Awakening the Cry for the Bridegroom| Corey Russell

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[Music] [Music] you're gonna have a treat tonight so you know it's like when you video when they are in a flyer and you want to take off what do you do you put on your seat buzz I feel we want to take where to sit on your seat belt because you're going to not be the same tonight you're going to get so excited about Jesus I get excited about Jesus being with Corey I get excited about living in his presence that's what I love I love Jesus come on how many fill up Jesus here you're gonna fall in love with Jesus tonight so let's let's start up I want to invite my dear brother and let him come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey man you guys grab a seat my goodness that was good worship would it Ranma go I miss you you look amazing you did so good I love it I love it I love you guys and I get to spend my birthday weekend with you every year I've turned it 43 on Saturday so come on we'll be 103 by the end of this thing man come on let's just keep rolling I love it no man I love capstone this we've been coming now seven years since 2013 love you guys and I always love to bring somebody from my family because I feel family with you guys and I love it last year I brought my daughter Maya this year I brought my dad Danny Russell that's work 40 years just plow any work 30 years you know you know in an air-conditioning factory and then spin the last about 15 years at a school in Kansas City we all lived together did live together for a long time he just retired I said dad you're coming with me and I know the place you're coming and he's come with me and we're hanging out these days I'm just so honored he's a man of God and you know he's just a mate taught me faithfulness hard work you know just living before Jesus when nobody else is watching and that's what I learned that it does not about how big or who sees you it's about being faithful in the eyes of him and being faithful with the people around you just loving the people around you and I'm grateful he's my hero and I love him and he taught me so much about Jesus and so good well turn with me to Matthew 9 I want to jump in it's been an amazing year we spent our first year in Dallas or family the Upper Room and it's been a great year spent 18 years in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer and now for the last year in Dallas with up a room it's been amazing it's been a good change of pace it's been a good place for our family and so just thrive in and just running with a local prank church and we're seeing some amazing things take place and I'm presently disciple around 15 young people in Bible doing Bible reading they they all show up at 8 a.m. they go morning noon night Monday through Friday and I'm disciple assemble you know doesn't and we're just doing we read 10 chapters a day and then we do an hour to have Bible study and so we're finishing up Ezekiel right now and just roll it through it and it's amazing God's meeting us and I just got a text in worship of what happened today as they were going through Ezekiel 22:30 you know you're in revival when God starts breaking in and you read Ezekiel 22:30 and people getting blown up so I'm like come on Jesus so that's what I just love doing and anyway I'm talking along good we love you Jesus we love you Jesus I just feel like this weekend is about just putting him at the center and just loving him I feel the yearning of the Holy Spirit to love Jesus last year and I want to pick up tonight where we left off last year I don't know it was about price Saturday night I'm praying for several of you guys and I come over here and I lay hands on a prithi and when I did it was just like you know I don't even have it in my Bible I've read it so many times I've ripped it out it fell out um I got a look oh my can we look at Matthew 9 14 through 15 I want to look at I had this I had the phrase start running through me when I laid my hands on her could do white skins and new structures new wineskins and new structures and that God was raising up a new wineskin of churches that he is going to release apostolic power government and resource - and that the ones who do not embrace Matthew 9 14 through 15 will not be useful in the coming season and so I want to quickly look at math 9:14 and then i want to get to revelation 22:17 alright glory we love that one we know what that one is glory hallelujah all right and I think it's awesome about fasting part of me wants to talk about fasting I just did a message on it I care a lot about I have been doing that good at it recently but I got a 20 year history with fasting and I want to tell you our way forward is by fasting it's not a religious duty what fasting does is it makes you vulnerable to truth it makes you vulnerable it gives your resistance to truth and it weakens your resistance it weakens strongholds arguments and high opinions that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and it puts you in a state of weakness because God's strength is made perfect in you know your Bible second Corinthians 12:9 my strength is made perfect in your weakness but we hate weakness and we live in a world that hates weakness we live in a world that boasted how how smart how rich how awesome how together you have it all and you live in the best of you that's what's gonna overtake the world and God through fasting flips that thing on its head saying as you give me your weakness by skipping meals or by living in a certain way and you give me your strength you'll watch me do more through your weakness that you could in your own strength wisdom and ability so fasting at the end of the day is the embracing of weakness get that people I didn't know if capstone was about to get on there I want to give a little message so let's look at this now I want to talk about the New Testament and I love the first night because I'm jet like it pretty good so I'll just talk and I'll just go so who knows how long it's going to go so praise the Lord when you can when you can't feel your head you just go so the sight that Jesus in Matthew 9 this is what happened when I laid