Using TIME FREEZE To CHEAT In Minecraft Hide and Seek!

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is Minecraft hide and seek but I use time freeze to hide from my friend melon Sonny where are you oh get Frozen you Noob uh guys Sonny was here just a moment ago and now I can't find him can you please tell me where he is in the comments below ah vacation it's so beautiful sunny isn't it I know I could jump and splash in the water I could sunbathe on these beach chairs it's just so beautiful but I'm getting bored how are you bored this fast melon I get it you have four seeds for a brain sometimes you can activate the fifth melon seed but bruh chill out and enjoy the views dude I've enjoyed the views it's been 10 seconds and now I'm bored you want to play hide and seek yeah okay sounds pretty good but just give me a second first melon I really gotta use the bag ah my bladder my bladder I told him not to drink the tap water guys I did that to troll melon so he thinks I'm going to the bathroom for an emergency but really I'm visiting quandale dingo he's got a secret shop set up over here quandale I'm gonna play hide and seek with melon but I really need a secret item that's gonna help me win wait what I could freeze time oh that is so cool where is it where is it yes I promise we can leave soon I'm sorry you're so homesick quandale okay it's just up one of these trees let me look around a little bit not that tree nope not these trees focusing on the coconut trees coconut trees yo there it is okay quandale I'm gonna go get the time clock and then I'm gonna dominate this hide and seek just gotta climb up this coconut tree yes let's go melon will not know what hit him what is this the time clock yo this thing looks awesome so you're telling me I could use this to freeze time and defeat melanin hide and seek oh I gotta put it away quick Sunny are you done yet bro yeah I'm over here I just relieved myself that was like a world record P dude it's just wouldn't stop flowing that is disgusting just like that Fountain right there doesn't stop flowing yeah that was actually me bro that's not water that's from me bro that's not even humanly possible well I am a Celestial body after all I'm the Sun that is true all right Sonny since you peed so much and I'm kind of proud of you in a weird way you get to hide first yeah let's go okay you stand in the counting area and give me my two minute Head Start yeah two minutes starting now okay I'm out of here I'm gonna find the best hiding spot ever and oh I almost forgot need to put on my blindfold and I'm ready okay guys before I go into my hiding spot I've gotta test this thing out activate the I've frozen time I wonder if that means I can sneak up on melon hello hello yeah he's got no clue that I'm here time is Frozen no I just need a little creative mode a little bit of TNT and a wee little flinted steel check this out and because time is frozen I can light this up see it's not even flashing yet and then when I unpause it's gonna explode okay now to find my hiding spot for real yo look at this stupid zombie he's Frozen bop bop eat this have a tasted my knuckle sandwich you like that is it delicious I hope he dies when I unfreeze time because I don't really like zombies very much they're pretty evil okay now my hiding spot yes of course yes of course oh Mr receptionist huh do you mind if I just go to the top floor of your fine Hotel establishment oh what's that you don't care cause you can't do what he did cause time's Frozen boom Oh we just gotta go upstairs and get a nice view of melon exploding yeah I think the top floor should do and this room should have the perfect view oh I just gotta open this up a little bit yo look at him he's gonna explode now because I'm not a cheater I go in survival mode because that's the rules of hide and seek I know I munch on my bread and I tell melon that I'm ready okay oh wait he can't hear me I didn't unfreeze time uh and I'm gonna unfreeze time right wait now ten nine eight seven what just happened yo guys it worked I blew melon up bro what just happened I just exploded from nothing Sony's probably up to something again Sonny your time's up bro I'm gonna find you and wait why is that window busted open in there oh guys melon's starting to look for me and he's already spotted my window I gotta be careful uh Sunny first question are you inside or outside I'm inside second question are you near a busted window uh maybe oh my son you're so trash this is the easiest round of hide and seek ever that's not true bro why are there skeletons why are there skeletons you want to enter my hotel you must pay the iron price that's it I'm slapping this boy to death get out of here you're so annoying okay guys I'm gonna freeze time on melon and now I go down these stairs and show you my ultimate Evil plan this is my villain Arc I'm going pure evil I just gotta take this bow and these arrows and look at this melon's already turned into a porcupine and this skeleton's about to shoot him but imagine just imagine if a bunch of other arrows also hit him at the exact same time look at this and then hit him in the legs get him in the arms oh he's so funny freestyle time this is gonna be crazy and he's gonna think it was the skeleton a couple more and it just in case we do a few from this angle you could never have too many arrows you know what I'm saying a couple of headshots yeah there we go pew pew pew all right I think that's enough now guys I'm getting a little carried away there is no chance Madeline survives this now I just gotta go back up the elevator get a nice view oh this is perfect and then I unfreeze time in three two one what the heck what does that say you'll know it I saw that from where I'm hiding you got obliterated wait Sonny why does it say big man melon was shot by Big Man sunny using time clock I don't know it's probably a glitch dude there was a skeleton that was shooting you that was so awesome bro you're doing something sus what the heck man I don't know what you're talking about melon you're probably imagining things again oh yeah I'm sure I am I'm coming up there to find you and end this round Sonny no yo no I literally I'm looking at you right now yeah we