Just what the world needs, another British Landscape Photographer VLOGGER

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a big thank you goes out to squarespace for their continued support of this channel thinking of putting together a website make your next move with squarespace [Music] hello hello everybody i hope you're all doing great not a bad way to start the day uh gordon bay here on cowhen lake i've been here a few times and i've done a couple of videos in the past one with gavin and one on my own i think i came here the day after and vlogged it again you may recall i'll leave the uh the links the videos up here but you may recall that i i photographed this wonderful island here and i used like a 10 stop nd filter to kind of smooth everything out now i've come back here today with another friend of mine brian barnum i'm not sure where brian has gone he has a youtube channel i'll leave a link up here if you'd like to go and check it out brian is a another brit that's moved over to canada he lives in vancouver and we met a couple of years ago at art vancouver and got chatting and uh he's finally made it over to the island so i'm just showing him around but the the conditions this morning are absolutely spectacular i have cheated a little bit this morning we got here just as the sun was coming up so it's a little bit of a rush and i've taken my photographs already and uh of course now it's starting to get a little bit harsh but i'll go over my compositions with you just have to bear in mind that i've already taken the shots but uh it it poured with rain yesterday uh in parksville where i live but then we looked at the weather reports and the weather looked really good for today so i figured well if you're going to get rain and then sunny days and then it's supposed to cool down a little bit then there's a good chance for fog and of course that's what we're getting here so gordon bay was my first thought with these little islands here so the compositions that i've taken this morning are somewhat similar to what i took last time except this time the water levels are quite a bit lower so there's a couple of islands here that weren't here last time i was here so i've taken kind of panos of the middle island the little rock island in the foreground and then half of the island over here i'll show you what i have and then i'll show you i'll show you the raw files first and then i'll show you the the finished uh images all right okay so i've decided to do this as a 16 by nine and basically all i'm doing is i'm taking a a jpeg and a raw file and the jpeg will be cropped but the raw file won't be so i'll have to i'll actually have to crop it in in photoshop or lightroom and so i've decided to include this island here now it does seem a little bit off balance to me in that so we have this islands down on the on the kind of right lower side here but it seems a little bit empty in here but i i don't know i'm not sure if it's going to work or not there is a little bit of a rock island out here and i have come up the hill a little bit so that this front island here isn't merging with the islands in the background if i go closer to the shoreline so i'm more at eye level then this island here starts to merge in there so that's something to keep in mind even though we're standing at a scene and you know by just looking at it that you know okay with that island is in front of that one you have to remember that we're trying to make uh you know basically a one-dimensional image into something that looks three-dimensional whoops and the way to do that is to actually try and separate things so it's it's clearer to the viewer and of course the the fog really helps in in this image so i have the large trees on the right on the left and then the little island on the right i think i think it might work i'm just going to take a bunch of different variations actually the light is quite bright right now but the sun is over to the to the left so i am somewhat avoiding the sunlight something else that i'm doing is i've put on a six-stop nd filter just want to flatten that water out just a little bit uh this is similar to those images that i took in the canadian rockies i find that the ripples on the water distracting so by flattening them out a little bit by using a longer shutter speed uh it just defines those islands better and and the trees and i'll probably take a few variations of this as we go along [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] right once again a big thank you goes out to squarespace for sponsoring this video are you in the market for a stylish a contemporary looking website a website that is simple to set up and even easier to update on the fly squarespace offers a multitude of award-winning templates to work with that will dazzle your audience not only is a website from squarespace easy to set up but if you find yourself in a pickle no problem squarespace offers unprecedented online support so what are you waiting for present your photography to the world with a website from squarespace for a free trial go to squarespace.com and if you like what you find go to squarespace.com adam gibbs for 10 off your first purchase that's right squarespace.com adam gibbs for 10 off your first [Music] purchase [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello everybody another fine day on vancouver island uh new location today uh never been to this area just kind of heard about it through gavin and uh and i saw an image on facebook i believe uh it's called oyster river and the highway is right in front of me here there's a an overpass over the river and there's a little trail that comes down it's just below the bridge here and there's some absolutely fantastic potholes and rock formations within the river here so i'm here with gavin and a friend of mine brian and we just thought we'd come and explore the area now i must admit i'm having a really hard time finding a composition here it's really neat looking uh but you can't really wade into the river very far because there's you've got these rock shelves so you'll have a shallow shelf and then it goes down quite deep probably about 15 feet and then you get another shelf so i've been