Azura, Queen of Dusk & Dawn, Daedric Prince of Beauty & Fate | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #22

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge mop and this is the elder scrolls podcast i'm scott i'm here with michael and drew as always and today we are talking about azura the daedric prince that's right the daedric prince one of scott's favorite daedric princes so we know he's going to talk all about her today what was your favorite bro one of i said not your favorite these are the reclamations least of them but your reclamations are just like sky-high anyway yeah but hold on i think there's other surfers so you like bowie if you're over azura yeah yeah we've covered this we've covered i thought if it was your bottom but okay anyway maybe maybe it changed the boeitha podcast yeah we're off we're off to a good start with scott saying oh yeah ozzy was okay not really queen of dawn and dusk azura of the crimson gate the mother soul moon shadow mother of the rose queen of the night sky the rim of all holes azura yes the god of fate and prophecy which is very important in the elder scrolls universe so who's going to take it away first well i guess one of the coolest things about azura look we're going to talk all about our history right we're going to talk about everything she's been involved with especially with the dunmer of morrowind and the kaima but first up i'd like to say that she is also not necessarily the most straightforward daedric prince you know you have princes like nocturnal that don't want to be understood but at least at least in my head uh i would say nocturnal is less um uh obscure than azura at least to me i feel like i understand nocturnal a little bit better azura is obviously a daedric prince of vanity and egotism which is something that i guess is easier to understand the fact that she desires to be i don't know how yeah yeah true she desires to be loved and everything about her is like beauty and it is said that she feels pain even when her own followers don't love themselves it's one of those situations where if you're a good follower and you show her admiration then yeah things tend to go pretty well for you but if you if you follow her and then you betray her that's basically the worst thing you can do in her eyes she doesn't like betrayal and she will come down on you like a ton of bricks if you do so she's not about there's a nice quote there just sort of summing up her sort of the way she likes to be worshipped like molag bal wanted my mind boethiah wanted my arms and nocturnal perhaps my curiosity azura wants all of that and our love above all not our abject slavering but our honest and genuine caring in all its forms it is important to her that our emotions be engaged in her worship and our love and our love must also be directed inward if we love her and hate ourselves she feels our pain i will for all time have no other mistress um so it's a little clingy you know yeah it's just it's like that's the thing is it sounds fantastic and and to be honest compared to most daedric princes it is but it seems seems like it could be very easy to wrong her you know yeah a bit a bit like a clingy gf well we can start talking about like the the the biggest the probably most like famous thing she's known for which is kind of creating the dark hills so so you have the kaima that worshipped the reclamations and chief among them was as um sorry not chief among them but a very important one was azura and azura was actually like directly credited with making sorry like the well she did make curse them to make them ashen skin and red eyes and turn them into the dunmer now this all happened because we have enduro nerevar the hortator and leader of the chimera and she he was sort of seen as a champion of azura but when he was betrayed by the tribunal and of course there are so many varying accounts of this and we're not going to get derailed the video to go too much into that but look the story is simply azure cursed them with ashen skin and red eyes and set forth the nerevarine prophecy that one day indoor nereva would return and you know restore the balance to the world well that's the thing when when the chimer very you know first made the move and became the chains changed ones it was azura who showed them how to be different from the ultimate like how to change their skin so essentially she's she's the reason they turn gold and she's also the reason they turn ashen skin and red eyes and it's a perfect example of what it what it means to betray her you know that these uh these chimera at red mountain they they're staunch followers of azura and they even make a pledge to her that they will not mess with the heart of lorcan and in in breaking that oath you see how how complete the punishment is it it affects more than just them it affects the entire race and it's crazy with the tribunal like doing they made a show of it because the poisoned candles and poisoned robes and such that were used to uh kill nerafar in one of the versions were also used to summon azura self and sort of like just kind of give her the big middle finger but something i wanted to bring up here which is really good there's a line in the book nerevar at red mountain which gives us more insight into how gods think about things because we get a little bit from vivec but there is the line what you have done here today is foul beyond measure and you will grow to regret it for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that