didn't get me I found Gina get me I'm just gonna touch you there's only five seconds left and I freeze time guys now that I froze time I just gotta go in creative and break a few pieces of ladder here that's perfect and then I go back in survival because I would never cheat and unfreeze bro what the heck why is there no ladder I'll slap you sonny get back here oh I'm sorry Mr Melly were you trying to find me bruh you thought you could win this hide and seek think again yo chill wait I can use this no yes touch you touch you no no you're out of time time ended I caught you bro I caught you bro I caught you comment down below if you think I got sunny in time sunny I know you cheated using something called a Time Clock I don't know what it is but take this head uh I got two minutes to hide see ya okay I'm putting the blindfold hold on your timer starts now oh melon where'd you go and I freeze time on him then I take the blindfold off and where is he actually gone oh there he is in the distance now I just need to grab a couple of fine items out of creative mode I'm thinking some security craft explosions would be pretty funny yes we're gonna grab mines and sand mines that way if he thinks he's getting away he's got another thing coming just put a couple of more and a couple of more that should be good there's no way he Dodges this and then to make it look really weird and sus I'll put some of these out in the distance yeah that looks good that looks great then I come back over here dragon head on no cheating was done that day and then I just go ahead and unfreeze time yo wait what the heck where did all these mines come from Yo Sonny's up to something bro he really thought I'd run into these mines what [Music] he stabbed on them and exploded Sonny what did you do nothing I'm just counting uh 99 98 97 96 bro this thing is so itchy I can't wait to take it off yeah it sucks to suck that's it I'm going the other way I can't let Sonny find me and troll me anymore freeze time I gotta figure out where melon just went to let's see I don't think he's down the road he's probably trying to avoid stepping on my landmines which way did he go then I saw a little blur of him when he was accusing me of cheating he went somewhere this way let's see melon where are you melon wait there he is perfect I need to sneak up behind him and unpause and where would a good hiding spot be I've got an idea he's got an idea freeze time gotta be around here somewhere where did he just go think I caught a glimpse of him running this way melon please be in this building I hope he didn't pull a fast one on me oh here he is look at his little guy right here oh he's so cute if only he could see me right now but time's Frozen and he's got no idea eat it eat it eat it knuckle sandwich knuckle sandwich and some bread yeah oh that's gonna be a little sus when he comes back whatever then I just gotta come over here and hide right in this corner unfreeze ow what the heck why did I why does it feel like I got punched and why did bread just come flying at me what is going on I'm so confused uh this is really weird guys I don't like this she's gonna go in my hiding spot now yo guys what is he doing I gotta get a better view just gotta grab some ghost blocks do my thing wait he's taking these banners out and then he's gonna go and hide behind the glowstone what the heck this would be an impossible spot to find him break these blocks these banners and uh it's a place two slabs down and cover myself in ghost blocks come on cover myself in ghost blocks please cover these in banners yes it's so beautiful it's so beautiful okay guys well melon's finishing his hiding spot I gotta get out of here quick and return to the counting area don't want to get busted I don't want to get busted yes yes I'm gonna be fine and then and I'm gonna go straight to where he's hiding and he's gonna be so confused put this back on and nothing happened nothing at all and then jump in let's go I'm completely hidden enter survival and now I'm chilling all right Sonny I'm ready good cause you only had five seconds remaining bro that's plenty of time when time doesn't mean a thing you're right time doesn't mean a thing I'm gonna take this itchy head off and I'm gonna come get you so quick where's he where is he where is he don't you worry about it sunny okay Melanie man for my first question are you hiding in the hotel uh yeah okay melon for my second question are you hiding at a place of high or low elevation I would say low elevation guys I'm just asking questions to make it look like I'm not cheating cause I'm gonna pinpoint his location now and for my third question would you say your hiding spot involves things like banners and wool blocks or stuff how would you know about that what do you mean I wasn't even done asking my question bro you are so sauce you're so sus right now you literally watched me count what are you talking about bro I didn't watch you count the whole time what did you do what did you do I just asked really intellectually powerful smart and genius 500 IQ type of questions and now I've narrowed you this area looks like there are some banners here huh melon what kind of place are you hiding in uh chill Sunny chill you wouldn't know you wouldn't know there's more banners here what the heck bro I don't see you anywhere good let's keep it that way oh no guys he's breaking ghost Stone I'm scared wait what's this what am I seeing through this wall right here what do you mean there's like this little uh guy back here looks a lot like a wee little melon give me a second let me just investigate this more closely uh what bro I just gotta get a little something out of my backpack yes Claymores melon are you in here melon what are you talking about I'm just investigating bro let me check the front area I'm really scared right now is he in here hello Sunny what are you doing I'm just seeing if anybody's home uh hello no yeah I found you you didn't touch me yet you didn't touch me yet see ya get back here get back here oh no how did you know how did you know I have my ways and now guys I just freeze time let's see where'd he go look at him out here he thinks he could get away from me he thinks and then I'm