know you're reading this why are you even streaming didn't we discern that I'm the better stream or welfare taffy crisis now I really know how to handle it this is a pretty serious problem I'm not really sure what to do who's the better streamer bear taffy or bear taffy eighteens let us know I mean [ __ ] I'm no homewrecker I didn't win a Teen Choice Award on Fox for God's sake I can aspire though can't die I can have dreams maybe one day maybe one day I'll win the Teen Choice Award it's actually I mean I want me to disparage him at all it's pretty [ __ ] cool that he didn't I was so stoked to find that out I made payday videos with that guy I'm the cool dude I like home I'm not just saying that cuz he's a mega celebrity with Fox cred now trying to get on his good side again right yeah dude it's legit he won a Teen Choice Award and that cool if you remember me from back in the days when I was recording payday videos with Mathis and homewrecker in green I think red panty gamers yeah he was definitely in on those at the beginning anyway man old times old times classic Zen Jim I'd vote for you thanks buddy you just got to rig the poles incidentally there's League and then League item called ohmwrecker yeah it's actually named after him two dudes [ __ ] famous a really smart whale we gone half a year already hell yeah dude thank you appreciate you staying on balcony with the bat Chris gettin those stress eels going we don't even need this guy he's just extra oh that was so badass all right so is he like viable I mean this isn't a good amount of damage even without any buffs and the head looks [ __ ] sweet that's awesome I'm going to use him more another abomination cleansed from our lands hey brightly fairly well against bosses remind yourself that overconfidence is slow and insidious killer looked better in the cove you're so worried about the aesthetics now I'm gonna dump that blood charm I don't think I need it alright so far so good supposed to use the buff and one of his attacks I know I know we just didn't have time that time that's what I literally I even preceded that attack with I wonder if he would be viable without the buff Genesis what's up that animation was awesome man that's really cool eighteens do you want to help a streamer rigged an election involving your opinion click here to find out there's money involved for you hey teens do you like money well boy oh boy do I have money for you just tell me Rick this election Wow he's a stone man he's completely viable stone man viability without where's John in the wheel blocks bullets with his hand stone man oh oh just bleed him though what if you just bled him i fief yeah I would like the monies please yes hit him hard do it bring us below fitty let's try outs I'll go ahead and take a buff get our protection up maybe allow the flies willing to heal us got our debuff skill chance that time I think I just need to kill one of these two dudes if I hit them for three it's not enough Norris for well it's a 50-50 with a bleed ok ok ok 5 to 15 5 to 16 with the bleed oh it's tasty well what's nice him the bleed here we go you do that minor stress healing dodge it okay not too bad don't take this tiny little heal oh just a tiny little heal just a smidgen a healing it's all we need that's awesome that's all he wants home blitter ate it nice nice nice I like it indoor sounds okay let's do that prove our circumstances a smidgen it's a very satisfying sentence I just said this one too Oh killing it with the English language today we can probably better off doing this to well with a pile thank you for the subscription enjoy your badge in your emotes give him the bear hugs chat well c'mon into the pile but does the ignant have like faces all around his head there's a chance the magma has faces all around his head yes chills what the Ronin are becoming much more satisfying to me I am enjoying this character very much in English also totally fine in spot too by the way so that shuffle doesn't mean much apart from the flageolet not being able to do anything Oh God really okay okay okay let's all calm down I'm gonna stun anything I'd like to buff up and then hopefully be able to heal this guy let's try that again no protection going oh I got the stun chance though okay that might change my mind now I'm likely to actually kill these guys I don't want to do this one let's go for i thief and hopefully take out their accuracy frontline or I suppose and then I probably do just need to move forward alright fine by me I'm gonna go for guard stance this time we'll take a bandage here and I'm gonna try to get my Dodge up and avoid an attack here and hopefully heal up a little more dodge dodge Duquesne zero damage works got a riposte as well can't forget about that Oh baby I love that I hate that he can get bled though it's so