Italian Hamburger and Sausage Pie/Poke Cake/Garden/ Flea market!

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so welcome to riverwell holler I'm Miss Laurie and this is Mr Brown we live in the hills of Arkansas we love the Lord keepers are the old way but accept some of the known we love to cook and we love to eat we love to Garden it's in our blood it's how we're staying sustainable and fill our pantry we do a lot of canning and preserving we live a sustainable life we love our family we work hard and every once in a while we like to dance so y'all join us welcome everybody so come on and join me for a little bit of front garden a little bit of cooking and let's go for a little walk through the flea market y'all come along with me so let's get started making something really good for Mr Brown his favorite cake this is as simple as you get and this is one of Mr Brown's favorite cakes and I'm just going to be using a Betty Crocker French vanilla cake mix you can use vanilla or you can use a yellow cake mix whichever you want and I'm just gonna mix it up by the directions on the back of the box I've got a 9x13 baking dish here uh you can spray it or oil it whichever you want and just put your cake and uh bacon oven 350. you ain't gonna get any easier this this is such a good dessert to take when you are in a hurry to get something done and get it made in safer potluck or a church group or just anything this is one of the best I love there's a thousand poke cake recipes out there and this is one of them that he absolutely loves now when you get it out of the oven you need to do this step while it's still hot you want this cake to be hot and I'm just taking a chopstick here why don't we go Chinese restaurant I always end up bringing a couple of chopsticks on because they use them for everything so we're going to poke as many houses when getting this hot cake now I always use Eagle brand sweetened condensed milk or if I do have uh sweetened condensed coconut milk that's what I use that's what I love to use on this but Miss Lori's Pantry I had all kinds of evaporated milk I am out of sweetened condensed milk but I do have this right here and I do keep this kind this brand for different kinds of recipes so this is what we're using today but my recipe will be down in the description box below the videos down when you go down below the video you'll see the word more and you click on that and all my information will come down and once you get this poured on this hot cake and this stuff is kind of thick it'll start to loosen up and you'll it'll be where you can spread it good and all this goodness is going to melt right into that hot cake y'all this recipe is so so easy it's almost embarrassing but it is so good so to spread that around good and it's just going to seep down into that cake you talk about moist and you talk about so good I always like it when his favorite uh desserts or meals are some of the easiest ones and this is my go-to dessert when I'm in a hurry to throw something together for some reason that I gotta take it somewhere or somebody's coming over this is just one of them that always turns out good so we're going to spread this around we're going to let it cool off for about two hours because your cake needs to be totally cool before you put the topping on okay our Cake's been sitting here for a couple hours and it's good and cool down now you got two options you can use your own homemade whipped topping or you can use 16 ounces of Cool Whip whichever you've got or whichever you want to use and all we're going to do is spread this yumminess all over the top of the cake and this is about 16 ounces and it's very important that you let your cake cool off where you do this now the only thing I can say good about Cool Whip is uh that it does make things quicker and easier when you need to throw something together and I always keep a cup of cartons of Cool Whip in my freezer for them times and it it does uh homemade whipped topping does it seems to after a while want to kind of break down but I guarantee you this Cake's not going to stay around long enough in the refrigerator for any of the whipped topping to break down it goes pretty fast so just spread this around good get it spread all the way to the edges sometimes when I'm taking this somewhere I'll even take like I'll decorate the top with the some maraschino cherries something like that just to make it look pretty give it a little color but all you gotta do now is just take you a couple of cups of sweetened flaked coconut and I like putting a lot of coconut on top of this and this is it this is your cake and it's delicious Mr Brown tell you how good it is there's no way we can eat this whole cake and this is a cake that you can also freeze it seems to freeze well so what I would do is after poking hoes and cooling it off and putting the the sweet condensed milk on it that's when I would freeze it and then top it later there you go you're easy coconut poke cake Mr Brown's favorite he is a little spoiled we're going to start out with a pound of ground beef and I like to break it up a little bit just to help give it just a little bit of Head Start we're also going to be using a pound of mild Italian sausage I'm just going to take it out the casing if you want to you can use a spicy Italian sausage it's just up to your taste I absolutely love Italian sausage I love it on pizza and my spaghetti if you want to you can also um another meat version is when you're layering this this pie you can also use pepperoni in it too but today we're just using hamburger and Italian sausage and we're just going to Brown this up good as mine Cooks I like to break it up quite a bit I don't like it big old hunks now you can season this mate even though it's got Italian sausage in it and it's already