hands on prithi I think it was last year on Saturday night I just started new wineskins new structures new wineskin and I'm prophesying at over capstone but what it ended up doing was opening up a door for the last year of something that I've been feeding on and something that I believe is coming to the forefront of the kind of churches that Gaunt that Jesus is building in these last days and the churches that are going to be useful in the coming days and it's ultimately about Jesus at the center Jesus at the center he's not a means to an end he's not some side piece he's not just over here that we are building communities around the presence of Jesus and I believe that God wants to wound us again with fresh intimacy love and adoration for the man Christ Jesus and riff our hearts afresh with longing for him not even longing for what he does but him he's not a means to an end he is the end the disciples of John come to Jesus and they say why do we and the Pharisees fast often but your disciples don't fast we're always going through this and all you guys do is hang out look at verse 15 Jesus when Jesus answers a question with the question you know you're in trouble and Jesus said to them can the Friends of the bridegroom note right here that he's going to answer fasting and he's going to use the language of bridegroom and he goes can the Friends of the bridegroom or as long as the broom is with them who he says but the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them he's talking about his death and resurrection and ascension the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them and then I love Jesus his confidence they will fast and then he carries on into verse 16 no one puts unshrunk cloth on an old garment the patch pulls away two tears made worse verse 17 he goes and no one puts new wine into old wineskins or else the wine skins break the wine is spilled and the wine skins are ruined but they put new wine into new wineskins and both are preserved and I think it's so interesting that Jesus is going to tie new wineskins in the context of fasting and what is it about fasting or mourning or longing for Jesus's presence that God is going to make the new wineskin that he's going to entrust new wine into and what he's talking about to John and his disciples is you got to understand that I'm introducing a new paradigm of spiritual disciplines I'm introducing a new definition of what it may seek God he says Old Testament fasting Old Testament prayer and spiritual discipline was based out of trying to get somewhere he says you must understand that for these three and a half years I have one agenda and that is addicting them to my presence I'm addicting them to my presence they're getting so used to me my words my nearness and proximity to me that I'm getting them so used to me because the days are coming when I will be taken away from them and in that gap the pain over missing my presence they will begin to rearrange their lives they will do without food they'll push away the side issues of their life to pray Tai's fresh incremental breakthroughs of my presence in their midst and I believe and I just want I want to say it and then we're gonna revelation 2017 I believe that we're in a middle of a wineskin shift in the body of Christ it's not a I think I know it in my spirit that we are in the middle of a reformation of how we do local church let me say it to you a little bit more provocative the day's sudden the days of Sunday only Christianity are over Jesus did not die for forty-five minutes at twenty bucks hour twenty pounds I say bucks in the States I'll say pounds here what's happening Jesus is getting back to the sinner and we're starting to see communities built around mourning for the bridegroom and his presence he wants to cut you friend he wants to cut you with longing he wants to cut you in mourning he wants to cut you with love sickness he wants to cut with that bridegroom revelation of intimacy and longing for his presence not out of duty but out of longing and missing that's what's got to get restored to the church it's not duty it's not a spiritual discipline it's a wound and a longing and a missing of longing for nearness to Jesus and that primal ache is coming back to the heart of the church amen so this started a year ago when I was with you and I spent the last year looking at this meditating on this preaching on this now go with me to revelation 22:17 Thank You Holy Spirit thank you I believe it you know I'll say it this way you can also look in Matthew 25 where we see the five wise and the five foolish virgins and you all know the Spree is that what separated wisdom the wise ones and the foolish ones the foolish ones only got enough oil to keep their ministries going to keep their lights or their Lance shining that's what separated foolish from wisdom foolish ones only got enough oil to keep their lamps shining wise ones not only kept it going but they had reserves which means they had history that no one else knew about and it wasn't about ministry and it wasn't about shining it for anybody else it was secret history with God and I believe in this and what that's about is about leadership and usefulness in the last days and I believe and I and I don't say this with any thoughts of anybody specifically or anything else but I believe that many that are shining really bright today are going to run out of oil and are not going to be useful in the coming days and there's going to be a great shift across the nations over the ones who have cultivated history and intimacy with God and built around him and him not just a means to an end so I'm feeling that line in the sand getting drawn as we go into 2020 I'm feeling that the sobriety of the Lord intimacy with Jesus being rakesh were just in the back talking revelation to mighty emphasis the church that saw 25,000 new conference come in and though all of Asia heard the Word of God out of Ephesus Jesus shows up in Revelation 2 and he gives about four verses of amazing things they're doing you're patient you're finding false apostles you keep persevering you've not forsaken you keep going he goes amazing things however there's one thing