Bacon Wrapped Smoked Jalapeño Poppers

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hey fans drew here with smoke craft barbecue and today we're doing one of my favorite appetizers today we're doing bacon wrapped smoked jalapeno poppers so we're gonna start off today with uh some good-sized jalapenos all right and we're just gonna cut off the ends here and we're just cut them right in half and as we cut them right in half we're going to take a spoon you can see we got there we want to get all these seeds out the jalapeno itself isn't going to be that spicy once we smoke it as long as we get all the seeds in the middle out so we get a nice little trough here in the middle every single time so jalapenos are something very easy to go ahead and prep easy to do so we're going to do that now if you want to be fancy and leave the end on you can do that too we'll leave the end on this one but the same process we're going to go ahead and take that spoon right through the middle there and get all of that stuff out uh oh and the end's gonna come off anyway on that one so go ahead and scrape it all out get it all out there and when you're buying these when you're buying jalapenos you just gotta remember you don't actually need to buy that many when you're having some friends over because you're cutting them in half you get two out of every single one i think sometimes i've gone overboard and bought myself a few too many uh but you know what these are one of those things that you never can have too many of when you get friends over so go ahead break them up get all that stuff out of the middle you want to leave nice little troughs uh so you're gonna be able to fill these in and just be careful you don't kind of tear the sides too much as you do it all right so we quickly just did several here we're gonna do several more on the side but what we're going to do now we've got those to the side here now we want to do is we want to go ahead and mix up what we're going to put inside of our jalapeno poppers so we're going to take one block of philadelphia cream cheese i really feel strongly that you shouldn't skimp on your product so make sure you get good quality cream cheese it's got a nice high fat content that's going to go well now we've left this out for about an hour so it's nice and soft and we want it soft so we can work with it and mold it and so forth so we'll drop it into our bowl and now i got about half a cup of sharp cheddar cheese so we shredded ourselves really important to get good melting cheddar cheese that you shred it yourself don't buy the pre-shredded stuff because that's covered in a little bit cornstarch it just doesn't melt quite as well so we shredded this ourselves toss that right on top there all right and now we're going to take some sugars barbecue american all-star barbecue rub this is a good everyday all-purpose rub and we're going to put about a tablespoon of that in here um we're just going to kind of eyeball it today but you can put your own favorite rub you could so you could put a couple of things in here you could do taco seasoning you could put some paprika some garlic powder some onion powder and mix it up that way but i like to just keep it simple and use a pre-made rub something that's a generic everyday barbecue rub that's not meant for any specific meat this stuff goes on everything and it is fantastic so what i'm going to do now i'm going to take a spatula and i'm just going to begin to kind of like fold this all in and bend it in and like i said it's really important that you have that softened cream cheese because if your cream cheese is soft while you try and mix the stuff up you're going to be in for quite a battle so we're gonna mix it up it doesn't have to be perfect you know you're just trying to really get that rub into that cheese and get it all set up uh nicely and so it's when you scoop out individual you know spoonfuls of this here you got a good nice mixture uh mixed up ready to go and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty folks you are cooking might as well get your hand in there if you need to so you can see just the color the cream cheese is changing just a little bit from that rub and so you can tell we're going to have a little bit of flavor coming through that cheese as we do it and really that's all we got to do there so got a nice little mix it's good to go all right so now we got our mix we got a rub we got our poppers so now what we're going to do is we're going to take some smithfield applewood thick cut bacon i really like the thick cut bacon when wrapping things i know some people say use a thin cup bacon but really once this stuff once the bacon starts to cook it's going to shrink and having the thick cup bacon ensures that you make sure you got good coverage all the way around your jalapenos all right so we've got bacon open there i'm going to take a different spoon here that doesn't make sure we don't have any of our jalapenos on it i'm going to take a jalapeno i'm going to take a spoonful of our mix and i'm just going to spread it in there now i just want it kind of flat inside of this so we're going to just put it flat right in there just like that if i overdo this it is going to leak everywhere as i go so now i'm going to take a whole strip of bacon take the whole piece and we're going to start at the top and we're going to wrap it all the way around and you're going to want to overlap just a little bit all right the reason we're going to overlap a little bit is as we cook this bacon is going to begin to cook down and you want to make sure you get all the way around and cover as all the way through that popper all the way down so you can see we've got a nice covered jalapeno popper right there now these jalapenos are pretty long sometimes you don't get some that are quite this long so we need that whole piece of bacon uh to get all the way down wrapped around so again just fill in the boat fill it in right there take a nice long piece of bacon and start it at the top then begin just overlapping around again overlapping just a little bit to make sure you get all the way covered all the way down around and that's it so what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and take a moment fill all these out and then once we've got these done we're going to do one more thing to them to really help accentuate some flavors before we get them on our smoker even though we already have some rub inside of the mix i'm going to put a little bit of a rub on them so let me wrap this one up here fighting this piece of bacon just a little bit but again you want to wrap it halfway across that last piece make sure you get good coverage all the way around and that way when it