way only years to mortals weigh on god's forever now this is innately implying a sort of existence that's outside the limitations of just linear time because it seems like an event that occurs will just weigh on them forever because they kind of seem to experience as vivec says in his lines that it's like being in this sort of asleep god place is like experiencing everything at once all events are happening at one time so it's not about the linearity of it it's just sort of like good events and bad events it's just any amount it's kind of like a blemish on the skin that you can just never get rid of yeah at least like a permanent thing which again is a little metaphorical thing i guess you could say with her vanity but the thing about azura which i find quite interesting is that she seems a lot of the time kind of good intentioned but is often betrayed you know by the people that she tries to help you know having a star taken potentially corrupted you know the kaima who she taught all these different things to kind of like turning uh their backs to her and and preferring the tribunal um i think there's other examples as well which we'll probably end up talking about but it seems like she's no doubt bitter as a result and especially if you do look at things on a non-linear scale like everything happening at once it would just be this permanent bitterness that's there in this almost desperation to be adored and loved in all ways yeah well she builds a she builds relationships of trust with the people who follow her because if she wants their love and admiration and she wants them to love and admire themselves then there needs to be something more than just that kind of like you know business relationship or however else you want to look at it with gods and daedra it's it's something more emotional and you know and then and another example of what you were just talking about is there's a story of a dwemer lecturer who wanted to make a show to his class basically the the the daedra and the gods they're not completely infallible and and even though azura is right in this situation she's tricked into thinking she was wrong she was basically what happened was this dwemer asked a close friend who was a kim a priest to to invoke azura and azura came and the dwemer was like what's in this box and she says um she thought it was a trick and she was a little bit untrusting and then she said there's a rose in the box and she's right there is but this dwemer pulls a little trick a slight of hand trick and shows that there's nothing in there and she she's feels betrayed by it so this guy then you know goes back to his rooms and the rose slips out of his sleeve proving that it was there he just wanted to trick her and what does he get where he gets killed you know he dies and he sleeps um for betraying her which is you know that's the thing is she's very willing to trust yeah this is such a small thing but was it a rose for some reason i remember it being some other thing i do remember being a red flower okay or or a red petal or something like that but yeah the story is pretty much the same i just want to make sure my head cannons all lining up right yeah but yes she she does seem to you know be subject to almost being ridiculed or just you know i don't know i feel like she hasn't done that much wrong yeah i mean to be fair if you were to posit a little like think about it a little bit differently it's not so much all the the dunmer turned her back on her it's more like the tribunal turned back on her yeah and then therefore she cursed their entire race and then they were like oh my god i'm gray i'm red i'm like oh my what's happened to us and then the tribunal god show up don't worry blah blah you know we're here to to you know you know take um take pride in your new appearance and so on and it's a time of new age kind of thing but it's like it was like it's a pretty cruel punishment in terms of how how many people it affected outside it because it was just the tribunal that yeah but dude do consider that um a lot of the dark elves obviously did turn their back on azura even though their faith should have like happened with the ashlanders kept them strong believers yeah but i think overall i i mean i wouldn't be too fan of a god who just like you know gave me a gray skin and red eyes appearance after and then the tribune will show up and say oh these old evil you know daedra did this kind of stuff to you yeah i guess it just depends i guess it just depends how old the elf is and how much good experience they've had with the reclamations in their life so far because i think the thing with with with her is like i said i think that i don't know if i'm going to paraphrase this quote by drew the the vanity well um well fed is benevolent but um infinity star vanity hungry for yeah very spiteful but she is like in those examples she kind of she you know she's all happy to give you love and if you're in that relationship but it's like you wouldn't want her to be your ex-girlfriend because she will destroy you she will tear down your name in front of everyone it's that classic sort of like she has that archetype for sure yeah and i think that's what that's the interesting sort of duality about her and to take it to another level not only did you betray her and she's like an ex you literally killed her favorite mortal you know the three of them foul murdered nerevar who was her champion and you know there's the the really cool piece of artwork