that I have against you you've left your first love you're not in love with me it's not born out of love anymore it's born out of you stuarti the blessing of what love brought out in the early days see that's the nature of it you get intimate with Jesus and you don't care about anything else and what happens when you get intimate you get fruitful that's the nature of intimacy you get fruitful I hear a lot of people saying we're just we focus on intimacy but I don't ever see them getting pregnant that's a whole nother thing that's a legitimate intimacy you're soaking all day not getting pregnant with anything I'll hit another group on another day about that one but this is what happens you get intimate you go after God and he blesses it and then so many believers then begin to manage the blessing at which we should we need to manage the blessing but in the middle of managing the blessing the open doors and the opportunities the things we did in the early days we get away from and what used to be easy and effortless now is a labor to swim upstream to get back to and Jesus said I want you to get back to first love he said do first works which means there are first works in the kingdom their second works in theirs first works there's the first commandment and a second commandment and Jesus says to the first works he says and if you really don't take me serious on this he says I will have to come I don't to do this but I would remove your lampstand from its place which means this if you make me choose between your hearts and your ministry I will always remove your ministry to have your heart I want you to have both I want you to have a big heart and I want you to have a big influence but don't make me choose because I'll always choose your heart over what you do for me are you with me I know I'm coming out hard on a Thursday night but whatever praise the Lord alright good revelation 22:17 this is where we're going I love one of the last verses of our Bible have us what we're going to look like before he returns revelation 22:17 is a prophetic word of where we're going look at that phrase everybody just say the spirit and the bride say come say it again say the spirit and the bride say come that's a three full property where we're going in that verse we see three realities number one the Holy Spirit and the church are going to come into unity with one another that's never happened for a brief moment in the book of Acts that it happened but the days are coming to where the global church and the Holy Spirit are going to be on the same frequency number two the church is going to be operating in a specific identity it's a bridal identity the revelation of Jesus as bridegroom and us as his cherished bride is going to begin to come front and center before the Lord returns it's not the spirit in the army it's not spirit and sons it's not the spirit to church it's the spirit and the bride the church is going to come out of performance-based religion we're gonna come out of works based religion we're gonna come out of orphan mentality we're gonna come out of widowhood we're gonna come out of forsaken as' and rejection and we're gonna loose ourselves from the bonds around our neck and we're going to put on beautiful garments garments of intimacy garments of partnership garments of heirs and co-heirs and rulership with the Lamb of God the church is going to put on our beautiful garments and she's going to come forth as a cherished bride we're not widows crying before an unjust judge we are the bride standing for the righteous judge of the nations [Applause] we're going to get our voice back because we know who we are [Applause] glory is a bridegroom rejoices over his bride so show your God rejoice over you I say it 54 your maker is your husband Hosea 2 I will bring you Israel to the wilderness and I will take the names of the bells out of your mouth you will call me my husband hallelujah and we're gonna see the nitrogen of the Spirit meet the glycerine of the bride and when those two things come together we're gonna see a global explosion we're going to see the breakthrough prayer arise in the nations and the cry is come out of every tribe tongue people and nation the church in unity crying out all over the globe for the Son of Man to return to the planet and to take his rightful place from Mount Zion do you know what Jesus is going to return it's because we wanted to [Applause] he's not coming back for a bride who's okay with him staying up there another thousand years a church that's lovesick church that's sick with love sick with mourning secret long hallelujah God's going to how is God going to get us there it's a great prophecy we need to see it Ephesians 5:26 says that he's going to present to himself a glorious church I love that phrase glorious I don't care what we look like today we will be glorious before this thing ends without spot and without wrinkle how is he going to get us there God's going to use great presence and great pressure to produce a great prayer I want to say to you right now I believe this wine skinship that's why I love the name of this conference catch the glory because there's a lot of places that love the glory but aren't building containers for the glory we want more than good meetings we want habitation we want places of habitation [Applause] [Music] Evans my throne earth is my footstool where's the house you will build for me broken and contrition God's going to use great presence I believe the wineskins are forming to handle the new wine and I believe it's going to be about communities and we're going to see a great outpouring of the holy spirit on all flesh and every tribe tongue people in Asia but I believe London and East London's going to be one of the main cities in the earth one of the most international cities in the earth that's going to experience a great deluge of the Holy Spirit there's going to be pockets of the glory of God that's spelt within a five mile radius or the manifest presence of God saturates and convicts and permeates and penetrates the darkest of areas we are going to see great presence be released John 17:20 - I'll just say it the glory you've given me I