shrinks up you're all good all right so we're going to take all of our pieces here and once they're all wrapped up and you got them all ready to go i'm going to go back and i'm going to grab our american all-star once again and i'm just going to lightly season them we just want to put a little bit of rub all the way around get both sides and you don't need to go crazy with the rope because again we already got a little bit in there this is just giving a little more seasoning on the top as it smokes and we're going to put this seasoning on probably about 30 45 minutes before we're ready to put them in the smoke that way these are going to begin to build up just a little bit of flavor the bacon's going to sweat begin to get in it so we're going to go ahead and fix up the rest of these jalapeno poppers and then we'll be back when it's ready to go ahead and put them on our smoker all right guys so we've had some time to let uh our poppers are all set and ready to go we let the uh american all-star rub begin to get into them just a little bit so now we're gonna go ahead and get our smoker our smoker is sitting here right now um about 300 degrees which is perfect uh because again we're going to cook a little bit hotter than we do in normal smoke because we're trying to get the bacon to crisp up so we're going to go ahead and lay these in here on our 270 gs i'm cooking over uh some lump charcoal here and i'm going to add just a little bit of cherry wood because i want to get that nice sweet flavor of fruit wood on here you can use apple you can use hickory you can do whatever you want i just happen to be using cherry today and so we're going to get these all in here squeeze them all in we want to while the little space between whoo that charcoal is hot you open up a smoker and you got exposed firebox and i tell you folks you better watch out for those flames they'll come and bite you so we're gonna go ahead get all these poppers in here and we're just gonna be able to fit them all in i got a probe down there just keep an eye on our temperature making sure that our temperature is right where we want it to be um and that's it so we're gonna go ahead and close this up and we're gonna see these uh in just a little bit when the bacon is nice and crisp and melty hey guys drew back here with snowcraft so we've been sitting here we've been waiting just about an hour and a half here for these uh poppers hour and hour and a half and really when you want to know that they're done is you really want to just look at the bacon christmas so we've had some cherry wood here over some oak charcoal here on our 270 gs so let's go ahead and take a look and they just oh man those things just look absolutely fabulous so what we're going to do we're getting pretty close to being done here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and i'm actually going to glaze a few of these and i'm going to take some sugars barbecue rodeo candy one of my favorite barbecue sauces and i've thinned it out i've warmed some up thinned it out with just a little bit of apple juice um you know about two to one sauce to apple juice and uh it's just warm because you always want to have warm sauce going on to your onto your food i'm just gonna go ahead i'm just gonna base some of these here and i'm just gonna put a little bit of barbecue sauce on here we're just gonna just give it a nice little glaze and this nice little glaze is gonna add that little added sweetness to that final little bite as we get into these poppers so you can see that cheese is popping out you know this is why you overlap that that bacon so as it begins to cook down it begins to pull apart you are able to hold all that cheese in on the middle there oh look at that just so good and i'm just gonna do two more cuz i'm gonna leave a couple on the end just in case anybody wants one without sauce on it but ah man i cannot wait to try these so we're gonna go ahead and glaze these up we're gonna give them another about 15 minutes now that we put this glaze on because we want this glaze to set up and not just be you know and really kind of set and once this is set we're going to go ahead and pull these out and check them out and see how they are so we'll check back in just a few minutes all right guys so it's about been about 15 minutes now since we glazed our poppers so we're going to go ahead and take everything off right now total cook time i double checked it's been about an hour and a half total cook time to this point so we glaze about an hour and 15 minutes and again your doneness just depends on when your bacon gets crispy if you use thinner bacon you may be done faster thicker bacon like we used maybe a little longer temperature a little lower higher so the only way to tell on the poppers frankly is you just want to make sure that you got your bacon done so i got this platter here let's go ahead and get them off oh my goodness gracious just look how amazing those look i just oh so so so good so we're going to go ahead and just we're going to line them up right here yeah let's just take them off one at a time just put them right here get ready to eat them and we're just stacking right on top each other guys this is this is a great party recipe you have friends coming over you know game day just friends around the house around the neighborhood and because i left a few just in case somebody wanted a few without a barbecue sauce we'll put those on the far side of our platter here so they know that they're a little bit different so all right so this is just so this looks so good all right so let's take it off let's get it over here oh man let's get a nice close-up there make sure we get all that goodness in there and everyone can see how great those look oh so great well these are gonna be super super hot because it just came off the smoke but you know what i can't wait anymore it's gotten dark outside we've been working hard on these poppers all afternoon let's go ahead and let's just oh man let's just be bold all right let's see how they taste just blow a little bit on make sure i don't burn my tongue on this hot cheese oh my god so the bacon has some really nice flavors on it uh you get that smoke the jalapeno it's got a little heat but it's not too spicy because we've smoked it it's a time to cook that cheese super moist and tender and that's just a little bit of barbecue tang at the end it's just it's fantastic guys i highly recommend you try this at home let us know what you think good luck on your next cook i'm gonna keep eating these you
Channel: Smokecraft BBQ
Views: 20,998
Rating: 4.8231292 out of 5
Id: ngy7N3h-8Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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