Tuesday Night Encounter | Corey Russell | "Prayer"

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whether we are gonna worship the Lord tonight we're gonna enter his gates with Thanksgiving and praise we're gonna fix our focus on his glory we're gonna give them all the worship in the honor tonight let's go ahead together [Music] since Tran did you hear [Music] when the [Music] full trip did you hear when the laws began to sing of Jesus Christ the save me [Music] my friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're Joe [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you feel the darkness travel when oh the same join in one song and throw the streams who eyes one river to wash away [Music] oh did you feel did you the darkness trim when all the states join in one song and all the streams flow eyes one river to wash away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh dancing on top of beer Oh for dancing on top the enemy's head Oh dancing freedom that's new dancing Oh in the river Oh [Music] yes we will we're gonna take [Music] we're gonna dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] freedom was breaking out on us breaking out Oh [Music] we dance in your river we dance in your river [Music] this thing we're gonna dance [Music] we're gone and the river in the river all in ERISA for John what comes my way - dancer shoes to dance [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] about Jesus we focus we welcome you to come [Music] [Music] come on lift it up about you cheese we [Music] [Applause] mountains of Steel be move chose a steel beam God we believe cuz yes we can see it then one does I'll still watch you two bodies are still being raised and Giants are still being slain God we believe yes we can see it then wonders are still much too we are here for you come and do come on sing we are here for you come and do should you we said our hearts more on you come and do to do because we need [Music] he's a still Giants astilbe we believe because yes we can see that what does I still what'd you do we are here you [Music] we are here for you combat to do [Music] comment do to do anybody need a broom [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we focus on launch on you cheese [Music] all we need we test referrals we're hungry for more [Music] come on in two hearts [Applause] [Music] thus miracles happen when you move healing is come in dear sir miracles happen when you move heaven is calm come on you declare tonight miracles Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] this is moon [Music] [Music] this is new [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] we need we need [Music] we need [Music] we need a move [Music] whatever you need the lot is in the room whatever you need the Lord is in the room [Music] come on focus your heart focus your minds on [Music] we've been a fast Informer we've been praying for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on in your hallway come on [Music] we win [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Jesus can you tell them to love if you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of our devotion to Jesus all of our attention Oliver affection devotion for you Jesus [Music] attention of our affection [Music] devotion it's where your teeth attention all of our affection [Music] devotion Jesus attention devotion attention affection devotion [Music] affection [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] spy it's fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sophie Jesus Sophie Sophie [Music] [Music] tis only one [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] there's just one chief in 2mins perv [Music] one main reason for existence all maintaining high ambitions will one day be brah hello we won baby Bravo to treasure you to treasure above all love love you too love you like we love your greatness soon in all the earth will van and all year No [Music] [Music] just one treatment to mince purpose [Music] what [Music] [Music] to treasure [Applause] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all the earth [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anyway [Music] - Laurine me serving just let me see [Music] just put your lorry in me ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] it's not just [Music] seen as always we go enjoy [Music] you [Music] me too daddy in all theall me the first place Neddy in all fears my God my joy so I'm sensing a couple of things but had a dream the other night there is many facets to it but one thing that I saw is I saw dr. Howard sitting in the IB in his underwear because his skin was on fire and then after that I saw many people start walking out of wheelchairs and miracles start breaking out and what I know is the Lord was saying when we get intimate with them when we're not afraid to get out of our clothes and that can be your need to be seen your need to be approved your need to perform when you get intimate when you're not afraid to take the mask off and you get intimate before the father he's gonna start breaking out with miracles all they want is your intimacy he doesn't want your name he doesn't want your title he doesn't want your performance he wants you and this isn't out of fear listen I have I have a husband that I'm married to my boyfriend I don't cheat on him not because I'm afraid but he's gonna punish me cheat on him because I love him [Music] man got sexier when he learned how to use a chainsaw [Music] I don't obey the Lord I don't walk before him in righteousness because I'm afraid he's gonna punish me I know walk before him because I'm afraid of hell I love this man named Jesus I love this man named Jesus I love him so much I just want so what nothing between him and me yeah and what nothing between him and me Laura nothing between us and if that means I've got to strip off everything in me it killed everything that's in my flesh I just want more of him and I'm telling her as I'm standing over there that's what he's saying he says throw it all the way because I'm gonna tell you it'll never satisfy you I've run after those things