frustrating got no idea this game had mods yeah I didn't realize how robust the mod scene was been very very pleased with it let's get the kill there mr. Skelly how you doing buddy okay again we did get the stun boosts this time so attempting to go for it however probably just better off booth or going for the heal only three okay more accuracy though so maybe that'll affect the repose dodge oh [ __ ] oh damn boy that's not good and even then would take a little bit more of a head welcome so I could utilize this heel here beep TBC bigs welcome to the pile buddy thank you very much for the subscription appreciate it Bo their formation is broken there we go ah let's see here dump the citrine I think go ahead and make more room for a stack of gold we're gonna camp out and fix these problems right now let's do it gathered close and these bleeds are probably okay don't need to stress he'll fragment of power used to increase hero's max health okay hold on let's see if we need to do something else we can prevent the ambush and get a scouting chance bonus I like that these are good accuracy bonus to our Ronin might actually be a big difference maker too considering we've made him sacrifice that sharpen is blade twice if I feel like it I'll need to be lashes solace esoteric arcane is stark honest is tempting as well really want to do stone skin - I could do both of these let's do it 18 months in a row thank you man I'm Greg welcome back to you as well thanks for being here appreciate it this is Papa bandage there maybe feel better about things again I'll remind y'all we did actually add a promise of safety three more mods to the to the total list got the Quartus on the commissar and the fury which we are hopefully going to be finding in upcoming stagecoaches I haven't come across them yet though of course mods list how are apart from that is update motion they bring to life let's just use this right yeah absolutely that is oh nice nineteen months in a row thank you very much buddy appreciate it studies Wow he's got a 30% health buff that's pretty sweet I'm gonna go ahead and not use my last shovel there - Kaylee Cobb thank you for the sub as well the double sub one right after the other and that's why we save our shovels boys and girls and that is a secret room [ __ ] yes welcome to the bear pile Kaylee thank you so much for the support appreciate it just brought lost rainylin dismissed of a hag man it'll party wipe that's fun make it a triple mm-hmm tasty thank you so much welcome one and all to and back to the pile thank you guys thank you thank you so much boom nope that's not it that one's the one all the way you have to Radian light we got the secret room right there I've got the space and the keys we can easily double back as well the end of this dungeon should be well actually right here yep sweet all right let's do well you know what [ __ ] it all the way through took this to battle bonus so sort of seems silly not to at least attempt to take advantage of it why didn't this stuff is only the first test a milkman here actually yeah oh we're just the end or ignore that they never mind milkman the free that we added our yeah there you go card shock just told you Puri commissar in court son stoic fury cook sir delicious - will be on sale August 24th and nice yes totally gonna play that you can absolutely count on that I'd like a double triple basi deluxe on a raft board by for animal style extra shingles with a shimmy and squeeze lad axle grease make it cry burn it and let it swim let me decipher that hold on let me do my best to decipher that got a real thing just like some in-and-out burger [ __ ] you got going on double triple bossy deluxe on a raft what's a double triple six patties is that a sponge oh that's a spongebob that's a spongebob okay okay I follow you homie we done we're done we're good let's go that was fun and it was good everything - Charlie Brooker reduces the isolation of our troubled estate in a two liter coke yo did y'all watch the founder because I watch that during my vacation shit's [ __ ] up rake rocks a bastard the origin story of McDonald's is sad a modest offering from those few surrounding farms as yet untouched by the spreading calamity I won't spoil it for you but I mean it is literal history so I suppose spoiler warning on Wikipedia if you go look into it someone actually made the sandwich in real law oh my god two people linked this image in real life simultaneously hold on I do it I do have to see this monster welcome to the pile buddy the bubblebath burger wait a minute this is all the ingredients that he listed here 14 slices of lightly buttered toast 24 slices of cheese 20 four layers of everything 24 all beef patties approximately 48 pickles Wow that's quite the ordeal okay here we go let's check the stagecoach having a successfully