Scotland by Camper Van | We Finally get some LIGHT!

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this week's video is sponsored by squarespace joint enjoying the rain tom oh i love it it's great it's great when you get out of your van and it's like an instant shower and then everything in the band's wet which means you can clean it i'm not enjoying it oh with this vlogging malarkey so it's been absolutely boring with rain and as you can probably see in here it's uh quite windy but the uh so we spent most of the morning just sitting in a cafe eating bacon butties and uh drinking tea and eating scones and cake um there seems to be a little bit of a lull but i don't think it's going to last very long so we're just hiking up a little hill here to an overlook and hopefully you can see behind me there's some blue sky so uh we're really uh it's fighting the weather here but it's it's a hell of a lot of fun to tell you there's some uh nice looking out croppings up here so hopefully the time we get there get a composition set up and uh we'll get some light hitting that area and uh with the best shot of the trip all right this camera's getting really heavy plus i don't want to spend too much time talking when i can be sitting up you see some sun on my face so all right i better hurry up that's the thing about this type of photography is that usually the most dramatic of light happens in the most inclement weather i don't know how many times i've gone out and in pouring rain and you think to yourself oh this the light's just not going to happen and you feel like going home or just going back to your camper van or whatever are just calling it quits for the day and that's how it was here just absolutely pouring the rain and you look out to the horizon and it doesn't look like the weather's going to change and then all of a sudden we get this glorious light with these dramatic clouds and of course because of the wind the weather is changing so quickly one of the issues i am having though is because the wind's so strong i'm a little bit worried about movement on my camera even with a wide angle lens so i've tried to get as fast as shutter speed as possible with as much depth as possible so right now i'm shooting at iso 400 f-16 and i've got it around a 200th of a second but the light just keeps changing and changing i really love this scene these two boulders here the one thing i'm not sure about this is kind of a a rock outcrop in the background and it's a little bit too far to the right but i can't really go any further to my left to kind of get it in the center balance the image out there's some beautiful light hitting the valley and now and then you'll get some light hitting the rocks and just wonderful beams of light in the background the problem is that the contrast is quite high the sun when the sun is out it's really contrasty beautiful beams but it's really hard to get everything at the right exposure so i'm shooting about two stops under so the foreground is going to be a little bit underexposed just to make sure that i get the sky the right exposure i can always bring the shadows up [Music] [Music] so i've walked up to the next little i was going to call it a mountain it's not really a mountain it's just like a little hill there's lots of these little hills rocky hills and of course uh earlier there were some beautiful beams of light over the lock here but of course now i'm over here they've disappeared but there are blue patches i'm hoping that the beams of light will start to come through again and i'm just going to concentrate on those there's uh there is a really prominent white little farmhouse on the other side of the lock there and uh when i was over on the other hill there i noticed that the beams of light were just coming through and uh shining on the little house there and the lock around it was really quite beautiful so i'm really hopeful that that will happen again and if it does then i'm ready with my camera i put on the one to 200 5.6 because i really want to zoom in on those beams because i think the ground landscape it's just a little bit too contrasty especially when it's hitting the water there's just no way that i can control the contrast oh i think it's going to happen see the sun right there you just need a little hole and beams of light it's beautiful i think it's going to happen come on come on come on yeah you can see it's starting to brighten up now all right well false alarm it just the hole was too big and it was just too too bright so uh i'm not sure if it's going to work like it did before anyway that's a shame so i think i'm going to try and move on to something else i'm not really sure what yet the light behind us here is moving across the landscape it's just beautiful but there isn't really anything to go with it so let's see what we can do there's nice little ponds down here that tom was at earlier so maybe we'll go and look at those see what i can do down there all right well that's a bit frustrating the uh the weather's moving in again the winds have picked up and uh the rain is starting again so i think what we're going to do now is just head back to the car and who knows it might might improve again like i did before i mean it can change all within a matter of a few seconds so but right now it's starting to pelter down and i don't really want to get wet again try and dry my stuff out the van again it's quite difficult trying to dry this the stuff out when it's pouring rain outside all right back to the car once again i'd like to thank squarespace for supporting my channel and sponsoring this week's video one of my favorite features of a squarespace website is the ability to quickly and efficiently update a gallery or page either from a desktop computer or while on the fly using the squarespace app from my mobile device loading multiple images onto a page is quick and offers the ability to change a design or page quickly and elegantly without any coding knowledge want to sell your products no problem setting up shop is also quick and intuitive sound interesting why not head over to and try it for free and if you like what you find use the code adam gibbs for 10 off your first purchase so van life isn't always what it's cracked up to be especially when you're sharing a van with someone else so this is paul's volkswagen and actually it's quite roomy it's an extended version like a t5 um but i'm so used to just going away pretty much on my own in my own van i can just kind of spread my stuff out as i please and don't have to worry too much about organizing except for perhaps organizing so that i'm not spending all my time looking for stuff but when you're sharing a camper it's a little bit different you have to be a little bit bit more organized and i'm not terribly tidy so i think i'm no i've never noticed that adam i think i'm driving paul crazy with all my bags and all my stuff all over the place i think i'll be glad to see the back of me but it's very comfortable i'm comfortable i don't know about paul but uh yeah you have to be somewhat organized and