back from the break! | Hypixel SkyBlock Hardcore

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[Music] i don't understand how you managed to get those sound bites like you pre do you predict that i'm about to say something funny and you click a button or do you have like a replay thing where it's like i'm just no i don't have replay i'm just always prepared bro that's impressive what was that papa virus i didn't hear any response so maybe not since you've been gone you've earned zero coins as interest nice hello chad [Music] [Music] um [Music] he's outside but he's still making enough noise for me to hear oh or lobby thank you for the member stonk virus thank you for the members as well stonk virus and stone fires thank you for the two did soy spin the lottery i don't know aren't you guys ready refraction raid oh it's perfect time wow this is like start refraction ends well thank you refraction hey voice support boys if the schedule is weird at some point and i end up streaming before you i'll i'll make sure to return the favor man [Music] are you guys ready lance kennedy thank you for the two i finally got a tree cap make my life more wait to make my life more boring and dark link thank you for the five bing bong money god okay [Music] all right here we go it is time this song is really long which is why i haven't officially started stream yet i think it's about the end though [Music] oh it's still going oh wait hold on this is the last part of the song i forget you think eventually i'd memorize the undertale soundtrack but i still don't really know oh wait no it just keeps going i think after this does it i don't even either way i'm gonna here we go solidfire's sticking with the five all right here we go hey guys we're back for another video and welcome to uh for some reason i was gonna say 30 virus rants this is not a rant this is skyblock and we're here with fezzy right off the bat uh and we just got a we just got a raid from refraction everybody's here uh hello welcome to the hardcore profile as you can guess i haven't been here for two days because that's what happened last stream so let's uh i'm gonna collect the minions to start because they're full so how's it going guys how we doing on this fine kind of overcast day oh my god so much iron so i spent another few days away not really i didn't want to do it at first but you know oh my god bernie's spamming he's just crazy it's just all bernie but uh um my my dad was gonna go on a trip and it was either he went with me or no one so i decided i was gonna i was gonna go and it was fun you know i i'm always scared about content so i was a little reluctant at first because it's like well gotta gotta put out that content every day or else things go bad but but we managed we survived tonight i'm gonna actually try and record videos after stream which i never do but we're gonna try we will see but uh we ended up going to a casino i can't talk too much about that because i'm pretty sure that's against tos to have oh my goodness oh my goodness all right we'll get to that in a second first we got to read the donuts oh my you guys are crazy what is happening dude huh of our singing for the five i will make a poem out of the word bing bong money you mean the sentence bing bong money gone that's not really a sentence the rhyme i don't know dark link with another fight never mind i have dollar one cent left in my bank account nice oh message retracted i didn't even know you can retract a message from becoming a member i've never seen that before like i can't even read out who became a member because they retracted the message but thank you i guess it was weird an upgrading with the 50 bucks dude thank you for that with the smiley face with a b as the eyes i think that's what that is i i could be wrong holy crap and strong virus with the 10 bernie don't spam or knife bots will be very angry i i think nightbot ignores mods either that or it doesn't have the power to do anything against i'm not sure pick up stash seven gold and finally mensch thank you for the pound you guys are crazy but anyway uh i've spent the past two days over in atlantic city we got to uh stay at the hard rock casino now i i scammed this place really good so they gave me like a ten dollar free voucher to use on either a restaurant or like the slots now i'm over 21 so i decided you know what screw it i i'm not one for gambling but if it's someone else's money why not uh turns out uh the 10 bucks i spent actually um became 300. and then i was like i'm done and i i brought it home so i actually somehow profited because i'm not a gambler so i didn't spend all of it immediately after i got it so that was kind of pog it's a it makes for a cool story because you never really hear about turning ten dollars into three hundred dollars but it actually happened in the real world and upgrade it with another fifty what the i think you know what time it is what do you mean you know what time it is what do you what it what no what what is this what is happening i'm getting flashbacks here are we getting flashbacks from yesterday's video oh boy the people in the chat are freaking out but anyways chad that was kind of pog got to got to just take money from the casino but obviously i'm not one to gamble i would not suggest gambling especially with your own money but hey if you get a free voucher might as well use it but i i would not suggest i would not suggest doing that that's very dangerous it ruins people's lives but it just so happened to i just i just so happened to get lucky i guess wait oh chat no way no way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're not you're telling me upgrading you thank you for the 20 i'm just kidding i'm not no i remember you upgrading i'm just trolling you're it's not yeah i know i know i remember i remember the chat might not remember but i remember you i was getting scared there for a second i was gonna have to break my code for the third time but yo thank you for the 120 bucks dude freaking mad lad elaine's kennedy thank you for the 20. one time my uncle turned 20 bucks into 800. those stories are rare dude don't believe that this is like how casinos normally go because it usually goes the opposite direction they will take 300 from you it is not that lucky usually but bro on a completely different topic altogether we can we can make a mana flux bruh bro look at this what a way to start oh that's awesome i didn't expect that to happen but you know what that's a welcome addition to the stream [Music] all right here we go let's do it oh this is pog here we go boop boop boop boop boop man a flux power orb burner once fuzzy comes back i will ask if we can do a three person call manaflex power orb what does it give in addition to the radiance ability one percent of max hp two percent max hp per second gives you mana back as well which is actually really helpful in dungeons um nice boom we have a blue orb ladies and gentlemen mana flux pog ronachi 113 thank you for the two i had 257 in my wallet before i donated this well thank you man and song fire switch to two whoops left out three zeros oh thank you you guys are crazy with the donuts right out the gate dude like i didn't even get to explain why i've been gone yet a rexella said she probably said the wrong thank you for the two do you like i i i cannot say that that loud it sounds too similar to something else and i don't even know understand exactly what that message means i'm sorry sorry somebody's like i used to have money feels bad man wait oh but that how'd you like the video by the way how'd you guys uh like how it came out i personally thought the video was hilarious like top tier fezi did a great job and he is in the call but he's deafened right now it was a very fun video sources like i loved it yeah it was so fun it was such a fun video i watched it three times yeah it was funny the extra added commentary was great too he just brought it all together made it like a big old story with a skeleton's level 54 now it was kind of cringe but that's the point that's the point the point is that it's cringe because i'm me and i never i never swear so of course it's gonna be cringe but like we embraced the cringe also if you hear if you hear background noise my my dad is here as well he'll probably show up on stream soon he uh he found my electric leaf blower that i just bought and he's using it to clean up everything i didn't ask him to do that he's just he's just a cool guy like that all right let us see what else is left figures that we still don't have enough iron for the tarantula chest where the the the leggings but we'll handle that later okay so last thing for us to handle oh yeah we have this we have this oh wow we might be able to upgrade the snow minion now i'm still obsessed with minions and unique minions but i do recognize that it's kind of dumb to go for another minion slot after everything that's happened considering right before i left i'm pretty sure we got the yeah in four days we're getting our 27th minion slot like what am i doing tier 11 snow minion uh 13 more enchanted for sand tier 8 we should honestly go all in with uh with stuff that will help us craft things or uh or just money clay is good but the problem is i need more super compactors is the bounty the next bounty's the c word for 200 or 200 no no don't get that twisted it's 2 000 not 200 but again the point's not for someone to do it i don't want to say the z word and i i don't know what it would be after that i don't really i'm scared to say what it would be after that because i don't want to say something that's genuinely bad but anyway broken uh nick thank you for the two isn't contraband isn't it contraband if i give to your music room uh unfortunately it would be i not even cosmetic things i would not take as a the d word hey congrats on saying the f word what is this a tier 11 no it's a oh yeah it is a t11 wow all right well we'll standardize the minion levels at least level 10 for all of these i know there's a few of these in here oh they're all tier 10 okay so i guess we have no choice but to go for tier 11 i guess boop look at the diamonds then oh man all right that's good we need more super compactors i think what i'm gonna do is like tomorrow but maybe not tomorrow but the next day i am going to go nuts with super compactors i'll watch a few movies and i'll hold left and right click reroute right click to walking forward and just be like this for hours then hopefully we can grind super compactors because we need them anyway let's see we have enough enchanted redstone built up for six super compactors which is perfect because that's the amount of clay we would be putting down oh now that we crafted mana flux oh i didn't even place it down by the way hello um did i skip any doughnuts let me make sure i didn't skip any oh oh the person who became a member but retracted the message their username was you kofi thank you for becoming a member man i got you because streamlabs doesn't update when things are deleted on the other platforms yo i'm grading thank you for another 20. at soyzamoto i can only accomplish what chad is requesting if we team up bruh i'm scared man so it's most like nah i'm retiring if you don't move your mouse anywhere you don't get to go like speed that's fine that's fine i just need the cobble oh okay thank you for the five i watched your f word episode over 13 times i'm just happy i've been livid is papa virus in the house there he what's up is hello hey it's shaking take a look at chat in a minute i bet it's gonna explode once the um once the the delay kicks in nice or once you know what i mean once it catches up there it is papa virus hello everyone thank you for the the leaf blowing by the way i didn't expect you to do that well i got to get you caught up out there and their neighbor i met your neighbor i guess that owns the little gravel side there where the bear goes i guess that's not part of the property he's thanking me for cleaning it off i thought that was nice trying to stop by and say thank you for cleaning it off and make sure i know it wasn't look at this look at the chat it goes by so fast whoa he sounds like fitmc hello hello everybody oh upgrading it thank you for the 20 papa virus hey thank you thanks for supporting my son man i appreciate it i told them the story about the um the voucher and how i got like crazy levels of luck there oh i'm not promoting casinos no very rare thing what happened to me usually happens in reverse he got a lot of love for first time or ever trying anything and uh since they gave it to him free he had no choice so we had that he had to spend it and well i mean we could have spent it on like food or something but i was like why not so i think it was was it like one i think was specifically you had to use it in the machine but whatever it listen you got blessed my man i know you're not a gambler yeah no no he's not a gambler guys i'm not one for taking risks trust me just about as drifty as they get you know he's very cautious and uh lives on a shoestring budget you know uh also fesi's in the call but he's deafened right now that's what that little icon means in discord oh we can't hear us no but he'll probably be back in a little bit well if i was in the chat i would uh type in say hi to fezzy man we wish you could have been with us actually we know you're working hard to get help brandon uh with the editing and doing a wonderful job man so yeah everybody saw yesterday's video uh you haven't seen it yet no but the deadening job he's been doing is phenomenal i mean yeah i think yesterday's video was like the peak of like everything like everything was done perfectly for that one well he cares you know he just has a big heart and cares what he does to put out good uh good stuff quality con quality you know when you put your heart into it you know like anything else oh my goodness thanks for all those donations guys very face cam oh boy very generous should i do face game oh boy i don't know i look like uh bragabon uh doing leaf i don't really care because i never care brandon will tell you i don't care don't know i don't look to impress anybody oh boy obviously might be all right i haven't i haven't booted up the face cam in quite a while so there might be technical problems let's see all right here we go we're gonna we're gonna press the face cam button and see what happens hey there we are oh i'll center it they can see there you go oh hey you can see the replay over there to make sure you got it right hello hey guys whoa face cam there's everything hello everybody hey guys yeah let me move over to the site so we have room there we go all right i'm in the wrong i don't know it's weird i can't see it here you can see over there if you're in frame on that monitor all right i guess we do kind of look alike uh now that i'm looking at the face cam i just need to put on a pair of glasses and yeah it's funny how they all know you're my son like when we were eating at the buffet um the remember the waiter made the comment they said well he was being very nice and said we look like brothers wow was that a nice comment you know i was happy about that there it is hello hey hey oh ghost killer thank you for the 2000 yen that's about 20 bucks very nice very gentle hello you can tell by the color usually like the color is um oh okay that's so cool you know i love that you can get around i like to reach out with the enemies like a worldwide thing well right yeah i mean it's the big world man you know people friends are everywhere it's great good stuff good stuff that's cool actually the island what this yeah oh and there's my cloak nice nice that's pretty cool and didn't see thank you for the two your papa's my papa oh you know it you know it happened to be able to get a couple days so oh my goodness so fast yeah it's flying the chat is flying 30 needed the two couple of days but boy let me tell you guys it was like pulling teeth to get him out it was like pulling teeth he didn't want to disappoint you know and and not be around so we gotta make sure we got back for the live stream you're not in frame yeah i know it's very hard yeah it's a small face cam yeah yeah i'll turn it off for now they saw me it's all good it'd be cool if you could see face cams on everybody coming through that'd be really cool that'd be crazy that visual would be nice imagine 30 000 people's space camps on that point on the chat it would only have to be a couple pixels per person i meant like well they have their older hey i don't know if here i'll put the i'll put one earbud out so you can hear what fuzzy's saying there we go now now he should be i was about to say that's like next level i did do that yeah i did that once too i didn't know you were so far away fezzy when i text uh 30 to come hang out for a couple of days uh when your dad calls you by your screen name i said come i said have fuzzy have fuzzy come with us it sounds like he needs a break you know yeah i'm all i'm like in the middle of nowhere oh my god oh my gosh everybody's here wow together i hope i didn't leave that i got the cord out there yeah i'm blowing these he wanted me to come say hi to everybody you i got a package yeah i don't