completed our endeavor there prodigy revenant man we do want to upgrade this I think again though that's those crests man it's those damn crests I want to keep them all but I want new heroes too so I'm gonna do that word is traveling their ambition is during and distant cities we can use this Rock amen Elite ghosts welcome as well alright well now the new class is that time we can take the prodigy back out though he's more than ready to go we got the wizened hag fight here so you know what let's try them up against the boss seems like a pretty damn good opportunity ever since I heard your famous hashtag [ __ ] books I've been saying it every time I come across them in the darkest time [ __ ] I aim to please how about basically just this same squad again - the falconer we can replace that with a well we could do a vestal and then just take his healing skill off focus on the bleeds in the wield although against the hag questionable I'd say I can I can switch this bottle jutsu for swallows return perhaps or maybe even Shingen Mart target might be interesting check out the party clowns 22 months in a row thank you very much minty bleach how you doing welcome if you kill a sham blur on a boss run I'll give you five hundred five hundred bits I'd assume I'll take that challenge I think any sham blur I went into with these Madhi classes I'll probably have to give it a shot if I at least feel feel like you know we've got a decent chance of taking them down you know now that I'm seeing Ronan's Shingen can we build a mark team around him a mark party on the wizened hag that would be I work that might work not bits in u.s. dollars whoa good lord well that is a different ask I'm not I'm not gonna hold you to that so don't feel obligated that's nuts uh let's what could I do here if I did Shingen mark party he could totally hit the hag with the flashing blade he doesn't have any mark benefit though so I guess it would be kind of weird to bring him with that team an actual bear off to bear college gotta get that degree hell yeah buddy have a good time maybe I don't want to do that maybe you'd be better off excuse me I probably be better off doing something else let's see prodigy I could use the fledgling for this he's not the greatest choice though but I mean he's never really all that bad and if he gets taken that would actually be helpful to me he goes on a death's door and then all of a sudden I've got buffs with him and I could give him like death blow resistance to that actually makes a lot of sense I'm totally gonna bring a flagel in absolutely and we got to bring the Enigma right because the whole point of this is the test to see how good he is against the bosses so we'll try that Ronin should be like the cultist you can apply the mark but doesn't benefit from it from him benefit from it himself yeah it's not a bad idea but if I'm bringing the prodigy then it doesn't really make a lot of sense to do that if I'm bringing him the flageolet makes a lot of sense the Romans still is okay I really wish I could do the revenant but I guess that's just a combination that is way too good or something I don't really know why they're not permitted to be together I could bring the highwayman that's a good idea open Bain it's the Albin vein only hits the second spot never mind okay not the highwayman uh what about mantle arms maybe the Hellion up front of a for the iron swan / if it bleeds to hit spot three a little synergy there she's not a bad option and if I do it this way maybe substitute the vessel for an árboles would probably be a wise choice because otherwise I'm a little weak we could do this we could actually do this and then swap the Hellion with a Ronan again and then we could actually have some marks energy if I wanted that but I think the Hellion might actually be a little bit better than the Ronan right now hmm you want to be a highwayman when you grow up it's a solid ambition buddy you can carry enigmas fragments back to the hamlet and take them on any other mission whether you're nygma isn't even present really well cool that's dope good info exams thank you you know I think I'm gonna stick with this team it's pretty good run Ferro hey welcome what will you play Kingsway I'm gonna do I think like three more runs I'm gonna do one more or take a break we'll do two after that and then Kings way I think is the plan so I'm probably like two hours or so she's gonna eat the Hellion I'll take that chance I think I'm rockin this squad let's do it it's taken to the Gil real fast gotta get some slight upgrades and still hesitant to spend the money in the blacksmith to get ranked free and I'm probably not gonna do it now where's this here the Orphic robe and the ambiguous orb that's fun the BAM she have all the right skills she's got rallying Flair which is not gonna help us