seasoned a little bit the hamburger meat's not seasoned so I'm going to add a little bit of salt [Music] I'm going to add probably some pepper and if you want to you can add a little bit of garlic powder but we will be adding some minced garlic to it here in just a little bit okay y'all pay no attention to how I look today I just come in from outside been out in the garden been out working in all three Gardens I'm hot and I need to get some supper started so we're going to start cutting up our bell peppers getting them cut up you need a whole bell pepper a large bell pepper and I had a half of a yellow and a half of a red bell pepper left over and that's what I'm going to be cutting up and if y'all can hear in the background I'm listening to I've got a video playing and it is Robbie and Gary I think it's robbing Gary's gardening or just robbing Gary I can't remember but I listen to him all the time she's a very smart Gardener there in California and she's not your conventional Gardener but let me tell you something she grows a lot of food she knows what she's doing but anyways I'm cooking and listening to her and Gary getting these red peppers cut up I'm also going to need a a large man I probably use a medium sweet onion I've got some Val dahlias that I bought the other day and I'm just gonna dice these Peppers up I'm going to dice my onion up this is a recipe that um it come from a Blog that is called the family feast and when I sing this recipe Not only was it beautiful but it just sounded so wonderful and you know I love Italian food I don't know that this is you know authentic Italian but you know it's as close as I guess as we can get um so it just sounded like a really good recipe and I used to make a dish called an upside down pizza pizza pie and it was always so good and I cooked it in an iron skillet I'm going to finish getting everything diced up and getting these onions and peppers and skillet and getting them sauteed just a little bit but once we get all this put together the pizza pie will be put in the oven and cooked for about 40 minutes I know this is going to be yummy a few other things I'm going to add besides my Peppers my onions I've got a couple tablespoons of minced garlic and I went out and I picked some oregano out in the kitchen Garden out back I'm not going to be using all this I'm using some of it and I'm going to be using a nine inch springform pan now you don't have to use a springform pan but for something like this and since I have one I want to see the layers in I think it's going to be pretty so I'm going to use this you can use a baking dish you can use an iron skillet whichever you prefer and I'm just going to all the bottom and the sides really really good now when you bake this you need to bake it on top of a cookie sheet because some of the juices will more likely it's spill out even though I'm fixing to put some parchment paper in the bottom whenever I'm using a springform pan I always put it on top of a cookie sheet so we got our pan ready now that we've got our meat cooked I'm going to use the same pan same Skillet and I'm going to add a probably a little bit more a little bit of olive oil to it and I'm gonna put my onions and my peppers in here and I'm going to let them saute for just just a couple minutes because this will be going back in the oven and I don't want my vegetables just cooked to death so there's no sense in in really cooking it all cooking them all the way and getting them you know all the way cooked when you're fixing stick in the oven so the saute these for just a couple minutes now I'm going to add a tablespoon of minced garlic I'm only going to cook this for about a minute the house is starting to smell good now I'm using two tablespoons of tomato sauce you can use two tablespoons of tomato paste or two tablespoons of tomato sauce when I drained my meat while ago I saved the juices off of it there wasn't very much but what I'm going to do is I'm fixing to use it put it right back in this pan and you'll see why in just a minute I just want to cook that tomato sauce for just a minute now I'm putting my juices from the meat right back in here and I'm just going to stir that around it didn't have a lot of fat in it it's just the juices from from cooking my Italian sausage and my hamburger meat into this now you can start adding your seasonings I went out and I've got a little bit of Basil from out of the garden purple basil and I've got my oregano I'm going to be using dried oregano and garden fresh oregano this is just a little bit of fresh probably about a teaspoon of fresh basil drive by easily now I'm putting some fresh oregano from the garden oh probably a good tablespoon and I'm only going to let this cook for just a couple minutes you can see my peppers and stuff are starting to get soft starting to cook down okay everything's ready here we're going to add our meat back to our peppers and onions now I've got the stove off I'm just going to mix this up together good this will be our meat layer of our Italian beef and sausage pie I was calling it pizza pie earlier but it's not a pizza pie it's just an Italian pie okay now we're going to start with our first layer and once we get this all together you'll understand where we're going here I've got a cup of Greek plain yogurt it's just a plain old Greek yogurt to whole cup and I've got three eggs in my bowl and we're just going to mix this up really good now what this is going to do it's going to make a a batter and it's going to be kind of like a pancake batter when we get done so this Italian pie is not going to have a pizza crust it's just it's kind of like between um a bread and a pizza crust it's just kind of in the middle okay I'm putting a pinch of salt I'm gonna put just a little bit of pepper in there stir that up good