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so here we go we've reached the final event of the fourth annual Shaw classic and it'll be luke stolman that'll have the honors right off the bat Terry back in your day the fingle fingers were a separate event there were I think four or five fingle fingers that you had to do and it was always a taxiing event power stairs came in a little bit later but to combine the two of them come on man that is yeah after doing seven events prior to it as well these guys are going to be absolutely exhausted but you know they're the best in the world for a reason 90 seconds on the clock so speed is certainly going to be your friend and especially when you get those power stairs 550 lb and then 600 lbs there going to be a lot of guys that are probably struggle to get those weights up so it be distance as well I almost feel like the times on the fingers are not going to be that crucial he's going to be one or loss on the power STS first finger 300 lb hopefully see a fantastic performance from Luke here I mean probably not the weekend he's hoping for but something to remember about Luke he's a fantastic and bassador for the sports he's been a world Strongest Man finalist a number of times he's a great athlete but you know most importantly he's a great person as well so he's on the fingle fingers at 630 lbs that he just did and now here to your point Terry this might be the hardest part yeah for sure I mean even that on its own 550 is super heavy then they've got one after that that's even heavier it's crazy whites five stairs they've got to take that up and this is just ridiculous at 550 lb he's got to get back down there and get that 600 and Luke is taxed yeah I mean the power stairs they use at World's Strongest Man a lot or have done certainly in my time were 225 blocks 225 kilo blocks so £495 and we we had three of those this is but this is £550 so it's 55 heavier and the next one is 105 heavier and got the 550 up now it's on to the 600 15 seconds every step [Music] counts every lift here does count yeah it's it's crucial he'll call it there great effort from Luke now nice way to finish putting a big performance on his final event how good does that feel he's done yeah he is he can go jump in one of those cold baths right now and get the feed Wagon on yeah and I mean you can see the crowd's reaction how much Luke's loved by all the all the fans you know they've all stood on their feet to cheer him on not the weekend he would have hoped for but F right till the very end saw that 550 so Luke was great on the fingle fingers he's got experience there but it was that 600 lb weight I mean that is you talk about tearing your groceries home after you go to the store or maybe 30 40 lb 550 and then a 600 lb weight up to the top yeah and also I mean we talked a little bit about it earlier normally they've got a fixed handle so you can almost sort of push your legs into it to make it sort of get up onto the step if you're not quite high enough you can almost lean back a little bit and push up where this has a swinging handle it makes it even harder cuz it's live it moves around a lot more um so not only is it heavier than it normally is it's also harder than it normally is so they'll reset the course and they'll bring out Ivar schellis from lvia he'll be going head-to-head with Gavin Bilton of Wales I figure Gavin bilton's going to do really well with this with his height and his size 385 lbs 66 Terry he should walk those fingers down pretty fast yeah it would be good and avall as well he's amazing on the power stairs recently at Europe strongest man they did the power says he was the fastest of all the guys so he's fantastic at this event as well so I expect a couple of good good efforts here two guys are really excited I almost said good times but I'm not sure many guys are going to finish this this is one of those events where I don't know if many guys will finish I think if you get to that 600lb weight and get a stare like we just saw Tom stman do that's that's pretty good yeah so right now the mark to beat is what Tom stman just put up both fingers the 550 up and then one step I'm sorry Luke stman than Terry and 600 lb on one step I swe was so 90 seconds away don't explain that to your [Music] kids all right are we [Applause] good here we go Ivar SM stellis Gavin bton the next pairing 90 seconds on the clock G just they they put little blocks under the fingers just to so you can get your hands underneath gab's just asking it for it to be moved a little bit [Applause] I 300 lb then 330 all right here we go is another tricky one to think about for the comparers normally when you do fingles fingers you'd probably wear gloves but then you don't W him for the power stairs so he's he's you know which is the better to go I think he's one or lost on the power stair so almost the fingers if you're a little bit slower is not as crucial