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Its a quantam leap forward were he to do it oh my goodness straight up [Applause] easy for Adam Bishop he's dropped it, he's dropped in he was given the down signal but it's in the rules you can't drop but it's going up and staying, he's done it and here we go there are some serious counting going on there to make sure the weights are right 461 kilos for Benny Magnuson and this will be if he makes it or indeed if Eddie Hall does an all time record in any discipline for weight off the floor just where does your mind go faced with this unbelievable amount of weight 72 and a half stone if he gets this off the floor watch the bend can he keep it rolling roll it he can keep it roll in up is waiting gets about the knees and is Incredible strength keeps him going and it's a new World Record it's an all-time record in any lifting discipline that is quite astonishing big hug off of Thor Benny Magnuson has done it look at this again he looked like he wasn't gonna get it at his knees and then somehow just kept it moving it was a 10 second lift phenomenal. Benedict the greatest lift ever in history congratulations can you speak to us and just give us a little insight into ¿how you feel to get that record? ¿what did she say? one get a into the minute [Applause] amazing is to be met world best deadlifter ever [Music] can Eddie Hall get to that place as well can this Leeds crowd lift him as he tries to lift another record tying enormous effort from Eddie Hall 7 000 voices willing him on can he even hear them now he has got to go somewhere very, very special 72 and a half Stone [Music] he does not want to lift this then twice this will extend his own British record this will tie the greatest lift in history [Music] Eddie Hall it's past his knees can he lock it out come on Eddie each day you know is there remarkable, what are we seeing well he's dropped it, he's dropped it, he was given the down signal but it's in the rules you can't drop ¡oh my goodness! yep there's the decision you must lower it under control Eddie is not a happy man I think he got it all the way up let's have a look was it an accidental drop it just got stuck in his thighs no he does lock that out absolutely the hand goes down but it wasn't under control look at the shock he realizes instantly what he's done you know what guys in my eyes that was a World Record I can do a four six one I don't give a... I don't give a... Magnus is the strictest ref on the planet and I'll back that up, so if I do is put it there mate. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen it's here for Eddie Hall [Music] it's the world deadlift championships Eddie Hall there from Britain takes a hit of ammonia salt for a World Record is it 463 on the bar this is going to be something else, this is ¡uh! this is special and if any man here can do this he said it all they skipped the last two rounds it's been a while since he's lifted and he's asking for talk I think [Applause] I got in this weight to long the other great cold or not no assuming to find out we are soon going to find out just cheering up the crowd seven and a half thousand people here in Leeds heading the well last year let's not forget he lifted that World Record equally lift and dropped it can he make amends greatest lift ever off the floor [Applause] [Music] so once again this is for the World Record [Applause] [Applause] strapping himself on he doesn't want to drop it like he did last year [Applause] nearly a thousand and twenty pounds on the bar [Applause] 75 Stone so much pressure on him now most of it from himself [Applause] but look at this, unbelievable ¿how easy was that? [Applause] a new World Record has been set right here by the Brit Eddie Hall was no Gamble I think Andy Bolton is a bit shocked he bought a thousand pounds I think he thought no whenever we are well on from that 463 kilos Eddie Hall you are still the World Record holder still warming up as well ¡oh! [Applause] [Music] Britain expects great things Eddie Hall 28 years old 30 Stone he's force fed himself for a year to get this ¡come on Eddie! look at the speed of that [Applause] that was an unbelievable lift for the World Record and I'll tell you what I think it's crazy to say I think he's got more to give it certainly set a challenge [Applause] everyone's made it across left to have a seat when that happens and the remarkable thing about this not a single moment where he stopped or paused or hitched and you have to think could the historic 500 kg be in sight you look pretty, you look beautiful baby nothing wrong with a little plug another World Record this isn't, this isn't in your mind is it this is a stepping stone, this is honest to God this is still a warm-up this is I believe it I believe that I really do mate go right go relax, that's so here he is the Arizona Jerry Pritchett I don't think he's intimidated by