Back to my Roots ~ Homemade Pork Tamales

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[Music] my good homemade tamales is a pretty big process but the first thing you start with is cooking your mate now you can use chicken pork beef whatever you prefer today I'm using pork I got this huge court but on sale and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cook it my slow cooker all night and I'm probably as big as it is I'm gonna let it cook about ten hours that way big good and tender and about tomorrow afternoon I'll put my tamales together so first thing you gotta get started is season your meat what I got here is I've got some homemade fajita mix and I'm gonna tell you what it's consistent it's 1/4 of a cup of chili powder 2 tablespoons of cumin it's a tablespoon of salt 4 teaspoons of black pepper 3 teaspoons of oregano 2 teaspoons of paprika a teaspoon of garlic garlic powder a teaspoon of onion powder and a teaspoon of parsley and you can double that triple it put it in a jar but this one one using my meat I'm bringing down here so y'all what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna take my mate and I'm just gonna put this rub on it this final rub and there's quite a bit first time I'll rub it all over the top you want to be pretty generous with it of course always make a mess now when I this the road won't be the only seasoning that I put online me because once it's cooked tomorrow I'll make a red sauce for it and it will have incheol chilies in onions and some beef broth and a few things in it and I'll mix that red sauce in with my my meat so I'm just gonna get this rib on hit real big now to like pork probably the best pork tamales and beef would be second chicken with meat last now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put it in my slow cooker but I'm gonna turn it fat side up and then I'm gonna take my rub again this dropped in here too if you've never put meat broth with pork it's really good that's where I'm gonna use I'm not going to cover the pork because you can see how big it is I washed my hands no no how many y'all like tamales but my family loves them and I grew up around tamales I'll make some always down there in Texas and I just love can't get them up here Northeast Arkansas like I said it's not gonna cover it all up that's okay and I've got some onions that I chopped it and they're just gonna go around and on top of it and then I'm gonna put the lid on it let it cook ten hours it's gonna be good and tender by tomorrow so that's our first step of our I'll make the haters so tomorrow when it's meat salt then we'll go with our second step and that's Mike in the red sauce for the meat well actually making our masa I'm also go because it has to sit just a little bit and then we'll make our shredder made up and make our sauce and mix it up together and then we'll get started making our tamales so I'll see you later okay my mates done and it's been cooking all night in a slow cooker for about 10 hours on low you can see all this good broth that it made and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it out now and I'm gonna shred it up it did have a bone in it so that make a difference in good broth - and I'm gonna strain my broth and I will use that broth and with my masa dough someone's tried very carefully it just made out here now when you're putting this meat especially something that's big in your slow cooker I could have cut the meat up checked it up and put it in there probably been easier but I left it whole once it in there and there's still plenty of broth in here I'll put some of it in with my meat after I shred my meat up and then I'll put the rest of it in my masa so you can see that bone just comes right out just like that it's good and tender and I'm just gonna get mad fork and I'm shred it up and I'll probably even take a knife to it and get it in real small pieces now I will be getting my Chili's out and I'll be making a red sauce to mix up with my meat so let's that's the next step and I also need to get my monster like that because it needs to sit just a little while before we start making tamales so let me get this shredded up and I'll show you how I make my red sauce for me okay here are your corn husk you buying bagged up like this I got these at Walmart we also have a a Mexican store there in Coke - that carries all kinds of stuff like this and what you do is you just take them out and separate them a little bit and you can do this in your sink I just I've got this big dish pan that I've always used for stuff and then just some lukewarm water and you just type them and separate them a little bit just long as they're submerged you just take them kind of separate them a little bit because you want them pliable to be able to wrap and you also want to it cleans them off a little bit to rinse them off if they do need just soak for at least an hour and that's how you do that so I'm gonna get me a heavy pot and I'm gonna set it on top to keep this weighted down keep it under the order and by the time I get everything ready it'll be time to get our tamales together okay we're going to make our red sauce now for our meat and all I got in the pot is two cups of water and these are a roasted dried ancho chiles and that's what I've got today so that's what I'm gonna be using all you got to do is cut the end off and there are a bunch of seeds in these chilies but they'll come right out you shake them out just open up the side like that and just take them right out there's not much to this red sauce and I'm just gonna throw everything in there and the two cups of water you don't get all your seeds though that's not gonna hurt I'm just going to kind of tear my chilies up just like this put in my water and I'm gonna bring this up to a bull and I've got one onion here and just in chunks we place that in there and if you got a whole bulb of garlic if it's not very big just throw it in there but I've got five teaspoons and I'm just gonna put that in there and that seems like a lot of garlic and it is but we love garlic and it's good for you and I'm gonna put some bay leaves there's about three bay leaves there and I'm gonna let this come up to a boil and I'm gonna let it simmer for about 15 minutes and after that we'll take it off the heat let it cool down just a little bit and then I'll get my immersion blender out my