know how do i get a oh i haven't i have an idea where it's from hold on hope it's not technology is it from something on the back on the oh oh weird i have no idea actually i don't either it's not in english we're going to leave that for after stream i don't know what that is i don't know if it could have been for me somehow but i don't think so yeah i don't know how that happened it's like an envelope too yeah i don't know what that is the envelope here's your oh and there's some the title that's important oh there are so many people here this is crazy hello everybody i got a raid from one of my youtube friends fezzy's in the call you tell them about washing your mouth out with soap that video is funny yeah that should be a thing you do on camera watching out your yeah the chat's right there oh okay you can read whatever they say the thing is [Music] i think this is the first time that both of you guys were here at the same time i think it is what does the chat think of it after bullying aggro into becoming egg oh yeah that reference wasn't so the same guy that um made me say that i have a conspiracy to dispel have you been saying his name wrong the whole time his name is you've been saying it's soisi moto is it swazimoto i don't know what but anyway the same guy he um he donated for another youtuber to shave their eyebrows well now just so you know quasi that was so close to them i don't i don't think there's a correlation i can be wrong i think he's referencing it maybe he's doing a twist on the name quasimodo upgrading it thank you for the 20. say hi to fezny for me hey hello fenji [Laughter] can they hear me or not yeah you have to talk about it so you can see that top one is us you want the audio level to be about in the middle of the the yellow that's right everyone was wrong his name is so when you talk it's all the way it's like halfway through the green which makes sense for some reason her voice doesn't carry i'm not very loud where's the microphone 30's been wrong this entire time i've been wrong in the video it's so zimoto we've come to a brand new so should i tell them about the quasimodo do they all know about quasimodo i i don't know i don't think that's what it is does anybody know what quasimodo is it's well you said it was the hashtag oh it's moto is how it's pronounced [Music] we made that mistake too many times oh my goodness the donations jk rex steve with punish your son he has said many bad words he made him wash his mouth out with soap i haven't done it yet thank you brother five hello to the virus family i hope you're all doing great yes yes and i'm grading it with another 20 250 pog you don't know what pog means i told dad what it means [Laughter] what is pog that's the question i had to do what i'm done now i might continue next time thank you man pog is another way of saying like cool or like when something really exciting happens yeah another word people use is hype okay are you really hyped it's pog rgg is another it's like it's it's a gamer term for like good game like if there's a competitive thing they're saying it was a good game but sometimes people use it in a context like something like you just did good in the game in general even if you're not involved saying gg just means like well well played gamer term oh oh is is gg used in more context than just gaming no well it's i'm trying to explain it to my parents how else am i supposed to transform culture that's that's opening a whole different kind of worms we don't want controversial there's other ways of using it but no it's most commonly gigi's good game i would say 99.9 would use that look at how fast the chat's going it's so hard to read any of it because like you try you start reading one pogus just start reading one message and then it just zips by uh it's funny that i have to scroll down really could try to say thanks to somebody like what was your name that's why this feed over here on the other monitor is really helpful because it's the donations and then it's like not brazilian yeah it just filters it down to those no i'm not i'm not versatile according to the next time you watch the video you see the chat too yeah so the chat replay is part of the vod which is video on demand you can like find them after the stream is done and the chat replay is all there so if you wanted to individually read every message you could do that over the course of like a year and a half but yeah well i'm just saying hello to everybody who said hello to me well there's a lot of them the flash win thank you for the two this is how you get donations yes and j gamer xd with the two i would use raider x if i were you from yeah but more kills means so i get money per kill right and if i could teleport around i get faster kills which is better than like the extra 20 points per kill this has been gonna this is going to become a thing in there what people are gonna think i'm brazilian what how do they think you're brazilian someone said i'm brazilian in the chat [Music] right that's great [Music] it is cool how many currencies have like gone through the the system and the different currencies there's many of them that i didn't even know existed yeah i see the little yo you called russian rupaul's a faker i didn't do that i think there was ache in there like yo rupal sound like a fake currency yeah because it sounds similar to rupees which is from zelda remember i left it out of the video for your protection yo ghost killer the 5 000 yen brazilian fest that's 50 bucks thank you thank you thank you my parents feel obligated to say thank you on my behalf definitely appreciate your support and supporting brandon i mean 30 30 i mean brandon i mean oh that left that by the front oh there's like that that place where i always leave the mail that's not for me this is from 7-1 what does that mean 7-1 what y'all are confusing bro yeah both boxes are for steven your parents are so wholesome it's getting hot in here i have to take off my jacket there we go fezzy is seven oh seven one no i'm not that tall how tall are you by the way no i'm six four six three that's still that's still really tall i'm only like five seven it's going to be weird if i like meet you in real life i've said this many times but it's going to be weird because 30 is going to be chest level and i'm not used to that because he looks way taller in his video that's all you did i'm five nine and a half or so i'm shorter than my dad [Laughter] there was like a mixture of like [Laughter] disappointments yeah you know it's this is gonna be a common theme if i ever end up going to any conventions or whatever like vidcon or whatever the first thing people are gonna say because they no they won't know what else to say it's gonna be you're shorter than i expected i guarantee it that's the first thing they're gonna say yo graphicality thank you for the dollar mr virus i must speak to your parental guardians and life impacting figures they have walked out of the room they are they are doing something else distinguished way to put it that was a very professional way to phrase that your life impacting individuals joe tv one two three thank you for the two make your mom say poggers that would be cringe bloggers although it might be funny if they come back maybe you shouldn't have given her the context what pog means because she'd have no idea what she's saying [Laughter] i don't know what i'm doing by the way i'm just kind of getting yeah but at least i generally have a goal right now i literally am just killing things for the sake of being productive there's never a goal it's always hey let's do some monotonous tasks that will get us so nowhere been for like three months but yeah manaflux that's cool we got the blue orb i wish that like your father was still on the ear cup because i could i could i could have soiled the entire situation there is hearts all over your screen why is that happening oh that i didn't see it but i know what did that that was a streamlined first donation okay this is their name too cutie boo love cake no boy thank you for the five you missed of my donuts oh let me go back thank you for the three as well you missed my other daughter i feel so bad let me read your first message another three cookie pug thank you for the 11 total i'm sorry i'm bad so if today was to become a video what would the seo be my parents discovered i said the f word [Music] they found out yo sosimoto's the spongebob suck suckman yo i was a little nervous the fact that your parents watched that and i emphasized that so much a little nervous i literally at one point i was like yo the spongebob suck that's what makes it funny though draggy one thousand thank you for the twitch primes up as well oh my goodness this is a this is a weird day do a dragon i got no i i got no summoning guys man you know let me look up skyblock add-ons i might as well put on the zealot stuff this is on the counter [Music] there we go we got all of it on broken nick thank you for the two your parents are cool not gonna lie by the way i'm 6 11 at 18. you have to go yep all right bye bye bye chat stay poggers thanks oh yeah chad wants to just say pogba's mom what's that yelp no my chat wants to make you say internet words okay dude i can i can get my dad to stay instead you should say poggers poggers hoggard pog [Laughter] what the heck oh great killing me man your mom said i better take that bag of snacks out of here yeah that's probably for the best for those but these are good i i had to eat something no these are good briskets are all right yeah it's okay high fiber high fiber low fat i mean [Music] trying to keep 30 healthy man gotta keep them healthy yup let's see if he's sitting at the desk a lot yeah although we walked a few miles on the on the jersey shore on the board the past few days yeah we had 30 out on the boardwalk enjoying a little uh ocean breeze you know it was nice oh yeah if i want to go and do this i might as well go full speed there we go let's change the scenery yeah it was fun i i've never been there before and boy we ate good loudly oh yeah so on the way out we there's you know guy fieri right chat the flavortown guy you know with them what's the name of his hair design his haircut it's like the frosted tips i think it's called his hair that dude he has uh he has a little mini restaurant in one of the casinos and we got to eat there on the way out best hot dog i've ever had i don't even know what that was it was like it was funny because on the menu it just said mac and cheese and i was like all right it's mac and cheese and then i get it it's a hot dog big fat like monster hot dog with uh with mac and cheese on top of it with spicy ketchup and like bacon in it it was it was insane potato chips right crumbled up yeah there were potato chips and i saw a couple fries in there too it was like what was going on yeah mine was loaded man loaded with all kinds of yummy stuff beef brisket and jalapenos and and it wasn't too bad it was like 20 bucks for the two of us i mean i thought that but i mean he used a voucher it was only four bucks for the both of us we played it smart yeah we that's that's how you gotta do it strategizing over hot dogs we ate pretty cheap oh yeah except when we didn't there was a buffet but most of it was vouchers it's amazing because your dad just kind of gets close to the microphone sometimes we just hear like oh yeah oh i already read that one but thank you again we wanted to get fezzy i said i didn't realize how far away he was get him out for a bite to eat but i'll put the ear cup out again so you can hear what he's saying gotta get fezzy out man i can do this yeah can we go we gotta we have to come visit you man i'd probably come visit you there's like nothing to do here i'm in the middle of nowhere oh okay well either way either way it's all good any time one of these days if we can if we can get like a week ahead we're gonna make it happen or you can both just uh meet in florida and come uh come come hang out for a little bit in in the sunny uh state of florida um get it get it uh-huh it'd be that that would be that would be content as well that'd be like oh yeah we can make a video about the first time we ever met in person right yeah that'd be awesome man oh by the way geeky gamer thank you for the fight the joke was that brazil was beaten 7-1 in the world cup and fezia's from brazil this is the joke he's not action oh congrats to ruin the joke i don't even know where the show came from i'm not brazilian oh that's too funny i'm like he's brazilian nigel thank you for the two are you gonna cook with mama and papa virus i think the cooking with dirty bites is gonna be me and papa virus i love cooking man yeah my mom isn't much into cooking actually yeah yeah no she always enjoyed them i cooked [Laughter] oh man oh yeah i love to do i love the cook man yeah we'll come up with some interesting stuff but i know the chat really liked when i did an egg in the nest in my video the uh the day in the life well our video i should say fizzy did a lot of the like pretty much the whole it's hard to it's hard to say how much of like the work goes into each video you know i would say the more tedious part but anyway yeah that was awesome man i like the i like the egg to say our video egg in a hole that's the one you did right the egg yeah yeah that was good that was good people liked when i did that i like that other one that looked good that you sent me the picture of um it was in the who oh yeah i put that on twitter some people wasn't that crazy guys it surprised me how many people had never seen gordon ramsay styles right yeah and they they thought it looked gross but like no there's that's an actual way of preparing eggs is really tasty like you're missing donuts i'm sorry there's so many of them tv one two three thank you for the three what's a good dungeon set up for 11 mil uh the one i did on my solo profile was three fourths shadow assassin with zombie knight chest plate and then either warped air to e or livid dagger for berserker obviously um sid farmer thank you for the two thirties that is acting like he is 11 again oh yeah well thank you talking to chat saying poggers always always so i'm just a big kid man i love doing it all i i think i have playing the games we got to get them playing minecraft this year yeah i've never been really i'm more an outside sports guy that i like baseball football bocce horseshoes i mean beat saber oh that would be funny anything competitive that would be that would be extremely funny putting him in the beat saber well beat saber the thing is like it's an inherent human thing to be able to see i can't even it's crazy the donut secret is so fast but yeah i think that'd be fun to put him in beat saber um narnace should thank you for the dollar the infinity shadow with the 5a yo since i have wait since i there's a typo in there since i don't have an income as good as others i think they might say if i donate 10 or more will you say a word no no no no no no no there's a way to circumvent the rule though what if someone gets a gofundme together and then donates it all by i feel bad then because that's meant for people that need it not just to have some streamers swear hey look bro there's some whacked stuff on gofundme okay put on kickstarter there you go kickstarter where they put like companies together and stuff you know so that's where there that's the solution chat get up a kickstarter for 30 swearing kickstarter oh i heard that kickstarter really people do did well and and graphicality thank you for the 5 30 do you need my money is that i'm sorry i i'll catch up i'll catch up right now thank you for the one dollar as well you missed all five of them the stream labs don't sneak by man i gotta i gotta fix that make the noise louder i think raw food thank you for the five eggs in a nest has practically become my breakfast daily nice nice nice i mean it's good it's got like well i mean the thing is it's a lot of bread though so maybe not every day i would suggest you like uh do you like uh if you look up gordon ramsay style scrambled eggs that's really good you could put like two eggs worth on one piece of toast you know lower that ratio of carbs a little bit lard they should thank you for the other two ask your dad just say marinara sauce [Laughter] oh we'll make some we'll make some killer marinara we gotta we gotta determine what we're gonna make in the cooking with 30 bucks there's some suggestions i i think it should be stuff that's like i'm game we should make stuff that's like different from typical like like the egg in the nest that's like that's like different it's unique right and things that are fairly simple to start with that are fairly simple you know all right here we go let's see graphicality thank you for the five bucks between four donuts reminding me to read the other one i'm so bad i'm sorry but i'll read the initial message firstly you better include that in the video and this tie youtube people wait what include what me reading their donut look bro you got to earn it [Laughter] oh here we go the suggestions are coming in spaghetti and meatballs is probably like the most generic like i mean it's not bad but it's like everyone