anything Pritchett but he never shows any emotion for this to equal the greatest lift ever [Applause] he makes it look easy, game on, makes it look so easy, I mean case to be made for making it look easier than even Eddie Hall did just moments ago different type of lifter of course happy or angry I'm not sure which and that's the moment that I'm in a lot to the Americans in the crowd Jerry Pritchett it doesn't take much from the audience beaming down the electricity you put out of that effort I don't know what's another 10 000 people but what I saw was a pretty easy lift rock solid ¿how to feel? that's a World Record I felt easy there's 10.000 people help me pulling the motivation is awesome to him today here he comes look at the focus, what's going through his head, I know but there's a lot of adrenaline pumping through his body right now [Music] we will talk about how you can do extraordinary things in exceptional circumstances and he's he's gone into Berserker mode here equal the World Record again 465 to equal it is done it Magnuson equals the World Record that's three World Records in what 10 minutes something like that? three men four six five kilos all over a thousand pounds where do we go now [Music] sounds like he's shaking with adrenaline now, it's amazing before today only three men in history managed a thousand pounds four with Jerry Pritchett earlier now we're looking at eleven hundred [Applause] well this is it, this is a Quantum Leap Forward if he were to do it it's been whispered about but it's going up and it's staying up and staying he's done it he's got the down signal Eddie Hall would not let that go and I ¡wow! yes I think maybe he should have before I look a little worried but it's just the pressure on his body there the nosebleed Colin now that that's to do with well it's just a very thin blood vessels and when you're holding your breath that long pulling such a heavy weight and he was loving the moment enjoying it hanging on to it and a little blood can come out very easily well the crowd willing Eddie to his feet he is okay cool him down relief pure relief on the face of his wife but Eddie Hall has made history [Applause] look at this again Danny, flood was already coming out there he'd been holding his breath for a few seconds hadn't quite locked it out that's the moment he got his hips through and that's pure pleasure right there he could have held it all day if he had enough well probably backed out very different idea from pleasure to me but look at the pleasure on the faces of all these people the referees saying down put it down it's a good lift but no enjoying the moment just wouldn't let it go until he was satisfied until he really enjoyed it history being made then in front of 10 000 people deadlift some in loves, definitely a man put pull five and increase the World Record in the six reps the first one goes no problem of course most other competitors struggling with that too he hits it fast he's got nice long arms that certainly helps there's three surely not [Applause] [Music] well taking a break doesn't look like he's given up straight into the next one ¡wow! that's four that's one shy of the World Record those big traps of his being put to good use pimsels too he's not giving up, look at this well if he does this he equals Magnuson's World Record and he does yes that's pleasure isn't it well a joint World Record now five reps at the deadlift for Janashia just attacks are almost there with a flat back actually very straight legs but it works [Music] [Applause] I don't know if that's good or bad, yeah, itcertainly when a strange face pulling contest I mean again another thing that causes pain shooting up your nose into your head and that was a great first rep from a man who's one of the best deadlifters in the world well look at this no signs of slowing well I think he's seen what Janashia has done yes these are coming up quicker than Janashia over 40 seconds to go we could be looking at another World Record here if he he gets up yeah that would be ¡uh! very achievable still I think let's get his breath back some of these guys go really, really fast tend to burn out very quickly as well that's the only thing he saw that was Shivlyakov you know great in the first rep and then who's gone he was done if he manages one more which is really all he's got time for now he will also record the World Record and he does ¡wow! still a big Z to come as well gosh that must have felt great tell us about it very happy about this it's not possible to pull out you know we have a big crowd like here thank you a lot Manchester I love you nice job JF Caron [Music] so Novikov up next take on one thousand pounds ¡oh! he's got blast it he gets it Danny well that is incredible Novikov joins the 1000 Club straight into it you're absolutely right and he does ¡oh! my goodness me well he's done it he forgot he was strapped to the bar