I've run after money I've run after those things being somebody important but I want to tell you God's not afraid of your shame he's not afraid of anything he wants you he knows your pain he knows what to light you but he wants you if you say this is all for his glory let's get real before him tonight I know the Lord said if we would set a table before him he would come and meet you I want to introduce you to this man named Jesus a man that can tell you everything about your flaws your perfections your gifts your failures and say I still choose you I would still die for you I was still slight giants for you I would still call you out of darkness I would still run after you in the middle of the night with demons hot on my tail just to go after you so let's sing the song and I'm gonna give you an invitation to lay it all down before him tonight he knows you better than you know yourself I feel the fire of God in this room let him burn it away tell them it's all for you [Music] so Jesus it's all free Jesus it's all for you it's all for you Jesus Oh for your glory no matter how painful it's working Eddy in all things you may have influence please get it all you [Music] that is you may have the furnace please that in all things you may have [Music] supporting any where just put your glory in me I'll serve anywhere just let me see beauty supply me anywhere just watch your boy with me I'll serve anyway just let me see you [Music] delighting you Jesus [Music] [Music] my God my joy [Music] my god [Music] my god you must do love you know until [Music] [Music] Hiromi how know you mija reamins daddy in all these you'll make how Teddy in all times you may have real [Music] Jesus will give you it all we give you everything father Jesus I know that you accept this wholeheartedly father that you love us father not our performance [Music] because you just accepted us you accepted us when we were dirty rotten sinners you accepted us when we have foul odors and you said I see that one and I want her I want him on Jesus we just want to be real with you god we want to give you first place not just sing a song to you you are our joy you heard that joy set before me you are the joy it's a joy to pick up trash on this campus God because I do it unto you it's a joy father to sit in my office because I do it unto you it's a joy to go home and cook for my family because I do it unto you father got everything I do God may I do it to your glory Jesus may I not see anything beneath me God like I'm too big to do those things father God may give it all to you father may I worship you and everything I do father may Bethenny the call of all of us here God maybe we get real with you get wrong with you Jesus because we just want to bring you glory Jesus may we be in such unity father God that you can use us to transform Oh cliff Jesus that you can use us transform Dallas to transform Texas God Jesus we won't just say we want to move we'll be the move I refuse to look for another to bring it Jesus use us Jesus you are so worthy father you're so worthy Jesus you're so worthy Jesus you're so worthy Jesus you're so worthy Jesus Jesus I just lovely we love you just love you Jesus if you never did another thing I hope you would still love you that's exactly right we would still love you we would still love you Jesus we would just pour our love or affection upon in Jesus because we love a man named Jesus so in love with you Jesus so you're welcome in this place we love you Jesus we love you Jesus I'm gonna tell you he loves you so much he loves you so much he doesn't reject you he's not leaving you behind I want you to I want you to hear me say that I had this revelation through all the pain I've been through lately that God is okay with me being wrong with him because no matter what I say to him he still says okay daughter I hear you I hear you being a little naughty right now but you're still my daughter and I love you and he doesn't reject me but I'm so real with him that we are face to face nose to nose breath to breath I know Jesus and I love him come on he's here he's here when a king enters a room it requires a response it requires a response thank you worship team be ready I know we're gonna have more fire on the alternative in a bit I want you to take your way back to your seat and as you're doing that we are gonna take up an offering and I'm so excited about tonight but I do I feel like I have to share just a quick thought with you I was praying for somebody yesterday and his wife is going through cancer and we are standing and believing for her total healing and the Holy Spirit said this to me but once a it pretty much rocked to me he said you know what Shannon he said I'm not still killing Giants I've already killed them all they just some of them don't know they're dead I want to tell you on the cross he defeated cancer on the cross he defeated rebellion on the cross he defeated all the things that are defeating you so what you've got to do is you got to get up and say yo hello you're dead you don't control me anymore some of you walking around like the walking wounded but I'm gonna tell you right now you are victorious because he is victorious it's time you start acting like the son or the daughter of a king don't want to tell you something I used to walk around like a victim I used to say oh poor me my mom is a drug addict and she likes to slap me around poor me I'll never be good for nothing and then I had this Awakening and I think I heard Kanye's Kanye say this I'm gonna tell you god bless Kanye West I don't care what you think about that man people are talking about the man named Jesus and as Christians we should celebrate that instead of judging max but there was this awakening in me one day and I said I think I'm gonna start being scary to my enemy when I put my feet on the floor I'm gonna say I am no longer depressed I do not have anxiety I'm not the little girl that was abused I am a child of a king and so the devil better start running when I put my feet on the ground and some of you need to get that authority in you because you have the same authority I do if mom