The ‘AXE ‘ That Changed Everything, Hand Splitting Firewood

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can you still use the new sun then you stand use the new sun [Music] uh [Music] friends good morning to you you've seen the truck partially loaded already and a couple of photos of it fully loaded but there's a lot that went on in the bush be a great time to hit that thumbs up if you've been out in the bush getting firewood with your uncle or your grandpa or if you just enjoy this type of work and stuff like this going on so friends i've loaded the truck and been in and out of there once we're gonna go in again but i just want to show how i showed up before we get into this video you've seen some of this so just i want to show a little bit of the loading coming up with the wood hook there in a minute and we'll jump right into the stuff you haven't seen and here we go um the axe that started my whole excitedness about the wood bullet was this was one of them okay i've i've since changed the profile because well just because so here here's the ax that got me excited it's this one okay see it how much simpler can you get look at the shape of it look at the shape of this does that remind you of anything well to me it does it looks like a bullet look at the freaking profile on that okay so this is the one that got me going we're gonna go right through that knot yes indeed we are actually and i'm gonna show you something friends that was a large knot okay it now you guys know that i carry wood hooks with me this is another way this is just firewood is firewood it's a manual job okay so here's another way i do it okay and i love it this is one of my favorites is this one and the reason being is you can't you can't throw a a piece of wood with a with a uh what's that other long one called what's what's the other one called the ones you know what i'm talking about friends what's that what's the long one you you know the one i'm talking about it's long and you get to uh what's it called for crying out loud i can't believe it look at that knot wow that is a big knot right there friends i can't believe i don't know what i'm talking about here that uh the long one not a pv not a pv so as you notice me working here friends you see what i'm doing right i'm leaning on the axe like a cane it helps so much that teeny little bit of pressure because this is a manual job it's a manual manual job no matter how you look at it i use that axe as a cane so friends once again this is the unit that uh look at it somebody sent it to me it just you know right i mean i used it i it was it was for the metal bin right and uh yeah no it's uh it's quite an axe there is some some naughty stuff here i got i don't know what i got actually this is the one that started it friends this is the axe that started it for me friends we got a majority of people on the channel that will say [ __ ] i just love your splitting videos it's just me splitting wood so i like to throw that content in sometimes but here this is for those folks uh it's just me out in the bush with an axe just loading up the truck but what's important is i do share my thinking behind some of this stuff and when you're splitting wood is when you can speak you're not speaking over top of the power saw so you know if some of this can help you i do use a chopping block now and again here but this is when you got a whole pile of wood out in front of you i just mosey through this i'm not gonna fast forward i'm just gonna mosey through and split wood it's a beautiful freaking day so so this is just that style of video here i do run a bit of saw but it's mainly a splitting video here and uh because i i got a bunch of this footage back to her see that look at this friends here's a little piece of wood not this one here not this guy i'm talking about this guy with that knot right there it's just a sliver of wood right see it it's just a sliver i like to split with my knots going down i filed this i sharpen this axe to do the things i need it to do like that there's a huge knot right there friend see that we go this will be interesting again another huge knot going right down i'm gonna take it right there try it again see that sucker that's that's a freaking knot right there boy wow see if i can give it a side bust it apart no it's not happening big knots maybe maybe i'll try something maybe i'll try this up high yep that's better if you try up high sometimes friend closer it goes against your mind you go against the big part of the knot it's higher up it's closer just take it we got it we got her i just needed this a little small look at that it's huge so sometimes i see if i can skank off the uh the bottom part of the knot but if it doesn't work i go up here's another big knot i might do the same they seem to be breaking up higher better yes they do that's good don't get stuck in your ways friends try different things our wood stove is small it's like i mean you could fit a 16 inch piece in wall to wall but you can't you can't you can't make a nighttime burner out of it so i do them smaller [Music] this one's ugly i might chip it maybe i won't this thing's got big knots in it friends interesting there we go this one's naughty uh-huh i might try something different here my hb i mean my double bit is crazy on this stuff like this is my this is my beautiful lightweight well it's actually a four pound hb on a whippy little handle killing your handle but it's it is a lovely splitting axe yeah see you can just you can hear it beautiful let's get some of this out of the way look at that look at this see you think that that little teeny skinny little piece of wood would come off there no not these big fur knots oh there's what i wanted right there yeah because i don't think i'm getting this that is a massive knot look at i'm going to try my old up high shot up up there it is going to work but i think this is the wrong handle for this one let's uh let's get this with something else i don't want to break that handle let's go back to our uh this guy mind you a big old double bit friends these are little things i hope you pick up like you'd bring a few different axes with you when you're heading out i mean look at this thing and don't give these naughty things the benefit of the doubt like just don't give them the benefit of the doubt there's an old saying and it's pull hard once you know uh a couple minutes these fur knots are intense the sax friends look at it it's just woof woof look at this thing it is this thing's ridiculous okay i'm gonna shut you off and load some of this what a sweetheart do you see how she just she knows when she knows what i'm putting my boots on i'll tell you that she she gets she's getting better she doesn't bark as as bad she'll be in the corner i'll go down there i'll be putting my boots on and she'll bark it's funny anyway friends there's oh that was such a beautiful day it got wet it got wet about halfway through halfway through the truck through the load right about now is when it started to rain so anyway um i just want to stop it there friends because there's there's another little bit to to do and and i know there's folks there was actually some comments in the comment section that said your splitting videos are my favorite and you know what friends once in a while we're gonna do a video we haven't done just a splitting video for a while so that's what i'm doing uh so today it's a splitting video i thought i mentioned in the video that we'd be running a bit of saw but we didn't end up doing that that'll be the next one because there's one more session one more video like this and that's me topping up the truck there actually could be two more videos in this little series but we won't do that we maybe we may but i doubt we will but anyways this video is over i think our last one was about 15 minutes i like mixing it up i really took into consideration what you guys talked about in the comment section i didn't do that because i wanted to accommodate to the longer ones or the shorter ones or to see what i literally was gathering information yesterday in the video when i asked you guys what's better friends if you go looking through there it's like 50 50 right down the schnotzkys that's the way i've seen it so friends you got to think about that i remember years ago i would ask questions and it would just it would wreck me because i'd be like everybody's not going to want the same thing except for the voiceovers now when i asked you fellers and fellats and children about all the the voiceovers 99.9 he was like do the voiceovers that's wonderful that's great information so that's kind of why i did that to gather information let's enjoy i'll talk to you guys later be kind to one another that's the main thing leave comments in there huh tell us about your old firewood who got you started doing firewood when you were a young man was it your dad was it your uncle did you go with your grandpa everybody's got a firewood experience if you don't maybe try still go have one because they're sure fun i'll take you out on one on a bucking stock we got to get bucket stock going friends i love you so thanks so much hit the thumbs up subscribe if you haven't welcome to the newcomers and we'll look forward to see on the next video over in free kanoutskis
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 375,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _TTk3JxucG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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