out I'm gonna give you blind fire I think slacking is not really gotten a lot of love recently let's go Bam Bam and aren't you using suppressing fire I guess so which is fine I don't really use this all that much but it's not a bad skill loss of accuracy is great especially when it hits three people at the same time I'm blank two months in the row thank you buddy appreciate it welcome on back to the pile so this doesn't actually increase the base stunts chance for this which I suppose I didn't expect it to it does add 10% damage though which is pretty sweet so we'll take that and same story here it adds more bleed and crit mod more damage against bleeding targets as well what classes Vegas that's the falconer again same story but uh over more rounds and slightly adjust the crit mod in your favor okay that's much better that is basically the same and that is that's pretty significant okay cool cool you're good you need help might even equip you up this time or adrenaline rush is probably not all that necessary yeah I'm gonna equip this right now use that right away and then finally survivalist I've got a decent amount of money so I could stand to unlock some stuff that might be useful the encourage in particular seems like a good option let's unlock lashes cure as well in case it needs to remove disease and then the árboles could go for triage probably a safe bet maybe I end up pretty low across the board and we need to heal up so let's just some like that to give her the fourth camping skill know she's got restring crossbow marching plan I doubt I'll use looks good looks good set up the trinkets life crystal on anybody could give it to the Hellion - one speed for seven health I like it try to keep her alive a bit a little bit longer if I could and then she needs a stun stone I think we'll give her that a slight loose to the barbaric Jaap flagellants it's needs punishments hood I'd say I want to boost that bleed chance again oh I should give distances that actually well you know what let's give that to the ARB list oh man with this Marc benefit [ __ ] I really want to do the Ronin now dammit dammit I really really really want to do it now I'm doing it now [ __ ] it this is my time to have fun let's just be goofy about it I'm gonna mark this character the hag get marked to death taking this [ __ ] off we're gonna go buck wild with this one Ronin time and which skills does Ronin have he's gonna use Shingen replace bout a jutsu with Shingen although he might not do that until the boss fight proper so let's let's just keep these skills on for now and then let's give him berserk charm I think did pretty well for you and then I'm gonna give you dismiss and set as well for the massive percentage value Oh God dangerous but I love it okay now flatulent I think I'll give you accuracy I guess that's helpful love the Stoneskin here 60% protection level Plus let's do let's do the stun skill bonus I guess as well for you makes a little sense I guess and then finally in the back bedtime story mark benefits debuff skill chance and I'll give her probably the shimmering cloak yeah I think I feel okay about that life crystal you know what yeah it's not a bad option for her and she's gonna get some speed buffs from the blunt or the blind fire as well that's seven hit points that's probably worth it let's do that she has slow draw unfortunately but okay all right then are we ready are you ready kids it's the worst this is the pirate from Sponge Bob this is what he sounds like I'm a pirate her pirates say hard that's what they do Oh God good impression bear let's get going into the hag fight Oh supplies and provisions are free this week aren't they [ __ ] yes load it up load it up I can't hear you I was a little better Oh who cannot do an impression of me taffy he really sucks I want to throw him to see taffy I had collected many rare and elusive volumes on ancient herbal properties and was set to enjoy several weeks immersed in comfortable study my work was interrupted however by a singularly striking young woman who insisted on repeated calls to the house there was method in the wild corruption here that there's a form of wretched and malevolent the original sucks enough excuse you I will not have you solely the good name of the Spongebob Squarepants theme song in this chatroom for shame mind that such missteps are the exception and not the rule evil shame indeed Savage swine belong in here with a filth with the rats the vermin snatching the good name of the spongebob theme you have no idea how personal of a level you've angered me on sixty percent protection [ __ ] what's gonna do ah dodge is the enigma a healer not really not really I wouldn't like I wouldn't put him on a team without any other healers let's just put it that way continually onslaught destroy them to4 five two