would tacky help at all on either of these events I mean it probably would help but I'm pretty sure it's in the rules that they're not allowed see the safety Crews backing in there in case those fingers come back down 330 lbs almost dead even for both of them and now it's under the power stairs slight lead for the lvan Ivers smar stellis look at his look at his format look at that he called it he's very very good at this [Applause] [Music] event he still got 52 seconds to get this 600lb weight up but I think Gavin Belton as a rookie at the shaw classic is feeling it oh the fatigue is kicking in for iall there as well come on let's finish it got one more step one more let's go come on got it nice [Applause] come on gav come on G come on G come on budy 20 seconds 20 go come on gav 15 seconds there you go get it on there get it on there it's got to be all the way [Applause] on round of appuse so Gavin completes both fingers and he gets the 550 up to the top didn't even get to the 600 lb but ior smell I mean that was fast I've got him around 40 something seconds yeah he's incredibly fast at the power stairs that might be the winning time although we've got some great athletes still to come we'll get a time these guys all this it's not an easy event that's for sure it is not an easy event I just can't imagine how how much these guys have be struggling for this event having to really battle because you know they've done seven unbelievably heavy events prior to this as well at elevation at elevation yeah I mean you know their bodies are going to be so fatigued so then have to go out and do an event like this is is tough really tough I think it shows the conditioning of the guys shows how hard they've trained it shows how fit they've come in you know although it's super heavy they knew they needed to be fit 5634 seconds for Ivers that will that will be tough to be yeah anything under a minute I was going to say is well just finishing the course is impressive but good match up coming up with Alexi novakov and Kevin Ferris they come into this event sitting in ninth and 10th respectively Ferris on 43 and2 points so he's got point and a half lead over Alexi noov who stood in 10 both these guys not the tallest guys either you know is the height on the on the fingers and the power stairs an advantage possibly I mean both of them make it work and they don't yeah sort of you know use their height as an excuse for for not being the best only 6'2 but he I mean he had no problem exactly that but you called it his power stairs routine was ridiculous minute that was mind blowing incredible 75 seconds I gotta be honest not a lot of time uh but I mean they're getting 90 total but anything that's going to be under a minute is oh it's crazy F unbelievable 92 on the [Applause] clock so they got to get the weights in position it's a little tricky I'm glad they're using the forklift cuz I'd feel sorry for the crew who've done a great job all weekend handling heavy weights we down to the final event with some absolute legends that final he is going to be between the raing world strongest man and a man who's wonning four times in his final competition I think it's going to be on the RoR scale in here is going to be pretty dangerous I hope this building is solid we're just about getting all right final weight gets into position five 600 our Ukrainian Warrior Alexi noov so novakov will come out Kevin Ferris will come out killer Kevin Ferris three athletes completed 10 more to go and it all concludes with Mitch Hooper and Brian Shaw in the final paring exposive first versus second 90 seconds on the clock and both are hungry to [Applause] finish this is also one of those events Terry that's it's not an easy one to train for you can't go to a local gym and find power stairs and the weights like that and fingle fingers good luck with that yeah I remember when I was getting ready for a competition a few years ago I had power stairs and I was literally struggling all the strongman gyms in the UK there's plenty of them and um trying to find one with power was really tough and fingles fingers as well so yeah they they're really tough events to train for what's the history of the origin of fingle fingers I I think I used to remember is this is kind of a Highland Games thing correct I I think it was sort of like a bit of an adaptation of the toss in the cabber yeah the cber toss but um yeah I think there was a giant called fingle or something like that if I remember [Applause] [Music] correctly I assume that's why they always used to do five fingers at all right here we go Lexi novakov on the left side of your screen Kevin Ferris on the right hand side first finger is going to be 300 lb 90 seconds on the clock here we go got to walk it up lock it in place Nova cost the first one there Ferris now on to the second one as well this is 330 lbs come on boys this bit really isn't The crucial bit it's it's