and all this this recipe will be down my description box too we're going to put a half a cup of all-purpose flour and we're going to put about a teaspoon and a half of baking powder now if you're using self-rising use a half a cup of self-rising flour and omit the salt in the baking powder and just stir this up good and make a mess like Miss Laurie does you can see that it's it's um the consistency of the batter is kind of like pancake batter I'm just going to scrape my sides down flowers sticking to the side I love the idea of using Greek yogurt for this recipe if you make your own homemade yogurt use that I'm putting a half a cup of Parmesan cheese in with my batter if you don't have parmesan cheese just put you some regular cheese in there I always keep parmesan even keep it in the freezer so that I have it when I need it and I just thawed out in the refrigerator okay now we're going to start with our layering and we're going to start with our our batter on my parchment a little round wasn't big enough but it's going to work it'll be fine and we're just going to spread this and make sure that you spread it all the way to the edge of your your pan you're going to use about a half of your batter and it's going to be kind of a thin layer I'm gonna get me a spoon I can spread better with a spoon get all the way to the edge might have to put me just a little bit more batter in here just make sure you leave enough for your because um this batter will be your your top two of your pie so I'm gonna put just a little bit more and that looks a lot better so this is your bottom layer okay the second layer is going to be your meat and peppers and onions and you're going to use half of it so make sure you reserved for another layer of meat and just spread it out as good as you can to the edge of your of your pan you know this is a very good um dish to make if you're having somebody over for supper they'll be impressed by it and it's not hard to make and you know it's really not that time consuming either and you're gonna just be amazed at how delicious this is and this is where I was saying that you could add pepperonis to this now our next layer on top of this meat is provolone cheese and we're going to put a whole layer of provolone on top of that if you don't have provolone I guess just use whatever cheese you've got we love the provolone okay now we're going to put another layer of meat this will be our last layer so you'll use all the rest your meat on this layer now sky's the limit on this too you can put black olives mushrooms you can put some kind of different peppers pepperoncinis um just anything like that make it your own signature beef and sausage Italian pie and get that all spread to the edge and the one thing I like about this too is there's not a lot of tomatoes in it that's one thing that um I have a lot of issue with right now I'm getting to where I'm not eating as much Tomatoes even though gardening season I will be eating a few ripe tomatoes okay our next layer is mozzarella cheese and this is the mozzarella I have and I buy this salad Deli if you have shredded mozzarella go ahead and use your shredded but this is what I've got and uh it melts up really well and it tastes wonderful so there's our mozzarella cheese okay before we put this last layer on which is our batter I'm gonna add it's already got the parmesan cheese in it but I'm thinking about adding oh maybe a little bit of Italian seasoning to it I think that will be good and you could add your little bit of garlic powder to it too we'll put a little bit more uh red dried oregano in it I love the taste of oregano okay so this is your last layer and you're just going to pour it over the top and you're going to just spread it around as well as you can okay you know we love lasagna and this is kind of like making lasagna with the layering but you know it really doesn't take that much time and it's such a pretty dish when it gets done and and The Taste is awesome it is so good Mr Brown loves a good pot of homemade spaghetti and I do too but I do love Italian food I watch a lot of different Italian Cooks on YouTube and I'm just so impressed with her um with the ingredients they use and everything they cook just looks so good my biggest problem right now is eating tomatoes and it's not that it makes me sick or anything because I absolutely love them but I have to watch the acidity not only for my indigestion issues but um I do have a lot of arthritis and they think that that contributes to some of the inflammation and stuff so anyways I'm just being careful about my tomato intake in the oven 350 for about 40 minutes here it is guys after 40 minutes exactly isn't that beautiful oh my God the house smells wonderful Danny come in he said this house smells so good so now let's try to cut into this thing so since I put it into a springform pan I'm just going to cut around the edge and we're going to see if we can get the sides off get this off of here without tearing the pie up let's see we'll just do it it's hot but I'm gonna do it I'll leave it on this sheet pan because there is going to be a little bit juice come out of it and some of that cheese is stuck to the edge but we'll be okay I think ooh isn't that pretty look how Brown it is on the sides that cheese got good and brown the crust is done oh my can y'all see how that looks you know I'm sorry I'm trying to focus my camera here trying to get y'all in there but we're fixing to cut into this and I know it's not gonna be easy all that cheese in there is going to be kind of ooey gooey and stringy but we're gonna do it if I can get my camera placed here where I want it okay I ended up getting uh my bread knife a good serrated knife and it did it cut right through that pie very pretty the only thing is it had you know the cheese is