have given them glory that they may be one just as we are one everybody say glory first off Jesus saying father you gave me glory and I'm gonna give them glory that they may be one just as we are one understand that unity with the Holy Spirit and with each other it's not more willpower it's not as trying harder it's not more potluck dinners all those things are awesome and they play the role but what Jesus is praying for here is not going to be accomplished in human will human ingenuity and human power it's by the Holy Spirit by the holy spirit glory and to get the church to a divine unity with him and each other glory glory while we're in John 17 go ahead and go to well I am them you and me they've been made perfect in one that the world may know that you have sent me and this will be our message at the end of the age father loves me like he loves Jesus and that you love them as you loved me John 17 24 why having fun father I desire that they also whom you gave me may be with me where I am that they may behold my glory you love me before the foundation of the world presence and pressure will produce prayer presence and pressure deliver us from independence and isolation because there's not only great presence that's coming I'm here to tell you there is coming great pressure to the end type church the church is it going to be whisked away before it all we're actually going to be a light in the midst of a dark hour in the earth the church on fire the church moving in signs and wonders moving in apostolic power the the miracles of moses and elijah resting on the church we're going to see acts 2 resting in the midst of it all the church will be thriving with great glory but god's going to use the presence and the pressure to deliver us from independence which means this I need God and number two I need you I need God and I need you we need each other for the coming days that's why God's building communities around the presence God's building communities around the presence histories of prayer of fasting so put your hand on your belly let's get to know one tonight everybody say good evening Holy Spirit I want you to know right now he's more than a fussy a feeling or a force field he is third person of the Trinity he is God the spirit and he has taken up residence on the inside of your spirit God lives on the inside of us we talked about him will sing about him but how many are intimate with him God is calling the church into a deeper dependence on the Holy Spirit into a deeper invitation of his ministry and his life into our lives he's not for a meeting he wants to get up into our business I feel the longing of the Spirit to get closer to us and even are you with me come on come on y'all with me I believe the baptism of fire is going to increase it's we've already been into it for a couple of years but it's going to increase he's getting closer friend religion will let you pray in tongues and shout high-fives while still living devoid on the inside having disconnected but I can feel the heart of the jealous bridegroom who's coming to to rearrange furniture to to burn up the chaff to build a highway to build a dwelling place on the inside of us shut up outside hallelujah can you put Matthew 3:11 up here I believe the baptism of fire is coming John the Baptist favorite title of Jesus is Jesus the Baptist I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he who is coming after me is mightier than I whose sandals I'm not worthy to carry look at this he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire just I want you to continue because the fire is Judgment it's a judgement that cleanses and confronts to conform look at the next verse he says this he says his winnowing fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly clean out his threshing floor his threshing floors are hearts and he will gather his wheat into the barn and he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire hallelujah John says the same thing I believe fires coming can you look at Luke 1249 I feel like we hit a wall are we okay we okay ask God to enlarge your capacity as Lord to Engler jerk about you like I can't go no more in larger capacity hallelujah just ask him say enlarge my capacity he goes okay I love all the reasons Jesus came it came to seek and save the Lost he came to lay down his life and give it as a ransom he came to save us to do a lot of amazing things but I like to loot 1249 Jesus I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish this party was already started can you feel his longing six months outside of Calvary Jesus wasn't running from Calvary he was running through Calvary because he had a vision on the other side of Calvary to release fire he longed to get closer he longed to get more intimate he hated the bare years of him in the flesh he wanted to get into his ascendant reality is resurrected reality to pour out the Holy Spirit look at verse 50 I have a baptism to be baptized with and how distressed I am till it is accomplished which he's talking about his death do you suppose I came to bring peace on the earth yes Jesus that's the only idea we have of you as you want us all to get along you want everybody to be happy we would dare Jesus be offensive to anybody do you suppose I came to bring peace all on the earth yes that's what the Shepherd's say so the angel said I tell you not at all but rather division I'm just reading Jesus here goes verse 52 from now on five in one house will be divided three against two two against three keep going father against son and son against father mother gives daughter daughter against mother mother long down along down long below what is he saying he's saying as my fire gets closer and as I long to greater ownership I will get in to the middle of the most intimate family dynamics and relationships to have you for myself and for a season it will be a sense of division but it's unto bringing about unity on my terms [Applause] fire first divides before it unifies hallelujah I don't know if you guys have that uncle at Christmas y'all got like the drunk uncle that always comes to every family Christmas and you put them off in the back room you just want to