Baby APHMAU is in DANGER In Minecraft!

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this adorable baby is in danger this baby is left with some new babysitters and when they don't know how to keep her safe anything can happen from almost falling from getting a cookie to burning down houses these babysitters have to keep this baby out of danger will these babysitters keep her safe let's find out hit the like and subscribe to save me oh thanks yeah we're gonna be gone a few days wait wait didn't you get a babysitter i thought you were supposed to go one oh i forgot uh uh well um we just need to get a babysitter and we'll be on our way you know one who's safe and who's kind and uh what i'm saying i'm saying michael wants a baby hold on hold on hold on hold on i'm tired hello bye mr kind hello welcome here direct i got it i got it it was very dangerous to keep that here baby you know i'm very responsible anyway i i would like to i'd like to list myself for babysitting services please yes sir thank you you can go with me i will take care of baby i i volunteered first so i should be the one who's doing this i came through without destroying your wall and therefore i should be the one that uh the babysitter you're a little kid and i came here not intending to cause a rat infestation and solve it at the same time just be good and make sure you take care of that now okay so yeah yeah uh tell us what we need to do how girl can it be it's baby right oh heart do you know how hard it is to take care of a baby casey tell him how hard it is to take care of a baby it's super hard you have to make sure that they eat a lot and drink a lot of water vegetables vegetables [Music] not gross if you don't eat your carrots you can't have any cake wipe they're together though i feel like a carrot cake though what about those cookies on the top shelf yeah yeah what about those two are those carrots and or cake are they carrot cake cookies anyways if anything bad happens to admiral over gone you'll regret it drift oh that kind of drifts got it cut it out got it enjoy your trip time to get in your baby room please keep that drift away from us we'll see you later we'll see you later afterwards i'll take good care we'll take great care mr and mrs zane casey okay okay okay we got this we got this out of the kitchen oh my gosh all right uh so yeah what do you want to do you want to take a nap eat all their food both obviously hey hey uh baby baby you're um you should probably take a nap or something what no no no no no no that stays close that that absolutely stays close so you got to stay in there nope nope nope that stays closed hey no no wait what wait why is there winner open hey why is this window open uh why hey yeah i don't know why they did that you get down young lady yeah yeah it's too early for cookies you can't have cookies until you have carrot cake or something i can't remember oh she's gonna fall i got her i got it i got it i got it she's fall on me okay i got her i got her she's okay everything's fine my shoulder oh get the fridge off of me yeah i got that guy hold on hold on don't be such a baby yeah they already got a baby right baby joke you know what i'm saying okay wait a minute baby what do you have what oh god [Applause] so she can't escape you corner hurry get the sword away from her baby hey hey hey how's it going now baby and there how you how you feeling now buddy a little bit better i think but you gotta get a bandage on that man you really should not let babies stab you in the leg with the sword i really learned my lesson today you let me tell you that okay well thanks for letting us use your place now uh we got everything all set got the new pen set up yeah she seems pretty happy oh you know what i i need to take a break we do need to take a break but hey you know i i think i got some books around here that might help us figure this stuff out all right uh what kind of books oh here we go i i got one here this is uh i'm pretty sure this book is how to take care of a baby which could be great except i don't know how to read it so we got to figure out that step first oh yeah i found another book over here on your own bookshelf yeah i don't know why you didn't know about it it's a book on how to read oh wait a minute but but how yeah that that's a problem neither of us can read it can we well we'll figure this out right we just we the baby's fine everything's looking good babies i think this would be all right but um hang on what hey hey pierce are you cooking something what is that what happened to your house i don't know hold on i i i'm gonna go get some water hold on you go get some water um hey hey baby baby baby hey how's it going i see you've uh uh found a new toy no no no no hey why don't we trade what stop it stop it okay i got it i got it oh sorry i had to go make a bucket i can't throw all the fire i can't see anything through the fire but i got this out of control all right are you dressed like a firefighter of course here we go there we go hey you got a bike my job here is done all right that that's one bucket of water but what missing success i but what do you mean the rest the rest of the water put out but but but but i got one bucket of water how many arms do you think i have ian how many buckets did you have just the one i had to go get some iron first fine wait what wait what's happening my roof uh oh actually the water only hits the floor yeah i think the fire is going fire's going fire's going get out i can't swim through the water yes there's the water water um let's find you a new place how about that okay she seems to be doing fine on the tricycle now uh here's where you got a new plan it just took the entire destruction of my house it's fine it's fine we can build a new one it'll be great f5 okay okay we just gotta keep an eye really close eye on this one this time all right this time watching her never taking our eyes off her so she will not be in danger nothing it's fine it's fine just watching her it's cool now that and now remind her what's this about a power derail you're about hey i was working on your train system to be able to go deeper yeah to get some of the good stuff down there appears here give me a second i'm talking annoying yeah it [Music] everything's safer