four five welcome to pile my friends thank you very much boom bleed him damn it he's just a goofy goober I like how the enigma grows five feet when he busts the party yes what impressive Oh baby take a quick heal here and we're good the unit machinations of my mind no enigma while we're on the Spongebob conversation toss that nugget out there hye-won believable PC me wombo combo Inge dizzy and bloat Homearama one Balaji the study of wumbo its first grade spongebob árboles tis a fine healer no I agree with you solo armless steel you can fill the team we've got novelist as a healer absolutely say one bow with the voice filter you that do blood yeah yeah want that know I'm daddy am I watching bear or Patrick what is the name of the voice actor for Patrick Starr I do not know I wish I wish I knew because it's it's Tom Kenny right Tom Kenny is spongebob yeah I'll remember who plays Patrick I wish I did I like knowing that kind of stuff boom baller just saw Patrick a small tip to one blow your funds and savings so you can go to school for dedicated studies in basic one Balaji rumba logical fear and food advance one Balaji the history of wumbo and so forth Thank You famed one Bala gist Patrick as the theme polls blossom is this the best rain no this is Patrick it's good now love that animation that's so sick disadvantage give them no quarter have you even listened to Billy West podcast I haven't I have not I knew of it routed with impunity haven't listened yet though this expedition at least promises success I think I have a little too much food right now so much food right now are just gonna go ahead and get rid of that here we go Templar Knight how's it going welcome again enigma yes sir chatez fallen victim to the memes I don't know if we ever stopped falling victim to the memes absolutely no reason to go down there apart from that goddamn secret door that just showed up [ __ ] yet you taught me you taught me with your mushroom hits in baubles of victim to the spreading corruption malformed with missing ten fat punk [ __ ] welcome back finding the stuff is only the first test tried to have you how it must be carried home okay okay stress is a little high here do you have the Enigma to take care of that with a campfire though if I get the opportunity probably just dumped a lot into my guess you know actually I'm gonna dump the keys some reward for a task performed I'm lying I'm gonna get rid of these and the herbs right now laudanum there we go there we go all right that's all good first one went pretty damn good yeah we actually had a very similar team composition to this just replace the árboles with a falconer and we've elected to take them back out try to take down the hag I want to see just how good this enigma can be against the boss so that's what we're doing here never get Wayne doing the paid for in blood Waner when you're literally giving a mosquito folk beggar the blood I think that happened to us in like our second courtyard mission or something yeah it's pretty pretty nice automatically appropriate move the light the promise of safety third guys enigma yep that was 700 gold hazing star is born whoops that was that was stupid I love you too digital antics there is the sea bear from when SpongeBob and Patrick go camping fun fact I actually voiced that bear another abomination cleansed from our lands fun fact I just told a lie dynamo for I am here after 12 hours of work unforeseen perfect way to end the day thank you man IRA appreciate that a lot very kind words mystic bold blue IKOS two months ago from Lycos as well thank you so much come back to the pile Patrick's voice actors name hold on hold on I got my man bill God I got my messages mixed up bill buzzer baka I have no idea how to say that last name it's Bob Foster blocky I can't pronounce that for the life of me but that's his name I get okay no wonder I don't know who it is like I literally cannot pronounce his name anyway lurks a lot oh thank you for the $5 worth morning milk for the entertainment I have gained through your exploits it's helping me pass in time thanks LeTip dude we [ __ ] a lot there's a lot of love today yes there is thank you guys I really appreciate it let me catch up here Lord dead 123 with the six months in a row a talapus success whatever corax atella puss whatever corax welcome you both to and back to the pile thank you so much guys I just get another smattering of hugs please in the chat if you could for the newest members of the pile apparently the Enigma is not bad a trap disarmed nice still pretty sure that Rob is there bare as the voice actor for Rob slash alpaca Patrol it's difficult maintaining both these channels at the same time and two long-term relationships two entirely separate lives on entirely separate sides of the country it's been tough but I make deal with