also you have to get along it's kind of like sharing a cell with someone not that i would know anything about that so this is what organized camping looks like tom's so organized i'm almost embarrassed to show you the inside of his van because it's it's so don't show it now oh oh really he said don't show it now i was i was telling people this morning because it's a bit of a mess in polls then i've kind of taken over with all my bags and because i'm so used to uh camping on my own in my own van i don't know how two of you survive it's actually surviving the two of us not bad actually really like tom's uh awning i eventually i'll get one when i get more organized yeah tom was just saying that you can attach a wall and everything which would be really quite nice actually you could put a little uh table out there and get the heater going we finally finally got out of the van the the rain has stopped but the wind is still still very strong and uh the temperature has really dropped it's quite chilly this morning so uh we found this little gorge and there's some nice little cascades and waterfalls because the waters are raging right now but uh around this gorge we found some nice ancient forests so we're just going to uh walk up the gorge a little bit and see what we can find up here i've been wandering around for quite some time now uh in this scots pine forest the forest down in the canyon is quite nice but the trees are so close together it's very hard to find a composition and of course with the wind it uh makes it a bit of a problem so i've come up the hill a little bit where the trees are somewhat spread out a bit more and i think i found a really nice composition with these five trees here and the mountains in the background walking in this uh these tufts of grass and heather is really difficult because there's there's holes i guess they that the grasses and the heather form these somewhat hammocks so you're stepping in between them and on top of them so it makes it really difficult to get around the light is a little frustrating every now and then it will come through and light certain spots in the landscape i did see these trees lit up but i was way back there down the hill and that's what made me come up to this section here so i'm really hoping that the light will strike these trees so it forms a really great contrast between the background which is quite stormy or it was stormy and and the foreground there are some blue patches coming so i'm pretty confident that at some point we're going to get some light you can see some light in the background now i believe i could be wrong but just beyond those mountains is the ocean so this is where all this bad weather is coming in so the way that i've set up this composition there are five trees but it looks more like four because two of them are kind of merging but the way what i really like about this is we've got this tree here which you can see the whole tree and then we've got somewhat of a hint of of one in the foreground that's looking rather dead it's got a little bit of live stuff on it i like the shape of that and then we got another one on the right here or another two that kind of ends that side of the frame but what i've had to do is make sure that i get low enough so that i'm including this beautiful shape of this tree here in the background and also the mountain tops in the in the background here if i go too high like say i don't know up like that then you start to see some convergence with branches in the background mountains and the the background tree so my primary kind of concern if you want to call it that is just to make sure that you can see the whole of this shape of this tree in here and somewhat this one here and i'll just recompose that so we kind of like something like that and i've done it i've also composed this in 16 by nine because there isn't an awful lot going on in the in the sky and the top of this tree isn't that exciting it's a little ugly so i just wanted to include part of it but i do that with all my foreign photography and all my compositions and compositions is really try to focus on one aspect that i really like in this case the tree at the back the shape of that but put it into context with the surrounding environment and you know look at all of the elements in the frame the outside of the frame whether things are coming in that shouldn't be coming in or sticking out and if they are than trying to eliminate those or hide them behind some other object so that it simplifies it but also conveys the story that you're trying to tell and then of course the biggest thing with this scene is is getting the right light right now uh the uh the sky is or the light is not that great so uh you know it just doesn't it doesn't look like great you need some kind of light to bring everything forward and bring it to life [Music] it's a little sketchy standing uh on this rock here so i'll do my best as you can see this is a absolutely stunning scene with the waterfall kind of tumbling over into this beautiful gorge here and as we've kind of the days progressed the weather is getting better and better so it's been really great there's some lovely light on the mountains and then we've got the waterfall and that silver birch kind of just hanging there on the edge of the waterfall i've taken a few compositions i took some square format which i quite like and now i'm taking some 4x3 and 4x5 just trying all kinds of different things or different uh compositions or slight compositions anyway but the river running over to the right and then the waterfall more or less in the center it's just great to have a little bit of light on the mountains in the background as well just to give it a bit of interest and depth and i mean it's just fabulous [Music] do [Music] wow that was absolutely brilliant i couldn't really do much vlogging because it was a little bit awkward down on the uh on that rock there and a bit slippery didn't want to fall off into the canyon not the best thing to do but yeah absolutely brilliant we got a little bit of nice light at the end there so uh yeah it was a nice finish to the day so i hope you enjoyed this video i know they're a little bit haphazard i'm not quite as organized as say tom but uh yeah if you did enjoy this video please be sure to give me a thumbs up it's much appreciated and as always if you enjoy the content on my channel be sure to uh hit that subscribe button all right folks till the next time thanks so much bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 8,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scotland, scotland 4k, 4k video, loch clair, photographing scotland, landscape photography in scotland, paul thomson photography, alister benn photography, thomas heaton photography, adam gibbs photography, adam gibbs, quiet light, torridon, camper life, vanlife, #vanlife, photographing scotts pine, caledonian forest, landscape, landscape photography composition tips
Id: bakIWO7nmKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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