Lindsey can stand on her little apartment I'm gonna tell you that woman was feisty you didn't get to see her but I did and she would stand and she would stand outside her apartment she would pray for storms to go away and not one hit this campus I'm not afraid of a tornado I know how to talk to it come on the Giants are still dead do you hear me the Giants are dead in your life speak to him all right so we're gonna take up an offering so I'm gonna tell you the Giants if your finance is not having enough they already dead - I used to be broke my PO I couldn't I couldn't be hope or I was just ho I was really poor I'd be like really poor but we won't talk about that anymore I'm not scarred by it or anything no just okay I'm not poor anymore but I do know how to give abundantly and so I'm just gonna encourage you the Lord puts that on your heart I want you just to give abundantly because he knows how to overwhelmingly bless you with more than you need he knows how to show up in the last minute pay your school bill bringing the shoes that you've been wanting some of you don't need the shoes that you think you want though because nobody needs 500 off your shoes am i stepping on your toes right now I will be honest with you there's some $700 a pair of crocodile boots oh my but I'm not their mom I'm not gonna buy them up I want them but I don't I won't buy them because there's other people that need things more than that but anyways so I just want to encourage you give generously watch got overwhelming the change doors in my office are filling up come on they are aren't they if you want to see them come on by my office I'll show you so if you need an envelope if you'll raise your hand and are our beautiful uh sure and I'm sure we do we have handsome Usher's to you I don't see any guys are there Mel Oscars out there okay very handsome young man over here to the side we like that to brave man when he has to work with a lot of women I'm just going to tell you you're a brave man if you're one man working with a lot of women I wouldn't a man that too much some of you still want to get married alright so if you need an envelope please raise your hand high it's kind of hard to see in here sometimes with the light and I just feel the spirit moving up here so I may not see you either I feel the electricity in the room can you feel it I'm telling you he's here I'm excited I'm excited to see what he wants to do in you everybody have an envelope I want you to make some declarations over this offering tonight what is the thing that you need to see happen how many of you need family members to get saved how many of you need a miracle healing in your body tonight how many of you just need a miracle of your own finances but you're gonna give anyways like the widow and the mite I'm just gonna make some declarations over as you give let's pray father god I just thank you for every person in this room that is generously giving and declaring over this offering that you are good they're giving God because they have generous hearts they're giving God because they freely crucify their flesh to everything this world says it's gonna hold them back and they don't give out of fear but they give out of love to you so I declare over them and agree with them that everything that they're believing for that salvations we're gonna start hearing miracles stories healings are in this room right now miracles are happening in this room right now with finances we sing the song but they're not just words they're declarations so we declare over this offering tonight that it's about a heart of a giver giving unto you father because you are the miracle working God you're a promise keeper not a promise-breaker and if you brought him here Lord you are more than able to meet their needs in this place so I thank you for that in Jesus mighty name Amen amen so y'all passed the buckets well I'm gonna be honest with you the reason the real reason that I'm excited is that kori Russell is in the room tonight and [Music] I'm gonna read you his bio but I'm gonna give it you a personal testimony and this man and I just met tonight and I'm not gonna glorify him personally but kind of amp because this man knows the father he knows Jesus and I'm gonna take my glasses off because I might cry but he preached this message about preparing for revival and I had personally been in the hardest two years of my life since becoming a Christian the devil has attacked my kids he's attacked everything I can't even tell you and it's not my not to tell you about that but I'm just going to tell you use attack things and this man preached about preparing for revival and it's folk to my soul and I heard the Holy Spirit say this is it this is this is what you've been going through but I'd already heard those things from the father he just confirmed a lot of it and he confirmed it so much should I listen to the message six times and then I sent it to Golan and go long forwarded it to our leadership team and then I made my husband sit down and listen to it and he didn't want to listen to it because we've been going through such a hard time and we listened to it going through the hills of Virginia and he said Shannon I needed that word right now today it's a now word I'm telling you this man is intimate with Jesus and when you know him you know what the season is saying so I'm grateful that he's here tonight I'm so excited that he's here because I believe he has a word for you because he knows the Lord but Corrie Russell now works for the Upper Room we do like the Upper Room they share this house with us now on Sunday mornings which I'm grateful for I don't have to drive as far to go to church but he's on the preaching faculty the Upper Room global and co-directs the Amos project he and his family served at the International House of Prayer for 18 years before joining the Upper Room I'm gonna tell you you can't serve in that place and not know Jesus come on you spend you spend days and hours on your face I like that that's good his mission is to just come on to disciple or discipline both me too I'm training young preachers and leaders he