only treasure could staunch the flow of worldly corruption I guess we do that okay yep yep yep said Jen thanks for the 25 biddies we shaded dude can he do I can't really do Squidward and mr. Krabs now I can pretend to do mr. Krabs with loot supplies money money money you know it's it's okay we're gone and Squidward is either weird whiney yeah it a little means we I can't do it I can't describe word I got no Squidward in me well I mean do we really need to make Riley just you and you're the target perhaps now yeah he's pretty close to the pirate yeah you're not wrong I do a little bit of a stress he'll hear - oh [ __ ] that sucks oh that sucks luckily she does have that bonus damage to mark targets for both accuracy to mark targets rather foolish Horrors rotlo and driven into the mud only just realize you aren't parent part of the square $25 metaphor shame bear exqueeze me sir scroll down on that emote list [ __ ] and become educated bear brown [ __ ] I was next in line after alpaca I have that [ __ ] on deck I've been trying to spread the good word of bear Brown and it's like to our friends across the country I promise you I am all about that color-block menace [Music] but what's the $10 reverse nah dude now I got I got two different offerings for you unlike some folks who refuse to participate in the colored block meta yet continually provide their subscribers with nothing yeah well but banners Happy's the bad guys Kaylee Cobb been watching since crimson court and lifestyle your darkest dungeon on as well as all your newer stuff thanks for being so awesome keep the awesome content could you see your favorite laner in the echo let me think about it seize this momentum put a song to the tasks and it's not my favorite but it is a good one ruin has come to all family that's just a classic I also can't be Wayne I'm sorry I can't do it nobody can be either legend steal their food that's a good one you gotta love steal their food god I love steal their food a couple V's here there we go no journal page necessary and we are uh you're looking for the hag but unfortunately we're guessing oh that sucks steal their food gotta get that one in there too okay whoa hmm all right Chad I'm leaving it to you I'm letting your guess well camp here go ahead and camp here try to reduce some stress gathered close and Oh welcome to the bear pile they remind for the subscription appreciate and enjoy badging emotes boom stress healed ambush prevention I don't think I need it I don't think I have the option either alright nevermind um so let's do esoteric Arcanist arc honest give himself a to battle buff restring crossbow love it sharp and blade hell yeah we'll take it then ethic Matic about manifestation to increase the hero's damage level which I can give to anyone holy [ __ ] that's so dope I need to use that camping skill more wow bear wow the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it alright I'm going down you've made the argument that the path down will take less time sadly this is one of our two battles for this bonus so that's really unfortunate oh the big shot big money go ahead and hit this guy with a yes what we got here stun and bleed skill chance are both buffed up let's hit him with this landed it Oh baby blind fire for sure speed buff got him with a crit dig a hole upward I like where your minds at thinking outside the box I appreciate it we need to try things they aren't expecting house wah mark don't worry don't worry I'm on top of it I'm thinking in the future as well okay now let's creatures come before that for now can't be beaten I mean I guess well let's save the ads I've been just the case just kidding I was totally not worth it alright switch it up trade this for that otherwise I think we're good I could give them a self heal but may might get the guards stance up to swift cuts does not help but it does shift him forward if I need it doesn't have a move back sadly but he doesn't really need to I want to keep him upfront if I can so he's gonna flash and blade her basically every single round buffing his diamond damage and speed up I I need to equip no this is all good yeah we use these exsanguinate I guess it's useless I could use her claim which is okay indoors not necessary I should give him I don't think I'm gonna use this but I shouldn't use both buffs right so let's see I'm gonna use mystic bolt for sure I might be able to stun her phantasmal shot seems a little unnecessary and then illusionary slash sadly is no good I mean I guess I'll just keep these two okay guard stances Opie yeah yeah okay that works of course we got to have this she doesn't even have a mark equipped but I'm doubting she's gonna end up using that at any point no need for rallying Flair suppressing fire is worse but whatever okay oh hi mark I get it I get it the mark target