Roadtrip to Scotland | Photographing Scots Pine

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this week's video is sponsored by squarespace [Music] [Music] so we haven't really traveled that far from the parking lot and actually so we photographed the routes this morning and the weather has improved somewhat and uh it's not quite as windy up in the up in the hill here so we've come back to the area that we were at yesterday to try and repeat the same photographs because the light wasn't that great yesterday and uh you know both paul and i kind of figured that the composition would probably look better with a bit better light and sure enough it is better light so uh we're taking turns in photographing this section here with the the pines and then there's some twisted limbs that have kind of fallen which are really quite nice there is a bit of a breeze now and then but it does calm down and then over on this side again i'm going to repeat this shot here the light is just so much nicer you can really see the textures in the in the pine there actually earlier it was quite bright in the background so i was waiting for the light to change but it seems to have died down now so now might be a good time to to set up and take this shot again [Music] huh so sorry [Music] all right paul and i have been walking along what's called the forest trail along the edge of loch marie and we decided to keep working our way up a little bit so we've gone on to the mountain trail not all the way up because it's getting a little bit late in the day and and the weather is definitely moving in it's too bad because the light was really quite nice down lower but it's slowly getting more and more socked in so the light is quite flat but having said that we've come up to an area there's a deep gorge where the trail keeps heading on up towards a i guess there's another kind of a little bit of a gorge up to the summit and then back down again the other side uh so i was really kind of looking for some individual pines to to photograph because without any kind of light they just kind of blend in with one another so i've found this grouping up here now as i said the light is not great but there's some great colored ferns in the foreground and you can kind of see loch marie in the background so it's quite nice kind of looking down on it and also there's another pine down here that's kind of on its own so i'm gonna try and get a shot of that as well but this is this is quite pretty it's just that it just doesn't have any light it really needs a bit of directional light coming from the side or the back or or whatever um but you know it is what it is and uh we just have to kind of make do with the the conditions that we have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] once again i'd like to thank squarespace for supporting my channel and sponsoring this week's video one of my favorite features of a squarespace website is the ability to quickly and efficiently update a gallery or page either from a desktop computer or while on the fly using the squarespace app from my mobile device loading multiple images onto a page is quick and offers the ability to change a design or page quickly and elegantly without any coding knowledge want to sell your products no problem setting up shop is also quick and intuitive sound interesting why not head over to and try it for free and if you like what you find use the code adam gibbs for 10 off your first purchase wow good morning everybody now it would seem that yesterday was actually a pretty good day weather-wise um and it's probably been the best day that we've had so far today is just absolutely miserable um so uh we're at a place called i'm gonna butcher this i think it's called benahim uh not far from torridon and we were gonna explore um just the hillsides around here but uh yeah it's just bucket it's what do you it's called it's a huli it's blowing a huli so uh as you can see uh mr thomas heaton has shown up and uh i'm camped in uh still camped in paul's a little minivan here it's brilliant uh it's a long base so there's quite a bit of room in there for the two of us i was a bit worried that it might be a bit cramped and uh you know after a while two of us in a little van would be a bit annoying but uh no it's really nice i miss i miss my own van so there's a good reason why tom is at the top of his game so he so if you watch one of tom's videos he has so much b-roll and different angles and i mean it's quite something to watch he's got all these suction cups in his uh vehicle and uh the b-roll so it's just pouring a rain and he's running around getting all these different angles and setting up his camera running around china so that you know there's continuity to the video whereas if you watch one of mine it's just me with a head talking for three minutes that's why if you have lots of b-roll and lots of different sections like if you're talking about say a waterfall and rather than me just staring at the waterfall if you have lots of little different angles of that waterfall it just makes the video so much more interesting and that's where tom really excels is telling a story and keeping the the video flowing and interesting whereas i am a little bit lazy and it's all about photography so i just talk and talk and talk sometimes i get more involved in it but i really have to be in the mood to to do that so hats off to tom for running around and doing all this because it really does add to the final the final piece wow we're really fighting the weather here but it it looks like it's brightening up just a little bit there seems to be a bit of a lull so tom has taken off to a pine tree over there and poles scarfed off some somewhere over there we've kind of scattered but i i really quite like this waterfall it's so funny come all the way to scotland to photograph a waterfall i think i've said that before but it's quite pretty there are what i really like about it are the uh the the bracken ferns surrounding it so if i can kind of try and include those somehow i think that'll really work and we have all these little droplets of rain hanging off the branches and of course there is a little bit of light so i'm hoping that they'll show up a little bit um i don't know it's just a really pleasant scene and i i just feel like i need to take something just to kind of get the creative juices flowing and then perhaps i'll start seeing other compositions in this area the pain so walking through this heather and these mosses and all these grass i guess you call them tussocks uh it's a real pain i uh so i was down at the waterfall and tom was photographing a really nice specimen a pine and of course i don't want to copy tom but i noticed there's another really nice looking pine over to the left so i thought oh i'll just wander over there and take a photograph of that one instead but yeah it's it's hard going it's really hard going i could see uh hiking through this stuff would not be would not be pleasant oh this this weather is up there with the vancouver island one minute it's pouring rain and the next minute sun's trying to come out which is quite nice for photography but it could be just a little bit more sun and less rain so this is the tree that i was talking about and it's beautiful beautiful shape to it lovely character the only thing that's really lacking is some kind of light the light is a bit flat i mean i don't even mind the uh the cloudy conditions up on the on the mountain there um but it's the black the background really kind of blends in with the foreground uh but you know i'm gonna take a shot anyway because uh i'm i'm here i probably won't be coming back anytime soon uh what i really love about this is the the the big tree in the background so i've kind of have that framed somewhat with the branch that's leaning out over to the right the other thing i'm quite conscious of is clipping stuff oh hang on here we go we got some light look at that i guess i shouldn't uh talk too soon beautiful that's all we need just a little bit of light yes the reason why light's so important it just separates your subject from the background gives it a little bit of contrast gives it so i think this might be enough just to just to give it a little bit of oomph that's what you need in your photography is some umph oh that's really nice all right i take everything i said back but what i was going to say is what i'm trying to make sure is that you'll see that there's this sweeping branch coming over and i don't really want it to uh intersect with the the mountain beyond so i've tried to position myself so i'm just low enough so it's just hovering above the ridge line there i think this is going to work quite nice right i think we're gonna move over this way now and see if we can get some shots uh with the tree in the background a little bit closer to this one just get some variations [Music] so [Music] thank you ever so much for watching this week's video i really appreciate it please be sure to give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and if you enjoy this content don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you'd like to support my channel in other ways i now have a 2022 calendar that's being sent out as we speak i think i we have a few left and my third printing of quiet light would make an awesome christmas present so go check that out at thank you ever so much everybody until next time cheerio [Music] you
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 25,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scotland, scotland 4k, 4k video, loch clair, photographing scotland, landscape photography in scotland, paul thomson photography, alister benn photography, thomas heaton photography, adam gibbs photography, adam gibbs, quiet light, torridon, camper life, vanlife, #vanlife, photographing scotts pine, caledonian forest, landscape, landscape photography composition tips
Id: bH5QEyuyfOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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