The GREATEST Indoor Steak I ever Made!

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we all love a juicy tender and delicious steak and one of the best things to compliment a steak is smoke by smoking a steak it's almost as putting additional seasoning to it it's what make meat taste better but today my goal is to find out the best way to put a smoky flavor on a steak without actually using a grill what if you live in an apartment but you still want to have a delicious steak everything starts off with this right here real wood well to be a little bit more specific check it out these are pellets they're made out of wood now you're not going to be able to find these pellets anywhere that's because they were given to me by my meat dealer aka emilio now these pellets have very unique flavors we're talking about coffee grounds guava bbq orange and many more but this one really caught my eyes coffee bbq come on it's like calling my name and as you can see once i opened it up it looks exactly like rabbit food now when you take a closer look you can clearly see it's made out of wood now to use this indoors i'm going to be using a smoke gun if you don't have one you should now to use these special pallets the first thing we need to do is to break them apart you can just break them with your fingers like this or rub them against each other to produce a little bit of powder but come on ain't nobody got time for that how about using a thor hammer like this now that is what i'm talking about regardless of what you decide to do the most important thing is to make sure we crush them and i'll tell you one thing this hammer makes the job really easy as now the next step is to add this directly to the smoke gun light it on fire because you will produce that wonderful smoke which is great because we're going to be putting this on some beautiful steaks take a look there are three new york strips as you can see the marbling is choice grade and i hope that the smoke gun is going to make them taste fantastic now here's how this experiment is gonna go down the first thing to do is to get them seasoned for that i threw in a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder and as always i made sure to season my steak well now the first two i'm gonna go ahead and throw it in the bag right now that's because one of them i'll be using a compound butter which will be used in the searing process and the other one will be smoking it after souffle so after vacuum packing them they were now ready for the water bath now the steak left on the other hand i'll be putting a smoky flavor on it right now as you can see the smoke gun works really well the important thing is to make sure you trap the smoke the longer you leave it there the more smoky it will be for this steak i'm doing anywhere between five minutes to eight i think that's the perfect amount because once i was done i removed the dough threw it in the bag vacuum sealed it and now all of my steaks are now ready for sous-vide that's perfect because it allows me time to go ahead and make that compound butter for that into a food processor i threw in a room temperature butter followed by freeze dry parsley a little bit of garlic paste and finish that off with paprika blend everything on high and as you can see the food processor makes quick work then i laid down some clinch plastic and put the compound butter right on top i spread it out as much as i could the more surface area the better and just like the previous steak you are now able to put that smoky flavor now remember i'm using that coffee barbecue smoked palette and the smell that is coming out of this thing is intoxicating and if you're interested in buying any of these flavors the link will be on the description down below for you make sure you tell my meat dealer emilio i sent you because after about 10 minutes of smoking it was time to let that go as the only thing left to do now is to roll everything into itself make it as tight as possible let it rest in the refrigerator until everything completely solidifies and in the end the only thing left is to slice it up this is a smoky flavor compound butter and it should be fantastic to go along with the steaks my only question is which one is gonna be better well we're gonna find out real shortly because i also made an incredible side dish take a look and this one is extremely addicting and to make it it's super easy and here's how into a caster and skillet i threw in a good amount of smoked gouda followed by velveeta cheese a good amount of kobe jack diced jalapenos minced red onions cream of mushroom some roasted tomatoes and seasoned it with guga's rub now that is how easy it is to put this together as now you just gotta throw it in the oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit and bake it for 15 minutes once the time is up take it out and stir everything together i'm telling you this cheese dip is real easy once everything has been completely mixed throw it back in the oven for an additional five minutes take it out and it's ready to be enjoyed for that i like to use some crackers now i'll tell you one thing this is delicious already it tastes fantastic but i think we can make it even better and here's how i throw everything into a bowl close that up with some clinch plastic smoked it for five minutes and if you want it even smoker just leave it for longer took out the clinch plastic and gave it a try and when i did oh man i'm telling you right now you gotta be careful with this one it is way too good highly recommend and it's gonna be perfect to go along with our steaks talking about that the only thing left to do is to throw them in the water bath for that i'll be cooking all of them at 129 degrees fahrenheit for two hours and i cannot wait to find out which steak is gonna be best [Music] i got my beautiful steaks ready to go i cannot wait to find out which one is gonna be smokier but most importantly not overpoweringly smoked just smoked enough and that compound butter come on it has to taste fantastic with all that being said the steaks are ready remember they were cooked at 129 degrees