I destroyed my ultralight in 20 minutes ( filmed it)

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[Music] that awesome feeling of bringing home a new project now this is one of them 90 complete that needs 90 percent to rebuild [Music] but nonetheless so began the restoration so i started with building a cow and then next i fitted the roof and then began the painting side of things so i laid down the white first then i started with the orange because i wanted to go with a two-toned look for this plane [Music] [Music] next i fitted the new windscreen some doors and the wings were fitted along with the engine new prop [Music] new seat seat belts the dash was already in so i just tied it up a bit fitted my own custom joystick [Music] went with the rotax 582 engine in this aircraft [Music] and the finished product took me about i think two three months and all so she's ready for her first engine run missions on fuel pump on clear prop and find the starter pull starter in there somewhere one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14. all right just tweak this push this button oh come on baby hmm come on come on start your bastard i just look at it for a bit if i look at it stare long enough she might go so she's ready for man she really doesn't want to play the game just a few more pulls come on know what i've had enough screw this i'm going home okay day two i made a heap of adjustments played with the choke so i just got the choke on prime it a couple of times yeah i'll turn the choke off and with a bit of luck she might go come on baby this one eureka we have contact all right so i'm nervously gonna hop in this plane and do the first test run now all armchair pilots out there now test flying more than 20 aircraft and you can just jump on my channel and see my past videos i've flown pretty much every type of aircraft there is and when it comes to test flying if i have a strict regime and on the first day i never get the mains off the ground whether it's a cable driver or a nose wheel in this case tail dragger so this first day the plan is to do some slow runs build up to some high speed runs with the tail in the air and just get a feel for the aircraft itself how it handles on the ground this first run is just a nice slow taxi run getting a feel to what i know it has that torque roll if you wanted to talk to the left you'll notice i'm favoring the right rudder [Music] so basically each time i just what i'm doing is i'm giving it a bit of power building up speed cutting power and then just lifting up the tail a little just to have a feel make sure it's not going to ground loop or anything like that and at this point she felt really really good solid there was no ground looping tendency at all she did basically everything i told her to do to give it a bit more power i'm gonna lift up the tail and hold up the tail a little bit longer each time you can see there she felt good no issues [Music] you said that it would never happen but here we are [Music] all along [Music] it was 2020 when i told you vaccine compulsory no job no safe no fun we must [Music] now with this turn next turn here this is the first kind of inkling something's not right because she just didn't want to turn left it was a slight bit of wind so i decided just to continue to see if she did it again which at this point she doesn't oh everything feels quite normal again it would never happen but here we are [Music] so i noticed crete kind of just did a when i turned a little i heard a creak in the floor and the plane didn't feel right and see me looking around looking down and looking down at the floor so decide at this point do one last taxi run basically back to the hangar and call it quits for the day and this is what happened so okay so let's have a look at that again and we'll have a look in slow motion you can see i've got full right rudder left wheel lifts off the ground i actually reach up and switch off the engine because i you know i can see the inevitable inevitables coming and i just plow into that embankment what you don't see is as she slides down actually the wing digs into the ground and twists and warped now i'll show you what actually went wrong with that plane okay so this is what's uh left of it so i'm gonna show you what wrong with it looking at the frame the whole frame actually twisted walk twisted to one side now it's all because of the old dodgy owner and i kid you not he actually he'd obviously crashed it at some point and you can see them cross braces there see that zip tie hanging out that i've pulled out well that zip tie was in there it was actually hidden under there you couldn't see it there was a flap over the top of it covering it and you couldn't see it from under the dash because the dash was all in when i got it riveted in you could not see under there and they were actually zip tied there was a few more zip ties on it and i kid you not and what happened was when that first creek occurred the zip ties had actually snapped and so the actual frame was twisting slightly to the side and on that last run the last of the zip tie zip tie broke as you can see under there and the brace collapsed and the plane walked and that was the end of it you can see there's that's how loose they are but there's one completely broken up and i'll show you the crack in a sec now i the reason the plane looks like it does now is i cut it in half because firstly i wasn't flying it and more the point i didn't want anyone else to fly or even go near it so i cut it in half and retired it counted my losses and then the the state it's in now is because my son thought it'd be fun to go out there with a hammer and felt the crap out of it you can see that crack there in the middle there so there you go folks months and months of blood sweat and tears and destroyed in like 20 minutes were shattered but better to be destroyed on the ground than in the air you
Channel: Jack Flyer
Views: 83,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 56eKKJPx454
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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