makes it we gotta do something interesting jacob thank you for the five can you friend me i'm sorry i don't do this i just don't want to friend one person on hypixel and be you know picking individual people and not others because then people feel bad and that's why to say no to all of them i'm sorry infinity shadow thank you for the 10 figured why not it may not be ten dollars exactly because of tax but i'm waiting hey thank you man wait what if i this is incredible man hell yeah it looks like 30 virus is live oh you could like echo yourself if you put the volume up you'd be able to hear what you're saying after 20 seconds all over again wait what is that another ad oh yeah [Laughter] hey thank you for another five man but i gave you more than two on it right they're awesome i i just i don't put a price on friend requests i'm sorry i just want to be fair i don't want people to feel bad two-fifths of a cent gg you guys have been crazy with the donors today oh my god very generous very generous hey promise me chat that when fezzy goes live next we're gonna we're gonna all be nice there too because fuzzy deserves it arguably more absolutely i don't i wouldn't even say arguably at this point i mean no we both work you know it's not easy for either of us that is true team effort man we would not have been able to get this far if it wasn't for like our cooperation and being able to somehow juggle being like best friends but also doing business like not a lot of people can say they can do that we can literally hear this that delay is like nothing what the hell that was like three seconds jacob jacob thank you for another ten okay fine but here oh thank you man i'm awesome okay okay hey welcome back man thank you for the five yeah you have to earn it like when like i did when i said 30 what would you do if fezzy died oh that was in the you cut out my answer too i did but that was because partially just the way you read it was funny it was like what would you do if fezzy died that was that was the way he worded it so that got him it was easily captionable i've had so many moments where like i'd read someone's message from chat it'd make it into an episode and then that person would be watching the episode be like that was me [Music] that happened a lot with the video it did what i gotta clean okay oh it's amazing when there's just you're just completely facing a different direction all of a sudden why you're just completely far away say hi to fuzzy for me thank you jacob hey chat if you if you want the best chance of getting in the episode you got to say something that that makes everyone laugh you got to be you got to be comedy you got to be funny you have to catch the attention of 4am fezzy and then the first thing i see toast someone just says the word just saying like egg burger is not good enough although that might make i don't know the thing is there's multiple levels of irony going on right now i don't know maybe this is all going in ah who knows i'm desperate we'll do it live yo you should have said that wait it will do it no i'm not from india i'm i'm american chad i am from the states he's more american than me you could put it that way jacob thank you for another fight i like giving money to you a lot well thank you man i like um receiving donations that was so weird i like money how it is that the mr krabs quote from the spongebob movie hello i like money i can't do his voice so i'm just gonna because fizzy sounds tired i woke up like all right oh you're gonna go too yeah i gotta i'm leaving to me and fezzy leaving to tell you the boys i gotta get on the road i got another hour and fifteen all right man i mean you can stay as long as you want if you want to like sleep on the couch or whatever the cool thing is this whole house is basically like the uh the man cave yeah yeah that's right man mikey chad's just accusing fuzzy of things now pizza virus wants me home where's dad oh boy who's gonna be home by now i said i'm still at bees i said i'll be leaving shortly there are so many donuts i didn't read what is happening today you guys are crazy oh yeah yeah oh my jacob would wait with another two cool me too ralph thank you for the two miss tono oh let me go back dying ralph thank you for another too fuzzy hurry with the sound board play f word oh yeah hold on there we go now my dad can hear it i ever won the ready whenever i oh there's a probably texting me again lappy x thank you for the fight festy don't put this in the vid oh reverse psychology you made it in no it but that that was his goal is reverse psychology that's not going in you know i'll blur out the donation and just leave in the conversation around it this is starting to turn into that carson stream where like his chat made the video imagine how much torture that would be to make oh my god and it would be so weird too because it's like apple crunch noise every five seconds or whatever oh yeah that was the worst but it was kind of impressive too frankie boy thank you for the five what you egg he stabs what are you what is what he did what you egg what what is that goal that's oh jacob that's a super sticker that's cool what is happening right now this is like jacob what is happening right now thank you for the 20 man wow and there's stream labs i feel bad for graphically because i know that here let me let me scroll down graphicality thank you for the thank you for the the the one dollar anyways tell your dad that i'm the 3.1k mod donator that happened earlier this year graphically is crazy just like sleazy wait how how is it what is it okay and thank you for the two other one donors as well and tell your dad i say hi hey what's up graphicality's a g for sure that's another way of saying is one of the guys that's cool yeah i'm just getting tired i gotta go get gas yeah i almost fell asleep several times on the way over here that that hot dog the uh yeah what was it the guy fieri mac and cheese hot dog was like that was heavy like an anchor yeah i was dozing myself [Laughter] [Music] not good oh my goodness it tasted delicious though i mean that's not something you could just have every day i don't think you'd have many days left if you did that no that'll kill you oh my gosh this is crazy it's not often that i literally can't speak the donuts fast enough ziggy farmer thank you for the two i just got my first ever farmer boots yesterday oh nice nice that's what that's what this is they give you speed depending on your farming skill which mine in game is 25 right now so it gives four speed per level so 100 extra speed and that's why i'm able to compete with these other people to get these uh zelic kills just skyblock things there's many layers to what i'm saying oh did i just see that hold on if that was if i saw that correctly that was kind of cool sometimes i'm just floating around in lobbies and i'll notice that people have my cloak and they don't know why me because i'm i'm hidden like sometimes you just see people running around with that [Music] profile picture is great accidentally wrote transcendent trains in an essay or something it's perfect for that like that the whole presentation of that super chat all right later guys i'm in we'll see you soon we'll see you all soon man it's great chatting with you we'll catch you all on the rebound later fezzy later man i said later me i don't know if you heard it go right thank you for the pln 10. your dad sounds like dr phil that's funny i think it sounds like flat he doesn't know who that is but i think he sounds like flat i've heard ah maybe like like a way deeper flat i like that one comment on the video with um with the little brothers as well where they said that every family member of mine is just a tone shifted version of myself they all don't exist yet it's just it's just a different go xlr profile going like bye i'm telling you it's just all different go xlr profile just sometimes you go oh wait that's oh jacob thank you for the two do you play among us i still ha to this day oh hello summoning uh to this day i have not even booted up among us i haven't even purchased it i've never played not even once although i did play the og version of that which is trouble and terrorist down for gary's mod well it's got it's got some differences i would say trouble in terrorist town to among us is like egg wars to bed wars there's a few differences i would say if i had to guess among us is probably better than ttt if i had to guess it's probably better because there's objectives and stuff i'll make a look thank you for the two i like all your no i'm not reading that no weird fetchy stuff in my chat no but it is a joke oh they said yolk even with the two how do you donate i don't know man i think you figured it out maybe this is crazy man i've i have not i don't think i've ever had a stream with this many just this many donations you know this is insane and it's only been an hour what what made today different of all days hey i really do appreciate it though you guys are crazy and even with the two keep this in because fizzy needs content doesn't even react i've grown numb to content yesterday yesterday i i told fuzzy i was like hey the past two videos that were not skyblock did really well as a matter of fact they did better than average maybe that means we can escape skyblock and then he's just like i've grown numb to escaping skyblock i have chad i've i'm i've i have settled into the trap that i've found myself in i've settled into this but i promised him that over the course of tonight and tomorrow i'm gonna record three videos that are not from bods just so that he can like sleep properly for a few nights if not like have a whole day off because i died i think that would be healthy i haven't had i haven't had a couple days off i think maybe ever maybe a couple maybe like well maybe once maybe twice in the past year i've had okay yeah we gotta we gotta kind of break yeah we need to do some something about that i need i need like i need like three days i need like three days to to reset because it's gotten crazy stressful chad it's gotten like it started with uh me just getting tired then i started micro sleeping then this is gonna sound really bad but it's happening less so maybe this isn't such a problem anymore is my eyes would start burning so i would let them tear up so i they would stop burning so i is that is that from the smoke from the fires is that still a thing in the smoke is that still a thing because yes that's the thing afterwards [Music] thank god i don't live near any of them it'd be way worse um and now i'm just basically sleeping while editing i have i have become i've gotten to a point where i i sleep and edit at the same time like last night i was probably asleep for half the time i was editing i'm not kidding the entire process i am micro sleeping like i can't even begin to understand what that's like i might so basically imagine yourself like you you get like a chunk done and then for a couple minutes you sit back and close your eyes and like sleep essentially and then a couple you just sit there and once you feel like you you've got a little bit of energy back you pull yourself back in and repeat over and over again that sounds terrible i i do that so when i need to vacation chat the problem is if he gets a vacation so does the channel so i'm scared like what are we supposed to get something i can get ahead of that that is that is true that's why i'm trying to get more of the recorded stuff done just so just like he can stay sane dude last night what i did was i finished sorting and then i uh i i slept for 20 minutes and then woke back up and then finished for the whole night because doing the actual editing part like doing the captioning and the zooms is way less tedious and way less killing so i was able to keep my eyes open for most of the time but uh yeah that it's it's gotten progressively worse and the problem is i'm i'm working the reason i'm i need a vacation isn't just because i want one it's because i'm working slower chad i'm not working slow to the point where i can't get it done but i could get way more done if i had some energy like i'm tired whenever uh and it's like i'm in this place right now where like if i edit when i wake up during the day i will never speak to any humans and secondly seven months of that a while ago and that didn't do me very well so i basically start editing around night time which is when i get tired so it's like though it's just like either way i go i die [Music] is that a plane by the way that is a plane yes going away you make it sound like that he's torturing you no no i'm trying to the problem is our upload schedule is kind of doing that to blame for it too because as this goes on right i've been wanting to do it less and less so procrastination happens like i i i resent freaking sorting like i i feel dread when i realized oh my god i'm gonna have to sort through another couple hours nothing again tonight so i i start later because i don't you know because procrastination that doesn't happen a ton but it happens and that doesn't contribute to anything so i'm not i have some blame in it but still chad there's a reason no one does what happens on this channel i should i should specify chat like i i'm trying everything right now to fix because the thing is we both have been stressed out because of this like i spend like on average probably four or five hours a day just making doing stuff in skyblock in hardcore to make it so that when i finally stream there's something exciting which is why i was super happy today when i got back from a two-day break you know crafting the manifest collecting the minions just like i progressed without having to spend the hours but like so for me too like we both have been spending a ridiculous amount of time just to put out daily videos and that's but you know if we apparently if what i hear is correct we just got to survive another month and a half and then things will get easier yeah i don't blame you we're gonna get two days and that's it that's what i think but i'll wait to stand corrected because i hope i i hope i am corrected i hope i'm wrong but at least the 25 not skyblock should be easier i would hope because like and like i want to do the whole like how i edit a video every night video you know what i mean like for for because a lot of people want to see my workflow but i'm asleep i'm micro sleeping half the time i'm editing so like it'd be the weirdest video ever it's like hey guys i'm gonna go pass out for five minutes i'll be right back like a month is a long time oh no i haven't had a break in in like a solid break in what feels like a year i don't know how long it's actually been i don't i i don't know how long it's actually been but i don't think i've had a break break in like a around a year maybe more likes i don't actually know it feels like a year but before people before people feel the doom and gloom there is a bright side to this between me and fezzy we both have like changed our like situation so much in the positive direction like if he's saving money i'm saving money like we're looking to i'm looking to start the button press officially where we got projects planned we're like there's a lot of stuff going on a lot of positives but there are down to the point where i don't know if there's health risks in what i'm doing which is what i'm yeah and that's and that's what the that's what the priority is now is to get the price i don't know if in the future like all of the what i've what like i'm doing well it will hurt me because this isn't healthy you don't do this don't do what i do like this is why i'm not gonna make the video on how i work because i want no one to reflect it because you're not supposed to micro sleep like all the time you're not suppo well while working you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to deprive yourself of energy and soon i won't even be awake when the sun's up because i'll be waking up after the sun goes down and going to sleep when it's coming up so like don't work like i work um and i'm tr i'm going to be making change because it's not healthy yeah and i'm not doing i'm in gloom all the time because i'm i'm earning a decent amount but like don't do what i do so basically what i accomplished on a better schedule it's just um i've trapped myself because of the well no the thing is little scenario we are going to try and fix it so like i as i said more commentary content more just pre-recorded content scripted stuff still really good content it's just not hours and hours of vod which will make things a lot easier because you know you said you dread the the sorting if it's uh if it's all recorded like from a script and stuff it's not awful like these lobbies are terrible by the way normal freaking dude normal mode for you other youtubers is freaking baby ass cakewalk for here like um i like i can't imagine how good things would be if i only had to sort through like an hour of footage oh my god and that's what typical youtube would be like for gaming youtubers it's like an hour to a footage and then an hour of footage for a video that's crazy but we are working towards that i mean that's why we're waiting so much on high tail but that's