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Hello there!  We've just made the world's first  retractable plasma-based lightsaber Big thank you to our YouTube members and  Patreon supporters for supporting the   channel they get tons of perks including  seeing our videos before anyone else   like the lightsaber test video which is  available on our channel right now for members A real retractable plasma based lightsaber   the pinnacle of sci-fi tech and probably one of  the most sought after fictional technologies ever As you know we've been developing different  lightsabers or like they're called in star   wars lore proto-sabers for the past four years now From some initial power supply tests  that got the fire department called on us   to version one using nitinol wire to version two  using a tungsten titanium blade hybrid version   2.1 so we could have a real-life lightsaber  duel which by the way was extremely unsafe To finally our kylo ren style lightsaber  complete with a 3d printed titanium hilt A proto-saber of course is a lightsaber with  an external power pack since you know we don't   exactly have d-sized batteries capable of  putting out more power than a nuclear power   plant which by the way is what you'd need for a  lightsaber to function like it does in the movies Now in my opinion what we've made so far are some  of the closest representations of lightsabers   using real life technologies they look like  a lightsaber they sound like a lightsaber and at temperatures of over 3000 degrees  they actually cut stuff like a lightsaber But as you know the internet is not easily pleased   those are just red hot sticks that's just  a red hot piece of metal that's not even   a real lightsaber your lightsaber  sucks and you should feel bad too Luckily I have thick skin since I've read over  half a million comments on my YouTube channel That's equivalent to like 200  full-length novels by the way So despite the trolls best wishes we have  not given up which is good since you know   you could count on one hand the amount of people  in this world actually working on lightsaber tech Anyway how the heck do you make  a plasma based lightsaber well   best theories say that plasma is  held in a beam by a magnetic field   which scientifically checks out you see the issue  is producing a strong enough electromagnetic field   to contain a blade well the lightsaber would  quite literally have to be built inside of a box   coated in an electromagnets which turns  it into kind of a useless science project I made a lightsaber Luckily we've come up with an alternate  solution to control the flow of plasma   which allows us to make a retractable  blade and even change its color We're going to be using laminar flow you know  that cool thing where liquids flow smoothly We actually teased this project months ago on  our instagram which maybe we shared too soon   since it's resulted in almost all new  comments being where is the lightsaber I mean come on guys it might not be  brain surgery but building a lightsaber   is basically rocket science it's taken  us quite a few months to get just right   and we also had to upgrade our equipment in  the shop to even be able to manufacture it   like our new Tormach 1100 mx cnc  machine complete with a fourth axis Bogdan's been pretty excited to try it out  and since star wars was a long time ago in   a galaxy far far away it's only fitting that  our first real plasma lightsaber is steampunk   I think it's Bogdan's turn to design that hilt Steampunk is a subset of science  fiction which incorporates   antique design aesthetics from the  19th century with modern technologies When I was scrolling through to get some  design inspirations for the lightsaber   I came across this picture and it instantly  caught my attention i think steampunk would   be great for this design because we're going  to be using a lot of gauges valves copper   tubing and regulators which are going  to look perfect in this installation Here's the final design of a lightsaber  hilt it incorporates lots of materials   including brass copper stainless glass  and even leather to give it that true   steampunk look I've even decided to  add the kyber crystal heating chamber   using some EL wire and a neon bulb to  make it look really cool in the dark The copper pipes that carry our  flammable gasses are nice and visible   and the adjustment knobs are easily accessible Thanks to our new Tormach machines  we are now able to manufacture   much more intricate designs such  as this one let's Make It Real This video is sponsored by AFK Arena AFK Arena is a light rpg the best rpg for  the busy you as you know we're always crazy   busy here at hacksmith industries which is why we  like afk arena it's a rewarding non-grindy style   rpg so it doesn't require a huge time investment  it's easy to get into and can be played casually   when you have time I've actually caught the team  playing afk between doing work but hey that's okay How's it going? oh you're not even machining  you're playing a game what are you doing man Playing AFK Arena come on it's running on its own Fight demons get epic gear collect heroes and  level them up unlike most rpgs AFK also has a   cool fresco art style which makes it so much  different from all the others it's refreshing Team up with seven unique factions and different   hero unions to enhance your  strategy and come out on top With so many different characters to choose from  you feel like a collector plus if you use my link   below you can get a special hero either Zafrael or  Lucretia their celestial and hypogean elite heroes Seize the opportunity and download AFK arena  today plus it helps support our channel Oh my god that looks incredible  yeah well put some gloves on  I'm sorry can't get any smudges on a lightsaber That is incredible I think you've  outdone yourself