which i'm sure you'll put up at this point as well for the foundation and i feel like in that sort of way like you know how i can imagine because she has that sort of emotional investment in things she can kind of be spiteful in that sort of in her rage so her her punishments aren't measured accordingly because you're like i'm not going to think about this reason it's a very emotional sort of how dare you blah i don't deserve this damn they like you know i feel like i'm describing some like relationship sitcom kind of thing like you imagine like the fight but i feel like that's what embodies her and makes her um rage different compared to others and a bit you know but then again you can almost no go go sorry i was going to say and you can almost see this kind of like obsessive need to be loved through her focus on beauty like especially in her realm so her realm is uh moon shadow yeah and when maureen zenis goes there it's described as too much beauty so zenith gasped when he went to the next realm i am half blind i see flowers and waterfalls majestic trees a city of silver but it is all a blur the colors run like water it's raining now and the wind smells like perfume this surely is moon shadow where azura dwells it's almost that vibe of like the makeup ruined in the rain on a night out and like the strong perfume and the crying and it's interesting too that the winged twilights are her like affiliated sort of daedra and they said to inhabit moonshadow as well because the winged twilights look kind of like fearsome kind of demon women with like wings and so on so if you sort of take that it's kind of like they're all around in moon shadow but the winged twilights aggressive are sort of like it's kind of like symbolic of her of what can happen if she she's all beautiful and graceful and everything's wonderful but if you turn against her you're getting the winged twilight kind of thing like yeah that aggressive i'm gonna tread you when she's also she can also be extremely brutal there's a there's an even more brutal example if we look at the kijiti myths which i'm skipping ahead but we'll definitely talk more about all of it but there's the example of magrus which is the khajiit version of magnus uh the the sun god but to the khajiit rather than him leaving or fleeing and tearing a a rift in the sky he was um he was punished he was he was blinded uh by by boafra which is kashidi bowifier and when when he fought him and law khan and he lost an eye and then went to visit azura and azura considered him too cowardly to rule his own sphere so took out the other eye fashioned it into an ether prism and made it the sun so that it could reflect a furious is um as light down onto the to the mortal realm so that's pretty brutal yeah she's described as cruel but wise yeah well i guess we can just start talking more about the because you need to continue with like more so explain her role to the khajiit because she's a one part of her that we should talk about too is that she the whole sort of like dawn and dusk kind of stuff they're two phases of change between day and night and she is associated with a lot of things that change she changed the forms of the well she supposedly changed the the way the climate could be and that's why they became the changed ones because they could like live differently then she changed them into the dhanma then she also changed the um base elven stock into the khajiit which you'll get into but she's very change is a part of her sphere which is why she's often considered you know we mentioned it in the last podcast as well the erdra so you know these these original very primordial um entities and uh if you think about it in so many different ways she's fundamental because you know if we look at the the interplay between anu and padamay the the god of change and the god of stasis and you've got the the the ineffable light and the you know the darkness and the shadows created and then you get linear you get the passage of time if you think about the think of if you think about the moon and the sun passing around the sky not only is that the passage of time but it's also you know creates the shadows for mortals and and um she's kind of just fundamental to pretty much every part of creation in the mortal realm well and if you also just to throw another way out there is uh with egotism and so on but if you if you take that as more in a very basic sense of the idea of an ego a concept of the self like that kind of you know what i mean it's very essential to the to the beginning of of a universe you need things to be able to recognize themselves as an individual ego what are your two thoughts on the idea that she kind of can inhabit the space between the transitions as well like her sphere being dawn and dusk but the in between the magic in between the realms of twilight is what yeah yeah yeah it is interesting because one of her artifacts the moon like the moonlight blade which is like a sickle uh that's in like the kijiti stuff in the elder scrolls online but that's said to be able to pierce through like liminal barriers which which is essentially the barriers between like two things think of like a cup of water and like the meniscus like that's the liminal barrier like that and liminal barriers is another term used for the lunar lattice which is something that azura creates in the kijiti myth so when i think of the the magic in between the realms of twilight i i i quite literally think of the magic um in between like