so far away why are all these lobbies so trash what the hell i've been swapping lobbies for like the past few minutes this is ridiculous my goodness but anyway uh yeah so for the short-term band-aid solution is gonna be getting fuzzy enough content that's easy to edit so that he could sleep for a few days and then hoping we can kind of muscle through the rest of this drought and hope that december brings good stuff i just need a reset time because the thing is right is i can i can take this i've been taking this for a long time i've been doing this this like sleep situation that i've been doing like not minus the micro sleeping and that stuff but like the staying up all night and going to bed when the sun's coming up thing since sky factory started i've been doing this for a while i can take it i just need time to reset so i can go another like three or four months before doing it again um so like you know i i can take it it's just i need some time to reset so i can operate again because i'm operating at like 50 right now in terms of productivity which i hate because i also want to get us ahead i want to get multiple videos done every day i'm capable of we used to do that yeah well we used to do that but standards were different but standards not only because of the quality standard but because of the footage i did not have to sort through like ridiculous amounts of time before um yeah so like people are making sleep jokes now editing professes so easy he could do it in his sleep [Music] yo bro sleeping on the job hey bro that's basically what's happening like i'm basically editing in my sleep chat last night's video i don't remember half of it because i was asleep like like it's yeah oh my goodness it's it's been it's been a struggle you know it has definitely been a struggle but you know what if we get through this which we we will let's be frank we will get through it but we've changed our situation so much and it's going to be so much easier once high tail comes out everything's going to fall in place i tells the high tails that green horizon we need yes because it's just normal like we're just dealing with normality at that point like i told 30. i was like i just want normal all right i don't want i just want normal we don't need easy content we just need regular i just want normal at this point because jesus christ man if i had normal we get two videos out a day right now like yeah if we do like vanilla everything i mean if people watched vanilla we'd probably be able to figure it out if people actually watched other things it'd be a totally different world but we're making we're making strides the thing is the personality driven content i think is actually even better than skyblock the problem is it's really hard to find a topic that's personality driven that's funny like saying the f word that was perfect uh day in the life also perfect next one cooking people have been asking a lot for it and they got like almost a thousand likes on twitter which is atypical of something like that so probably we'll do good and then if we end up doing that vacation thing and we end up like meeting in real life that would be a video that'd be really cool that'd be pretty cool that'd be a really neat video don't post twice a day when hydro comes out but like that's gonna say we'll wait we'll wait and see how it is like if it's a fit yes if the editing takes a while which i don't see why it would but you never know um then maybe one a day but yeah i think we can manage to because the thing is is like at least for the first couple months because like literally us walking around and trying crafting recipes is a video someone wants to see in the first couple of months because people want to learn how to play the game people want to watch people play through it like the amount of content is amazing so i i think for a couple months we'll manage two videos today but we'll see we'll definitely settle back into one video day it's not like two videos a day will be a standard by any means no way it's just because that's just not a thing and get it going in the first couple months yeah we want to establish ourselves as the high tail guys you know fake dream if there is we can immediately ban him we can smite him with the bandhan he said he just said hey guys hey yo if you're real message us on twitter no no no no no the thing is verified check mark oh that's right i forgot that shows up in chats yeah i gotta go now have a nice day band [Laughter] no impersonation bad are you still going to do skyblock when hightower comes out only if there's like if they change their update cycle man it's gotta there's gotta be a change if it's like this no i mean maybe twice a month two videos a month skype get this space oh my goodness that's a war that's a weird alternate reality when you think about it two skyblock videos a month that's how it'd be though i mean we're only doing it minecraft bro we're only doing it as often as we are right now because we have to if we had our way chat there'd probably there'd be way more bed wars videos i would imagine oh my god i just want to play but i feel bad hey bessie here's a question how long has it been since we have uploaded hi um bedwars on this channel a bed wars exclusive video that isn't a rant yeah just like the the title is it is bed wars oh that was the the one that the drive the bed oh the bed was going to be insane video maybe the 35 is out of context no that wasn't bad wars though it was multiple things but how how long ago was the drives me insane video uh four months ago you think the situation's changed enough since then that people would care that's the question because things have been heading that direction maybe maybe it wouldn't work and we just don't know it's been a long time i mean it'd be good to throw that in as the fourth you know what i mean for the week that is that is true if we have nothing else that could be a good one maybe you know so chad the thing is about a second editor is that like first of all i'm not i don't earn passive income off of this so a day without work is a day without pay but that's not even the biggest thing right now because in reality i could live right now if we uploaded every other day like like i'd be all right at that point um but uh that's not the only issue the thing is is uh first of all views would probably go down like by half which is not good and uh the issue being is that two people doing this doesn't make a difference in how long it takes because there's someone that has to sort it and someone that has to say yeah let's say we go it goes into sorting and then someone polishes it it'll still take the same amount of time for someone to sort it if they're as quick as me and that's not it'll take even longer yeah like like if they're as quick as me at sorting then it would still take the exact same amount of time and there would be no difference so it's the thing is this stage is is this kind of editing doesn't benefit for multiple people really so you know we've basically gotten to the point where we have like a proprietary technology like and say you reverse the role someone does the polishing um i haven't seen any other youtubers do the the there is captioning and a decent amount of it in like almost everyday videos like i don't see that in like on a daily basis so i don't know if peop the thing is i think it's people are very capable of it but it's really boring so people don't want to do it and i don't know i just i don't think two people would benefit the situation at all it would just cost 30 more money and it wouldn't save any time oh by the way ralph thank you for the two canadian free the frog tommy and it doesn't upload daily also he has multiple editors i'm pretty sure yeah yeah he doesn't upload every day he's uploaded two videos this week there's a big difference chad trust me it doesn't sound like a big difference so what he skipped three days no no no no no no no it is a massive difference even skipping one video a week would be a huge relief i would imagine yeah because that would be like a day off a week which is wild that's like crazy you know what though we can cheat the system and what if i do a 24 hour stream and then that's your break period so while i'm not sleeping you are [Laughter] oh i don't know about that i don't want you to kill yourself wait you have been maybe it's my turn to i mean that's kind of the purpose isn't it is to like do the do the boring and stuff well the thing is right what we have here is we're bettering the both of us you know it's like we're in this together and if one of us is literally like micro sleeping half the time that they're conscious then that's not good that is it's not but that i just i think we need to fix it after just a couple days off we need to fix it because the system this is the problem we can't be having that man well the system isn't broken our bottleneck is skyblock and i'm pissed our bottleneck is skyblock and youtube the system could not work better it's in youtube that makes the system not work chad's taking what i said out of context again now chat the thing is though and see if i'm using it the same in this in a correct fashion micro sleep is a floating uncontrollable oh okay well then maybe i just got using it i don't know how long this has been in my hotbar but i got an end stone though that's kind of neat microsleep is a fleeting uncontrollable brief episode of sleep which can last anywhere from a single fraction of a second to 10 seconds oh well okay so macro micro sleep that lasts longer it lasts a couple minutes so it's micro sleep but i control it it's not like it my body shuts down that i'd be worried i'd actually call it like quit at that point if my body was shutting down every couple minutes i i'd be like hey 30 i don't know what what's got to change but it can't go on although that did almost happen one night that did almost i was like falling out of my chair like i could not balance because i kept falling asleep and i i told everybody this i gave up i was like bro you know what i'm done tonight i laid in bed felt guilty got back up and finished that is not good like i the thing is chat like wait i don't want this to happen this wasn't the plan for either of us and it's not like i'm forcing fizzy to edit you know i haven't said well we got it he's macroing but but but anyway it's i obviously this is he's you know i'm trying not to i don't know how to phrase this and i don't want it to sound like going pity because i don't like i can handle this i just need a couple days to reset that's all like i can handle it i've been handling it for a long time hey chat whatever what if as a meme i edited a video and it was terrible and i tried to be like fezzy and everything would just be executed horribly wrong well i'd have to give you some pointers because there's a certain way these videos get done that allow them to get done first you can't use sony vegas it's just the way that timelines work the problem with with software's like sony vegas and premiere is you can't scrub through the timeline really fast like you have to click play pause and then click somewhere else on the timeline me i am scrubbing with my mouse over and over and over again and it's really quick um but if you were to use sony vegas just read read the voices in the in the waveforms yeah for for captioning what you'll have to do is you you'd have to uh you'd have to get a preset animation for the for the popping in and you'd have to also uh understand when to cut the caption and then start the next one and when to animate another zoom in on the caption and if you wanted the track captions well sony vegas doesn't have automated tracking which i don't use most of the time because hitfilm frame by frame i would have to do it and then you have to frame by frame tracking which i've gotten decently fast at but you'd have to do it okay like occasionally so how what takes you the longest time to edit the sorting the the complicated stuff that i'm talking about like the tracking and the freaking captioning and the screen shakes and the animating is less than half of the time because i have to sort through like a ridiculous amount of stuff i use hit film chat i use hit film which there's a free version that you could do most of what i do with no all of what i do with i don't use any of the paid stuff uh for 30s videos as of right now actually i do some of the warping but otherwise no um yeah it's it you can use that fellow express which is free i want to get sponsored by hit film it fell reach out to me dude i want to i want to get sponsored by them i love that software but yeah i don't like i'm not a big fan of premiere or oh i just remember what the box is oh remember that box that was shipped to my mom's house i know what it is yeah it's for a sponsor oh nice wait why is it not in english that's a good question [Laughter] i'm not going to see you out of your vids too yes i don't i don't have a uh i don't have a personal editor let me kind of meta an editor has an editor although my videos are easy so far not anymore what i got cooking but you know ooh now you got me wondering well you've already seen something well i actually oh wait that's right video because it's hold fast i'm going to be doing what i did with the hold fast that you saw with the smp that's what i'm going to be doing oh the one with again yes noise did you upgrade to the 30-90 film hit film pro is not free and film express is completely free i use hitfilm pro but the free version i used for 30s videos for months why don't we do a video each because i'm not a good editor and the quality standard is so high it's not like you're not a good editor it's just you don't edit you didn't come up editing the same stuff like you you were coming up on a different time on youtube where like yeah but if we were uploading time imagine imagine our quality standard in our process in 2014 we would have like two million subs by now oh yeah yeah yeah for sure like yeah uh it's just i grew up playing with editing software because i wanted to get good at film and to be like a solo filmmaker you got to kind of know how to do everything you got to know how to set the camera and you have to know how to do post and pre-production so you got to do it all and um i've been playing with editing softwares for like 10 years ever since i started doing youtube and i found sony vegas and stuck with it for seven years yeah i started with windows movie maker windows live movie maker freaking i've been through filmora there's a plane uh i tried i used premiere for a year and i then i switched to hit film because filmora pro is just a copy a hit film and hit film pro is where i am now i've been all over the place andre demon thank you for the two why not do three days on one day off because less videos equals less views equals slower it's bad for everyone like like i want to say this again i often like remove messages i send from 30 because i don't want it to sound like i want pity like i am not i'm not depressed like mentally i'm probably in one of the best places i've ever been which is a blessing because i've been stressed before uh well i'm stressed but like it's a different kind of stress i'm not like you know depressed but um it's just at this point it's like i'm burning myself out which is true but i can work like that like i can i just need a couple days to reset and then i don't and then i'm good for another probably like three or four months 30 lists 30. fezzy lives in an airport confirmed you're not technically wrong that's all i don't live in an airport but you know i used to live near an airport actually but i actually do live kind of near to an airport that might be what i'm hearing now i think about it did you get your prosthetic hip yet when whoa i that sounds like this just in the wrong chat because i what that's i'm no anyway could you potentially sort for fuzzy no that that's kind of the whole point of me being here is to do all of that and i can it's just it's just you know the point is to delegate different roles on the channel's production cycle because while he's doing that i'm figuring out what we're gonna upload and i'm like writing scripts and prepping for the videos this happens on a daily basis in the day in the life i actually didn't showcase what i do most days which is ironic but most days i'm playing lots of sky block while putting down points on the google doc it's like okay during the stream i can show off this this this and this we can shoot for this this and this this is a boring grind i'm going to do it off camera like you know that happens every day and like with the rants and the scripts and i got to do research and you know if i'm gonna if i'm sorting for like four hours a day i kind of lose that creative bit that allows me to actually figure out what the next video will be and that's why it's good to delegate like this because i don't even have to think about it you know and it gives me the the ability to do that sorting yep i and i really do want to make a video about how i edit at some point cuz like i'm proud of it i'm proud of what this channel's accomplished but i'm also scared of like the little little idea that like maybe