Elite Powerlifter Pretended to be a FAKE TRAINER #7 | Anatoly gym prank

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I want to teach you you you doing wrong like you need beef what beef beef is me my father always told me like no worries about weight much better without training without proteins you will do this weight like this like this you know what what's going on guys welcome back to my channel and in this video I pretend to be a fake trainer in the gym guys today we will pretend fake trainer and they will be like like professional trainer but I'm not I'm not sure about about you who are you so guys I will pretend to be a fake skinny guy trainer and of course people don't believe me but after I will leave heavy way of course so let's enjoy this video and let's go [Music] buddy [Music] yeah okay mhm [Music] okay mhm I think he can do better I'm sorry he can do better yeah yeah yeah you think you can do better you can do better brother I just stay stay here like who are you I am vamin I am also trainer here I'm sorry I know you trainer but oh what yeah I mean the for back yes because you're doing little bit like I'm sorry for this but wrong pleas pleas no no no I I need to work out this a good one but strb back here for G for gier trophy it's a wrong what what do you want man I want to teach you you yeah how what do you mean you yeah I because you stay like like this right and you do this deadlift okay you need just talking no no no that's good your Co yeah look at this what's that I'm new I'm new here today is my first day but I have a big experience for this how do you have experience about that it's heavy for you bro please I please I need to work out I need to work out I will show you like you stay like this and you're doing like this you know but need more X working and make small Powers here you know it will be better much better for your technique for your back and for he also okay show us that no no it's I think it's big weights for me for today for sure because I'm just trainer here my power here you know you can do abs and legs also here at the same time you're like mov yeah if you know this exercise I don't know I saw you a lot here in this gym and always your Technique like I'm sorry like like I'm sorry I'm sorry bro you want to teach I want to be honest I want I need more clients that's why I am here how you are tra maybe you will be maybe I have maybe we will train together also I have good case here if you so here okay brother okay no no no no it's it's a real I'm train here this my clients this is one of my clients this my just my friends I'm sorry for this just my this my the best train is if you know this guy I don't know he's good okay one more sorry I'm sorry terrible sorry look at this this one of my clients look good on I want to ask you something if it's not problem can you can you help me tonight is dinner if it's possible because I have dinner can you no no I'm sorry okay but if you need something I'm here okay I'm sorry bye-bye okay guys fail or happens but it's so nice I have hellofresh in my fridge sometimes I don't have time for cook because a lot of work at the same moment hellofresh really helps me this is American number one milk it it saves me hours because hell fresh has biggest menu a lot of options to support your healthy lifestyle for example for me breakfast is important and I don't want to miss it even when I have to start my day in a hurry hello fresh agrees they are given all subscribers free breakfast for life with every single delivery so let hellofresh to be your partner for 2024 and start a new year on the right track click the link in the description or use my code P anatol free and get free breakfast for live one breakfast item per box while subscription is active this is old picture actually bad quality but it's also my trainers yeah so if you need trainer guys just let me know my trainer no no no no no this not Photoshop no this is not photosop this is this is photop bro this is photop this guy you know this guy this guy he also one of my the best trainers his name is Sam we trained together like few years you train this guy yeah because I have also special method special Training Method like like this because 20 years ago I was Arnold trainer also okay yeah I look younger but I am 65 honestly yeah I'm also 65 no that's Photoshop man it's obviously photosh I know this guy he Photoshop you know this guy yeah yeah look at this look at you but is the same no yeah what is the same look at just black white style here but it's the same photo it's same me but it was like 20 years ago guys I don't want I don't have any problem I just want to just want to help you I'm here to help you so so what do you think I'm doing wrong yes yeah you're doing wrong like I will just leave it here maybe you want a beef what I mean you maybe you want a beef what beef if you want I will show you I can try it it I try do it you need beef what beef beef with me what beef no no enjoy enjoy I mean I mean beef I have the best beef I'm also trainer here if you I can make the best price for you only also I have eggs I have organic eggs just good price for you brother just but don't tell this anyone but the best price it's protein high protein like Qui yeah yeah maybe go lighter maybe can show me lighter like you mean uh ah no no no that's why no worries about waight I'm always no worries about weight like I will do maybe this one but not this come you say I need no no guys it's big weight but I think I will just show you if there no problem just Senus cinus if you know this sorry I War this A J no no it's no way of training yeah I I don't like training I like more uh brains like I pre prefer brains like I can teach you but but I think I I can do because this special formula with special technique with special training program you can do without training without proteins before like 10 years ago I study in garard and Oxford there there I find some some method for warm up before your work out you stay like this you're doing like 5 1 2 3 4 5 like this you know but you need more squeeze stretch and squeeze your back like I will show you no no just 4 this is just a sign you know 44 like my father always told me like no worries about weight bro bro don't bro don't hurt yourself like oh just after the most important these are my favorite exercise actually like this one two you can show me technique with lighter we no no no no no this I want to make harder if it's like this one I think yeah this one is good much better just give me a chance one more because I'm trainer I don't have power my power here just say one more time I'm sorry trainer me now don't have energy but no no all good no no no worries guys fion is my profession three four five and after guys no no and after you will do you will do this wait like this and here you can do like P and leave here and here like this you [Music] know and squeeze here like this and squeeze here and also you can make just small PS here because it's much better for your muscle like this this much better for back like this like this one if you s this like you will do here here also legs [Music] working like this if you will see here more like working you know here you need like P just pull it like this and P here yeah and here squeeze you know and after about your exercise we do it like this yeah you need more stretch your back here and squeeze here and make just p here you know and will be much better for your back and for gerer trophy because dead Li always what my my father told me like the L is always about your legs working wow yes that's for static like if you will do like this this ftic for abs good it's much better for your back yeah yeah yeah that's what I show like this is the same right it's same position but you use this as a yeah yeah like five and five it will be like triple set if you want to grow your muscle grow your back any question you have like I'm I'm here you know I can lift heavier right yeah yeah yeah okay just just let me know if you need something okay okay sorry for bothering just take your time but my name is V if you need remissions just I can help you like if if you need all right because it's it's important here yes guys good trainer if you need something also if you want to change the trainer like I am here it will be like our secret okay okay guys because a lot of people here seriously brother yeah yeah yeah of course of course you can do this at home also if you need I will give you my number we will train I'm sorry brother maybe we'll we'll train together it's your client but maybe I I'll be with you guys like friends I'm sorry guys if you need any meat beef eggs also some pills I have very good for power you beig guys maybe you need some I'm sorry yeah see you yeah for sure this your clients I will just go thank you bro thank you thank you guys also don't forget about my clients yeah and also pills for Man's power I have everything just just I'm here I'm sorry I'm sorry guys I'm sorry just bye yes yeah I be there like if you need just just let me know [Music] guys so guys thank thank you for your watching don't forget to subscribe my channel because it's very important for me and I think it's easy for you and only only 15% watch it subscribers so guys subscribe my channel don't forget about like and comments on this video and see you in the next video of course and maybe I will be without beard Maybe not maybe yes wait
Channel: ANATOLY
Views: 3,754,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pretended to be a beginner, prank, prank video, gym prank, larry wheels, larry wheels prank, fake weights prank, fake weights, larry wheels deadlift, fake weights larry wheels, anatoly, prank in the gym, beginner to pro, dmitrys, pranks, best pranks, funny, comedy, pretended to be a nerd, pretended to be a fake trainer, gym prank pretended to be a beginner, beginner in GYM, Pretended to be an old man, old man prank, old man muscle beach, powerlifter prank, anatoly cleaner
Id: JyCX5e4D8iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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