so it's mentioned that when azura create came along to create the um the khajiit from these forest people she passed between the moons she whispered the secret words the moons and passes through the liminal barriers so when i think of her magic between realms of twilight i imagine it's the magic that that you can pass through from mundus into the into oblivion and nefarious and in just outside of the mortal realm yeah it's also cool when you think about what was done with azura's star in skyrim how that guy basically fashioned a a place for himself to exist inside of it yeah yeah i forgot his name though but the evil wizard yeah it's just we all know malin varan right yeah something like that something which it's it's very pretty it's a very pretty place when you see it the first time but you wouldn't want to live in there for eternity i don't think no no it's a bit of a fortress of solitude you know but i think i think overall she's one of the more compelling princes compared to others because she has so many bits and pieces to her and so on and once again she is one of those sort of more human human-oriented um data and by that i don't mean human opposed elves i mean as immortal oriented like even just ideas that she's said to bewitch some of her followers to become like lovers and stuff like that but it's that it's all based on relationships a love of two people and stuff that you know it needs to for her realm to sort of function so like clavicus vial and barbus and some of the other gods it kind of has that like personal element which makes them more interesting of a character compared to you know some of the more basic ones like hermaeus mora or something but yeah so i i guess start with um start us off with tell us the khajiit story because she because azura to the khajiit is really important she's a like centerpiece of pretty much all of it so take it away yeah well just uh you know i'll i'll narrow it down because it's quite a long story but essentially you've got you've got anura and fatima i'll probably mix up between the khajiit words for it and the the other ones but essentially anura and fatami are the the the primordial cats who give birth to free litters and and the third of these litters is uh was not quite so consensual fatima tricked on her into impregnating her and this is when you get the mo the moons and their emotions you get nurny and you get azura and they're the the sisters who are essentially like vying for fatimah's favor and when she's on her deathbed she essentially gives a gift to nernie saying you'll give birth to to the world and all the peoples on it whereas to azura she gives her secrets and the ability to change one of these peoples into the fastest cleverest most deceptive and the best climbers and all of this and that's how she creates the khajiit and then the idea is that when she puts in place this luna lattice which is essentially a very similar concept to the idea of you know akatosh's barrier between mundus and oblivion is it supposed to protect the mortal realm from from the gods meddling with them and yeah so azura is quite literally fundamental to them and and and she she sets the moons in their motions therefore giving them the light to create their moon sugar so in every way she's at the core of their culture and that also like changes their forms with the different positionings of the moons as well so yes centerpiece of of the khajiit it is interesting the khajiit believe azura oversees the gates of the crossing behind the luna lattice a twilight realm between death and the afterlife so so again i don't know if you mentioned that but it's more liminal barrier type stuff see and because of that role she she takes she has so many interactions with other gods because it's it's all of these gods finding their place and and you know you've got like daedra like nocturnal who were you know stealing the skeleton key from her supposedly and and things like this where azura is kind of the centerpiece for everything and and there's one little um piece of information which i think is really cool is that there's uh because lorcaj is the is the kind of the last cat given birth to by anuram fattermeier it's kind of the you know the the what's the what's the word the the ugly duckling the the kind of forgotten one and there's a point where um azura finds lorkaj with his chest torn open um and it's dripping dark his heart is dripping darkness and azura essentially extricates this darkness from his chest which is namira and and throws it away from lorcaj which is very similar to the idea of auriel ripping out lorkhan's heart and creating red mountain and if you think about it through that lens you can see why azura would have extra reason to hate the idea of her favorite mortals channeling the heart of lorcan you know and the oath that nerevar and the and the tribunal make to her is is important for more than the reasons we already you know associate it with yeah sure that's actually good yeah good connection that's that's really cool good good work on that one and and i'll just point out as you mentioned like we talked about in the nocturnal podcast that it said azura had her keys stolen it's just another example of someone doing something bad to azura you know like nocturnal was defeated by boethiah which is interesting because nocturnals then brought before zoro to be judged it almost sounds like you know azura really does have quite a high position of command it's not boethiah doing the judging it's