everything i'm doing is like easy right and like anyone could that little bit of imposters that pops through it's like you know maybe i'm just bad like maybe this is easy and i'm just like procrastinating and i'm just not i don't have a great workout i don't think that's the case what we do is what i'm fairly certain at this point it's pretty much a womble video but like from an editing standpoint from an editing standpoint it's a wobble video but every day like kinda i mean the thing is there's been less captioning recently because well that there hasn't been as much funny stuff but when there is but like if the i would say so if you you know be a weird experiment what if you were to like if you were to download a soviet womble vod and then make your own brand of soviet womble video what would be my time limit how long would i get to do it like two days i don't see what i see how close i could get the soviet womble quality in two days that would be the thing is like the one thing i wouldn't do that soviet womble does is is the freaking rotoscoping i'd go crazy i can't i can't do rotoscoping i i well i know how to and i can but it drives me insane uh but what what rotoscoping is is like he'll do this little thing and it's so subtle but it takes so long we're like say like uh there's a flag in the in the uh game and someone walks in front of whoever's captioned in the moment he'll he will mask it so the flag goes in front of the text oh yeah yeah i've seen that that sucks because that's really annoying to do like really annoying i've done it mildly i did it in the subnautica series i did a little bit of roto but like it's so annoying so like i probably wouldn't do that but i do everything else like the anime like the the the tracking yes the captioning yes i'd probably add a little more flair to my captioning because i noticed that this is no flat soviet wobble by the way uh but he doesn't do like any pop-in animations or anything like that um he probably doesn't need to i mean that's just how he'd be but i do stuff like that and i also colored all of the text uh i color code it in different ways like uh like i do now like 30 30 is black and white because that's just the default colors because if the thing is i'm green right and if 30 is green you won't be able to tell who's talking so i was just like we'll just keep 30 default i'll be like that weird green bernie is like a uh orangish because that's just a color that i found uh aiken is brown because he's a bear uh and now brandon crafter is pink because he's a mushroom and i didn't make him red because red means bad um and dragon hanks uh dragon hanks i think is or is is straight orange whereas uh uh it's funny there's so many quote characters in the episodes which is funny because we're all just people but like it makes it like feel like there's different characters oh yeah thank you for the two maybe take wait maybe get a temp of just sort i don't know you what he means like get a temporary guy to do just the sorting no it wouldn't save any time that's the thing it's just kind of counter-intuitive just costing 30 more money i would i wouldn't recommend it but yeah um there's a lot of little things that go into the episodes that i love and i'd like to make a video about it um because a lot of people wouldn't know how i edit like because it is possible like anyone could do what i'm doing it's just like the work ethic putting the time into figuring out different ways to speed up stuff like i have a grip for my my keyboard and the years of getting used to the software and right like i have a claw grip for my keyboard that way i can i can cut save move stuff like in an instant like just by moving certain fingers like it there's little things there's so many little things that go into the videos and that's i i'd like to make a video about it at some point but oh meme gamer the third thank you for the five pounds thirty could you highlight parts of the spot as you make it professionally to look you mean like highlighter you do that that's done he laughs and i can see it in the in the in the waveforms the sun is like yeah like like i can read 30 black like my life happens laughing i also can pick up context on a situation uh really quickly which is another reason i get through stuff fast like for example if i sort through a thing because i'll sort through like every text blurb right or every text blurb every way so that way i don't miss anything and if i hear oh that means 30 is reading a donut like i can pick i picked up on tiny things like if i hear 30 like kind of like i can tell when he's not directly facing his microphone he just goes like oh hey i know he's reading a donut i skip that i skip that line of of uh audio or like if i hear him go like thank you for the no skip it that one's i don't use that one unless it's funny which you know but i can pick up context really fast on things and if like i can tell by the tone of his voice if what he's talking about is something that i should keep in like right now none of this is going in uh um but yeah no i i can pick up context on a lot of things really fast and that's another reason i can get through stuff really quick because i i don't need to listen to half of the conversation i just kind of pick it up another one that's another tip that 30 would have to do if he wants to do these every day you have to learn context and learn speech patterns and learn what a laugh looks like on waveforms if i had to stream and then sort the stream i would have zero life i would literally understand if it's your life and i only i only do that so like yeah it'd be impossible probably that would be just the way you're almost gonna skip the entire stream that's the thing that's pretty much what happens on the screen right that's the big problem with our stuff all that's happening on the screen right now is he's killing zealots what the hell it's not like he can change it it's sky block that's all you know that's all you got this is what makes the most sense to do right now in progression as well so it's just like huh like what am i going to do spends again like that's any better yeah like it doesn't matter it's all just one monotonous grind that like is equally boring to watch so like the videos have to be about like the other stuff um the other stuff like the the conversations or the the the the funny parts you know uh oh decimated thank you for the two how do you give us your best fuzzy impression uh i have no idea dude i don't even know where to start that's the thing i literally don't even know where to start it was a common thing to like think we sound exactly the same for a while so you've already done it here's one thing right i subconsciously pick up the mannerisms of people over time and i've definitely without wanting to stolen a few things from fezzy like a few speech patterns i've i've taken a few things that you say i've re i've become self-conscious at some point it's like hey that's the thing fezzy always says and now i'm saying it like i mean i don't pay i don't i don't i mean i i kind of do the same thing which is why i sound like i do because it's like a culmination of all the people i've been around my life but like i noticed a carson video someone in the background was speaking just like you do and i was like wait that that's fuzzy speech pattern as i won't speaking exactly like i do well i'd like to know what video that is that's interesting the the one where he was talking about rocket league and like pence or something i don't remember like like i don't remember yeah that's just that's just a normal thing i mean like you you're that's just influences yeah so in in a sense at all times i am at least five percent doing a fuzzy impression [Laughter] hell yeah are you voting no i do not care for the politic mike pants name meme gamer the third thank you for the two so you can see what to include and it takes hours yes because there are there are the thing is no he's asking why it takes so long if he if you have the indicator for when something happens because there's more than just funny moments there's like sometimes something's funny without i've noticed this like somehow they still make it in something that is funny without any laughter or even noise going on things that are funny just kind of happen but it gets picked up on and put it and that's because it's very meticulous like virtually ever i miss something occasionally but it's rare um but i sort through everything and like you know i can pick up on things like uh the uh context of something really quick but i'll still skim through because i want to make sure i'm not missing anything so yeah like if 30 just says something awkwardly it'll get in because i thought it was funny when i found it so i'm listening to everything okay like i got ears everywhere here's here's a good example in the video with uh me and my little brothers i was crafting something and then out of nowhere mikey just goes pog worms and no one laughs i'm just like what did he even and then he cuts around like in waveforms or video there's no way you would have picked or seen that but like just by literally scrubbing through it yeah like there was no laugh i mean maybe that but there's also points of progression that aren't in the waveforms like that's all on the visual and i have to find those like yeah a mana flux i have to find that moment and then put that in luckily most of that stuff is at the beginning or end of the stream i've been trying to do that especially at the beginning so i yeah i i there's there's stuff i have to find other than just like laughing um so you know it's all over the place bro you know what i just realized i got to stop doing that because because the um i think i've said the chat multiple times that now there's a there's a female in my life but if she's watching the stream i don't know i don't know how to speak a female in my my life i don't find i have a girlfriend shout out there you go but sometimes sometimes she could be watching i don't know if she's watching the stream but i just randomly burped like that it's like but you know what if b how would it be that that is true if she watches them for who he is get out no i can't sort it as 30 streams that's not how it works that's if if that technology existed that's the video codec world would be insane so no 30 has to complete the recording because there's a recording happening while we're streaming and then has to upload that recording to google drive where i downloaded it'd be cool if there was a software where like all the viewers could press a button and then it would put a little tick on the stream saying i was like something happened here something worth being in the video happened here and like and then collectively like all three thousand or two to three thousand people watching could like if they're if they were to do that there'd be like a graph yeah and then that'd be very cool and then fizzy would go to the spikes and then see what's in there and then it would like if he cuts out a piece of the video that part of the graph would disappear as well that would be really cool if that if that was possible that would be crazy proprietary software and a proprietary editing software it'd be complicated but that would be very cool i feel like streamlabs could do something like that i feel like they could although they had the problem is is like i don't know how they'd implement that like because like i'd have to see it in hitfilm yeah which is the problem is like another level of integration stream labs would implement something for hit film but no one knows what hit film is which makes me sad like it film is so good but no one uses it except like me and like because like if you look up the hit film community in the tutorial there's like a couple channels you'll find it's sad that's such a good software that's why i want i want to chill for them because i genuinely love hitfilm i like give me money and i'll talk about it more than i already do because i love it though the stream has only been an hour and 45 minutes and i feel like so much just happened already it's actually been an hour and four minutes oh it's been an hour 45 minutes the youtube panel says so you weren't here for a while that might be why oh wait whoa no okay so the vod goes back an hour and 45 minutes but it said started streaming 100 minutes ago huh interesting wait no that's an hour and 40 minutes 100 minutes is an hour 60 minutes oh wait no no no [Laughter] hours 60 minutes not 100 minutes you know i've done that too many times oh meme gamer the third thank you for the five yeah so could dirty have some sort of trigger that shows these spots generating in the waif oh that yeah that could be i i was thinking about that no no no no hear me out hear me hear me out hear me out no you know how mp4 supports multiple audio tracks right so like if while recording streamlabs obs made a second audio track that has like you know just some random noise that when looked at in the waveforms would look like a graph and then it would just spike at the parts that are the most entertaining and you could cut out that audio track in the actual edit or you can have it muted but you can still see the the visual for it one you'd have to remember to do it every time yeah but then no no but the requests could be like theoretically if streamlabs obs did this it would pull data from the streamlabs website where viewers could click into a menu and they click a button saying this is a a moment worthy of being in the video and then collectively all of that would contribute to the waveform in the second audio track that would be muted but still visible in the editor bro that'd be that'd be cool that would be but it's so neat like i'm the only it is so incredibly meshy i need that you know what i mean that would be so incredibly niche because like normal youtubers got it way easier normal youtubers don't sort through the crap we sort but the thing is finding a way to single out the best moments in a five hour stream could be extremely valuable for most streamers they just need to be convinced of that and then the software needs to be made and then what makes a special won't be special anymore so maybe not i don't know that'd be cool but like it's so nice and that problem would only exist until hightail comes out maybe where are your parents in their own houses so it was today was weird because my mom and dad are divorced right so like the fact that my dad was here makes sense because he drove me back from the vacation my mom was here because she wanted to drop off a package that arrived at her house so like my parents were in the same vicinity which was very weird that never happens which is why you might have noticed i wasn't talking as much during that point because i felt the tension in the eyes oh man you better hope they're not watching right now no but it's fine no that's not the situation's more awkward no no it's fine because they there's a level of like they don't hate each other but you know of course they're exes so yeah exactly exactly so it's not really a bad thing it's just kind of like a like oh that's a little that's a little weird it's like if you're at a party and you see your ex it's like that same feeling like you could just kind of feel that then you crafted the manaflex today oh i thought that happened like a while ago i crafted overflux on solo a few days ago that might be i remember that video came out already i know that's why you said you don't remember the much i thought you crafted manaflex already for some reason though that's weird i prepped for it by i had all of the the teeth that's what it was cause i'm living in two different time zones right now i'm seeing i'm seeing the progress that he's made right now but i'm like a week or so like in the past at night time like during the daytime i see the present during the night time i see the past i'm just all i don't know what's happening oh i was literally just about to say that it took a little while to get that 500 kill summoning i could do one dragon assuming i could do damage so no i can't never mind i need two more oh oh tyrion and warton i definitely said that wrong they welcome back i don't know why i always struggle with your name thank you five did you know that underscore this person that name that you can see right now chat do you know them because he scanned me and he said he was your mod oh it's satan with a four yeah i was like why are you it's satan um it took a second my brain's slow i i don't recall having someone named adam i don't even recognize that name so they're just a lying liar unless their screen name is different in game which is possible i don't know i don't recognize that name is all i know [Music] guessing your mom and dad part of different ways and being married doesn't make sense and it was uh they just weren't interested in anymore in the in the thing you know the relationship which i was like three years old when this happened so i don't need anyone's sympathy you know i'm not it didn't really change much if anything double christmas is kind of cool but um no i don't care it's fine but yeah there's a little there's a level of awkwardness that just kind