the next bit where it really gets tough just cuz Kevin's slightly behind here doesn't mean he's going to stay there still has a full minute to go they're going to have to hustle here 550 it's just so awkward that weight [Applause] yeah Kevin Ferris onto the Second Step yeah they both just look spent absolutely exhausted don't they Kevin's still doing well though yeah slow but steady he's going to have about 30 seconds Kevin Ferris can get 600 up onto the Second Step he's going to move into second place Lexi is done yeah he's had enough of that weight Ferris now 600 he's on there so he's even now with Luke stman let's see if he's got enough left come on Kevin oh my do not want that dropping on your toes definitely not come on Kevin he just does have the extension get up there so one step for Kevin Ferris both fingles for he and Alexi wow Ian great effort from both the guys there you know like I said I mean the fact that they've all got to this point and they're still putting in the effort like they are I mean you know they they'd be so sore so beaten up from the rest of the competition you know they're just amazing athletes every single one of them we've got four more pairings to go next up it'll be Maxim Buro Thomas Evans then we've got Bobby Thompson Evan Singleton Trey Mitchell and Tom stman will be a great one and then Mitch Hooper and Brian Shaw so you look at those last three pairings between Thompson Singleton Mitchell stman that is pretty much your battle for the third spot on the podium we're it again as we draw closer to figuring out just who will be crowned the strongest man on Earth this is a tough event because you've got to get those weights reset and it's not something that someone go up to the top of the stairs and just carry it down no definitely know this is four clip material I think he may may be related to too that some SP still yeah he's going to get better as he goes you know did you guys so we were just checking out these fle figes [Music] here all right coures reset forklift out of the way weights are in place 90 seconds is on the clock time to bring out our next two athletes Max Buro of Canada Thomas Evans of the USA our next match up all right who do you like in this one Thomas Evans has really impressed me he's come on strong on this second day yeah I mean both of these guys great athletes very explosive Maxim is very good at Power stairs I've not actually seen um Thomas Evans do power stairs before but being the athlete is he's very big very powerful very explosive you know I would imagine he's still going to be good here you know there's not he you know he's that sort of athlete's ex football player he's going to be very explosive he's got guys all them have something somewhere so that's why ladies and gentlemen they're but yeah I do know for a fact that Maxim is very good at the [Applause] pal so Maxim chalking up Evans in place on the right side of your screen currently sitting in seventh and eighth place Evans in seventh on 56 points Maxi Buro in eight on 46 [Music] points all right judges are in place athletes are in place and we're [Applause] off 300 lb in those first fingle fingers next one's 330 325 come on oh this is where you start feel it you got to drive you got to drive Evans is there Buro is there now it's onto the power stairs they have over a minute now yeah although we've been sort of talking about the power stairs it's one or loss on that it's those those fingers fingers there are just to knock a little bit of energy out the legs beforeand look at Maxine yeah incredible he still has 50 seconds to get this last one up but it's 600 lb and five big steps oh man we might have a new leader if Maxi can finish these last [Applause] two oh it's going to be close very close I think he's just missing out on that top spot 20 seconds left Tom EV Thomas Evans now one step with a 600 lb block come on Tom that's big getting it to the second step is going to be huge for him that puts him ahead of Kevin Ferris and Luke stolman and Gavin filton because he got that 600 onto the second step and Maxim BR drove and we got to absolutely salute this guy he left all out here competing on 6 Thomas Evans and a great performance from Thomas Evans you know winning the open last year earning his spot here in with the best guys in the world you know and he's he's really showed up and put on a great performance big like really impressed with Thomas Evans I think he's got a huge future ahead of [Music] him was fly he completed it 59.66 Bo throw Buro goes into second place Ivar smella still has the lead 56.3 for Buro just 3 seconds behind him at 5966 focusing on that I want to tell you there was an awesome battle going on for that third we're down to our final three pairings it has been a long day a long two days of competition Terry Holland and I know the guys are absolutely gassed right now but this is an opportunity and I wonder what's going