on this one Bogdan  Look at the detail in that if that's  not steampunk I don't know what is But the real question is, how  are we going to power this? Even with all of our new equipment and  capabilities here at Hacksmith industries   we're still kind of bound by the  laws of thermodynamics which means   we're still going to have to make this into a  proto saber with a power pack separate from the   hilt now we've made incredibly energy dense power  packs before but in order to get enough power for   a plasma based lightsaber we're gonna have to use  something with more energy dense fuel in this case   lpg compressed liquid propane gas which can give  us 50 times more energy per kilogram than a lipo Now that's a pretty incredible difference and the  cool thing you probably have this right at home We're talking about normal propane  that you use in your barbecue So how do we turn propane into  a superheated beam of plasma? The answer lies with one of the most  satisfying demonstrations of physics phenomena   of fluids laminar flow basically we need a large  array of laminar flow nozzles to create highly   concentrated flow of gas to create a plasma  beam lucky for us we aren't the only ones who   need this and highly specialized gas nozzles  like this can be found at a rather high price This nozzle right here costs over four  thousand dollars and it's used in the   glass blowing industry to achieve maximum  temperature we need complete combustion   which means in addition to this propane we're  actually going to be using oxygen as well That doesn't sound dangerous, right? Anyways let's see how it works First turn on the propane, then we  turn on the oxygen, some safety glasses and the sparker So look at that Is that not a lightsaber? This beam is really cool it's actually  burning at around 4 000 fahrenheit   which means is capable of  cutting through a lot of stuff Should we cut through some stuff? Whoa so this is actually our old  lightsaber blade made of titanium   and look at that it's already white hot That is so bright, Jesus The really cool thing about doing a flame like  this is we can actually color it using salts Let's start with some boric acid What color do you think it's  going to turn the blade?  Got your guesses? Look at that Next up we have calcium chloride Look at that red orange,  that almost hurts to look at We have some strontium chloride Whoa that is like a road flare,  this actually hurts to look at Look at that Finally we have some sodium  chloride also known as salt And look at that we've got  Rey's lightsaber right here Is that not cool? So we're able to produce a blue lightsaber,  a green lightsaber, a red lightsaber,   an amber lightsaber and even a yellow lightsaber How awesome is that? I should probably turn this off though That took a lot of fine tuning to  get the blade to the right length   and turning it off wasn't the most elegant Luckily Bogdan's going to be actually  making a circuit with two fancy valves   which means we'll actually be able to  get a computer to control the flow of gas   to allow for this to ignite and  retract with the press of a button So I'm gonna let Bogdan handle that After twelve weeks of anticipation we finally  got our hands on proportional control valves These will allow us to control exactly  how much gas goes into the lightsaber   and therefore make it extend and  retract now we just need to figure   out how to control it and to do that I'll  be making a custom printed circuit board I'm going to be using Altium designer which is the   industry standard for PCB design  software and it's super powerful This is the printed circuit board that  Charles designed to use for the Crysis   arm but since both projects  are using pneumatic valves   and auxiliary outputs we'll be able to use it  for our lightsaber with some minor modifications This board looks great if you want to view  this PCB yourself you can use Altium viewer One of the only machines we don't  have in the shop is a PCB mill   but why would we get one of those when  websites like JLCPCB will allow us to   order high quality boards in a matter of  days for just two dollars for five boards We'd need like 15 000 boards to make  up the cost of one of those machines Let's get these ordered While we wait for that I'm gonna get st- Well that was quick let's start soldering Okay To better understand how the lightsaber  electronics work check out our page on maker.io We've got to build a steampunk power pack  with these pieces I'll let Chris handle that Well this all needs to be polished before I can  start building I'm gonna let Dave handle that No Fine I'll do it myself We did it The world's first retractable  plasma based lightsaber Now obviously we're going to have  an amazing test video for this We've got tons of stuff set up behind  us to really put this through its paces   including cutting through a steel door Anyways that video is actually available  right now for our Patreon supporters and   YouTube members which is a great time to support  the channel and get to see this video early For everyone else it'll be out next week Thanks for watching and make sure you subscribe
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 31,226,928
Rating: 4.9030261 out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, real life lightsaber, plasma lightsaber, real lightsaber, plasma lightsaber hacksmith, real protosaber, real life protosaber, extendable lightsaber, retractable lightsaber, real retractable lightsaber, real, light saber, lightsaber colors, red lightsaber, green lightsaber, blue lightsaber, lightsaber in real life, star wars, real cutting lightsaber, real plasma lightsaber, real lightsaber cuts through, jlcpcb, altium viewer, altium designer, starwars
Id: xC6J4T_hUKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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