have a nice Christmas let's just all get along and let's just bury the hatchet and get along and then that uncle comes out and he starts stirring up every elephant in the family and he just won't be quiet we'd rather have a pleasant dysfunctional Christmas than truth I think holy spirits like that because I don't care about your Instagram pictures I want honesty and truth in the family and I will get in the middle of the most intimate of relationships to have you for myself friend I want you to know that the spirit is the spirit of jealousy and he longs for you he longs for surrender in places I just feel like putting his finger on stuff and he's forcing us and into back areas of saying I want everything in this season hallelujah the fire is here and the fire is coming the fire is here and the fires coming the fire is here the fires coming and his fire will only increase because he's burning up Chad he's burning up the old religion the old stuff we've leaned on the way we've done it for years how we've had our tongues we've fallen down and then we still live in our cycles of fear of shame and rejection and living in isolation from God and each other and saying I'm getting closer in the season the fighters coming to burn up the chaff of wrong views about God the fires coming to burn up the chaff of harsh views of God many of us view God as mostly angry two-pointed frustrated and mad at us but the fire of God tenderizes you the fire of God makes you a receiver it makes you a responder it burns away the harsh views of God and you begin to see the bridegroom God and all of his heal and his tenderness and his jealousy and his love for us and it shifts us the fire will burn up the chaff he's going to bring forth a bride he's going to bring forth the bride who loves him who is joined with him who is intimate with him Thank You Holy Spirit do you know that the Holy Spirit is the wedding gift you know he's your wedding planner do you know Holy Spirit is your wedding planner for your wedding day he is the ultimate friend of the bridegroom whose job is getting you ready to marry the Lamb of God and he will first confront areas at your soul to conform you into the image of Jesus Holy Spirit your wedding planner Holy Spirit is your wedding garment person there's coming cleansing and there's coming fire it says that he will present to himself a church without spot or wrinkle he gets the spots out by the washing of the water by the word he gets the wrinkles out by the fire we're gonna come forth as those who are enjoyed by our bridegroom god we're going to start getting quiet in our souls we're about to enter into a new place of silence in our souls those who are enjoyed by God those who are loved by God hah those who are enjoyed by God I am the one he takes pleasure in I'm the one he chose and has fought for unto death it's breaking shame off the church we're not relating to him on how bad our last week has been but on what he said at Calvary and what he's saying at the right hand of the Father right now he forever lives to make intercession to save us to the uttermost he's gonna bring this to the uttermost he's gonna bring us fully through and the degree that we agree with him we're gonna find truth get on the inside of us is this communicatin when the nitrogen of the Spirit because the Holy Spirit he sure dowry gift he's the wedding gift from the father in second Corinthians he's called the guarantee which means he's the dowry gift from the father he's your bride Bridal preparation it's the spirit of sonship sprit of adoption and spirit of marriage it's the long union to God he's calling us into a deeper intimacy with him thank you Jesus hello boat Oh leo he's delivering us from independence he's delivering us from doing Christianity and our own wisdom our own strength our own abilities our own charisma our own networking skills and he's driving us in deeper dependence on the Holy Spirit he's causing us to go deeper with him and connect with the glory within there is glory within there is a well within there's a fountain within that holy spirit father's driving us into such a the spirit and the bride the spirit and the bride say come come come to me in intimacy Holy Spirit's leading you to Jesus come near me in revival we want the in breaking of our bridegroom into London we want the reign of the bridegroom King in London we want the rule in the reign of righteousness we want the rod of righteousness we want the scepter of righteousness to be extended in London that the Word of God would go forth in power Kingdom Come will be done on earth as it is in heaven to me near me for me and I declare to you right now our bridegroom is coming our bridegroom is coming he will split the sky the sound of the last trumpet he will descend out of heaven with a shout all the angels all the armies of heaven as he will descend out of heaven the blast of the last trumpet the dead in Christ will rise first we who are alive will meet be caught up to meet the lord of the air and he will descend and he will establish his kingdom on this earth he is coming and the church that will want him to come as the church that seen him by the eyes of faith we need the spirit of Revelation again to see him amen see we don't even know what to do we hit a point even in the message tonight we shut down we can't take no more I'm done it's because you're trying to figure it out up here I want you catching this thing right here I speaking of this I'm speaking of this we got to cultivate our spirits and we got to cultivate our spiritual reality and history with God thank you Jesus let's just stand [Laughter]
Channel: officialcoreyrussell
Views: 928
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Corey Russell, Catch the Glory, 2020, Jesus, Prayer, Capstone Church, Corey Russell 2020, How to Pray, How to prepare to preach the gospel, how to be used by God, Catch The Glory Conference, The Glory Within, speaking in tongues, spending time with Holy Ghost, Teaching on Isaiah, Spirit and Bride Say Come, Bridegroom Teaching, how to hear the voice of God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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