of is inherent when you know they're in the same vicinity oh my goodness your mods have never been named season that's yeah good point oh man will you make a cut in the video because you showed the alarm i made on twitter oh yeah that was funny i think fizzy will find that that'd be worth it um someone um one of the donations was asking if i could record them an alarm so like my voice would wake them up in the morning scream or something i said some line i i it was something like get up nerd time for school something like that get up nerd and then they actually said they're all alive alarm clock would be moan don't imagine that you wake up every morning to aiken moaning that is terrifying that that would wake you up you'd be freaking terrified let me just i don't know how he doesn't get self-conscious doing that like i would be terrified if for some reason like some audio was made that doesn't exist oh strong dragon oh maybe if i was like stretching or something and it sounded that way that would still be super awkward that happens well yeah but it's because i'm stretching not because oh but our pleasure wow this man of flux is good i'm already at full health bro that is sick [Music] that means oh wait i actually did the math getting in my head just now i get knocked down to about half health from the lightning attack so like if i heal two percent health per second that means in like 30 seconds i'm already good that's kind of sick though wait what am i doing i should go to my damage set there we go these guys are struggling with this dragon i might be able to get more than three frags for once ow lightning oh so many people just teleported to the dragon to do that that was funny i i have almost 300 000 damage on this dragon what this this lobby is trash and i love it you know if i ever had time you know would be a fun experiment if if i edited an aiken stock they got to do that they got to do that with me well that was freaking scary i just remembered i don't have a remnant in my inventory that'd be yeah like we've swapped once it'd be funny to swap again that's if i ever had time it'd be kind of funny see just how different it would be i still got position 14. and only three frags why did i even bother i could have just tapped it once and been done wow what a scam it was stupid i literally didn't even get four frags like bruh damn what's up hello what i'm back what happened did you just shut down for a minute there what doesn't happen i don't know what you're talking about nothing happened you went completely silent and stopped moving in game i'm good wait what happened how did you actually just space off i was texting oh i thought you literally just like like literally powered down i was just micro sleeping no i don't have that excuse that's actually how it looks when i'm at it i just everything just stops for a few minutes just lay back with my eyes i was i was asking if she was still watching the stream and she said no i was like oh okay good oh good this is good she is now though i bet she's here no i cannot risk it hey wait yo i got it hey this is what you're signing up for come prepared all right i have a runons at the ready in case they do another one she just messaged back saying i said okay good because i burped really awkwardly then remembered you said you were watching and she's like i don't care about that i would have laughed i think she's a keeper chat [Laughter] she's accepting [Laughter] she lies that's pretty it's such a weird thing like all of the basically the whole time that chad's known me that hasn't been a thing so like we're shedding a new territory chad is what i'm saying it's kind of cool oh yumming he i definitely said the wrong thing for the five there's no message though oh thank you man there is no message associated with don i i don't know how to speak sometimes half the time i don't know also this lobby just discovered i'm in here that's good dude i know i am ready to leech is the question look at the chat they're they're so excited hello lobby how's it going how are you doing this fine day i just looked at the the the youtube chat and saw beans and i was really confused like what do you mean they're excited beans they're so excited the high stream it's like a new it's like another stream chat it's funny how the music in your beats i mean the music in your stream oh yo the new soundtrack i think is going to be a long laster because there's so much variety in the guy i found i'm going to have to update my live stream playlist soon smart face makes some good music out of context smart face smart face is the guy that's like he's the main protagonist in the soundtrack nowadays for the videos and uh why is all my chat beans now because uh because beans i that's that was a little more delayed than i expected it to be 30 is gone again i don't know what you're talking about yo i really would be that type of guy that's like you're at the dinner table and like he's just looking down at his phone the whole time dude i'm 100 wow sold out calling you out i'm just i'm just being called out man i just told her that my chat said she's a keeper let's see what happens maybe we can get a dialogue going no oh well if she came to the chat she'd be awfully confused because they're saying beans well [Laughter] yo my pet's saying you're a keeper she looks just beans oh it's a dragon hello it is wise unlike me why is the word being weird i don't know bean is a weird word bean it's just like like moist or betwixt those weird words thank you for coming to my ted talk oh weird words 38 you're not doing damage because you're doing it wrong what you're talking about i am shooting right now you have to let the bow pull back all the way you're letting it go like to the second tick wait really yes it doesn't crit unless it's all the way back i know that but i thought i was maybe i'm just cutting it too close is the problem i can't see him source swapping is not a thing anymore so oh hello oh wait really they got rid of sword swapping on dragons yep unfortunately i don't mind that oh the lag that was the legs break spoil it's break oh yeah look at my damage i'm already where i was with the magma boat last time yeah it's because you're doing it right now as i swapped to run ons is why well in your critting you're actually quitting this time you weren't creating before no these melee people are blocking the arrows remember when wise dragon was prophet dude bro i almost haven't 500k damage that's pretty good at one point wise was like you saw wise appear on your screen and you were hyped like those were different honestly it's kind of been like a cycle sometimes it is like that sometimes it's not it's mostly not it's mostly like why you start crying i cry a lot four frags yeah we earned an extra frag hell yeah yeah bro i'm a high key torn between amd in the video right now like i don't know i don't know if i'm gonna get a 30 90 or a 6900 xt i actually don't um compatibility reasons might be you know compatibility with nvidia is pretty much guaranteed bro i use hit film and hit film is like it's like an outlander like it's not acknowledged by any massive corporations well it is but it's not like nvidia optimizes for hit film that doesn't happen no no i'm saying that hit film probably is made to work with nvidia oh they committed to work with anything do not question the bean fezzy it's a it's an nle it's it's pretty much whether your gpu is stronger or not and honestly amd's got a really strong cpu for 500 less oh no oh that's a lot of money i guess i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait until benchmarks come out and we'll see because like the thing is there's 24 gigs of vram in the 30 90 and there's 16 in the in the 6900 xt but it it runs games better somehow which also is an important factor because i'm streaming on the same pc i guess i'll just have to wait and see which one is better for creative applications because you push your tv ram to the max when you edit huh is vram important when you edit yes having lots of it yeah i actually see i tuned this pc when i bought it to work as an editing machine but i didn't know that hit film uses both cpu and gpu like hit film is um it kind of bops like the the load like like back and forth between the cpu and gpu it bops the load fuzzy 2020. what is the better word um it uh it tosses the juice it pushes the power it it uh you know the usage goes between the cpu and gpu it'll throw it back and forth bob's the load tosses the chain all right like at some point it'll be like the cpu will be like 50 but then all of a sudden the gp goes 100 so like hit film benefits from a strong pc overall so i i just need to get a really strong gpu uh because the only bottleneck in my system right now and for streaming i want to stream vr right and vr it doesn't work that great with streaming uh because of my graphics card i have a 20 oh i'm here 2070 s in my system so like it's a little a little scuffy um not scruffy a 2070s is great but it's not a creative card you know it's not a card that like you use for for creative applications so i guess i guess we'll see we'll see because if amd is is better with its price to performance for creative apps then i'm getting a 6900 xd but if the 3090 is better for creative apps i guess i'll get the 30 90 if it ever comes back into stock for more than a second yeah i've never seen such a terrible launch for a product in my life it's ridiculous you know what's crazy it's even worse than the nintendo switch launch like which was just it was the same thing happened 230 90s well actually so 3090s went back into stock on b h last night twice and they sold out instantly both times well there's bots checking for it i bet yeah yeah they're getting scalped but like bruh i just need a new gpu and i don't want to buy a 2080 ti for obvious reasons but i don't know if i have a choice man i need a new cpu for streaming for great for my freaking you said cpu i needed to see any new gpu and like freaking am freaking nvidia crap navidia to lack of better term the bed with this launch so like i really need a new cpu i really need a new gpu uh that's funny she responded with something that is just it's just it's too much chad it's too much the default dance i don't want everyone just going sure jonas thank you for this dude fezzy is lost isn't he yes not lost he's lost in the world of gpus one of these days man i want to get good at dungeons on this profile because i feel like that's these days man i want a high tail to come out forget dungeons yes freaking dungeons forget dungeons bro i want high tails dungeons of all of different variety that's not sus i promise people just like fuzzy sword oh my god they just went back in the stock oh oh they went back and now it's your time oh god damn it they went back into stock half an hour ago and i didn't hear it because streamer mode's on i want this damn card man i'm willing to spend i'm even willing to buy the 1700 version i just need i just want a 30-90 you were so excited and then so disappointed so quickly it's because i realized it came out like 20 it came out literally like 29 minutes ago so there's no way they're there anymore man i have a 3900 x chat for my cpu oh man this has been a funny day i'm hungry for some reason even though i eat that the hot dog like that was five hours ago never mind oh hey look this man's got the the the code red cloak that is pretty nice and he's gone hey i found a listening on ebay for 30 90s that or for a 3080 that was like within a decent price range bought it paypal instantly was like yo that's a scam forget about it and then the listing disappeared [Laughter] shout out to paypal i just want to 39 hey i got 39 you can give me a good price on i'm in i mean 3090 is in in stock on best buy don't play with my emotions dude don't lie to me it's not fair it's not fair man shoot you know what maybe i should just get a bot you know what i mean dude just you can't beat them join them at this point although i don't want to go scounding on 4chan for bots to download onto my computer so maybe that's not a good idea yeah when you deal with those kind of people they have other they have ransomware they have other avenues for making money from you 1.1 k for 30 90 you're underselling yourself yes i'll do it 30 hundred dollars your gf has surprisingly a lot long hair what i didn't make that public how would you even know that we don't even follow each other on socials because you never there is literally no way for you to know that how would that even be your life you're you're taking it again creep you out that's why they're saying it yeah but like how would you there's no way to know that unless you like i we literally don't even follow each other on social media yet because he said it was a guess he's saying i was about to say debate so hard oh my god like you took the bait so hard there's well i mean to be fair most girls have long hair so i mean that's kind of a that's a safe yeah you know what i wish bro is like i wish the 30 90s came into stock in the best buy store like i'd walk over there right now freaking copper 30 90 in my hand right now i need it i need this damn card it's been out for like a month and a half and he's still hanging out i'm glad i'm kind of glad though that like i don't want this to be a thing that like it's cool to talk about stuff on stream but i don't want people to like know who because that makes things weird you know i mean at least not now maybe after like a while like people can be weird on the internet man that's all i'm saying yes i'll get a 6900xt once benchmarks come out but by the time benchmarks come out they're going to be scalped because they're going to scalp the amd cards too it's not like i'm getting a new gpu anytime soon if someone were to somewhere to stop you on the street or in a store asking if you're 30 virus what would you do i would say yes you'll be like how did you f how did you know because i don't know virus i don't know what the hell a 30 virus is i have a gun get away from me i'd be like i don't know what that is man of course so 30 gay no and there's nothing wrong with either way don't make this into a gender thing chat that's not even the right word to describe this thing just don't even wrong with anything chat just do what you want i sing do what you want do what you want so long as you're not hurting other people dragon hangs his 30s lover chat says some weird things sometimes i just look and i see time to burn down a building [Laughter] like what no no chad i'm not there's nothing wrong with it but i'm not either we just are what we are you know that sound wasn't that from like i think it was ice fishing when that yeah i think you were so quiet though that's the only thing i'm sorry do i sound like a female chat does this does this sound like a female's voice to you hey bro i wonder what the deepest sounding female voices just mike morgan freeman is actually a woman i thought you were about to say mike wazowski for some reason like what's the deepest voice mike wazowski can make a trap oh man does 30 know what a trap is yeah i do okay yeah there you go i'm not an idiot chad okay i i know some things just not that many things dude you didn't know minecraft had a sensitivity we don't talk about that i'll never let you live that down we don't we don't we don't talk about that you sounded like a female okay fancy sus listen here bro that was funny when um when chad asked my dad to say marinara and then he said it he said it i didn't get that what was that about he said it the italian way that's why it was funny marinara something like that i don't know how he said it [Laughter] something about the way he said it was funny i'm sad hit me up bro what was that um makes me sad wait what just happened oh oh yo on my perspective you just randomly just gasped for no reason i was like what you know that makes me sad we don't talk about it all right that that offends me oh hello what are you all doing on this fine day gentlemen oh wait does that mean wait hold on hold on hold on i have an opportunity to pick on twitter see that's because my pick on twitter is what everyone thinks i look like in real life but it's wrong hey jet what if what if i actually tried to do damage this thing i have four remnants so i mean it could happen if i burn up three remnants i'm going to run it's kind of weird however oh but saving grace just wait maybe there we go there we go i have four saving graces if i use three i run you're gonna die and i'm looking forward to it voodoo doll isn't gonna help chad i have no mana let's hope i don't die don't be hit first i have monster raider four of the hits get tanked don't worry about it when's this thing gonna spawn golem okay was that like your war cry it just happened you know everyone in the lobby has a weird tuba so i had to do something instead why do you ask okay when's this thing gonna happen i'm not gonna get anything from this because you gotta get like top damage right bone shield health oh did i get hit by something what the freak i've seen someone with eighth place get a pet oh well i mean if that's the case when's this thing spawning man does anyone in the lobby know when it's spawning oh in