How to build a really SOLID shed

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So few videos back, apocalyptic bunker project, there is an underground bunker under my feet as we speak. But in the last video a shed appeared above the entrance and that's what we're concentrating on today. We could have bought one. It would have cost about £1600. but bought sheds are not as good as built sheds, so we're gonna build it today. We're gonna try and beat the £1600 budget, and make it a damn sight better! But it's raining, it's england, it doesn't matter. Let's get on with it Now first thing we did is lay a course of bricks all the way around the outside to put the shed on, so it's not sat on the ground, so it doesn't go rotten. First bit of preparation, we've screwed the chop saw to the bench and then we've set up a little marker so we can slide all the bits of wood in and cut them all the same length. Because the first thing we're going to do is build four stud walls, in effect, which will go all the way around the outside. Which you'll see! So done three of the four stud walls. Now we're going to put the corner posts in and get it all fixed together. Got to stiffen it up. We're just sticking the ply around on the walls now, and then you can see why we've left this little nib on the corner post here. 12 mm ply, then a layer of feather edge and it all ends up nice and flush. OK, that's ply on two of the sides but before we do the other sides we've got to put the roof beam across and get them up so the ply can go all the way up into the apex. there we go, we've got a nice uh roof centre beam going across and we've kind of uh put these little bits up here. So what we can do now; chop the top off the fence post and then ply up these front and rear sides, so it all kind of squares it all off makes it nice and rigid. There we are we're all plied up, now just got to put some roof slats on, yeah! It's new day of course, clearly! And it's not raining today, which is good. It's not windy, it's not anything, it's gonna be a nice English day. It's what we like! Here we are look, making a lovely job of the roof. and if you look down here look, oh! Don't the bunker look deep from up here... all the way down there look! Look at it! looking brilliant! I've been on holiday in worse things than that! So then we've built a skeleton, we've put a nice skin over it. Now we've just got to dress it up. So we're going to cover it in feather edge, before we're going to do that, i'm going to put like a sheet of polythene over, just to give it a bit of extra protection! Yet another feature you don't get on bought shed. So let's get cracking, oh yeah! It's looking good in it?! Now inside I put a little bit of insulation, because obviously sound proofing and stuff because there's an underground bunker under it Where a lot of noise is made. Now the next thing to do, is a door! We got a door! Now as well as finishing the door, I've also traveled forward in time six months, because it's not November anymore, it's June! We had a pretty wet winter, and then after that I had two massive firework experiments to plan, make a hoverbike, flamethrowing guitar and all sorts of other crazy experiments! But, back to the shed! All that's left to do is the roof! Now we're under budget, the original shed if I'd bought it would have been about £1600. So far I've spent about £1200. So I've got a £400 gap. Now I could put a felt roof on like my normal shed, probably cost about £150 - £200 but I'm thinking I've made a lovely job of this, we've got a bit of money to spare. Let's go posh! So I'm going to put a slate roof on. Now, this is going to cost more than the £400 gap. It's probably going to cost about £500 - £550 but it's gonna look pretty swish, so that is the next job. I'm gonna put a slate roof on my shed! So put a bit of lead across the front, up the sides. The front stuff's mainly just so it kind of looks a bit better, and then the side stuff gives it like a little bit of waterproofing, so it don't all creep down the side of that fascia board. And then we just get the slate, lovely! I think it's gonna look very nice! Here we are, it may be summer but the weather's not really changed much! It's now raining! It's finished! Yes! Now if you'd have bought it from the shop it would have cost you £1600. but if I hadn't of put my fancy pants roof on it, I would have beat that by about £50, once it's painted, everything all in! And look it's a much better shed, solid wood, ply lined inside and out, and it's insulated. Plus if you build it yourself you can stick doors and windows wherever you like! So, now this is not a shed building channel, and if you're wondering before what the talk of the underground bunker was, you click on this playlist up here, you can see what that's all about. And then if you don't know what I normally do, click on the other two playlists. Kind of give you an idea of the sort of projects I normally undertake. But there we are, See you on the next one, SUBSCRIBE and all that malarkey, BOOM!
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 11,702,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colin, furze, building, how to, amazing, shed, workshop, garden, wooden, frame, plywood, spaces, outside office
Id: LP67MAoihZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2016
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