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[Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] slide this instead of swinging it slide it right over there pop it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] I just have to kind of repel over here to grab some limbs here and I'm gonna send this top pretty big just let it go same time what we are gonna do is strip these up just the septics there we don't want to limp poking a hole in that but I'm just going to go up and top it to earth now launch it when you pull in your ropes bag [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we got wind blowing pretty hard back we may have to go back with the stuff yeah yeah watch the wind because you don't want it sitting back on you but you should have all your foliage oh okay good good I want you to shoot to the left of your your hole yep right there exactly that's where I want ya you're quite tall still but yeah you got a limb you might want to reach out I don't and cut that now it's gonna bug you're bad it's not gonna allow you to cut that limb just reach out and peel cut that thing off you see what I mean right yeah just just cut it off then you don't have to fight with that another limb [Applause] I might have to send this stop backwards I know oh yeah it's freaking laying right on the pool this might be a rigging show we'll have to see about this one I can come down and rig for you after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the sigmoid optical backwards [Music] turn on now just peel him like that even though the stops running see see that watch me jump go and flick it Hey and just clean up your debris [Music] see the witness board good we got that piece of time I put that there it's a piece of plywood there's a little plastic fitting there yeah [Music] so this thing I'll get it to peel and swing down what [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I'm ready to uh just send a top here I think I'm ready to send a top here you think so bud I think it's too tall still ah no I think it's fine I think let's all take a look here oh no no it's fine as long as you shoot right for that spot and you got nothing impeding you think that lens okay buddy those big limbs out there okay even just uh yeah that one there because of the okay so um yeah I'm more comfortable I know that's a breeze buddy yeah I'm catching it straight back but I don't know yeah so it sounds good so keep it to the stump you don't want drift and you don't want to crush that lilac keep it even would he get you right for you a bra perfect see like I'm just outside the collar watch I'm not wearing any person we're gonna pop hey what they do [Music] I don't know what I'm gonna do here I'm probably going back with this sucker friends the wind's blowing right in the pool I don't want it blowing in the pool that's for darn sure and of course all my limbs are out there I may have to rig it to this tree and that might be a good idea yeah watch your rope I'm gonna rig this top Sun I'm gonna rig this top to this tree cool so I could maybe go like s not up here I'm putting an undercut in okay make it good [Music] we'll just see how much right [Music] running bowline on this one it's a simple rig there's no shot or anybody right there's none I'm over a stump oh good now I'll go down here competent [Music] just leave the rope like that it's just gonna run on its own friction friends trust me it is I don't need the rope I don't that amount of friction will and it'll be fine okay Hogan's letting the talk go nice and even you want to come on the other side of the you're holding wonder okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a nice shot boy no it's a good shot very nice good Homewood right across the stop nice shot yeah I'd appreciate it if you did actually then you can undo my top yeah I'm not even gonna uh I'm not even gonna I'm gonna let this thing go by itself that's enough friction right there I think I think it is I'm gonna try it and see what it's like this is going out on a limb here check it out this would be fun [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so so there we go the friction of that that top I knew it was gonna be close but no one needed to rig that I just needed to keep it to the bottom of the tree instead of it end up smashing the fence the top is raped by the fence did you hear it zing away don't log going down there's flats fight the Ganges repelled over to there he's taking up this one no he's right there he's gonna come up and grab this thing I'm going over here and I'm gonna let this one probably going the same spot unless the wind gives me gears and I'll throw it over my shoulder [Music] winds gonna take us boy if you feel a gust just put an undercut in it and sit there wait for one now see there's a big gust right there I don't rip any top off take that one and those two [Applause] yeah I'm thinking mine's going that way [Music] [Music] we should do a double topper boy well go together so yeah I got two more limbs for three more limbs Oh [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh good shot no leave it well take take one chunk and I'll send it over there this one here can go there but uh I'll chunk one out or two nice shot boy [Applause]
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 749,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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