azura but before she can she's offered to actually stay and help the khajiit and help azura or die and instead she just waits for that opportunity steals the key and escapes from the realm it's funny how in in her in a lot of the typical mythologies not the khajiit one she's sort of the sort of vanity egotism kind of element is emphasized there's the fate and prophecy as well but but in the she's a far more benevolent sounding in the khajiit one at least in the khajiit mythology but what's interesting is she has um like the way from the way she's spoken about i perceive it as more like there's a lot more wisdom to her and a bit more of the magic and the fake prophecy but not in a way in a way that it conveys wisdom and stuff and i love her connection with himura which is more and so on so in the book the worldly spirit says hamora records all the events he perceives and stores them away in a great library under the sea a patient spirit he helped azura maintain the moons and their motions after the world was made and kenathi could no longer bear to do so he is the keeper of knowledge of others and he shares all he learns with azura who walks the halls of his library often so i really like this idea like imagine like i've never really heard that connection much but with him being an infinite being of knowledge kind of thing it fits right in with fate and prophecy and so on so you can imagine like i'm imagining azura walking through some like kind of aquatic version of apocrypha just like picking pages from walls and stuff and like no wonder she seems so smart like she knows what's going to happen she's got books from the past the future i mean to her it's all the same thing right but yeah exactly she's got access to the elder scrolls equivalent of the internet really yeah but it's it's there's there's a lot of really cool perceptions of her yeah she's got relationships with so many gods and you know she's been there for a long time she's considered an urge and being associated with prophecies is as mentioned at the beginning of the podcast is about as fundamental of a thing to be associated with as as anything and you know the the nerevarine prophecy that takes place during the events of morrowind well even even the nature of the narrative prophecy too you know how though we've mentioned this before but like talking about how laying out a prophecy is kind of like self-fulfilling prophecies essentially like creating them but the nerevarine there was plenty of failed incarnates before the final one that actually does the trick so it's that kind of like it's kind of even though she's it's like even though she's all about fate and prophecy it's like prophecy and fate sort of undetermined she's just gonna set what she wants like this is what i want to happen and then there's even failures but then it's like oh yeah like she's just planted the seeds for someone to fulfill it and i mean if you think about how much time passed between the promise that nerevar would return and when nerevar does return it makes sense that you could have a lot of failed incarnations in that time yeah it's kind of like you know if you were throwing darts at a dart board you're going to get a bull's-eye eventually it's a monkey typewriter yeah it's exactly that it's something around i think it's something like around 3200 years that it took to actually successfully happen she knows how to hold a grudge yeah oh yeah that plays right into the the bitter aspect of her well all right well let's start talking about some of her artifacts and i do just want to mention moon and star first because we're talking about nerevar and the nerevarine so this was a it was made by kagrenac it's a dwemer made ring so it's all beautiful and everything but then it's blessed by the daedric goddess azura and then basically it's worn by nerevar and it's supposed to give him all of this like supernatural charm and and and uh persuasion and persuasion but um funnily enough it's like i think it's like something like plus five personality in-game it's really weak but like you imagine the effect is way better than that but um it also only he can wear it if you wear it and you're not him you'll die and that's how you prove yourself to be the nerevarine is that you can successfully wear the moon and star ring but um yeah that's just a cool little piece but obviously her more you know famous artifact is azura's star what just one cool thing about moon and star is you can imagine kagrenac has got good reason to give that to someone he's in a good relationship with you know it's like their their relationship is very important to um amicable relations between the dwemer and the kaima so giving him a ring that makes him more persuasive and and you know more likely to hold his his position of power um is a good idea if you're friends with him it is it's also quite interesting to think and i'll put you two on the spot to see if you can think of other examples that perhaps i'm missing but when you look at daedric artifacts i feel like the ones that aren't actually of daedric origin they all seem to be dwemer you've got spellbreaker you've got you know moon and star which is a dwemer artifact blessed by azura and then of course you've got volundrong it's just interesting that the daedra takes such an interest you don't see the same thing like here's a whole bunch of alien relics that the daedras the daedric princes have claimed you know yeah i think it's just because the dwemer are renowned for being