through the mind of Brian Shaw his final competition his final event in strongman it's a big moment and um like like we've said all along you know what a career he's had what a legacy he's left behind and obviously you know he's now leaving a different Legacy by running these competitions as well so yeah I mean he's he I I'm very I feel very honored that I've been part a big part of Brian's career I've competed with him so many times we've been good friends for a long time as well and um you know I think it's a lot of the way Brian is you know with as a competitor and everything else is just a small bit of what Brian is he's a great man he's a great dad he's a great husband you know he he really is a good guy and and everyone wants to see him do well so they will be in the final pairing Brian Shaw currently sitting in first place with 86 points overall Mitch Hooper sitting on 80 points so he's starting to do a little math there but basically Mitch is going to just control his own destiny he's going to have to win this event and hope that Brian Shaw does not place in that top five position oh your voice is shot tell me about it brother I've been doing this for two days you got prediction anyone got a prediction here what I'd say someone can get in just under 55 seconds oo just under 55 Bobby Thompson Evan Singleton will be the next athletes to come out as they reset the course Evan still got an outside chance well a chance of getting on the podium but he's got to go out there and do the business on this he's going to have to do really good really well and then he's going to have to ask for a little help right now your top three is Shaw Hooper Tom stman not his older brother Luke I don't know I you know the people talking about this thing is Ivers was so fast I I can't imagine someone doing this in less than 50 seconds I mean that's just that would be yeah crazy fast I mean I think I mean I would I would think looking at the athletes we got left you look at at the liks of Brian and Tom could go around that sort of time I mean Tom is very fast very athletic he's got the height as well Brian's super strong experienced he won't make any mistakes they're the only two in my opinion that do have a chance of sort of going super fast like that purely because I think they'll they'll be a lot quicker on the fingers and then they won't have the to battle to get theight on the stairs as much T-Rex but then you can never write off Mitch hoop ever true on any event so Bobby Thompson Evan Singleton All-American Affair here Thompson from Fredericksburg Virginia Evan Singleton out of Lancaster Pennsylvania really hard all we you're spent you're sore you're achy you got one more event to go want to thank the good Folks at Trifecta for sponsoring this event meal delivery service that aims to transform your health with food tools and Community Support customized to your goals they supplied all the food for the athletes and staff this weekend how much think it cost to feed the strongest men on Earth plus the staff that help we appreciate the folks at Trifecta yeah and help me St track while I'm dying for my bodybuilding show as well yeah I Tri I had some Trifecta last night I'll be honest with you I had the uh it was like black bean chicken bowl or something like that yeah it's tasty yeah not bad it's nice not having to go search for plays wait in line get the waiter I mean it was just it made it easy so we appreciate the folks at Trifecta all right here we go we're getting ready for the third to last pairing it'll be Bobby Thompson he'll be on the left side of your screen Evan Singleton on the right side of your screen Bobby Thompson currently in sixth overall 56.5 points Evan Singleton in fifth overall overall 64.5 points so a big opportunity for Evan Singleton as Terry pointed out still has a shot at getting on the podium in top three here at the fourth annual shot classic he's really got to get after this event he's got to attack it with that sort of Venom that he does sometimes 90 seconds on the clock Evan Singleton has the early lead first finger at 300 lb complete T-Rex working quick Thompson following behind just a little bit and he's still at 73 seconds as he gets that first weight let's see how he handles this this will give you a good idea good good format T-Rex is flying he's got a full minute to get this last one up yeah if he makes no mistakes now he could take the lead for [Applause] sure one more step he's EV no more mistakes let's get it up there let's go got it nice great effort there fantastic effort from ever Singleton there giving himself every chance of getting on the podium he did exactly what he needed to do there just go out there and attack it and hope for the best Bobby Thompson now gets to the bottom of the stairs and now the prospects of making up 600 lb and going up five steps as Evan Singleton cheers him on and looks like he has been done in again by