Backcountry Landscape Photography with Fototripper

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this week's video is sponsored by squarespace [Music] [Music] hello hello everybody i hope you're all doing great oh finally finally after i don't know how many weeks or months actually finally getting out and doing a bit of back country camping with some hiking um i'm not really sure why i haven't been out that much probably lack of enthusiasm more than anything so uh i've decided to go to a new area i've never been to before on vancouver island here um it's a place that uh i has a a lake at the end which these hikes usually do alpine lake or below below uh it's not really in the high alpine it's below a bunch of mountains so use a thing we're hoping to get some half decent light on the mountains with the lake in the foreground so i've come out here with his lordship gavin and amanda and a new friend colin who lives on the island here um the hike in i'm not really sure how far it is i think it's about 12 13 kilometers and uh last time i checked i think we're about halfway there so uh yeah i'm kind of looking forward to getting to the campsite get some dinner going and uh just relaxing for a while right now we've got a steep hill to get up [Music] [Music] so many [Music] right so we uh found uh the campsite and uh got the tents all set up but uh the the area that we actually want to photograph is about an hour's hike from the campground so it's getting a little bit late so i just thrown in a bunch of food in my pack and uh just gonna head up to the lake and try and get it some uh evening shooting there as far as light goes i'm not sure it's kind of iffy it's quite cloudy but uh there are blue patches and and light hitting some of the peaks so uh i don't know i guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes there's a little bit of uphill here so uh yeah i'll be glad once we get there and uh hopefully we'll get some shots tonight [Music] so uh gavin did you in did you enjoy that did you enjoy that hike i did not enjoy that it's funny your memory plays tricks on you it betrays you so but you've been up here before so when was the last time you were up here about eight years ago oh and i was probably quite a lot you're about like 25 then yeah i'm 35. i was probably a lot lighter a lot fitter and i think i did it in three hours one way because i only had a little small day hike yeah it's just a day hike so we just blasted him but it's definitely worse and it's more technical and steeper than i remembered so my my memory has betrayed me yeah which is good because otherwise i if i'd known how bad it was it wouldn't come well and also if we come up here again you'll forget all about it and if every memory is failing yeah i'll never forget this that's it it's stuck so when you come to areas like this it's really handy to have some kind of filtration system if you don't want to boil the water so these little um straws here life straw really handy they're a little bit hard to suck sometimes especially if they've got silt in them or anything like that i would imagine most of the water here is pretty clean anyway because it comes from snow melt and i i'm not sure if there's any glacier well there's a cup small glacier up here so it's probably pretty good but better safe than sorry so as far as the light goes um the the sun is setting behind the peaks here so it's not ideal i think i found a nice foreground here so i'm going to try this log here see if i can put that in the foreground and of course we have these dramatic peaks and i'm hoping that we might get a little bit of light on the on the clouds here there are some blue patches so that's really quite uh that's quite fortunate so that might help quite a bit right but it gets oh got the hiccups now better get set up so as i mentioned uh this log in the foreground is really quite nice got a really great curve and lots of texture and character to it um now as far as cameras go on this trip i've brought the xt4 as my main camera i didn't want to haul up the gfx 100 on this trip it's just way too heavy so on this trip i've got a 10 to 24 millimeter and uh 10 seems to be just wide enough i'm going to try a vertical composition this in the foreground and then these dramatic peaks and then i'll probably have to do some exposure blending because the cla the clouds are very bright and the foreground is is quite uh quite dull not an awful lot of light coming in here and also as far as tripods go i ended up bringing two tripods but very light tripod so i have a benro uh which the video camera is on and then this three-legged thing um i'm not really sure i can't remember the name of this one um but it's a really great tripod for for backpacking because it's lightweight and i can get quite high with it even with the the center column which i'm not hugely fond of but if i'm backpacking and i want to get a better height then i don't mind compromising with a center column all right i'm hoping that this will work um i'm really close to this this screen here with this osmo so i'm not sure if it's in focus but we'll give it a go so as you can see actually if i brighten this up as you can see if i brighten this up we have a really great foreground with the uh the twisty log here so i really love that and of course the big peaks in the background the only thing that's really failing this composition is the light the light is not ideal right now um so i'll take some shots anyway and uh hopefully when we come back or if we come back tomorrow then uh we'll we'll have a better light i'm hopeful it's supposed to rain tomorrow so it's kind of a bit uh up in the air what's going to happen but uh i do really like this composition i think this log works really well once again i'd like to thank squarespace for supporting my channel and sponsoring this week's video one of my favorite features of a squarespace website is the ability to quickly and efficiently update a gallery or page either from a desktop computer or while on the fly using the squarespace app from my mobile device loading multiple images onto a page is quick and offers the ability to change a design or page quickly and elegantly without any coding knowledge want to sell your products no problem setting up shop is also quick and intuitive sound interesting why not head over to and try it for free and if you like what you find use the code adam gibbs for 10 off your first purchase [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] so [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good morning everybody bit of a rough night last night um got a hole in my in my mat and uh tried to find it but didn't put a lot of effort into it we're not sure if we're gonna spend another night here or not so i think i'll probably manage for one more night with a deflated mat so um this morning we were hoping for some clouds and it was clear all night but gavin was just saying you said you saw some clouds yeah there's just a few oh there there we go nice ones up there oh nice well it might even be good in the next two three hours all right i'm just washing my face you've got to look good for for the youtubes for the youtubes for the tubes don't want to wipe yours as well no no with your man mask hey there was some uh some weird sounds coming from your tendon mine from my tent i don't know what you're talking about yeah must have been amanda snoring sounding like a walrus in distress [Laughter] he's so cute right so we're gonna hike up there that's the plan is to hike up there and just hang out and and see what happens eh yeah i think i think there's a good chance and then so do you think we should stay tonight then and just play by a year right yeah i mean if by like three o'clock it's just i don't want to hike out in the dark no but if it's blue skies with no chance of anything maybe i'll just go on just go on yeah what was that this is colin doing his his morning uh three morning stretches oh it's wow are you going to do a back backwards dog now we're going to do a backwards dog is that what it's called yeah it is that's pretty good that's a good old stretch i would have stuck my gut in if i'd known you were recording i thought you were a true professional at work here watching learn see that face that's the face of disappointment it is actually it's crushing disappointment yeah it's so we've been up here for several hours now and it was looking somewhat promising earlier but the light was not great there were some clouds moving in and we thought we might get some textures in there but as the day has progressed it slowly got cloudier and cloudier and now we pretty much just have white skies without any texture so really makes it difficult to get something that's you know unless you go into photoshop and put your own sky in which is a possibility so i think i think what we're gonna do is hang out here for another hour and if that doesn't work then we are going to actually attempt to get up early and get up here first light for a last-ditch effort yeah sure definitely that's what we're gonna do i know i will well yeah i was up i was up early this morning we could we could have done it we could have come up here we were just being lazy yeah anyway that's the plan we've had dinner so we got nothing else to do except for look for pictures and go back and sleep one more hour we'll give it one more hour yeah it's nice to see that amanda's keeping herself occupied in an imaginary boat in a real boat wow good morning everybody so i think i might have made a bit of a mistake this morning which is not uncommon for me um i got up with colin and gavin uh to hike back up to the the uh the mountains in the background here and it was kind of raining and it wasn't too exciting so i made the executive decision to not bother going it's it's not desperate hike but it takes about an hour from the campground and we've been up there well i've been up there twice now and skunked both times and uh anyway i'm just making excuses i decided not to go and uh i'm standing at the campground now i'm looking up at the mountains and we've got all this cloud swirling in the valley there so i have a feeling that it might have been quite good there isn't any light but with those clouds swirling around sometimes you can look really dramatic so we're just waiting for for colin and gavin to come back and uh i'm sure they'll tell us quite quickly whether it was any good or not but you know i've made those decisions before where i've decided not to go and do something and of course i may make the wrong decision but it's hard you know when you get up early and it's miserable and you're tired and you really don't feel like going sometimes that just takes over going and trying to get photographs anyway it's a brilliant location i'm really glad that i came i didn't get any photographs i don't think but uh as always just nice to get out and finally get some hiking in and spend some time in the back country so thanks ever so much for watching this week's video please be sure to give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and as always uh if you enjoy the content on my channel be sure to subscribe all right thanks ever so much bye-bye before i forget i just wanted to announce that i'm now offering my 2022 quiet light uh calendar over at for the first 150 purchases i'm also throwing in an original print of one of the images from the calendar kindly donated by photo speed paper so be sure to head on over to kozu books for the calendar also my third printing of quiet light and aspen a zine of work that i took last fall in 2020 so go check them out at thanks ever so much so uh gavin and colin have come back i'm just curious to see how it went this morning so uh how did it go going i think i think i probably got quite a special shot you know what i did so i went to the beach at the lake then i just turned left and i saw in the distance this really interesting ornate log so i just i just took a picture of that and you know in the foreground got right close to it enlarged it so yeah i think i got a good shot probably dead original because i never seen one of that before so um but the the the mountains just never the peaks never cut through the clouds so with a bit of photoshop trickery i think i can get that to just look perfect and if you want to learn a similar technique photoshop for morons is on sale right now there's a link in the description bastard you
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 29,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fototripper, adam gibbs, adam gibbs photography, quiet light, hiking, strathcona provincial park, landscape photography, photographing mountains on vancouver island, fuji gfx100, fuji xt-4, three legged thing tripod
Id: tvpMrnjvmZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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