A $200,000 Luxury Bomb Shelter Under a Home - Atlas 10x40' Platinum Series Safe Cellar

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guys welcome back to another episode of atlas survival shelters guys if you haven't seen my channel i promise you today is going to be one of the best videos i've ever put on youtube channel you know what we're going to do we're going to do this right here we are going to put in a 10 foot by 40 modular shelter under a big old mediterranean style house like you're seeing in this image right here this thing has all the bells and whistles under the floor storage built-in water tanks we finally show you how the septic system works how the plumbing works how the water works and guys you're just gonna love this video i hope you share it subscribe my channel like it and do all those things that hate makes other people see it but this is really seriously this is one of the best install videos i've ever got to edit for you guys so sit back and enjoy it hey and don't forget go to uh shelterwithatlist.com if you want to get some of the survival food so you can help yourself and help my channel but guys i'll see at the end of the video so the crane's arriving over here we got a dozer it's making the road so that the bunker can make it up here this is the first of the trucks for the crane bringing the counterweight still clearing out roads for the tractors trailers to come and park so [Music] these are the pads making roads for the bunker so now they're sending counter weights so here's the site that's where the truck the truck is going to come in here with the bunker come around this road it's gonna stop right here and that crane is gonna pick it up and put in a hole in the holes on the opposite side of that crane they're going to take this mini excavator out of the hole can't even get the whole crane in the picture [Music] numbers uh [Music] you need muscle to move these [Music] and it's free now they're rigging it up it's all four corners here's the crank look at this thing we're gonna tighten it up a little bit see how everything's sitting before we do the final quick it's off it's coming up marlon be good hey we got it out here careful right there move it down the foot first part is set come on go looks good now we're taking the counterweights off the crank [Music] [Applause] that's exciting [Music] these are coming from the generator pod they're taped at the top so these are the two electro conduits from the back of the bunker we got long sweep 90s on there electrical conduit or pvc this is the front of the bunker that first one right here that's an extra pipe this is where the water is going to go into this one right here is the vent for the plumbing system and then this one here that comes up and out and around and up over here that's going to go to the sewer [Music] there's a whole bunch of holes in that bucket over that rock big pipe it goes downhill just a little bit so that to that we're it entrance so when the air comes in it's traveling uphill and then back down there so this is where the grinder pump comes out of the bunker well you'll see the part the water will come i got the the two sinks on running the faucets the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink and it's filling up the grinder pump and the grinder pump only has like a gallon tank in it you see that so now that i know this is working i'm going to take that pipe and i'm going to connect it right into that hole all right we're gonna go see a 10 by 40. [Applause] [Music] generator running right now now we'll go into the mud room and then the bunker [Music] so [Music] water this is actually hooked up to the street filtered water reverse osmosis microwave master bedroom air system here's a cool thing here we go down here [Music] we have the water tanks and if you want to run the water tanks you shut off the main you shut off the bypass right here we're going to open we're going to open then we're going to this is the water tank so now that pressure pump you can hear it now it's not running continuous but that's not enough to use the power of it but we are running off the water tanks so when you run another one it's running continuous and i'm sucking that right out of these tanks [Music] i'm going to shut the door watch the overpressure blast valve that's how much air the air system is moving now that's right next to the toilet so it sucks the air right from the toilet and down below we have a grinder pump so when i go to flush the toilet that pumps it right to the surface into the septic tank so where the water comes in is right here then it goes through this here this right here is the decontamination shower that goes right up and out into the mud room okay this we have it shut off right now i just turned it off we'll run into this which is a pressure regulator because the pressure's so high here where we're located we put a pressure regulator in but that you can turn up or down depending on your pressure and it's off right now [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well guys i hope you enjoy that video right there you know what i'll get another video when he builds his house or his barn whatever he's going to do on top of that and he gets it furnished and everything inside and i'll try to get some footage for that and if not i'll get some other ones because i'm selling a lot of these bunkers right here because a lot of people are liking this and i can't always film these things but this particular video the installer filmed it for me and that's why i got the footage because i just don't run around and film all these things you know i wish i could but guys hey if you're not a subscriber to my channel and i hope you are make sure you like and subscribe share this video hit the little ding ding bell lets you know when the next video comes in and guys i got some great videos coming up so make sure you subscribe make sure you share my videos too because i want everyone to see what i'm doing because i'm really proud of it but guys as always i love you i'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 1,060,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel
Id: CLGCdj7uzFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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