that bicep he's had issues with that throughout I think Evan Singleton just moved into the lead yeah looks that way know bobing that I mean yeah really impressed with Evan there you know a few years ago Evan sort of temperament was a bit out of control sometimes but there it sort of really paid for him he he went out there he attacked it he did exactly what he needed to do put the pressure on the other guys cuz now try Mitchell and Tom stalman both of them they make a mistake and they're in big trouble wi hey EV EV you want to know you got T-Rex and the time to be wasu stellis with 56.3 four and the T-Rex you just got it 49.87 wow sub 50 seconds though we talked about how hard it would be to go sub 50 and Evan Singleton just knocked it out of the park with a [Music] 4987 super impressive though wow great great performance from Evan what a way to finish a show for him perance Evan Singleton into the lead well you see why Evan Singleton makes some noise in the WWE how about the T-Rex and that changes things because now someone's going to have to pop below a 49 going to have to catch Brian Shaw you going to have those top points so Mitch Cooper's job just got a little tougher yeah and also Trey he's he was only three points ahead of ahead of Evan there so you know and there's a few good times a few good efforts so pressure is really on try and Tom it really is oh man two more to go it'll be Trey Mitchell and Tom stolman out of Scotland Mitch Hooper out of Canada and Brian Shaw in the final pairing to get on that but it Alles down to what happens in our two final races ladies and gentlemen it's coming down to the end are you enjoying this big TCH Trey Mitchell Tom stman getting themselves ready I really like Tom stman in this I'm telling you I think he's going to go through those fingle fingers Terry super fast and he's shown that weight in hand is not a problem for him yeah and he's been absolutely tearing it up today one two at a three event so far I'm sure Tom thinks he can go out there and win this event as well if he wins three out the four events on the final day you know he's had a great day think of the competition that he's going up against that would be amazing Yeah final two pairings here the last event the eighth and final event the fingle fingers into Power stairs on day two of the fourth annual Shaw classic soldout crowd here at the Budweiser Event Center here in Loveland Colorado you and no one has left the building they are all waiting to see what we think may happen and that is Brian Shaw in his final competition as a strong man going out possibly on top as the champion it's your two time defending Champion Trey Mitchell so it's Trey Mitchell two-time Shaw classic champion and two-time world Strongest Man Champion two-time Britain strongest man Champion Tom stman Tom's BR Big Brother Luke coming out to cheer on as well is going to be a each [Music] Theon knows the relationship between Tom and Tom and Luke really is fantastic yeah you see like Luke is genuinely Tom's biggest supporter biggest fan and it's great to see brothers from Inver Gordon Scotland wins I think if anyone's going to beat that 49 that we just saw from Evan Singleton my money would be on Tom stolman me too on the conrete so here we go both men in position stman on the right side of your screen the American Trey Mitchell on the left side of your screen and they are off look at Tom just blasting through that 300 lb finger oh no Mitchell's finger came back but I think it was maybe more of a malfunction or you think get ricocheted back look at this l [Applause] w let's go big to bman he still got 60 seconds 49.87 seconds is the mark to beat it's going to be close oh it's going to be close oh it's going to be really close I'm not sure I'm not sure I don't know if he got the win it was that stumble that was so close I think Tom might have hurt himself a little bit [Applause] there come on try come on come on your brother 10 seconds Trey is just about giving everything he has here the two-time shot classic Champion with a respectable showing here but we we thought it would be fast and it was it's going to be really tight yep I was trying to watch the clock and sort of figure out I'm not sure I'm not so sure at all his brother coming out pict okay Tom the time to be was 49.87 seconds your time 46.3 one wow great effort from Tom there I mean I I thought Evan's time was really going to be really tough to beat but we knew that if one person could come out and do it was Tom so he's now what a way to finish the competition after a bad start he then came out and he won four of the last five events I just can't believe we were talking about someone going sub 50 and he just 46.3 0 that is amazing you see as well the the Brotherhood between try and Tom there it's great to see Bri Brian congratulating both of them as well for you man he just came back today as a TI well we've got one more event