this would be okay i just gotta i just gotta get it i built this to be dangerous to get across so of course i know a way to get across it i've got my grapple right here and i'll just get over here get away it's fine it's fine okay oh grapple work now we just need to grab yeah don't worry i got this i got this out of control what i just gotta i just gotta make sure i aim correctly and everything should be okay look at that oh okay that didn't work all right baby baby no no [Music] all right baby what are you doing over here no no no you put that down that is mine [Music] weird she didn't activate the trap that was over here there you are little one you should stay away from this this is ian who's letting a kid play near lava like that she's fine oh no no no no no come on kiddo let's go somewhere where you're not around these two for something a little safer and a lot more fun than playing around lava why are there so many sheep here like not that i'm complaining because it'll be cheaper great but also why why is she wearing look you looking like a sheep huh she looks so soft and fluffy and wait were you not looking at the baby it's just such a nice place to be she is very adorable and you know sheep are the superior creatures so i i'm okay with it i don't i don't know i don't know about this guys sheep are the greatest creatures on this thing planet and uh i think if she becomes friends with these maybe she'll stop getting into much danger because she are notorious for not getting in danger they're so so safe all the time i don't know i've met i've met a couple of shady sheep around town you know yeah sheldon uh okay [Music] she's your responsibility i i hear something in the sheep in the sheep i didn't know it sounded like a sheep panicking okay help that's probably her wow cool where am i oh there's a bunch of puppies ah puppy puppy oh another puppy and more puppy oh this is so cute oh you're so adorable look at this i think she came over here you know i hate to say it but i think oh i was right there are a lot of wolves here guys but oh my god we got to save the baby we could do this i said the baby we got we gotta go ahead otherwise saints got our butts let's go [Music] [Applause] it's good ever run out ugh energy where's her off switch i want to get off this wild ride why isn't noi back yet he went to go get milk apparently but it's been minutes and he has to return all right baby you you you got it energy eventually i got her i'm gonna get her i promise oh you should be played by the fire please please god i got something please start by the fire i think it's time we took a nap don't you okay no no no no no no i don't don't say those sleeves just i'm just gonna that's gonna close my eyes for a second all right they're just gonna count the sheep in this [Music] oh i'm gonna go get some food i said i was going to be in danger i don't put myself in danger i'm gonna go over this way what's up i hear what is that sound sounds like a busy what's going on and over oh it is b oh my gosh i can use my glass bottle and i can get some honey honey honey oh wait i got i gotta sweat them with the stick first stick give me the honey stuff on your butt baby oh no you're supposed to but i don't want to close my eyes hang on i knew it baby baby baby you can't be near bees they're dead okay it's okay i can handle a couple of beasts fine yeah we got this out of control wait i can still do it no nevermind okay [Music] [Music] how are we gonna get this baby out of danger i think that we need to get ourselves out of center first um hey he doesn't need to know about this does he probably not no no i think this was a freak accident you know uh a sheep did it that's that's what i'm saying wait a minute when did zayn get this installed come on i don't know look at all this you don't know what these potions [Music] oh why are you so small now wait wait a minute wait a minute hey you just stopped playing i don't feel so good hey you're looking i feel great you look pretty buff today ah i don't know if i can fit through this hole through it yeah i think you got it now yeah maybe you could give us some maybe slower down uh i don't know who your weird monsters are but i was only gone for 10 minutes no it's us it's in peace your best friends you are not eden pierce stay away from monsters all right i don't like this game anymore right then what are you guys doing for playing monsters take care of the baby oh you're doing kind of a terrible job i mean half the hub's blown up by this point what do you mean doing a terrible job i am excellent i was away getting milk for her hey come back baby casey's not gonna like what you did to her house little one you need to put the dynamite down and yeah please things up please please let go of the dynamite this is getting a little just uncertain all right casey we made it back oh we're back [Music] don't look at me i was just not getting milk it's your old palsy and pierce why yeah what did he do to yourself what happened to you what did you do to yourselves why are you back so soon well we just uh talk about that but are you okay little one i mean this this looks really dangerous when did you get here oh hey zane yeah i was just trying to help these two take care of the little one uh they kind of were doing a terrible job and so just want to go get a little stack kind of yeah we're doing a great job see we're just playing with the kid we're uh playing must be safe i guess so noi i think you've earned a little bit of a payment here but we did all the work now you didn't do much work at all and just to talk about how about a cookie a cookie i want a cupcake [Applause] please
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,834,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau in danger, baby aphmau in danger, aphmau is in danger, aphmau danger funny moments, aphmau needs to be saved, saving aphmau, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau in danger minecraft, aphmau baby minecraft, aphmau baby, aphmau is a baby, aphmau baby sad, sad minecraft baby, aphmau plays as a baby, aphmau baby episode, no swearing, no cursing minecraft videos, minecraft for kids
Id: 5RSxto71AzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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