gonna unfreeze it hey melon got you wait what how what do you mean I'm just fast bro you are doing something really really sucks I don't like it let's just go to the next round melon gets your countdown stop land all right bro you God a minute to hide see ya yo you're such a troll whatever 60 seconds is more than enough I just gotta go back to my favorite spot yeah I should not have said that out loud huh bro go back to your favorite spot yeah nothing nothing I'm not in the hotel I promise I'm not in the hotel bro you just made this round so easy for me melon thinks I made it easy bruh I'm gonna freeze time and then I'm gonna approach this wander melon and I'm gonna encapsulate him in obsidian boom you think you're going somewhere Mr melon well I've got news for you you're a trap forever or at least until I win the hide and seek and just in case that's not enough we will surround it with Claymores yes it will self-destruct should he leave and then a couple more over here like this oh yeah and then in the front too yeah just in case oh that might be a little close that might already explode yes he is surrounded on all sides by death and destruction perfect now back to my hiding spot as I was saying I'm quite fond of this hotel but you know what else I'm fond of raising an army of creepers yes it's beautiful oh wait they're actually damaging themselves because I have so many what the heck that's fine and now when the time is right I will unleash the horde upon melon so pretty much I'm just gonna stand here and taunt him now and unfreeze time melon I'm almost in my hiding spot bro it's only been like 10 seconds how is that possible anything's possible when you're having fun what the heck are you doing what do you mean just let me know when you're ready okay melon I'm ready in three two one all right time to take my blindfold off and what the heck why am I why am I bro what the what the wait things are exploding I'm in quite a peaceful location right now bro what is going on why is the grass a mine wait what's wrong bro how am I gonna get out of here are you really gonna make me slap the subsidian to break out okay okay I'll help you out give big man melon diamond pickaxe fine I'll do with my pick see I'm a nice friend I might have trolled you and built that around you but I even gave you a pickaxe to undo the damage how did you do this with only a minute to hide bro what the heck I'm a speed Builder wait why didn't that obsidian break oh my god dude if sitting isn't breaking bro I literally can't get out of here do you need some help bro do you need some help that's it I'm going in Creative I'm going in Creative bang bang game mode survival and whoa whoa whoa you really tried to get me with these claim wow they've got range they've got range yo stay away from me this is my hotel I see get out of here bro I don't know how I didn't get lit on fire but I'll take it bro why can't I break blocks what the heck Sonny what's wrong all right I'm out of there I escaped your trap now it's time to find you you said you were hiding why is there more obsidian blocks uh no reason what the heck what Sonny I see you I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you no you see Steve you see Steve no I see you sonny I'm coming up I'm coming up with dirt how the heck did you survive my trap cause I'm the goat all I gotta do is touch you once sunny and the game's over that's what you think bro I'm actually a hypnotist and you're about to go to sleep yeah that's true yeah that looks like perfect now that I've frozen time and melon's been put to sleep I gotta decide how I wanna troll him I think I'm gonna do something like this I'm gonna take some lava let's put it all like this yeah that's good and when it unfreezes he's gonna run straight into this and then what else just in case that doesn't do the trick let's put a bunch of melon beds because I did promise he was gonna go to sleep so now hush little baby don't you cry everything's gonna be burning hot lava and wake up melon yet what the heck why is there lava why are you alive how did you survive bruh I am all powerful Sonny you can't escape me I don't know what you're doing but but the power of This Server I shall get you this doesn't make any sense you're the hacker you've been hacking the game all along haven't you just gotta slap you I'm gonna slap you up so close I'm so close that's it freeze time and now I've gotta eliminate him there's nothing else I could do somehow he survived the lava I don't understand how he's immune to it this should work though this should work and unfreeze yes bro what's that time clock again Sonny are you manipulating time I might be manipulating time and bass because I am a god of Minecraft and you're a little peon a little pleb bro how am I ever supposed to beat you you're not I'll find oh way melon this is it it's the last round of hide and seek it's your time to probably lose again good luck we'll see about that I gotta figure out what Sony's doing there's gotta be something here wait is that quad Dale dingleberry this must be how he got the time clock quando what can I do to defeat the time clock is one thing stronger than a Time Clock the black hole TNT what do I gotta do to get it I need a fish so rare So magnificent that it's only been seen once per Millennium in the Great Atlantic Ocean a puffer fish oh I got one right here there you go yo I got the black hole TNT in a flint and steel let's go I'll use this to defeat Sunny where is this dude where is this dude melon you have 30 seconds left bro yeah 30 seconds is more than enough time wait what are you doing what are you doing please time please no no melon what have you done the only thing that can stop time is a black hole Sunny time is nothing to it what the heck not my time clock it just got ripped away from me no I'm dying the fabric of time and space it's been obliterated and you guys should obliterate that subscribe button and click like on our video right now also there's another one on screen go enjoy it
Channel: Sunny
Views: 461,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rDdWXak9ZNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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