Sous Vide DEEP FRIED RIBS Experiment!

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[Music] welcome back to Sevilla everything guys today we are testing deep fried ribs sous-vide style is it good we're gonna find out together so let's do any time you go to a barbecue joint you always enjoy some beautiful barbecue ribs most of the times you have two choices baby back ribs or spareribs honestly I like them both I'll eat them any day any time now one thing I have never tried is deep-fried ribs and the only way to find out if something is good is to give it a shot so let's do it for today's cook I'm gonna be using baby back ribs as you can see there are a hundred percent frozen now since this is gonna be a very long cook I'm curious to find out what will happen well it just tastes bad like a steak if it was cooked frozen I think cooking at Suvi frozen should be absolutely okay for long cooks so we'll find out the results in the end of this video if I add rub directly to them my rib will just fall off to make sure it will stick I'm just adding a little bit of yellow mustard if your ribs are frozen like mine make sure you work fast if not the muster will freeze just like mine did I'm gonna be using my favorite seasoning for ribs which is googas rub if you have not seen that video make sure you check it out in the description down below later on don't be shy with the rub make sure you get all the edges once my seasoning was done this is what it looks like [Music] now there's naught to do is back them up and cook them sue thee I'm also making a sauce and it's called googas barbecue sauce and it's pretty easy to do these are all the ingredients are going to be using for it remember exact amount and ingredients always in the description down below we start off with ketchup followed by molasses then add in garlic powder Worcestershire sauce smoked paprika table salt mustard powder black pepper and brown sugar mix it well and let it come to a light simmer to finish it off this is my secret ingredient which is pineapple juice now there's not to do is let the sauce reducing - you are happy with the consistency and your barbecue sauce is done [Music] now getting back to our ribs I'm cooking these frozen ribs at a hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit for 24 hours I got the beautiful sauce ready I cook the ribs at a hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit for 24 hours it's red let's take them out let's do it [Music] I gotta tell you guys they smell absolutely incredible everybody now here's the plan one of them we're gonna do the traditional version which is with a flamethrower and then we're gonna put that beautiful barbecue sauce the second one we're gonna be deep-frying them bread crumbs they were seasoned it and the seasoning it's all the description down below basically we got a lot of parsley in there we got a little bit of googas rub and all that good stuff and make sure you also season your flour all right you want a lot of flavor to go in now the juices we're gonna make an amazing ramen with this so stay tuned for that but today I won't be using it but this is good never throw the juices away and I know they don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] alright everybody we have our beautiful ribs here you're ready my mom I can't even say the word I know right this one here mama is deep fried as you can probably tell and then we have our regular traditional one here but this they're not smoked and there's actually a surprise that I made this in a way that I've never made before but it's a test it's a test with that regular yeah it is enough talking let's give it a try yeah all right let's go with this one first more digging its ribs you gotta get messy with it cheers everybody mama never waits Oh hmm some interesting stuff going on here Wow I'm probably wrong but it's like barbecue and hot sauce barbecue and some that there's a little spiciness in there spicy flavor it's not dry heat mm-hmm I like it you like this new sauce well now they have the recipe they can make it these ribs were previously frozen can you tell mama I cooked them completely frozen completely frozen everybody lying to you guys yeah completely frozen worked like a champ and man let me tell you something they taste amazing they're so soft fall off the bone everybody if you are wondering if you did anything that fall off the bone completely wow I did not remove the service Kim the service team stayed on but he got completely disintegrated by their flamethrower so that worked fantastic how long did you have this process for nevermemory I don't know more than three months it's nice and soft but it's still a little bite to it mm-hmm you have a little pipe that you can actually get it's not completely fall off the bone so yeah remember we did a test on cooking it for longer and we prefer this one here so one one is a napkin got the napkin on mount the ribs I don't know if this is a term that people use but I call them pull off the bone pull off the bone yeah that makes sense because you know it has a little tug yeah they had a little tug but it's the perfect amount all right now he's the second one you ready for the real deal I never had rims like this mama I remember we have the was that the tomahawk tomahawk that tomahawk deep-fried was amazing I was incredibly deep-fried Suvi ribs everybody got a dip a little bit in my mouth that's what the sauce that is amazing that is amazing completely different texture right yeah because of the deep fry Wow it's hard to describe this one guys because the deep fried there's a whole different texture outside yeah I agree it's like don't like you don't expect it to be as saw my words so soft and tender is completely for look you can just take the meat out everybody and then do a little dip if you want like that let's see clean right off oh my god that's good it's like unbelievable texture I know right this is really good Wow when you guys doing guys make sure you make it a thick cover what do you mean by have to cover I'm ready I'm ready yeah yeah yeah yeah because wow the recommendation will give you is that if you're gonna deprive and you want to flash fry it put your oil as hot as possible mine was 450 degrees Fahrenheit dip it in quickly take it out quick deep fry and it's ready this is fantastic everybody all right so let me try to describe the experience of meeting to discuss when you're about to bite in your lips touch it you can feel that it's like a thick crust you think it's gonna be hard yeah and then you start to bite it in the thing it's like buying and that little crust the little crunchiness together with the meat in with the hotness of the meeting side he hasn't quite it's like okay it's very easy it's good and a barbecue sauce is the barbecue sauce is ridiculous Eli this one out of the park they would thank you my mouth the barbecue sauce is kind of like sweet baby Ray's style because it's sweet and together with some heat with that Brazilian pepper and the other stuff that I put it in there mmm remember the exact amount and ingredients for the sauce everything is on the description down below everybody give it a try and make it I know they're both good Momo we gotta give a final verdict which one this one or this if you have ribs on your house today make this one yeah it's different make this one you're not gonna regret this one you will not regret it everybody this is fantastic so tender crispy in the edge the flavor is amazing that's it guys these are the deep-fried ribs I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one and make sure you give this a try you want to regret it bye MA oh yeah this is amazing well I'm gonna try which one it's mine which one you a I'm trying this one is this one what do you think I want to know how you like it or what it tastes like for you oh is it maybe like a weird texture because of the crispness and the turning is inside I was there on the side listening to what he was saying it's so true Yeah right you expect it to be very hard because the outsides fried but then you bite it's like your feet your teeth like they slip right it's now you expect you expect it to be a little bit hard and and it kind of it is a little hard very little right on the outside that little crust it's crunchy yeah but then soon as your body just goes through your teeth just fall right through it yep mm-hmm anyway you guys you're gonna go ahead and share oh my goodness and almost no laughs for the family we're gonna share a little bit with the family as you can see this one is almost gone rooster this one thanks for watching we'll see on the next one take care bye goodbye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 464,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep fried ribs, deep fried, baby back ribs, slow cooked ribs, slow cooked baby back ribs, smoked ribs, pork ribs, tender ribs, how to cook ribs, best way to cook ribs, sous vide ribs, pressure cooker ribs, cooking ribs, ribs recipe
Id: 8mQjVUHTi4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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