travels nationally and internationally preaching on the knowledge of God intercession and the urgency of the hour he and his wife Dana have three daughters oh you are a good man you have three daughters oh my gosh I thought I was pray because I had four brothers you had three daughters Wow Trinity Maia and Hadassah let's welcome Corrie Russell Jesus Jesus amen you guys try to see I appreciate the kind words I'm just someone who got radically saved in 1997 and I'm just a man addicted to the presence of God I love the presence of God more than anything else in the whole world and it's such an honor to be with you guys give the worship team a hand that was beautiful I'll serve anywhere just let me see your beauty just put your glory in me Jesus is not a stepladder into your destiny he is your destiny matter of fact he wants to kill your destiny and resurrect his through you go ahead and turn with me in your Bibles to Luke 10 would encourage you I did I spent 18 years in Kansas City and in that time I've written five books I didn't bring any of them with me but I've written five books books a book on the knowledge of God a book on Holy Spirit and the power of speaking in tongues a book on meditation in the Bible a book on prayer and a book on praying the Psalms through trial tribulation and tragedy I've released five prayer CDs that will make you pull your car over and I've recently begun to do an online course put that up there I think I gave that one media thing I've done a thing called 40 days of teach us to pray is that we're doing a done this a couple of times 40 days of teach us to pray well we walk 40 days and with there's about 35 videos in this course and there's about six one-hour sessions where I do live sessions I'm doing my last one tomorrow night so we're finishing our second 40 day course usually it's around 170 but tonight you got grab this you go to Corrie Russell online.com and type in see if an I I think we're doing it like $39 or something like that given like what's normally a 150 would bless you so Corrie Russell online.com and then the code see if and I so you guys type that in and you'll get you a blessing and light shirt all I care about is disciple Ingush generation in prayer okay and so I it's what I want to talk about tonight I want you to run with me you guys are my heroes we're so blessed by you and just all the upper room they love you Jonathan Lewis talks about you all the time and the people that we run with it Upper Room so I want to look at Luke 10 and then we're gonna go right into Luke 11 go ahead look at verse 38 a verse that you know well but that's usually the problem you know it now it happened as they went that he enters a certain we're starting in verse 38 I'm reading in the New King James now it happened as they went that he entered a certain village and a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house verse 39 and she had a sister called Mary and Mary set at Jesus's feet and heard his word but Martha was distracted everybody distracted with much serving say much serving and then she approached Jesus and she began to question Jesus's empathy and fairness and she said Lord don't you care that my sister has left me to serve alone tell her to get off her lazy behind and help me that's a joke jesus answered and said to her Martha Martha I imagine he's smiling imagine he has a smirk on his face and he goes honey I love you you are so bold to sit here in question my empathy and fairness he goes Martha Martha and then he says this he says you are worried say worried and then he says troubled say troubled he says you were worried and troubled about many things but one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part which will not be taken away from her I believe I have a deep burden for the next generation of leaders leaders in the church leaders in all seven mountains and every sphere in society I care deeply about the next generation of Christian leaders I believe that you're in this room and I'm speaking to you so when I come into a night like this I'm thinking about 20-year olds that are being set apart for leadership in the next season and just as it was with Joshua great courage is needed to go take the giants in the land we need courage in this hour and I believe that God's instilling courage into you in this season to stand faithfully for Jesus stand boldly for Jesus to not waiver by the swirls of deception and all the other voices but that God is releasing courage to stay true to truth God's releasing courage to many of us that are going to go to the nations and preach the gospel you're going to go too hard and dark places that have never heard the gospel and you're gonna bring the news of Jesus courage to stand for Jesus courage to speak for Jesus courage to live for Jesus but I believe that God is wanting to instill a certain courage in you tonight and it's the courage that in the middle of all the swirl around Jesus that you can come out of the God of distraction busyness worry and anxiety and all the stuff in the church and learn the lost art of sitting down shutting up and opening up your heart to encounter the beautiful man that's the courage that we need in leaders in this hour who can sit down shut up with an open Bible lead this talk that's the greatest need for courage in this hour is have you learned to come out of the swirl have you learned because as you begin to get into Christian ministry distraction is the rule of the day there is so much destruction in the church there's so much busyness in the church so much anxiety in the church so many needs so many demands so much stuff around Jesus oh that we need a new breed of leaders that say I refuse to worship the god of busyness I refuse to worship the god of distraction but I'm going to do something courageous and it's I'm not going to miss the moment see God's wanting to train you in this hour learning how to take advantage of the moment she all she does there's three accounts of Mary of Bethany people ask me all the time who is the most impactful person in the Word of God outside of Jesus I would say without doubt the most