I get it all right well yeah I mean [ __ ] it let's just take off this one damage per and then hopefully this is the fight let's find out I'm gonna save the holy water for when we decide whether or not we're actually fighting the hag okie dokie let's do this first seems good seems good got em both burn the witch all right that is pretty much perfect yet we are good to go only things she could have done better for me is take the flatulent there but yeah we you still got him in spot too so he can obviously still do his stuff that's totally not a problem at all I'm gonna take the buff to start off with I think yeah wait yes five uses of this now does that go up when you level up the skill that'd be pretty sweet 20 damage on a sixty six health boss got the bleed stack she's kicking some Moroni the amount of uses for that goes up as you level up the skill that's pretty sweet well let's let him do something before the fight ends actually got the stun on the hag holy [ __ ] we didn't land that bonus to the stun cell god yeah we had a twenty two hundred and eighty percent chance Wow room Oh cried tub taste it taste the stir that was easy beware a triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall oh yeah holy water right Tyrone I think for the thirty five bits dude Matt whatever I'm just gonna use the herb there - yay easy peasy take it a little further why not get greedy we're owned and surviving on that one hell yeah dude JP masterpiece that sucks for such a little thing like of bread JP welcome on back buddy thank you very much I want the cress let's take him let's dump the keys that we find to the end anyway it's just a screw the shovels and then I guess the anti-venom sure and then hopefully it's not too bad in here we're dead no we lived for sure the road was gonna get comboed one shot hey could chopper I am excited for Sonic mania yeah I'm probably gonna play it actually on this channel right here probably gonna happen yes siree that was convenient I think I'm gonna get it on the switch too remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer I was playing some Mario Kart on the airplane with a Nintendo switch with my wife and that was just a purely wonderful experience I got to say it was pretty great excellent way to spend the time on the plane you mean you should get the sonic game on the PC mods are a thing oh yeah I didn't even think about that FairPoint damn nice calm 4x deplorable sadly alright good stuff I was Lord of this place before the crows and rats made it their domain come on stagecoach fury nice there we go sanity lost four months in a row thank you so much buddy appreciate it welcome back to the pile valid below 50% health can be used in order changed to chaos mode buffs himself in chaos heals restores over two rounds huh okay composed / so it looks like he has two forms similar to the prodigy and abomination discipline thrust this is his standard stuff I suppose this is the only one with a move skill attached to it but with a move forward or back hmm his name is burners burner Sanders Sanders compose slash discipline thrust that is a knock back as well buff self adds 50% to his stun skill chance ooh with the poise cleave another one of those 0% base moves interesting hmm see all what the [ __ ] this attack debuffs his accuracy by 75 what in the world okay so we can only do these once I guess ferocious laceration to move forward and bleed a target and buses bleed skill chance up what in the world option a Elise thank you what the panel doesn't tell you is that in chaos mode the fury gets an extra turn for each hit it lands oh [ __ ] that's crazy huh Wow okay well we obviously got to try him out that is an interesting class indeed let's go ahead and throw him in the roster right now and apologize for doing this again leaving the chat and sub-only as I depart but I am gonna take a quick break here and I'll leave that in raffle mode Thank You sonic mania for the tip launches tamal yeah I know about the PC launch being pushed I appreciate that the heads up though I hold up let me reset the raffling over a quick so you guys will have to enter your entries again if you just did it there we go all right exclaim raffle in the chat if you'd like to have the fury named after you in our state and I'm gonna be right back thanks for watching just a few minutes gonna go get my water stretch we'll be back with a couple more runs of our modded campaign and darkest dungeon
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 26,051
Rating: 4.9317698 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon mods, mods for darkest dungeon, best darkest dungeon mods
Id: RQW-2d7r914
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 0sec (4320 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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