great craftsmen so they want to steal their artifacts so is gold brand the one said to be made by dragons yeah yeah they're nice ironically they're all gold and shiny at least before they get corrupted and you've got a couple i think that are supposedly made by witches and you know like um like um yeah which may be that's a good example but that that was literally made for clavicus file yeah i guess was moon and moon and star is made for azura i know it was blessed by zoro but let's play for nerevar yeah yeah so it was all made for him and it was kind of like a representative thing of the dwemer and kaima union kind of like the the bond between dumac and nerevar no yeah i just find it interesting considering that the dwemer obviously they know that the the gods and the daedra exist but they don't worship them and it's like playing hard to get all the daedric princes end up using their artifacts yeah it's just interesting but anyway let's talk about azure star so as you know this is a daedric artifact that i think's pretty cool i mean obviously it just looks really cool and there's the idea that it's this unlimited capacity reusable soul gem that's just sought after by everyone majors assassins like there's a lot of use for souls in the elder scrolls world so it's obviously really powerful um obviously there's the fact that this malin varan guy was wanting to stay alive because he was dying and could study the star and figure out a way how to put himself inside it and basically soul trap himself really there's also sorry i was saying for immortality yeah yeah and also this idea that martin used it um with the ritual in oblivion to open the portal to mankar cameron's realm of paradise i know you can give him any artifact but i'm pretty sure zoro's star is like the kind of canon one it's just the it's the default it's the default one that he uh doesn't he ask you to get it it's usually it's the it's usually the default one i think just because it's like if you haven't got any or something default what is it it's a level yeah it's a level two quest it just starts and and then of course in morrowind it's used to hold the souls of the living gods for vaccines well that's if you kill them if you kill them but it can it can yeah like that's how unlimited the capacity is but that's interesting too because because oblivion introduced i'm pretty sure it was oblivion that introduced the concept of black soul gems so you can't like if azure star can't capture a mortal soul how's it going to capture a god soul or something and then you know it's got to become a black star first yeah right but this is this is just gameplay mechanics the way i like to see the azura star is a bit more just it's a super powered um soul gem like you know what i mean and in morrowind it did you can use it to pretty sure capture the souls of greater beings than just a just like a creature or something so yeah yeah and then what else is there well yeah that's simply the fact that you can you can have it corrupted into the black star is also a good parallel to you know the relationship we're talking about with azura and you know being betrayed you know you can actually get something better out of it but um we made a rece a recent video basically saying in a law perspective betraying her is probably worse than getting a slightly better artifact because you know what can happen to you yeah absolutely it's interesting too in the high elf that um because in that getting the black star in that quest is kind of thrown to you as sort of the moral thing to do by the high elf uh is it it's kind of remember it's not a car something like that he kind of says like all the daedra evil they they like do all these evil things just i don't give it back to her don't she she shouldn't have it kind of thing and you know risky move but he sort of like you know traditional sort of elven kind of view of things it's the ultimate risky move for him because he doesn't even stand to benefit from keeping the black star you know at least you betrayed azura to get something he just betrayed her for nothing yeah maybe just for the experience of it all i find it also funny it's just a little morrow in fact but the gold value of azura's star is equal to 5 000 times the point value of the soul so azure star combined with a large soul the la it makes it the largest value item in the game the largest sole is 1500 points giving a maximum value of seven million five hundred thousand gold that's a lot of money so just to add another little tid that like a little tad of info there about her daggerfall quest because she's basically just charged like so agent of the blades that's the main character or whoever you play but basically she sent someone to kill a monk who had offended her so it's like she's not all like as much as there's a benevolence to her she really is like sometimes that's an example of like that's fairly petty you know what i mean like oh she is she is paddy it's like if you're gonna follow her you have to stay on a good side or you're gonna get screwed like you can't you can't like sort of you can't leave on good terms you can't be like this was an amicable breakup like you can't just you know you have to simp forever once you're in yeah pretty much pretty much she is the queen of sims like it's quite literally her domain like everyone just symphony i feel like that's the better one i mean there's there are some dirty jokes here rim of all holes is a legitimate name she's associated with like