Motorised Retractable Roof Project (super villain style)

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today's project come outside okay SB shed is meows this is my commute to work now what were you doing here today well this is all nice and open up right and I like that however some of the bigger projects I get mostly constructed in the shed but then put together out here when it starts raining we all get covered in water and then we have to put like this flappy tarp over and it just won't do don't like it so what we're gonna do what I want to keep it nice and open and airy but I want to be able to open it up so we're gonna build a roof and then it's gonna slide motorized go whew when it starts raining press the button covers all back over again very nice pick supervillain like if anything we could like fly swimming out of it and disappear anyway first Jabba need to take the original garage roof off because it's rubbish set a nice big frame up have a big gap and then work out how we're gonna do this track a bit [Music] right roofs off onsen the garage is a much brighter in delightful place next up six of beams up get a level across the garage and then we've got like a fixed point that we can work from [Music] yes [Music] I seem to have started a fire somewhere around here can you see it round man is it round there well we'll give us that fryer quick Oh Danny the family heirloom of winter cleaning mops is gone oh it's been in the family for 25 years Carlin had never actually used it himself he finished wreck I told you should have had so many cups today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we have a complete roof it's very nice builders done above the garage that's all good extended defense but put the rivals in all the runners away for a bit for the sliding roof and it's raining pretty hard since we've done it all everything's good no links so the roller bit we need to work out I'm going to sit the bearings on and power it hmm now the best thing to do would be to have a linear bearing like this send it ride across the rope however 11.2 meters long was 300 quid so to eight major ones hahaha budget blow we need a cheaper option oh yes so go to the C channel um been on to the old boys it simply bearings done this what's that : I've been a 5425 box-section with some bearings bolted onto it he looks it is so get this put it in the old C channel so we can run along like that and then if the wind gets under it you won't be able to lift it up all over and end up choking it in there on the drive no need to stop it falling off we're going all boats quit put some extra bearings on these little pipes just like this we get our C channel slide over and then there we are it can run perfectly along that fantastic lovely job right on to the next bit column which is I'm not sure I film this afterwards I've only all done it [Music] are the rails parallel are they the same distance apart we will find out three 1/8 - over 4 meters it runs at 1 millimeter that is a fluke [Music] Oh [Music] interesting thing well been doing this he says a black bird in the garden whose mating call is whole lotta Rosie by ac/dc ya know Saint workaday he's been singing it all week so you think if he'd have got a bird he would have stopped singing it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so to motorize this wonderful sliding Ruth you've made Colin I have got a windscreen wiper motor yes Ben or carrots from about ages now if you take all the bits off there's like a little m8 thread on like an old taper so you can attach things to it very nicely so it's gonna get myself a sprocket whack that on there and then get a chain weld it to the sliding roof and then the sprocket can just go up against it and it could turn track along and open the roof however I've made a bit of an error and I've put the roof so tightly down to the other roof because it's lovely and flush it looks fantastic there's no room to put the chain now but it doesn't matter because you know when you get faced with these problems you just have to think around them come over here I'll demonstrate how I'm gonna get round my error hmm right so what we've got got a bit of 12 mil rod - I was drilled in it bit a string looped through it but on one side it's wrapped round one way and then on the other side it wraps around the other way so when it turns it goes one in less the other one out there so that will pull the air the roof across one way you stop it then you want to retract the roof push that one and then it starts pulling on this one and letting that one out hey there advantages of this is if there's any bends or twists in the roof then miss sprocket won't like be coming in and out of the teeth so that will always do it any disadvantages it's kind of got to go over a bit of me roof lip and stuff but I'm just gonna have to live with that aren't I [Music] we shouldn't care you should do the cuz I'm 70 please someone you take maybe love I don't know much about life and I know even but I always seem to have a great time good little problem to solve something I'd like to say [Music] got it [Music] love Yuki she may as well give it Oh I'll agree who loves cool your friends and every day yes an extra roller and a larger diameter shut the hole fingers in and out about tangling itself in the mess next I'm just going to put some engine stops on the cable so it can't overshoot or come back too far then add a couple little extras we're back [Music] [Music] exploited effort nice about the chances you take [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we have the control center for the roof we've got our mains adapter we've got our switch push the switch that way the roof goes that way and opens pull the switch this way roof comes this way and closes we've also got technical we've added a rain sensor so if your mom in the ass or I'm in the show with the door sure I can't tell if it starts raining shuts itself [Music] [Music] right that's all done we need to let some fireworks off it's six million subscribers time so that's the next video and if you want to see more big home style videos on underground bunker in the back garden you might want to see how we made that exit there are two links bon soir see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 5,519,006
Rating: 4.9469895 out of 5
Keywords: colin, furze, retractable, roof, garage, yard, motorised, invention, engineering, super, vilian, evil, budget, steel, welding
Id: LGozfCxnmTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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