fahrenheit for two hours that is enough to cook them all the way through and most importantly get them to perfection we are hungry they are ready and it's time to take it out let's do it surprisingly as soon as i took it off the back the smoked before one has a smoky flavor it really penetrated in the meat and it was done there for a total of eight minutes that's it no longer than that now obviously with every souvie steak the first thing you got to do is pet them dry really good so you can remove all of that moisture that's because we're going to be using the flamethrower to get a nice wonderful sear and as you know one of the snakes i'll be using the compound smoked butter the other one i'll be slicing it and smoking it after without that being said i know what you're thinking my steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks we got a little side dish over here i'm very excited today everybody you guys know the reason why are you guys hungry i'm liking the vibes today this is nice i'm starving it smells incredible i walked in you got smack with some smokey smells yeah it smells like a bonfire it smells like a bug fire i see some smoke inside of a bowl we're gonna let that smoke keep going everybody because it's trying to infuse a little bit of that smoky flavor inside of the steak you guys let me know i know this looks you start with this i'm gonna just say this dangerous all right enough talking let's give it a try let's start this one here tell me your honest opinion i want to know everything about it all right now this is not an expensive steak it is a choice grade steak and soup is perfect for those inexpensive cuts because it makes it tender by cooking it perfectly enough talking let's give this a try cheers everybody [Music] amazing amazing taste sometimes the steak is so good you just don't want to swallow it you want to savor it in your mouth and let it stay that juiciness it's just insane everybody it tastes like a higher cut because of how tender and juicy it is the fact that you say that this is a choice grade steak blows my mind because this does not taste or feel or have the juice that a choice-grade steak does you can detect a little bit of smoke but it's not the same like if you smoked it like in a smoker yes or in a grill it's like mild you know what i mean especially if you've been to like any of those restaurants that they over smoked everything and then you go out and you have that overwhelming flavor of smoke on your stomach it's not that it's like fine dining everybody that's what i gotta say about that you wear a tie and a suit for this one all right that one is more like a google stick okay with all that being said i think this got enough smoke in there i can't wait to try this one and compare with this one you guys ready yeah i'm ready so let's let's give this one a try oh yeah like a little show and everything let's give this one a try guys give me your honest opinion all right i really want to know i want to know which one is smokier this one or the first one we tried as soon as you you just smell it it smells a lot different cheers everybody well that's smoky all right it's smoky and it's very different than this one here i would say more smoky absolutely i actually feel a little bit juicier too i'm not sure if you guys think it as well i don't know if it has something to do with the smoke but which one do you like better leo that's what i want to know i actually think i like the first one more really yeah i'm liking how subtle the first one was i do like the experience of you showcasing it you make a fantasy and stuff like that but i think i have to agree with them smoking it before it gives a extremely subtle subtle smoke flavor enough talking let's try the last one because i'm super excited let's go do it over here that's right oh i made the side dish i haven't forgot about it i'm excited about this one here i think this one's going to be better you're right i'm nervous to try this side this you said like run away just run for the hills because it looks incredible all right enough let's go for it you'll be my guest i just want one that's one leo you go let's see after you try it let me know now this one was only smoked for exactly five minutes all right enough cheers everybody guys oh my god come on that's a 10 out of 10 we'll recommend everybody now i understand why you said run for the hills because i didn't want to eat the whole freaking bowl maybe we made one more in the end of the video off camera okay i don't want you guys to see us okay enough let's go for the last one i want to try this one i'm super excited this one looks good i can't wait to find out which one is better that way you guys can try it at home huh it smells smells awesome oh wow for the smell this one wins yeah all right enough talking let's give this a try cheers everybody cheers that's the winner oh my god if that doesn't put a smile on your face nothing will everybody that's delicious my mind is blown right now would you do like a compound butter and then you smoked it or something one compound body yes you're right this one with the compound butter is definitely better for me my angel which one is better apparently for you it's that one huh that's the winner right here oh i think yeah i agree with you this one's the winner compound butter is definitely better leo which one is better that compound butter one compound butter is the winner by far the smokiness is just right and most importantly this you can do it ahead of time have the smoky butter in your refrigerator just slice it up and put it in any steak anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below if you want to get these incredible pellets from my meat dealer the link will be in the description emilio shout out to you see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 626,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, grilled steak, perfect steak, sous vide steak, butter steak, smoky steak, grilled, cooking, how to make sous vide steak
Id: VtJwyiPctg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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