three minutes wow yo y'all ever noticed that dirty like like a lot when he laughs my point look at all the people just sitting here watching it's kind of creepy because they're all me give him space come on why is this becoming popular oh my god bro it's becoming a thing for people to get stamps that they put on their mice to get them to be able to like get grip so they drag click and get like a million cps of course they're doing that anything for extra stats man this is great when is this golem spawning i gotta pay close attention to the remnants though really really close attention to remnants no [Music] that was really weird spawn it there's other people killing this dogs don't worry about that [Music] so please 30 i beg for what what can i do for you i cannot trade i cannot screen you because i'm nicked i mean you can but it's just gonna be you with some guy in monster raider armor [Music] just gotta just gotta wait on the people to get the kids there's virus is a monkey there is no way of dispo disproving the alleged allegations monkeys down we have to sit here and wait for the sweats to kill enough zealots i've already maxed out my chance i think because i've been in this lobby forever come on do it i'm from the future you just get a flower you know they say one shouldn't know too much about their own future space time continuum and whatnot as if i know what i'm talking about oh here we go do it come on come on it is time there he is big mane i can't see him he's already dead what the hell did i even get a hit on it i got only 19 000 damage did i even what did i did you even pick up anything what it didn't even drop anything what just happened huh what even happened i literally didn't even get a drop at all all right wow that was dumb all that all that build up for literally nothing all right welcome to skyblock i guess what what freak dude that was stupid what was that there's a whole lot of nothing that just happened that was stupid what the hell didn't even one tap here let's actually i think i'm done farming zealots for today to be honest all right so let's put all of this away and let's put this guy away let's get all the junk we've collected over the course of today bro that was so stupid i didn't even get a drop like at all what was that all about i mean whatever i guess but still damn it he's stupid i don't even have any summoning eyes do i yeah i literally have no suffering eyes except for the two sad end stone bow useless but i'll keep it i guess and stone enchanted bone enchanted abby four wise frags oh yeah uh what else enchanted eyes of ender which by the way if i were to do that that would be helpful uh don't i have crystal frank somewhere i do right there i killed like 600 zealots but i haven't gotten one something i any advice get good i don't know man it's rng it's kind of out of your control that's a lot of pearls on the bright side we might be able to craft quite a few enchanted eyes of ender i mean look at that that's a good amount of perils let's see uh this is only really for the unique minion which is dumb because why would i bother with unique minions when i have 27 slots i don't know i have a problem but they do not care 28 enchanted eyes of ender we're more than halfway there we go oh yeah that reminds me i can purchase things from the npc [Music] rabbit's feet and smooth rice but i don't have the inventory space there we go now for the large storage grind ah i don't see much of a reason yet once we get all snow minions then well yeah well we're good for now upgradian whoa hey you're still here right a hundred dollar donation dang he said yes oh my god thank you man that's a gg they kiss them burping oh my god and thank you man 100 it's on top of everything else that probably sounded so stupid said another goal we want to hear you swear i didn't say in the video on purpose well actually fesi didn't say it in the video on purpose i said it on that stream at some point but i guess wesley didn't put it in for good reason i guess but i if you if i don't want it i don't want it to be like oh me get money me swear like the the point was so that no one would ever make me swear because that was my excuse to not swear was because no one would ever donate online but but fine i've already said it i'm gonna say it again i'm putting it up because i don't want to swear again but for the c word it would be it would be too great but i i doubt anyone's going to do that so i'm safe i'm good we're fine it's not going to happen nobody's got that much pocket change it ain't happening we're safe [Music] there we go say crap for free there you go say crap for free yeah nobody's gonna do that i don't like that winky face what is that should i be scared man uh i was gonna do something before oh that's what it was buy from npcs 1k for a ghost wait for a chili or ghost pepper and 2k for fortnight's food i've already eaten a ghost pepperon not on stream but in a video hey chat if you look up 30 virus ghost pepper you're gonna find three videos one of which was me eating a ghost pepper with glenn the second one was the aftermath of me eating the ghost pepper with glenn there and then the third video was my friend abe who begged me after watching my video to also get to try a ghost pepper i warned him i said it was a bad idea but he wanted it so i was like all right cool but one exception i gotta record it because that'd be hilarious and then he was like sure and then that's how cafeteria ghost pepper was born that video is funny he had a much funnier reaction than i did let me say that it was a very funny video hold up how much have i donated so far oh boy upgradian's getting ideas man all right let me look 100 most recently uh let's scroll down [Music] scrolling 2020 so that's 40 140 160 180 200 jesus 250 what is 300 who's going back there we go caught up oh and i just up and there's another one oh crap oh no is this happening again upgradient with a hundred dollars fizzy literally just came back for this the total is 400 i'm scared no way it's happening again it's only been a day since the video came out fizzy help i don't want to swear again oh no do it content fizzy you here yeah i'm here oh hello what did you get uh a promise what i thought you got food yes you were promised food i was i i was on a mission and i succeeded i'm very confused i'm gradient though thank you for the everything that's crazy man i don't know if he's actually gonna do that that's uh oh i'm already getting tired this is bad this is really bad i was tired what are you recording tonight uh hopefully at least one commentary please do one commentary just one so i can just sleep tonight just one sleep i can't i can't do it i gotta wait for mans to do things and i actually i don't know if i'm tired if my eyes are burning because of the hair what i think it's probably both yo fezzy i'm gonna make history oh no of gradient yeah and donate it to me i'll say any word you want you're going to do it soon do what oh let me scroll up oh no well let me see i'm scared i can't go to sleep i would go to sleep trust okay so the what i'm thinking right there's a wait poker instinct thank you for three miss dono oh i'm sorry i i just see it now thank you for the five total between the trader haha me donate two dollars to say heck [Laughter] nice is there any reason okay well maybe not that one maybe not that one i've just purchased a bunch of uh materials from the npc and now i don't know what to do crazy oh wait hold on hey chad you know what this is what we're doing we're getting the remainder of the one hello we're gonna get the remainder of the quartz we're gonna get the remainder of the quartz for this upgrade because i'm obsessed with minions i don't understand why i do this to myself but you know what it's content kind of kind of content maybe is this a higher rails rating what nothing i am not irl trading with hypixel right now fezzy suss i know i said i'm irl trading with hypixel that means i'm buying gems okay simon sauce [Laughter] because he said he'd say anything for money hey man money is money and no i am not going to make him say n word for 5k think about the logistics of that how annoying it would be to super chat someone five grand you'd have to make 10 alts that is that at that point that's just annoying oh five that's funny or ten alts that's funny oh man wait would it be oh yeah it would be yeah it would be 10 all too that's just annoying youtube why are you just the limits man well i know why because uh in the event that someone stole like the credit card they don't want you to overcharge too much because that's that's unfortunately common a lot of huge donators are from well maybe not anymore but for a while there was like a lot there was like this common scare that like it was from stolen credit cards yeah oh i'm radio with another 20 dame that's right fezzy money is money [Music] you know what you could benefit from trying to do have you ever heard of polyphasic sleep that's a lot of syllables you should look it up the hacksmith did a video on it what is it it could turn you into a superhero you'll hack your sleep i'm already a superhero i'm kidding all right all right explain it for the video so the idea that goes in which it probably won't the idea but the idea behind polyphasic sleep is that you basically are taking full advantage of your sleep cycle because turns out when humans sleep for eight hours we a majority of our sleep is not in uh deep sleep or uh rem rapid eye movement sleep right right the other stages take up the majority but if you perform polyphasic sleep correctly basically the idea is that you're always in rem sleep when you do sleep and because of that no no no and because and because of that you can sleep for less and some people have taken it to the extreme and it's all about weird timing and like having special alarms you can sleep for two hours on average per 24 hours and you will be fine i can't sleep correctly normally how am i supposed to do all that weird stuff no correctly well it's difficult but once you get used to the line insomniac like i there's no way i'd be able to pull that off i'm just saying man it's a suggestion you take it or leave it but polyphasic sleep sounds kind of powerful is a is a normal human break that's what i'll pay what everyone else gets that's all i need i don't need any other weirder sleep patterns than i already have i just need a break virus yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was amazing the panic the mouse literally jolted around the screen i love it what am i gonna do with this [Laughter] i already have both of these i can't believe i just did that i cannot believe i just did that that's funny can i get an undo on that admins that just made this whole trip not worth it bruh i'm so sad how long have you been there did you just waste all that time it was only like 10 minutes but oh and like four days of minion but yo oh um nevermind oh crap upgrading oh no he has the power of stream labs that changes everything i should be at 500 now right yeah thank you for the 80 streamlabs i think he's playing it smart he's going to save the last one for his main so he can do it in the super chat i'll get you i'm pretty sure he's he's exactly 500 so i don't know i'm so bad at speaking [Music] hey chet how do you craft the bone marrow is quartz involved or is it just bone blocks and chances it's always squirts involved i said quartz that's not what you say you're you're making me say things that i'm not saying that that's not what he said did he say that wait did he not say that whatever help okay he didn't do it he didn't say it dirty sus bro i once saw this man ingest an entire cheese wheel an entire ingesting an entire cheese wheel you'd probably die you would die this is just that's very not healthy that is not possible you did it that's crazy i hated block of cheese there's a difference a couple blocks of cheese is like kind of a cheese wheel or you could melt the block of cheese and make a teeny cheese wheel that's some stones chad oh i prepared some stuff for streaming i never did it of course you did i need you to scream right now can you scream ah that's not a scream no i need you to yell so i can see when something actually happens in the vlog [Music] hello i appreciate it this is the message from the past apparently this is content wait what are you actually doing is it actually content i'm putting growth books on armor [Laughter] literally none of oh that uh so i realized chat that some of my armor sets don't even have uh protection on it for example my miners outfit i don't know why but you know what it's good to have protection just in case that sounded you know it's facts though that was not the context i wanted that to be under but you know what that just happened guys always be prepared bring a pencil that is not what i meant to say bring a pencil to class don't forget to i'm actually stupid oh my god get your agenda because i'm not going to get you a new one all right also if you want to go to the bathroom don't because for some reason you can't in school can i point out how dumb that was by the way it's like hey can i use the bathroom thinking back that's so weird having to ask someone to use the bathroom what the hell is wrong with humanity oh matthew leon thank you for the five caitlyn i know you're watching stream i don't know where this is going will you be my minecraft girl [Music] for a second i thought we were gonna witness a proposal through a youtuber chat which would have that happened uh i i that happened i remember this i was i was streaming fall in new vegas and that happened three years ago as far as i know it was real so that means someone proposed to someone in your chat through me why i need evidence that that happened i want to know that there was actually okay you know what if anybody wants to go and try to find it i was streaming fallout new vegas i have a whole let's play of it actually 10 10 stream long it's a playlist i was doing fallout new vegas and i was in camp searchlight which is extremely irradiated area southern side of the map and it's very uh everything is very green and i was inside of the the fire station i think when it happened so go find it and follow up see if that actually happened go go to the uh go to their youtube channel and and and see if there's marriage videos like all right i got married because if it did then that's a clickbait title [Laughter] i pronounce you bro wait did i'm gradient just send the same super chat twice how did you do that you they definitely went over 500 i'm confused now i'm gradient but that's funny thank you wait are you sure they didn't just make another account with the same name and profile picture oh that's right oh that's a thing but thank you for another 20 so what commentaries do you have to work on [Music] i'm sorry breathing's difficult right now the the minecraft server one um the written down all right i don't remember them give me something clickbaity tonight so i can sleep oh yeah one of the ones that i have is why i don't play trendy games which one would click more you think you can you could title the video like one among the sucks [Laughter] no but uh the one that would get the most clicks would definitely be because of drama the one that uh why one where you freaking call out that guy that i'm not i'm not directly calling any minecraft server out all i'm saying is that they're my material i'm just gonna get rid of all of the references to their name their name is bloorcon oh yeah no strips you're right chet hold on i can't you get those i have nasal strips now so i could breathe let me use my and then look like an even worse nerd than i am no they work how would you look like a nerd with no strips on i don't see how that makes you look like a nerd this in glasses i mean i think no it it it you look nerdy if the glasses are held together with tape in the middle that's that's where that you're all done putting on the nasal strips the nose strips just as a nose strip oh you could get one that's like flesh-colored it is it is well it's band-aid colored so so it's just are you like too white or not white enough so for it to blend in i'm a minecraft youtuber let that let that answer your question a minecraft youtuber during a pandemic oh i got a picture chat i want you to see it oh you've already seen it before but i want to show you it there we go nasal strip has been put on my nose oh now people want face camp i think i put it on crooked so i'm going to look even more dumb hey cat you want to see what it looks like when i could breathe there we go what did i just hear you say this is this is what it looks like when i can breathe no strip my nostrils feel so large hello this is this is the face behind the voice that you've been watching play skyblock for hours and hours it kind of looks like you got punched in the face dirty kind of does you know those got broken maybe i was punched in the face before i was born maybe that's the problem wow you had twins she's had twins and once there was a fist fight that took place in the womb you look exactly as you sound no the thing is you've already been subconsciously showing a decent image of what my face looks like