hand blender and we'll blend it up real good you don't have a hand blender you can just put it in your regular blender someone let this simmer and I'm gonna get to making my masa dough we're gonna start mixing our masa now now this is what your this what I bought Walmart is Tomales your masa for making your tamales and it comes down this is a four point four pound bag that's what that looks like and I've got 4 cups of masa in my bowl now this is going to make supposedly 32 tamales and that's all I'm gonna make today because that's really all I got time for but if I had all day to do this I'm probably doing this whole bag so right now I'm just gonna be doing a recipe for 32 tamales so I've got 4 cups of moss on here and I need 2 teaspoons of baking powder and I need two teaspoons of salt and I'm just gonna take my hands I'm just gonna mix it up a little bit that's all your dry ingredients up now in this bowl right here that is shortening now your ideal what you need to be probably using it's just to me better and that's good fresh lard and I've got some cumin but I just don't have any right now so I'm using Crisco and it'll still be good but what you want to do this is a cup and a half of Crisco and I took my hand mixer and I mixed it and whipped it up to where it's real fluffy like this looks like frosting and right here is my drippings off my meat and I've got two and a half cups here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start out with about a cup and I'm gonna take my hands and I'm gonna mix this and I'm gonna make a mess just one it smells so good can you smell that corn that monster it's already smelling good I'm gonna take a little bit more now you can use water if you don't have any broth this just if your broth from the meat is going to give that tamales such a better taste but you can use water and my broth is not hot but it's it's a little warm still but you don't want real real hot water okay I can tell by the consistency that I named the world Roth or water and I'm just going to squish it went bangers and just bring it all together I love that smell smells like Mexican restaurant to me there's something about corn tortillas masa just smells so good okay you can see that consistency see how that looks it's pretty much all come together now I'm gonna put just tiny bit more I still probably got about a half a cup left in there so I guess I used probably about 2 cups now the consistency you want this monster as to where you can spread it so I think it needs to be looser than that just just trial and error you just have to I'll get thing else cause you want to babble spread it if it's too stiff you're gonna tear your corn husk kind of spread it out okay it's a get in there I'm gonna bring you in just a little bit closer so you can see what I'm talking about sitting there it looks like I'm mixing it very sand saying smells good okay you see how it's the consistency has changed so I put in two and a half cups of broth now my cup and a half of shorten I'm gonna put in this will be the last thing we put in and you see how I flipped it up and creamed it up that's what you want you don't want it real stiff and some people use vegetable oil and you can do that too tomato just turns out better with your Lord or your shortly now I'm going to type my hands and I know you think that and even at this point if need be you can add a little more broth you just keep the mixing comes together I don't think I'm gonna need to put any more Bravo I don't want it to think it's pretty much just about right I've got a mess going here but you can't do this stuff not make a mess mix it up just a little bit more you see how much shortening oh my lord it's all mixed in there took my rings off I remember to do that I usually forget and I'm just gonna pack this down let it rest for just a little bit about thirty minutes or so I'm just gonna sit here and rest I'll cover it up and I'm gonna wash my hands and we'll be back okay right here is my red sauce yeah I remember it had my ancho Chili's garlic onions and bay leaves I'm gonna take the bay Leafs out what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna blend this up and you can do this in a regular blender [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so let me get this done and I'll be right back let me get it down okay I've got it rounded up good when you see the consistency I tasted of it it tastes good my taste buds are a bit different my other people out of just a little bit of sugar to it and you might could add a little bit more salt to it or something like that but think of it is this red sauce you're not wanting to just drench your meeting up to this knife put a little bit in there to hold it together and to give a little bit of that huh ain't your pepper taste so it wasn't hard to put together okay let's go okay mr. Brown's been helping me a lot this morning getting my meat cut up because I asked him I third my package away and I forget to look see how many pounds that Boston butt was but he thinks it was about ten pounds of meat stop putting that slow cooker and which is good because this right here is about two pounds that's about all I'm gonna need for my 36 tamales today we got two or three pounds over here and then if you look over here once you look at all that meat he cut up and they've done it pretty quick too and we'll probably see some of this for supper tonight and I'll put the rest up in the freezer from making more tamales later and that way I'll have that much of the process done main thing I've done just shredded it all up and I would grab the shreds and a bulk and I would cut through it and then once I done that then I take and I try to chop it up even finer so that it can roll you don't want real big chunks and tamale you did all rolled up now you see how find this mates cut up no you don't want big Oh stringy pieces anybody see tamales no they're at least been cut up pretty fine you done good job search all done so now we'll just fill a bit of the red sauce in with this and we can get started here a minute putting our tamales together okay I've already added some of my red sauce someone had just a little bit more then we'll add a little bit of my rock that was left over you don't want it too loose because they don't when you go to roll your tamales that you just want it to where you can pick it up and it'll