before we bring the curon down on this one and this one will be for the title Tom stolman I just do not he does not have enough points to catch Brian Shaw even if he wins and he gets the 14 it would put him on 79.5 oh sorry it would put him on yeah 14 points he would put him on 82 so he can't catch Brian Shaw but he can catch Mitch Hooper if Mitch had a really bad performance but I think as long as Mitch finishes in the top five or six he's going to hold on to Second yeah for sure wow what a way to end things what a way to end a career what a way to end the shot classic I think everyone watching the athletes as you see the top of your screen all the athletes are coming out to watch this I mean I think like like we we've said all along Brian is is very well respected by all the other athletes everyone is so pleased to be here for his final moment and um yeah what career he's had is the last for brianw so far Brian's going to I mean you know what's amazing is this is the last event but he's going to go through it be meticulous do all his checks his pre-checks be prepared as he can be oh we're going to see some tears from br afterward I think we might I think indeed we will what a career it has been now at 41 years of age he bursts on this scene I remember when he came to the first World's Strongest Man he was tall wasn't this big but he was tall and everyone said oh he's a basketball player yeah does he have the brute strength that he's going to need and he took his lumps the first year or so but man he came back and a lot of the a saying this guy is someone to watch yeah for sure is on the line one rest to go to determine who will take that title if we do a little bit of math Terry and I know you're good at math with a six-point lead I think as long as Brian Shaw stays out of that bottom five position yeah he should be okay to keep keep the title right now You' got Ivers mellis in third Evan Singleton in second and Tom stolman in first so that in a combination of Mitch Hooper not placing in the top three will pretty much lock it up for him yeah I mean yeah if if R just finishes this is a dumb deal and I I I fully expect him to finish it but I also expect I I think unless he gets injured or he's hurt Mitch Hooper is going to probably finish it as well yeah so this is it your final two athletes and we have a chance to salute both of them for what they've given us over the past two days in seven events ladies and gentlemen the Boose Mitchell Hooper Mitchell's been fantastic as well I know he's six points behind Brian going into this last event he's been amazing the whole way through one ofest strong men careers of all time we now have 90 seconds left 90 seconds for him to put that I know that all the guys much as they all want to win they all want to be the best that's here none of them all sort of be disappointed to lose to Brian in his final show and stuff like that he's just getting ready we talk about it these guys are strong but they're smart Ryan Shaw he's a chess Grand Master out here so Shaw eyeing up that second finger which weighs 330 lbs in 90 seconds we will know who is the strongest man on Earth Brian's asking for a little bit of an adjustment on this second finger cuz it's crooked so you can see just e fans Brian saw something just making sure this is set up to his liking as that CH player is true though cuz Brian will be want wanting to push in a straight line obviously um so if it's slightly crooked it you know it's just going to fry him off a little [Applause] bit there we go the final moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] like you said earlier Brian being meticulous as ever making sure he does everything right everybody's the time to be 46. 31 so here we go 46.3 0 that is the mark to beat put up by Tom stolman Brian Shaw in his final event in his final competition as he brings his career to an end 90 seconds on the clock and we're off that want to go down both men making quick work second finger 330 lb ho bo Hooper's doing a great job flying can can Hooper finish on that moment of winning the last event is he looking possible if Brian gets this up I think it's done as long as he gets past two steps Here Comes Shaw look at that Mitchell Hooper's like you know what let's cheer the Big Man on he's got 36 seconds left in his career he's got two steps making one let's finish it one step to go for the big man got it what a career what why you finishes great spot from Mitch Hooper there as well sort of realized I think he's secur spot you know just he wanted to cheer Brian on as well what a way to end a career Brian Shaw wins the fourth annual Shaw classic and brings the curtain down on an amazing career listen to the crowd r
Channel: Strongest Man On Earth
Views: 131,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mO6bzdPyX_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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