going to stick to it of course but that's okay but I also remember that I got a piece of parchment paper down there that I've got to get out too so we're just going to cut this just like you would any pie and it is cutting very easy it's set up very good so it'll make a a good presentation I hope but we do know that the first cut of pie like I always say is not pretty so we'll see oh here I done cut my pipe I want you to look how pretty the inside is and here it is on our plate and we're just eating a a salad with it in that pretty looks so good I can't wait to taste it I might fix Mr Brown a plate we'll see what he says pizza pie I'm eating pizza pie Italian pizza pie I'll do something and I thought man it smells wonderful and it did it smelled so good cooking and now that I'm tasting it I'm thinking it is wonderful it is right now it's really it's really good [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign the violet Vines are taken over [Music] my water trough is full of wildflowers geraniums tomatoes chamomile [Music] there's some wild flowers [Music] thank you [Music] I think everything in the green stock is looking pretty good [Music] the herbs need to be trimmed and pretty much all the flowers are doing good chives lemon balm everything's looking good we have a really nice flea market in Hoxie Arkansas it's called mom's house flea market and I've been wanting a small antique or just older love safe to sit in the sun room and I'll show you my front porch my name was I did find one and that's what you see in the back of my truck I'm fixing to use my daughter's steam cleaner on his hand it was it's in decent shape it's not you know it's a broad Hill it's older I think it's gonna look good in there but I'm going to clean it good before I take it in the house so I hope you all enjoyed this little walk through I want y'all look I want to show y'all this this is a lemon this is a little bitty lemon tree I planted out here just a couple weeks ago and I think I'm gonna have another one right there so I'll get a couple lemons maybe this this year off this little bit of lemon tree I hope you enjoyed the walk the garden now I'm taking you with me I went to a little flea market in Hardy I know a lot of y'all that watch drive through Hardy Arkansas a lot going to a lot of different places this is Miss Moss or Moss's antiques um we just love Miss small she is she was my one of my well all four of my kids had her shoes an excellent teacher and she has the nicest flea market everything is just so clean and put together and just the way that she displace everything and I always always come in here and find something if you don't care so if y'all ever through Hardy Arkansas stop on the Main Street and visit Miss moss and her flea market she has a lot of nice stuff and I know that y'all would find something that would catch your eye on something that you would take home with you there's just so much now I've never seen a cake pan like this this is an older one and it's for a oblong cake and that's something that I don't have is I all I have is like round um cake covers I love all the old utensils and she has a lot of iron skillets Wagner Lodge just the the different older antique cast iron skillet she has a lot of Wagner and different ones she has some Tupperware some old Tupperware a lot on us dishes I know a lot of y'all collect glassware some more of the old utensils I have a couple of these I love all the old ones that have the red handles on them that's what a lot of people collect and this is a pie spatula and it's a got a short handle on it that's kind of neat kind of like that everything in here is just so clean and this is um a lot of y'all that collect glassware know exactly what this is what they call Firestone something like that I couldn't see it though I didn't have my glasses on I'm not very good at glassware I'm not real keen on that stuff the little rooster plates and I got my eye on that chicken fryer up there but I also have my eye on a chicken fryer that they've got that's a Wagner utter bomb of tins of utter bomb I do collect old tens and right down there is the Wagner chicken fire that I may end up taking it home with me I've been wanting a deep deep one like this that they call Chicken fire and if you order one online from Amazon or Lodge anywhere they are very very expensive and that is an old Wagner I want you to look at the cookie cutters all kinds of cookie cutters in here some of them are old some are new I love showing y'all all this because like I said some of y'all drive through here all the time and kind of give y'all some ideas so she just has so much in here I love the soap box and the old jugs Carnival Glass Danny collects these not that that is a cake mold or some kind of mold and it's a cast iron very old pulleys he collects EXO pulleys especially ones that are have the wooden pulley on it he likes the wood I ended up buying this old antique pitcher because I love to decorate primitive I have no idea who these people are I just love the picture it's really neat and I also ended up getting the Wagner chicken fryer it's in really excellent condition and I will be using that thing a lot I hope you enjoyed this video spending time with me cooking spending time in my garden with me going to the flea market with me we love y'all we're all busy right now in the gardens and just a whole lot going on but you know we always come back to you because we'd love to visit with you we love y'all and see y'all in a couple of days God bless
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 55,543
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Id: it8XS00lUYo
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Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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