Escape From Mr Pickle - Roblox Great School Breakout!

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[Applause] all right today we want to escape from this scary School let's get out of here definitely where do we go well the teacher is napping now then let's get out of here while he's asleep but be careful not to wake him up right let's go through this door [Music] huh uhoh it's locked oh man and that's not good it was our only way out H oh what is it there's a vent over here a vent it's open too you're right there's our way out nice but I can't reach it huh we can't jump high enough what do we do now H oh what's that huh we might be able to use the desks and chairs to get out but how see that's smart we can jump from here I made it all right my turn I made it too nice job let's get out of here huh H what's this uh I see spikes what seriously we'll have to parkour we're toast if we fall you're right we better be careful well at least I'm good at this kind of thing watch this be careful no [Music] worries good [Music] right no Mikey no way all right [Music] nice careful [Music] now let's climb this ladder [Music] okay is this more parkour looks easy we need to get up there what huh we can't reach no way we can't jump across that oh there must be a way what should we do H H oh hang on there's a button really where oh yeah let's push it 3 2 1 Click huh huh well oh the fan started up they're blowing out air let's see W the fans let us jump higher that's awesome cool this will be easy I crossed it we did it let's keep moving Mikey do we climb up [Music] here there are arrows but I don't think we can reach H wait there's a button over here you're right it's for an elevator let's push it du that made the floor move oh that's how we go up all right JJ this is too easy let's get out of [Music] here woohoo what's through this door H there's another one huh H this one's locked too so we can't go through what now ow H H oh no we can't climb through here oh wait I found a vent oh you're right but how do we reach it JJ maybe we can use some items hm huh okay let's try using this ladder oh I can carry it awesome we'll just put it here [Music] okay made it let's go let's keep moving I want to get out of here hang on huh can you hear that that's the teacher snoring he's nearby H where could he be I'm scared he's still asleep we should get out of here before he wakes up let's hurry up I hear something huh yo Mikey there's the teacher that's our classroom that means we got out woohoo now to escape from the school Let's Escape no the teacher is coming run away which way do we go follow me oh no there's a door he's going to catch us run Mikey no way he got me what it's locked this is bad the teacher is catching up help I found the key huh can I make it in time he's right behind me hurry yes yeah he's catching up to me me hurry JJ Mikey the door's over here got it hurry man I can't lose him no huh he got me again I made it wo finally I'm glad uhhuh this looks like the gym this gym is huge and it looks like it has parkour yep Mikey we're really high up watch out got it m we can climb up here oh I [Music] see okay let's climb up those vaulting boxes Mikey yeah H what's this let's see wo oh a springboard interesting use the springboards to jump across this will be easy wait Mikey Let's cross here all right be careful not to fall off Mikey don't worry nice what's next huh it looks like we can climb up here here oh you're right up the ladders here we go go that was too easy I got pushed off Mikey you need to watch the timing carefully to cross now that was good run again nice one we made it that was close H what's this could it be huh oh it's a zip line awesome sweet good job that was fun just don't let your guard down don't worry about [Music] me these springboards are great now up the ladder woohoo what's this H I'm not sure but the door won't open that's not good oh if we score a goal the door will open a goal look Mikey we need to shoot the basketballs oh I get it all [Music] right huh I missed you can do it swish nice good one my turn look it opened all right let's go huh wait is that the teacher is he riding something Mikey be careful not to be seen right let's hide we'll have to time this got it [Music] now the teacher saw us that's not good run away he's so scary think oh there's an arrow over here he caught me no no way the teacher got Mikey oh there's an arrow uh wait I opened the wrong door let's be careful not to get caught this time we'll get it this time watch out Mikey he saw us again we got to run away fast he's right behind me hurry huh ow his wheel spun out let's go no away I don't want to get caught oh hey huh there's a vent here really I'm coming be careful yes I made it nice that was close yeah let's keep moving good idea all right huh where are we huh there was a path but it's broken now we can't jump across what do we do now uh there's a Target up there H what what's it for hey Mikey maybe if we use these basketballs and hit the target something will happen huh I'll try yeah I hit it and the floor rose up oh you're right yes wow good thinking JJ all right up the ladder we [Music] go the air is blowing out again that's a really big fan JJ I know what to do H we need to ride the air currents up I'll try it watch woohoo yeah Mikey no way there are a lot of lasers up there so we'll need to avoid those right be careful on your way up the yikes watch out there are a ton of laser oh hang on that was close that was dangerous e we made it let's go through this vent H this way that's a dead end huh this place is confusing it's like a maze where's the exit [Music] oh all right we're out where are we waa that's a big drop down so scary H look Mikey there's a vending machine over there what's that about let's check it out huh you're really drinking it huh H wo Mikey G drinking that juice made me super fast seriously I'm drinking some [Music] too W you're way faster now maybe we can jump across you're right this just might work run let's go I made it wo wo I was too fast oh man man I'll be more careful this time go nice this is crazy wao wait Mikey I made it it's hard to stay in control woohoo escaping will be a piece of cake seriously we'll be able to escape in no time wo [Music] W that was easy woo we made it to the other side awesome let's get out of here wait I see the teacher me too he's riding something could this be huh there's another car so you're right I think we need to race the teacher all right I'm really good at racing let's go really let's do it okay I'm in the car it's starting all right it's on woohoo you're fast Mikey try to catch up good luck thanks we need to beat the teacher or we might not Escape hurry Mikey go yes I passed the teacher I can do this keep it up hey driving over the arrows speeds you up let's do our best Mikey wo that looks dangerous uh hey is that the goal huh no not still going no there it is oh yeah we won we beat him nice we did it awesome wow woohoo it looks like our teacher is a sore loser too bad let's keep going let's run huh huh there's no path look at those spikes we can't cross no way what do we do H H hey Mikey there's an arrow here yeah you're right let's see huh we must need to climb up this pipe that's a good idea made it all right more parkour we need to walk across these nrow pipes without falling a Mikey fell off carefully this is tough slowly yeah no way just a little more all right nice let's go h Huh hey isn't that our teacher and he's riding something again he's on some kind of vehicle huh what is that thing I don't know wait Mikey huh there's our school bus see oh you're right that's the exit we'll have to make a run for the bus let's go we're escaping huh huh what the teacher is attacking what was that ouch that hurt we have to fight this is bad what do we do hang on Mikey do you have a peashooter in your hand too oh I do let's take on our teacher with our peashooters got it fire get him take him out watch out for his ranged attacks ow hit him take that meanie H here goes nothing be careful ow hey that hurts just a little more almost woohoo did we win yeah we beat the teacher we did it yeah now we can escape you're right let's go hurry we're finally getting out of here JJ we're escaping onto the [Music] bus we're leaving that awful teacher behind huh oh the bus is leaving Mikey we won woohoo we escaped JJ if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 1,254,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: XoaMkWCkRQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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