searching around the top here and i think i might have found a composition looking down it's going to be a pano because i'm trying to eliminate the stuff around the patterns and it's really hard to do that like the the shore on the other side there isn't that interesting and this side isn't that interesting really either so i'm just elongating the central portion because that's the most interesting i definitely have to use a polarizer here because if i don't then i just get a reflection of the white skies and you can't see the pattern very well at all there's also uh some bubbles that are swirling around unfortunately they're all kind of to the right side of the uh of the image i was hoping that i could try and compose something so i could get the bubbles flowing throughout the image but it's not working out too well that way but i am slowing the shutter speed a little bit so you get some patterns in there which is kind of neat the uh the right side of the photograph i'm definitely going to have to burn in a little bit because it's quite a bit brighter than the midsection why don't i just show you what i have on the back of the camera it'd probably be easier to explain that way all right so hopefully you can see this but you'll see like a bit of a tongue of rock coming down and that's the part that i really really love so i've got it just coming to the edge of the frame because i need the water to to get past it so i have a bit of a gap at the bottom there and then of course we have all these whoops we have all of these potholes surrounding surrounding the tongue here the only part that i am is a little bit disturbing it's this corner here you'll notice that the rock is quite a bit um brighter but what i'll probably try and do is just tone that down with a bit of burning in and and dodging this area just to equalize out the light a little bit there's also the bubbles are coming in from the right here and of course with the exposure that i have which is around 15 to 20 seconds that's just a long streak so i'll just keep taking a bunch of different images because the streak is different every time but with the color of the water and the streak i think it looks pretty good i'm using a breakthrough photography six stop uh nd circular polarizer and i'll just and i'll just take some variations of this scene uh including whole potholes and then maybe half of them and and so on but yeah i think i think it'll work out really well [Music] [Music] [Music] right i think i found another composition i mean it's more or less a variation on the same theme uh i've walked up and down the river a little bit and i i'm pretty sure that this is the best um location or the best area with it with the most interesting rock formations but again we have the the tongue of the uh of the rock formation now this time i can't get the bubbles in but again i'm using a polarizer to get rid of that glare off the water um and also it really richens the the green in the water as well it's kind of a neat composition i'm trying to avoid the uh the background slope because i don't find it that interesting other than there's some dead trees that are kind of lying on a slab of rock and i've included them in a couple of other images and i'll post those as well but yeah it's a it's a really cool uh location and i think it works really well in the in the pano so uh yeah we'll see i think i prefer the one at the above though but i think this will work as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everybody that's the only problem with uh going on these short trips with uh photo tripper and uh brian is that uh it's hard to keep a straight face for any kind of photography i never get anything done but it's been a laugh today i think i've got a couple of good images so uh yeah i'm looking forward to looking at them on a computer oh oh god here they come is this an adam gibbs video am i in one yeah there's boundaries oh you're going to get some thumbs down now boundaries well don't forget to give me a thumbs up and if you enjoyed the video and as always uh if you enjoy the content on my channel uh you know hit the subscribe button i'm just making sure they're not putting any rude gestures behind my all right thanks everybody it's a really thick rod you've got there [Music] the apple looks good actually you're on it you don't want it i'll give it to you why are you looking at me also where you've got pearl but or something on your nose shall i lick it off seriously you don't want it i licked it off looks good that's a big apple yeah it's quite a commitment it takes a while doing half of it we've got a knife it can't be bothered these pairs are good was that one of those fuji's well yeah you only you only use fuji so i got your fuji apple i was thinking if you ever do uh do videos again we could put two of these on your camera i've got a splitter yeah i'm gonna wear one each it'll be way better yeah but have you tried it out have you tested the splitter well they're individual channels so you'd have to just put it in mono yeah but have you tried it though no book it's not noisy no it's clean signal um what did i try it on i tried it on the sony it worked fine i haven't tried it on this is that still rolling rolling yeah well we should have a full full conf lab a full session this is extra content so you can put more ads in your video and can make more money you'll make an extra 13 this month just because we're talking crap at the end of this video thanks for that i made 12 last month did you yeah i bought a mcdonald's hamburger i treat myself oh what not tim horton said no i had a tim hortons today i've got that with a change and i've got a muffin yeah oh yeah you like a good muffin don't you do hmm that's really good so like is he just gonna like follow you around all the time miss brian could you like my sidekick well for the longest time i was your sidekick but now i need a sidekick so i got him well i thought paul thompson was your side well ever since i gave you back uh cletus because you know i had cletus for a while then and i needed some kind of you know but i mean paul thompson's probably watching this he's not going to be happy about this paul's not going to be happy at all yeah but