Bad landings and scary Take offs

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[Music] in this video i'm going to show you some scary takeoffs some challenging takeoffs and some bad landings [Music] just have 170 taking off from a gravel bar it's pretty short and touches the water on takeoff this is a stinson taking off from a gravel bar you can see he's trying to pull but the airplane doesn't get airborne until very close to water and tire towards the water so it's now 182 we have to get airborne before the log this is not a scary one but a challenging one and the airplane performs really well this is a challenging one taking off towards the canyon you have to make a sharp left arm another short gravel bar that says no 170 touches the water and take off so when you travel seems to be preparation good feeling happened before cessna 172 xp identity altitude murray strip small tires takes a lot to get airborne but he makes it safely [Music] this is a challenging one high density altitude [Music] bloated airplane obstacles this was the first takeoff on this street i had my friend filming i wanted to test the performance and it was not that good clear the trees but 200 more pounds of weight of him and gear was going to be a bit more challenging so when i did that first takeoff i found a gap that would make it easier for when i pick him up and take off fully loaded we stayed on ground effects for a bit then used a gap to avoid climbing over the bigger trees [Music] same earth strip you can see the view from the outside [Music] [Music] [Music] high density altitude small tire soft field and when he takes off after a long take of roll he turns toward rising terrain but then he corrects i'm going to show you the bad landings this is the worst landing i ever made it was a close call i was planning for the first time in this trip skate jump we have a quarterly tailwind and he got a little bit of turbulence between the trees and the owner was on the radio he warned me the wind can accelerate speed near the trees and no matter what i should not go [Music] around [Music] [Music] so this is exactly what happened i came too fast but once i was committed i did not go around i put the airplane sideways to get more resistance for the braking and stopped very close to the fence after the wind died a little bit i went out and tried again three more times and did much better landings it was a mistake i pushed my own limits it was too windy to land here for the first time not knowing the strip pa 22 bouncy landing um i don't know what happened with the video but after many rounds i think the camera fell or something because i don't have the end of the video but nothing happened here just very scary for a moment cessna 172 xp this is just a hard landing nothing damage says my gear is very strong this is irene station in corcovado national park in costa rica this trip is very narrow and it has three tracks for the three tires but they are rooted and deep so you land on the grass and then you have to go into the tracks and i was crossed in the roots unfortunately there was no damage but see how the airplane ended up sideways when landing from the beach the roots get bigger i boarded landing into a gravel bar i saw some obstacles bigger rocks and dogs so just decided to go around [Music] all the pilots in this video are actually experienced pilots but really what we are all doing is pushing the envelope and finding the limits sometimes can be dangerous sometimes can be scary and there's no room for error or making mistakes [Music] so like this one is just a mistake i do calculate the speed and touchdown just at the edge of the dirt and rubble big bounce but there was no damage [Music] this mode makes her multilagging but he corrects the struggle on fixes this was very deceiving from the air the strip looked kind of dry but ended up being very muddy luckily we made it okay two weeks later i said i'm wearing two with small tires flipped over in this same strip so [Music] airplane is heavily loaded with camping gear and density attitude is about 10 000 feet it's a long strip but if not it can make for a very long take-off [Music] what this shows is that everybody can make mistakes using experienced titles and what we learned to do is to be conservative and do not push our own personal limits and train as much as possible get to know your plane and be conservative i know i'm more conservative now than i used to be 200 or 500 hours before and i hope some pilots don't have to experience these scary moments and can learn from all pilot mistakes now the next section i'm going to explain how to become a patron for a country 182 youtube channel if you want to give it some support that would be great it is very easy to join to be a patron of country 182 go to the youtube channel on the right hand side there is the link and then it takes you to the patreon page here you can see all the tiers and what is all about the support for control 182 youtube channel also another way to access the patreon link is in the description of the video i put in youtube on backcountry182 channel there is a link for patreon so just click on that and it will take you to the page thank you for watching i will be amazing if you guys are interested and give some support [Music] hi i'm diana larry's wife and today we're excited to announce the launching of patreon for our youtube channel bad country 182 which give fans and friends the opportunity to support creators like larry and myself by paying a monthly amount and receiving exclusive content so with your support for patreon we will be able to make more and better content more often on your videos and larry can connect with you more personally to hear your questions and concerns and what would you like to see the really cool thing of being a patron is that every dollar amount does help so go ahead and check out the videos you can be a fan and look for our goals to see what we will be able to achieve together at every level of school come join us and be part of our [Music] adventure [Music] you
Channel: Backcountry182
Views: 557,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vWTFSh2V7lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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