kind of stick together put a little bit more red sauce I wanted to put some of that broth in there because that's gonna give a really good theis you just work with it use your own taste just as long as you don't get it too loose and you just keep tasting it that's really good but I can put a little bit more red sauce you've got that free red color but you always see inside the tamales let's see I think that's good I think that'd make a good tamale okay this is heavily based steaming my tamales this is my water bath canner and what I've done is I turned the basket upside down put my little water in there and then these are my canner dividers but you stack your jars on and I've got them in there and I want to put me a couple of one house down headless but I don't want no water get into my smallest letter help hold that cement Oh and I'll put me a glass bow down in the middle because my start stacking my tamales around the side so I can just kind of lamb you know round on each other make kind of like a pyramid that way they'll stack up mistake okay I've got my husk in here what I've done and I took him out of my big pot and I rinsed um good and I stuck him in you know separating stuck him in this pot and I've got a little water in this pot too just to keep him good and moist and also I covered them with a wet damp rag to keep them moist I'm just gonna show y'all I want to show you what I've got here and I word this off Amazon I'll put the link below in the description box but this is a tamale masa spreader and I ordered one cuz I know that I'm gonna be making tamales off and on they I want you this is really something I don't know who done this who made this come up with this but god bless them because I'm telling you this is a lifesaver I'm gonna show you how I used to do it I take a spoon and put it on there and spread it and spread it and spread it well not no more I'm gonna show y'all you take your your corn nuts and there's two sides there's a rough side and a shinier side you want to use this on your side to put your moss on and you're going to take this just like you're doing concrete or something and you're gonna take it and get you a little bit on the edge and you're gonna go about I don't know what we should call that a third of the way down and you're gonna take it you're gonna spread it all the way down just like that you don't have to have it on this talaq I do you can get it too thick sometimes you just keep spreading it if you have to but usually once wiping you should do it you just take about 2 tablespoons of meat down the middle just like that and you're gonna take your corn host and you're going to take the montsum go over your meat kind of press it down and then roll it flip the towel up and then bring it over here to your pot you see I'm just gonna start sitting them around like this and start stacking them so I'm gonna let mr. Brown show you he's a lot better at it but I want to show y'all this monster spreader because I'm telling you I love this thing it works so how would you explain how you're doing exactly when I want a few ever done sheetrock what I was thinking oh yeah that's what you've done before then and you just go down you don't wonder if you have to do it at angle no it's basically I figured out it's got these it's got the depth right here only child so you're basically flatten that Moss out to the depth of this and let that lightly run and it covers it pretty good like that okay I'm telling you this is a lifesaver because if you don't you know these ladies that make tamales everyday they're good at taking a spoon and doing I mean they're fast but you know I only do this maybe twice a year or so I might start doing it more now with this thing tamale masa spreader and the lady Denton painted this I'm sure it was somebody that made a lot of tamales we get so much money if they're not wide enough for two together and it's about that quick good job mr. Morel there are some things I can do when when you're cooking and it's almost like doing sheetrock muddin yeah how that part of it okay I've got some in my my steamer here and I'm just gonna take some of my leftover husk and I'm gonna put them on top and you can put a towel in here that works just as well and that'll help kick that steam in there and then I'll put the top on it too just uncover not good or stainless tie-down in there one more I'm gonna put my lid on it my lid put the lid on it and I'm gonna let it steam for about an hour and I'm gonna check it it could go for an hour and a half and I think after an hour it'll be done and then we'll check them okay we're gonna be staying for about between one and a half two hours and they're closed off all the way you can test I'm not sure they're done its to take your husk and pull it back and it just rolls out of it like that then it's done and that's it done tamale there's your tamale and enticed it I think yeah like my family in Texas would be proud of me let's taste it and sacred thing good smells new nice like a good old port tamale and it is it's kind of a job making tamales but if you love homemade tamales it's worth it so there you go pretty good alright guys I hope y'all liked this video and the whole process of making tamales I know it seems like a job and you know it does take a little while but there's always these are ways like I told mr. Brown you can make your your made-up one day and you know put it out and of course you'd have your broth and make your sauce and maybe on the weekend when you have time to make a bunch of tamales that it wouldn't be such a long process but it is worth it and they're really good I hope y'all liked this video and I hope y'all try making them tamales just something I grew up with I lived about 13 years in Houston Texas Oh part Houston Texas and this is kind of food I grew up with so Pasadena area the Pasadena area yes and my family's from Sulphur Springs Texas and they're really good cooks and they make homemade tamales too so anyways y'all have a Merry Christmas and just enjoy your day with your family hope you have a happy new year in the god bless everybody and those up by your party you
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 309,230
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Id: LL79rkAE_5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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