Snow and Aurora // Faroe Islands Landscape Photography

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welcome to the faroe islands in the winter time this is the first time i've ever been here in the winter time and as you might expect it's kind of cold and kind of snowy but it's very very beautiful [Music] do [Music] so i got to my particular shooting location about 10 minutes too late i'm actually here to photograph this wall of snow back behind me there's actually this fjord with an island well i guess it's an island yeah it's an island with another island that's perfectly positioned kind of back in that fjord you might have seen images from here with the winding road kind of as the foreground i feel like that's a little too cliche so i'm gonna i was trying to find a composition utilizing that but the snow this wall of snow got here about the same time i did and by the time i got you know my camera set up it's no longer a shot so what i'm doing is just well let me show you what i'm doing so i'm trying to utilize this really cool kind of misty mysterious mountain that's shrouded in the fog as my background element and then just finding one of these kind of snow covered rocks and using that as a foreground object it's definitely not what i came to this location for but i think that might be just about all i get with all the snow so i'm doing a three shot focus stack and just making sure to expose the image towards the right because all of this snow can really lead to you under exposing it quite a bit you want to make sure that you're getting that histogram over to the right that way you're not under exposing it a lot so i have to be really careful not to hang out too long up here because the road coming up here i'm on top of a mountain pass it was very slick coming up and now i have to go back down with gravity working against me and trying to pull me off the cliff so i have to make sure that i don't hang out up here too long so the road isn't too slick on my way down but the same time i'm hoping that things will pass and we'll start to get some visibility in the background so it's kind of a it's a dangerous game i wish i had my pick up right now i'd feel a lot more comfortable about going down the mountain pass in my pickup but alas i have a little tiny rental car so we'll see what happens feels like the snow is kind of passing and hopefully we'll get some visibility back here in the background if not if it continues to snow i'm going to have to head back down call it a day unfortunately because the days are quite short [Music] [Music] [Laughter] um the snow is really starting to come down so it's definitely time to get out of here while we still have some daylight to make down that mountain so by the time i get out of here it's going to be dark because it's getting dark at about 3 30 or so this time of day or this time of year so it's time to get out of here call it a day we'll see what tomorrow brings so normally i hate being jet lagged tonight it paid off though we have empty skies a little bit of aurora and i'm wide awake so i headed out um quite a ways from where i was staying actually and we're at a place called gaza deluxe gaza delure i know i'm not saying that right it's spelled like this it's one of the most iconic places here in the pharaoh islands it's one of those postcards i've got the whole place to myself because it's currently one in the morning and it is such a beautiful scene so i'm currently photographing this with my a7 r4 i've got my 20 millimeter f 1.8 lens on shooting at f 1.8 and then i'm doing a 15 second long exposure at f 1.8 at iso 2000 for the majority of the scene and then i'm actually iso bracketing because you see those lights from the village in the background there um they're blowing out of that iso 2000 so i'm doing an iso 400 shot at those same settings and then i'll bring in those highlights from that image there is just enough aurora to be really cool it's just like this hint of a green glow kind of coming over the mountain and night photography is just so much fun with these snow-capped mountains and hills it is so incredibly beautiful i'm going to hang out for a while see how things develop see if the aurora gets stronger see if the clouds roll in but either way i'm going to stick it out for a while see how it goes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so today or tonight or whatever it is i've returned to the scene of the crime from yesterday's shoot and we have beautiful conditions today we we have nice visibility nice visibility so we can still see that island but we have all of these moody storm clouds that have rolled in we still have a nice layer of snow which is predicted to melt tomorrow so i really wanted to make the most of the snow while it's still here so yeah i returned to the location and i just love the the moodiness of the sky out there so today the way i'm electing to shoot this is rather than try to get fancy and include like some kind of foreground close to camera i'm just getting my tripod up taller and shooting in a panorama and making it more about you know the stuff out there we have these beautiful low clouds that are kind of capping these snow snow snow covered peaks and then we've got the moody clouds out behind the island and just this little ribbon of light low on the horizon and i'm good i want to make it about that so i'm shooting this f11 i'm shooting the panorama wider than i think i need because oftentimes you end up trimming the edges of the panorama off anyways so i'm just going really wide overlapping a third the final result is going to look like this [Music] so [Applause] uh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so it's a different day and completely different conditions we have these nice high clouds that we're kind of hoping might catch a little bit of color and nasa and i have we've come down to the to the iconic road it's the road that typically when you see this scene you see it with this road it's very unique and it's kind of cool because we have color uh glistening listening off the road what do you think matt what do you think of this he's never been here before it's [Laughter] but uh yeah it's it's completely different than the previous two times i don't know if this these clouds are gonna catch color but it was worth a chance because any time and you guys probably know this but anytime that you have high clouds high clouds typically catch color low clouds typically block color and block light so it's chance you know it's almost three o'clock which means it's almost sunset it's brisk but one of the things i do like about this scene right now that is different than times i've seen it in the past is the fact that there's like this bank of clean snow just on the other side of this fence right in front of the road and that is pretty cool so i'm gonna hang out see what happens um he's making a weird composition it's not the right composition whatever he's like he's 10 feet to the right look at this okay look at this if this tripod setup doesn't just scream amateur i don't know what does what was what was your thought process for this for this amazing tripod setup not to raise the center column but you want to use that center column bro we'll see what happens i don't know it's it's worth the try and luckily this road was not super super slick like it looks like it is it looks like it's a sheet of black ice but we're able to make it down we'll see if we can make it back up seems a little bit as if like the high clouds is actually moving into the scene which is not good because they can't really catch fire but maybe some new ones form but yeah the only issue right now is that we went out the door so fast that i have like my regular shoes on which has like absolutely zero insulation and i have don't even have woolen socks on so yeah my feet is just like completely freezing up so i put on all the good stuff so at least don't lose my heat that way we have completely clear skies which is a first you know all of this entire uh week we've had very heavy cloud cover we just got done with the first of two workshops we had some really good light there a couple times we got really lucky didn't get really rained on uh snow is stuck around the entire week it was a really really good week got some good photos um got some nice moody photos yeah but i kind of feel sorry for the participants right now because this is probably the best sunset we have had so far yeah it's it's it's definitely the most direct light we've had because you know no clouds in the sky you're gonna get that direct light so we'll see what happens um it's the days between our our two groups so we might as well get out and shoot a little bit even if this is the fourth time i've been up this hill last night i brought a couple of the participants up here we shot a sunset and got a little bit of color here is that image that was pretty cool we'll see how this looks [Music] so this is another one of those times that it almost happened you know the the high clouds just kind of dissipated right there at the end like they sometimes do but it's still beautiful and it's such a cool place to spend an evening i'm sure that we will have enough another opportunity over the next week or so to come exactly here and shoot this again but i guess the the moral of this particular story moral of this video is that sometimes you gotta return to a place over and over and you end up getting completely different images every time you go and the more times you go the more you know the more inspired you are to try something different so i would be curious to know which which image you guys like if any of them i'm not sure that i'd like any of them we'll see you never know but uh thank you guys so much for watching at least he's honest that he sucks as a photographer that's harsh bro that's harsh anyways thank you guys so much for watching remember to watch my video and see how hot she is towards me this guy man anyways thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video take it easy everybody [Music] you
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 28,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, landscape photography, nick page, travel
Id: kk1dGp9EcyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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