fifty three and a half kilos above his actual competition personal best, well we were not expecting this two more men in the 1000 pound Club in one night, that's right in history seven before this evening and there's two more Gabrielle Peña then of Mexico [Applause] surely not that's doing well just a little further he knows he's got it what, what is in the air tonight Peña does it as well, well we've seen him for massive weights in training I just somehow thought it was training's training he wouldn't do it in competition but he too, this would be a dream come true for him as well he's done 450, 453 and a half's a magical number well why not Ambeskovic another thousand pounder it's got a really tight suit on under there someone, someone helps him get it off he's, he's done it, this is a lot of expectation on his shoulders ¡here we go! easy for Adam Bishop another thousand pounds well just brilliant work from Adam Bishop refuses to be intimidated gets the job done as the moment there's the smile well that's all on this guy's giant shoulders now he's the world champion, he's the one, who has been shouting he wanted it to be far higher than 505 kilos he's that confident look at that from Pavlo did well skipping 4-2-5 saving that energy made it look easy and another man joins the 1000 pound Club, definitely one of the easier pulls at 453 and a half I'm not sure he's got over 500 kilos in there Graham Hicks he's up next he has never lifted this weight before [Applause] well he has now ¡oh yeah! he's certainly done it in training and ¡uh! he knew it was in him, you're out to go power lifting and he was actually ¡uh! in the top three power lifters in the world the Yuri did it it was extraordinary actually for a first visit to powerlifting he's got stacks of static power here but Mitchell Hooper now he's ¡uh! still 20 kilos away from his personal best this should be well within him [Applause] look at that from Hooper bit of a grinder wasn't it, it was, it was a battle but he got there Mitchell Hooper nailed it but I'm not sure there's much more well to Makarov there, he's not gambling and going straight for the big one and he's gone for an interim wait here sensible and solid makes it look so simple Makarov four seven five a little bit euphoric at the end of that one I think he thinks he's on for this we launched that World Record and he'll have his chance he will well let's make this harder show, 476 kilos now, Heinla is up next, is a so technic his body weight is well 129 kilograms but you must ¡uh! also have the wingspan of a seven foot man really long arms helps a lot and this would be a masters over 40 World Record worry to do it ¡wow! hopefully textbook I mean ¡yeah! it's a magnificent the biggest lift ever for a man 40 or above far greater than Mark Felix ever did and ¡uh! well done I mean that this could be the winner right here so he takes this on Nakonechnny for the World Record massive jump over 50 kilos for the previous round has he gambled correctly absolutely rooted to the ground, that was going nowhere but a brave attempt Nakonechnyy well it's so tiring going for one of these enormous weights he thought it was all or nothing he certainly sank everything into it he got it off the ground biggest weight ever off the ground perhaps but this is the man surely, who's got the biggest shot he's tried it twice before over 500 kilos Hafþór Björnsson and indeed has done 501 kilograms out of competition but here we are in an internationally referee contest he's trying to make the record from Eddie Hall by five kilos huge but win strength sport this well it's at the knees that's as far as it's going I thought for a second there he was going to do it, now you've only got one shot in it he's not going to go again it's impossible he'll have burnt so much in terms of energy that deserves the Applause from the crowd though he is the only man to do four, seven, five he is the champion well Makarov is skipping straight to the 505. roll the dais so this is for the World Record yes for the win everything what a guy geez that's the second year in a row he's had it up to his knees last year I actually think last year it was slightly above his knees a little bit better last year but well he is the only person to ever get it off the ground just not to legal height
Channel: Giants Live STRONGMAN
Views: 91,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Giants Live, strongest man, Eddie Hall, Strongman, deadlift, World’s Strongest Man, powerlifting, weightlifting, World Record, strongman records, Brian Shaw, strongest ever, Log Lift, strongman motivation, gym, Bian Shaw, Hafthor, Hafthor Bjornsson, strong man, hombre fuerte, Europe's Strongest Man, World Strongest Man, Strongest Man in the World, strength training, wsm, worlds strongest man
Id: d02qRD5Qj6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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