okay that's do you know what it's from it's from the first pocket guide so if you type in the first um pocket guide to the empire like the actual like title thing it has like you know two akatosh to kinereth and everything or one way and then it has the 16 acceptable blasphemies and it's written backwards but it's just to azura the rim of all holes there you go do you know what the rim of a hole is ladies and gentlemen i'll tell ya it's a liminal barrier well there you go i also kind of sounds like an anus too but yeah yeah i don't know but then she's also like you know supposed to be a danger of beauty and such so you know [Laughter] what moon are we referring to her this is to generate from all this like you know talk of prophecy and magic and mystery and all oh she changes and she's so important she's changed all these races she's so important to everything and then it turns into daedra of sims and amuses there's also there is also the ring of azura we just finished talking about that michael i'm kidding it's the rim of azura you have a ring okay what am i doing yeah go on yeah yeah yeah the ring of azura compose yourself gentlemen the ring of azura is kind of underwhelming it gives night eye for 20 points on self and restore fatigue three points on self uh the nerve the nerve arena receives it from azura at the conclusion of the main quest kind of a little you know shitty gift for such a big effort yeah i know i know it's like i mean it's the journey not the destination scott you know i don't know how much the nerve ring enjoyed it like because there's a lot of like daydream it's not about it's not about enjoyment it's not just a hedonistic journey you know it's a fulfilling journey yeah like penance and well you get it for killing de gother right so um i wonder what your gift would have been if you just listened to him and sided with him well he i mean i don't know dagor kind of wants well he thinks everything is him so i guess look we're not going to go on a dagger that's another episode yeah that's another episode 100 but i i think that wraps up everything in zero unless you guys have any other extra insights not really i feel like the only thing you'd talk more you'd just be going all over morrowind's history which yeah it's like really needed because really there's not much to it outside of that essential like kind of a lot of the intricacies and stuff come from the varying accounts of red mountain and so on but i do find that that both widow vivek and her quote the idea that all events happen at once like it's kind of a if you if you think about it in a different way you might you can't kind of have something happen to you and go oh well you know the past is in the past because the past is the now and the future and everything's all at once so a slight against her can't be forgotten so in a way holding a grudge can be seen through a different lens because if you perceive it as it's always happening to her because time is always being experienced all events at once so there is no oh past the past you slighted me back then it's like a it's a constant thing almost for you it's kind of like a if someone put a knife in your side and just left it there if if you're if you're immortal but it still hurts so you'll live forever but you just have this knife in your side you're hardly holding a grudge for being angry are you cause someone put a knife there and it hurts yeah yeah yeah exactly so so in a way her her vanity or or um is kind of it it's a bit more warranted in the in that sense of bitterness her bitterness sorry to to um and her lashing out because of the way it affects her though through a mortal lens you can't really comprehend how bad this thing you know oh i just quick i just stole her artifact it's you know oh no biggie she's a big powerful danger but that event is like weighing on forever it's another way to to you know give her a little bit of more you know but but i feel like all daedric princes are like that it just becomes more of an important thing when you're trying to talk about a daedric prince that's often perceived as good yeah yeah yeah sorry i'm done simping for her and trying to like you know stick up for her she she is really mean it's funny how much azura loves um you know like being loyal and and showing your love and affection and then you've got mcfarland mafala the other good daedra who's teaching all these kaima to assassinate each other and betray each other and all of this it's a you know yeah she seems quite nice by comparison doesn't she just to throw another little link out there but the khajiit and uh dunham mythologies in ways are kind of linked like the the azura mephala um boethiah trio um are seen together in both of those versions azure is much more prominent in the khajiit one but they are they are like they do hang out together you know bouethir and raphaela and azura in various stories good friends yeah but anyway i think that wraps up the podcast well thanks everyone for watching the liminal bridge of the podcast it's it's been a lot of fun uh i guess social media links are in the description and we look forward to nerding out with you all again
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 52,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, elder scrolls podcast, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls lore podcast, elder scrolls 6
Id: MghzkJCl_uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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