you know paul's not here he's in the uk brian's here and yeah i mean you've got to take what you can get locally right and i'm i really lacking him friends so brian was available well i mean i did invite you to the rockies twice and you didn't come to either of those so it's not like your friends yeah but i'd rather hang out with thomas heaton than you know and alice to ben yeah alistair who just got married by the way i did it yeah oh congratulations yeah what's the guy's name [Laughter] congratulations aleister and dave no i'm sure it's sir ryan um not there's anything wrong with that no there's no judgement there no judgment in fact uh you used to be married to a bloke didn't you have been i want to talk about tom's story but it's not our story to tell is it about the the campsite oh no i don't think he wants people to know about that or else we can i'm telling you i told you well i'm chatting to him i've had a quick chat on the whatsapp that's it it's quite funny because tom's actually quite he's quite he doesn't really talk to anybody does he uh he's introverted more than being you is he faffing around with nd filters i think i saw him use a grad really yeah who the hell uses those who uses grads beginners people who don't know how to use photoshop or you just you i heard he uses luminar are you using that ai yeah yeah he is yeah i thought so do you use the light beams a lot yeah oh he really likes it yeah he likes it i've seen your pictures yeah is that how you got those light beat that popular image on flick of the pawn with the light beams that was chasing the light was that from lumina that was from luminar it's called chase in the light yeah bit like women have you got any um new merch coming out no but i've now that i've got that new logo i'm going to commit some time to doing some proper merch and really pushing coming out with hats soon yeah what kind of hats uh woolly hats like look like that uh i got some coming out like this that karen is knit they'll be a bit expensive they'll be a bit more expensive but i'm also i've got some merino wool ones coming with my logo on them and i've also got some uh baseball caps coming with my logo yeah that'd be nice with that leather patch oh yeah and they'll be waxed canvas proper proper hats all right i might get one of those they'll only be about a thousand dollars each no bragging well if you give me one i'll wear one in my video yeah once i know that you've been watching uh wearing other people's t-shirts whose f64 that's just because he gave me one and there was another one you were wearing the other day out of chicago yeah yeah it's just because they gave i am so cheap that i need t-shirts so i'll just wear whatever people give to me they're not paying me to advertise i just put them on because i need a t-shirt and it's it's close to hand should i be charging them definitely all this time i probably lost at least two dollars yeah i don't know how's amanda's camper brilliant yeah the only thing i hate is the stairs everything else is brilliant but the stairs are atrocious but other than that yeah honestly being able to have a plop and a shower in the middle of nowhere oh sweet sweet luxury bit like my van luxury different to your van different kind of luxury you know you won't get killed in the camper like you would in the van you know like it's -20 i think thomas's vans can be quite posh well i mean he's not taking a dump in that is he and having a shower but it's incognito he might get away with you know illegal camping um yeah he's got one of yours hasn't he's got a space wagon yeah but i think he's going to temporize it better than i have on mine well you did it all yourself didn't you but i have to rip it all out yeah only if he gets mice and is like yours hantavirus a red rats a few times a few times yeah and you've got four cats three oh no what happened did we lost one no we always had three oh i thought no that was karen three cats from the karen now this this mic might be picking me up or it might be i might be a little bit quiet do you know how to compress the audio so that the signal is like the quiet bits get louder and the loud bits get i think so yeah you might want to do that i'll try yeah you've got some tips i'll show you i get tips off brian's dad oh yeah oh he's up there he's uh he's committed to the shot anyway he's not about photography yes yeah right it's not bad is he always asking you for tips though no he just does his own thing so it's great i told you it was a commitment like you've been out that 10 minutes now the core is quite big too in it you put like munching noises over top of it should we uh yeah i think that's it should we bugger off then yeah let's go i've had enough for this spot what time is it we've been here for like five hours really it's just got three wow well we've been gone about well this was a lot better than i thought it was gonna be so i was quite happy with it yeah you know oh if it freezes as long as the top doesn't freeze over like if there's just ice around the edges man we could get some epic shots yeah i was quite surprised actually it was it's nice nice area yeah how far did you go down to that um yeah it wasn't great this is the best side i wouldn't bother with anything you can't be more stuff like this so around yeah have you been to the nanaimo river just like this yeah oh maybe we'll do that when it freezes as well eh supposed to be a cold winter this year oh is it so we might get a big freeze oh that was brilliant join your backpack thanks for watching like and subscribe to my channel for this riveting uh conversation yeah well that got you an extra ad yeah i'd be interested to see i'll let you know what happens next month
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 48,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gordon bay fog, brian barnham, gavin hardcastle, fototripper, adam gibbs photography, quiet light, oyster river, vancouver island landscape photography, landscape photography, photographing landscapes in british columbia, gordon bay, photographing vancouver island, nature photography
Id: ovioMw_JEgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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