and that's my profile picture because it was it was drawn to look like me so that might be why you feel that way now me you have no idea what the hell i look like i can guarantee most people see my twitter avi whenever they uh whenever they hear my voice but in reality i am sad some of you know i look like though some of you do what am i doing i'm placing gravel so i could then break it to get flint no way this is a travesty though [Laughter] crunch [Music] i cannot use builder's wand because i cannot use beats unfortunately brandon thank you for the five hey that's me but a different b who's older me or you fellow brains and i'm 21. i am 22. turning 23 in about a month two months two months and i will be 23. dang no we ought to get 30 for his birthday chat an anime pillow no i'm not remember that one time i binged a whole anime in a night that hasn't happened since i haven't even opened netflix since that happened he's lying bro he's watched so many bro i watched diving into the more adult stuff now i watched out of the normal i watched parasite the maxim and that's it i swear wait so you watch two no that that's the name of the one i watched oh i thought it was just called parasite i was like so he watched chat he's i animate the eyes a little mouth is what i see in the chat i don't need that i got a girlfriend now couldn't have said that back when i watched parasite the maximum actually we were talking back then but we weren't a thing yet so i mean you actually might hit 300k around your birthday kind of pog that'd be good if i set the goal for 300k by the end of this year because then i could set the goal for the end of 2021 to be 500k and getting 200k subs in that amount of time i would say is doable oh maxi wait m4 maxi thank you for the four why you place beans this is not the beans this is gravel although i did place those beans that was for that was for [Music] this replenish yes he's back oh hello welcome back crazy crazymodel or swiss whatever you like to be called oh my god wait i think i figured out what his name is wait where's he at what's his name typing a chat and you see your name everyone's just like sorry he's like a celebrity now your comment has like 2 000 likes on it like bruh that is crazy that is a lot of likes on a on a reply or on a cop oh my god we still had it wrong either his name is so is moto it's so space is space moto no there's an eye in between the ears and the moto so is he so is he moto so is emoto so is emoto that's what he was trying to tell me earlier oh my god i didn't understand what was saying because he put so space is in the chat and i know he just put so is in two different chat messages it's so is emoto right that's what he said earlier so space is spacey moto it's swazi mode though swazim who are you so is the moto makes a lot more sense though i think if i call you soyuz everyone will know what i'm talking swazimoto swazimoto he mistyped okay so is he moto sounds right though like so is emoto like you know so he is so is simono [Laughter] still excited for subnautica the movie i need time off it's gonna take an entire day to do that this is satisfying to watch i love that sound why is there floating gravel in front of you that is coarse don't worry about it but of course gravel wasn't added until 112. sorry that was bad [Laughter] i didn't know what you said i just said shut up so zumoto with the moto moto [Laughter] brother simple sauce how barbaric stop spamming with caps nightbot just said oh and for maxie thank you for the forward do you like melon what are you talking about what contact because yes [Laughter] that is that is the correct answer do i not i need one more flint that is annoying that's the name of a guild there we go yeah bed wars guild i think well i need to stop with the minion upgrades dude there's no reason to continue like this is stupid at this point i literally have i need to craft 48 more uniques that's not happening why would i do that why am i why am i obsessed that's the question chad i'm obsessed with minions oh yeah here's something uh four stacks of enchanted diamonds wait do i not have i'll never mind they don't have the wrong flesh to do that i was about to say i can craft one of the zombies hearts required for the uh rep fashion but nope or reaper fashion oh here's the other thing i was prepping for chat i don't think we're gonna do it today maybe i don't know um anyways i wanted to make a minion platform out of obsidian that's why there's a second greater backpack full of obsidian so i don't know man should we do that you know what screw it what are you doing huh what are you doing in chat what do you mean what am i doing in chat i'm contributing message deleted by this moderator i'm retracting my own statement okay i don't understand but sure are you still trying to think about it okay i can't if i explain it to you it's just not worth it it'll just be stupid read the message i hate you [Laughter] anyway um how's it going jet log hand pull this is gonna be the ugliest minion platform ever but you know what we gotta do it oh yeah pet out of here wait why don't you get to use the builders one because you made it i can't use bits in this profile though yeah but you made it so how much money for you to say the n word uh oh it dip uh i don't know cause i'd get banned so like well from twitch but well that you're not streaming on twitch you're gonna do that i mean i would say but like i don't want to get banned anywhere because that's like you you wouldn't though if you did it on youtube you would be fine as long as you specified that you're not being racially insensitive you're just saying a a syllable saying a word because i've been i've been paid to say it all right i'd do it for like a couple thousand probably i don't know we'll come across that bridge whenever it happens if it ever happens which it won't oh yeah i'm going to account for minion expanders in this design chat so we're going to have a mouth you actually did that's the weird part i'm gonna account for minion expanders so three slots per minion i'm using obsidian for this so i don't break the floor when i'm manually collecting minions that makes sense right wait four thousand dollars the n word for four grand uh you know what there's a lot there's a good likely chance that that would happen for four grand [Music] this minion platform is gonna be massive it's on fuzzy look bro appears in my bank account all right because the thing is right is that i'm i'm not i'm not white so like and i've been called that term so like i don't know what the qualifications are to have the past one two like i don't know what the rules are because i'm not white i've been called it i'm a member of a of an ethnicity that gets called that term so i don't know the combinations are the weirdest part when you do this this is so stupid all right one two three four one two three four five six that's 24 so one more did he say the word yet no no you're moving a little fast okay i think that should be enough one two three four five wait one two three four five six one two three four five six that accounts for 36 million slots that was way too much uh hold on one two three four five so five times six is thirty minion slots that's more likely so you know hold on we're gonna have to remove some of this one two three boom so we'll remove this luckily we have a pretty efficient pickaxe that's not the problem there we go there we go uh then i just do these this is going to be a massive minion platform [Music] oh my god i just deflated i always deflate when i sneeze win face reveal [Laughter] you know what here instead of n word for four grand it's face reveal for four grand even though i've already done it i'm i'm ready well it's not it's not deleted though that's the thing well it is deleted but there is a record of it on someone else's channel that i cannot get rid of so if you want to pay up i'll do it right now i'll post a selfie right now to my twitter all right don't pay it to him though all right i want to profit off of my face my dad just sent me a text he has he has just arrived at home safe and sound good to know i'm gonna search up and repost four thousand dollar fine [Laughter] no i'm not white that probably surprises a lot of people actually what may not be white yeah a lot of people think i'm white really all skinny with a beard when that's only like half through i'm not white i am tall i'm not skinny my beard is awesome yeah i'm not i'm never gonna try doing a beard i feel like i like better clean shaven or like just some facial hair but not a beard i want one so bad but i can't get one like i i hate it because like everyone that doesn't want one gets one like 30 doesn't want it but he can easily get it me i gotta wait seven years for this thing to grow yes i'm green [Laughter] there we go this should be way easier now to space out the uh you know i over complicated the process of making this minion slot minion slot minion platform this did not have to be this complicated but at least it's precise you know yeah except it's not what are you talking about it's exactly precise you will see your mistake sooner what mistake [Laughter] it's a grid what do you mean you're trying to summon your next minion slot [Laughter] i do have an obsession with minions he's making he's making a minion pentagram jack that was called pentagram that's right i think so i don't know except it's minecraft so it's like a cube look up every skyblock youtuber's face reveal and fast give me the second video down really i actually didn't know that that's a thing i want to check that every skyblock youtuber's face i want to see if that's true i still want four thousand dollars well rage screen did not look like how i thought he sounded oh raf thank you for the fight am i the only one watching 30 speed slowly go down you do realize you'll have to grind this back yourself and get like 20 more hobby cps videos oh no no you're fine i have this much i have the exact amount i'm not in this video pay up i'm not in this video i found the video talk about i'm not there now give me money you know what i noticed this there's a uh there's a video called uh every skyblock youtuber ever and it has your thumbnail or your character in there twice me yeah they put your uh your channel thing which is you know the normal 30 virus space and then they put the high tail one [Applause] in the uh the same thumbnail i gotta be careful placing abby that fast i don't want to make any mistakes because that's annoying there we go now for the easy part we just filled it all in [Music] i'm actually not going to move the minions here today just because [Music] i literally that sneeze opened up so many airways oh my goodness i sounded like when i sneezed when you sneezed you inflate what was that you took in bunches of air i breathe in in anticipation my nose is now clogged the airways are closed [Music] hey there's papa virus he's in the chat now hello glad you made that home safe holy crappido [Laughter] he says that a lot in person give me four grandchild for my fish for my face you want my face you give me four grand i wonder what i feel like upgrading is just like planning something [Music] hey you know what since upgrading has gone this far if they want they they can continue next stream it doesn't have to be all today because it'd be kind of lame if they asked tomorrow and i'm just like no has to be a one street [Music] that is obviously up to them if not hey that's cool this is weird everything i say is weird hey that's all right i'm about to go to [Music] [Laughter] bed yo that's crazy 30 will do that in real life soon what you mean hey sorry tonight that's all right good night were you ready for this thing back to that you're referencing isn't that the two mad thing hold on i'll send it to you i want you to watch on stream is that the one where he falls backwards or am i thinking something else entirely this is you uh there you go this is 30 like soon yeah i don't know if i want like i mean too mad's a meme but like i don't want to i don't want to show twitch don't worry about it no i don't want to no no look at it it's weird look at he doesn't have a shirt on click is strange 30 we all know what the meme is that was right yeah but it's you i'll put it on the d i'll put it on the screen in the video right now yo i should like stick your face on [Laughter] when editing gets to the point where you're literally deep faking a face onto another face for the video oh my god yes she's making 30 space on the two man that's just asking for trouble like so much that would conflict it's crazy your father has sent a request or a message mom told me to take the snacks home with me and not leave them with you did i at least keep the triskets i did a sin has been committed this must be discussed with the courts at once i don't think he has a discord uh who doesn't oh i don't think that nor does he have a microphone although he is on a phone so i mean that would count [Music] nightbot's abused man yeah people hate it everyone's like why is nightbot but no one's howie's nightbot oh don't tell me i'm out of hobby that would be lame oh good my flight ran out yo can we get some prayer emojis for nightbot people hate it like they genuinely hate it it's like i don't understand we need it to maintain the order there we go minion platform constructed look how clean this is bro why are broccoli so big well this is so overwhelming i don't think i have enough bobby to do a full ring all the way around the edge i definitely don't no i need more but they got no coins oh oh good one stack is all i need broken what's going on that's not no donald trump was banned from twitch what interest he was actually i'm pretty sure that's true what role did he break apparently he's very active on youtube i was going to make a joke but okay um and i still need more abi right yo chad can we fill the chat with this [Laughter] do we can we fill the chat with this oh that's a lot of obsidian i don't need that much obsidian oh my god oh my god what have you done it's i didn't think it was gonna get this bad i'm waiting for nightbot to start banning of course before that [Music] bro this is ridiculous father nightbuff what am i looking at it's oh my god it's so good father never oh my god that's awesome okay it's just yes i'm posting a tweet of a screenshot of that we're gonna go up by another block because now that i think about it once there are minions here you will be able to jump at the fence and they fall in the void that is no good this is such an ugly build i'm sitting in such an ugly block i'm gonna send you a screenshot of what i clicked on my other tab to see you know that is what i saw you know and that is exactly why i didn't show it on stream it scared me i was caught off guard it looked like an scp we've made an obsidian box i'm surprised nightbot has a band for this it's like it knows it's like it knows that we're it's being respected right now i would make an exception oh no i'd do both at times okay i thought he actually posted it oh that was that was about a freak funny you know what would've been funny is amongst all of this the one person that said fu nightbot gets timed out oh my god that would have been such a such a great oh something happened oh no something's happening oh no that was someone's saying help i'm drowning in it actually looks like your chat's being bonded it looks it's so it's so perfect that it it looks like you're being botted holy we have a very coordinated chat that is for sure oh my good god the thing is is i'm gonna put that in the video right and it's gonna become a meme now like for months uh in your chat there's just gonna be father nightbots [Music] all right next time i stream on this profile chat we're gonna move all the minions there but i think that requires super compactors first so i'm gonna have to spend a lot of time afk in kabul like a lot of time afk cobble wow nightbot's killing people that are staying like help i'm dying in the crowd all right man you know what it looks like nightbot's blaming anyone that isn't saying it oh joseph if i didn't say it before they give her the five that you're witnessing i'm glad i can support the channel again that's hey thank you mine all right i think to stop this i think it is time it is time to end the stream it has been a fun time we did a lot of things most of which i can't remember and uh and i'm gonna go eat some food because i haven't had much since six hours ago seven hours ago or something like that anyways uh i guess i think so i hope you guys enjoyed oh my god it sounds like you got punched in the stomach and again thank you all for the freaking crazy amount of donations today that goes without saying but i'm gonna say it anyway because that's insane i don't deserve that oh my god of course the intro music was literally three seconds from ending before i cut it i'm very good at oh and now there's boring songs okay bye
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 36,761
Rating: 4.9371586 out of 5
Id: JmQYFsboZ2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 32sec (12512 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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