Axle Deadlift RECORD at Europe's Strongest Man 2021

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20 seconds left you got to do this come on give us one more, hips down legs, head up, do this   representing England raising up for Graham Hicks and perform number two he is the former World's Strongest Man representing Ukraine welcome  ¡Oleksii Novikov! we know that Graham Hicks is massively strong in all the static events and he starts so well Hicks ¡oh! metronome from Hicks this is solid there's three   he's acting like a machine deal incredible a hydraulic lift, a bulldozer, a backhoe, a caterpillar   amazing leg drive a lot like Eddie Hall, rock strong effort Oleksiii Novikov plodding along   on the opposite side just trying to rack up the numbers, that's the down signal there from Terry   Hollands and Hicks is just getting some breaths in and he's on seven reps as it is right now, come on   Hixxy get a couple more in get some points, set the pace get behind him come on Hixxy oh yes three there's eight from Graham Hicks   fenomenal effort, Graham Hicks eight  repetitions, I'll check in but that is official   well that's a phenomenal effort and  both men went to the edge on that one Hickzy goes to war the deadlift and Hicks wins, 360 kilos you just toyed with it at first   it never really pushed you around until the last rep take us through that set, it was easy I just like the way you think two  events left you set a great Mark   do you think that's tough enough  the other guys won't beat it   there's still some good guys I'm just here to make sure they work hard if they're a winning event   you're a good man Graham Hicks thanks for your attitude your championship qualities and what   you share with others by example thanks buddy, Graham Hicks ladies and gentlemen   listen for the whistle axel deadlift brought to you by boohoo man 360 kilograms Bill gonna take tremendous power  got to bring it right now we are on the way and both men it's an  early smooth repetition and once again   nothing to separate them at this stage, use your legs all the way through come up ah look at the determination of part old wire fighting that bar ¡wow! Bilton I'm driving it  up there gather yourself pot you got time   you got one more in you, 30 seconds, use your legs this time, both men are looking at the clock time   15 seconds let's hear it ladies and  gentlemen, legs, legs, power, hips down ¡go! incredible effort or Dwyer will be happy with that   ¡oh yes! Leeds it's all coming off  for old way a tremendous effort   Gavin Bilton just trying to get some air in the giant welshman pushed very very hard there now that's a big man all that power on one stage amazing at Giants Live in leeds at the european championships ladies and gentlemen lifting  now on platform number one   representing Estonia raise it up for ¡Rauno Heinla! and also representing Estonia on platform number two show your appreciation for ¡Ervin Toots! Toots heavily taped up strapping on to the bar now, the battle of Estonia we've   seen it already tonight on the shield carry and we will go again here on the axle dead number to beat eight repetitions it'll take nine to do that, two of our guys are dead even at six Toots fights it gets that lift and around on Heinla as we know exceptional deadlift a real pedigree   and he's showing it here Bill Kazmaier rest is key if you want a few more if you're at your limit   but if you keep going, you can get nine reps, up lock out down signal and do it again ¡come on! 20 seconds left, 20 seconds left, you got to do this come on give us one more hips down   legs head up do this, there's  nine ladies and gentlemen ¡wow! I'm just gonna check in with Dave warner Dave to make that official ¿how many repetitions mate?  round I've got nine repetitions and I'm gonna also check with Darren Sadler ¿Is that the new record?   what was the record there was it eight previously ladies and gentlemen that is  a new record on this equipment for Rauno Heinla Rauno earlier today in the  athlete vip when we were upstairs you   said that your leg had healed up  and you were in great condition  point proven ¡yeah! I really don't remember when I lost deadlift for reps and I proved I'm best in this   event, you really did prove that and you looked like there may have been more in the tank you   seem smoother on the last rep than any of the other athletes we saw Hicks come out and he was   impressive were you sort of just timing that did you go to the red line there or was there more   I don't know actually it was heavy but I feel good, ladies and gentlemen what an incredible   performance for Rauno Heinla, nine repetitions no one has matched it to date can we see anyone
Channel: Giants Live STRONGMAN
Views: 32,426,845
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Keywords: Giants Live, strongest man, Eddie Hall, Strongman, Deadlift, World’s Strongest Man, Powerlifting, weightlifting, World Record, strongman records, Brian Shaw, strongest ever, Log Lift, strongman motivation, gym, Bian Shaw, Hafthor, Kaz, Thor Bjornsson, strong man, hombre fuerte, Europe's Strongest Man, World Strongest Man, Strongest Man in the World
Id: fcz9faDczVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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