impactful person outside of Jesus in the Bible is Mary of Bethany she only says one phrase in the Word of God the only phrase she says is Lord if you'd have been here talking about her brother Lazarus if you'd have been here my brother wouldn't have died that's the only phrase she said but every time that we see her she's at Jesus's feet every time we see her Jesus defends her and every time we see her it's like she understood what moved Jesus and she learned to play the strings of his heart she learned to play the strings of his heart and he fought her battles for her we talk about this is how we an upper room this is how I fight my battles who wants Jesus fighting your battles for you in this story Mary doesn't say a word all she does is this that's all she does she it's not doing something that releases an eruption in the church it's not doing something and all she did was listen she sat down at his feet and she heard his word she says kiss me with the kisses of your word impart it to me I don't want to miss the moment the son of God is in my house the Son of God is in my house and people listen young people listen to me if you don't learn how to discover the glory of the moment if you don't learn how to discover the glory of the moments of him in your house the Holy moments in your closet holy moments in your car holy moments in your bedroom holy moments if you don't learn to discover moments you'll be caught in the swirl all around Jesus and you'll never encounter Jesus you'll feel him out of meeting you'll feel the anointing every once in a while he'll bail you out when you're at a real blow place but you'll never learn his love language and you'll dance around him you'll know all the language about him you'll say everything about it because we know our language and our culture but I want to be like Mary who is hearing hearing in the midst of a bunch of noise she sets at his feet and she hears his word and Martha's distracted say it's not a lot of people will pick this story as Mary versus Martha it's not very Mary versus Martha we need both we just need Mary before Martha and unless Martha becomes Mary before she's Martha hear me Martha's gonna find her reward and what she does for Jesus and she's gonna get angry when Jesus doesn't reward her like these she thinks she needs to be rewarded you're not hearing me you're not hearing me do you know what the glue did you fill the room shift tonight when we went into that song put me anywhere just put your glory in me I want to say it again Jesus is not a stepladder into your destiny you're not gonna get your three years get a little bit of Jesus so you can find you into your destiny he wants to take a buckshot to that paradigm and that mentality that is self worship Jesus is not serving you it's not about getting Jesus into your destiny if you go after learning to minister to him and making him your end he wants to kill your destiny and resurrect his through you because if you don't learn and make him your reward if you don't make setting at his feet and the kisses of his word your reward if you don't make that your reward you're gonna make what you do for him your reward and you will always feel like you're getting the short end of the stick because you're always working harder than Jesus is noticing don't you care tell her to get off her lazy behind and help don't you care Jesus look at how hard I'm working for you look at all the stuff I've done for you I see so many 20 years I've been disciple in 20 year olds for the last 20 years and I'll see them they'll get really excited and this what they'll say I'll pay my dues I'll do the prayer I'll do the fasting I'll do the study but there's always this internal payoff mentality I'll do my as long as you anoint me and you fulfill all my dreams and I have seen hundreds of young people hit a wall and it's called it ain't about you buddy and he will put you on the backside and put you in Nowheresville he will put you over here he will put you over there he will put you anywhere and he will say will you discover the glory of my beauty in every season he's gonna blow some of your minds with what he does and if you don't discover his beauty he's gonna get real ugly to you and you're gonna get angry at him and I see a fence hit a bunch of 27 year olds they hit walls called Jesus you're not into serving me and my vision of my life and he goes I always thought this was about me and my vision for your life is it okay that I do with you whatever I want to wherever I want to whenever I want to and however I want to what if that means that you get married to the cute guy across the road and then you start having kids and you go through ten years of god what's my destiny all the things you spoke to me and the Lord says let this thing work out in motherhood and she begin to disciple your children [Applause] put me anywhere put your glory in me I'll serve anywhere let me see your beauty or guys you discover that it ain't what you thought about your life and you end up having to go get some secular job with three years of theological training and God puts you somewhere for three to four to five years and just crushes that thing out of you saying is it about my glory or a worse temptation all your dreams happen and you end up on big stages and you get caught in the rat race of ministry while your heart gets smaller learn me anywhere some of you he will test you on big stages others of you he'll test you at home others of you he'll test you in the workforce put me anywhere the point is if you make that vision your reward you're going to be massively disappointed because I promise you it's not gonna look like what you're thinking and what happens when the floor falls out and it doesn't look like what you think you're not as awesome as you thought you would be you're not as anointed as you thought you would be and it's just you and raw God but yet God's saying to a generation in this hour who can make me their reward make the kisses of my word their reward make my beauty their reward because the stuff you have all the visions about at the end of the day you don't control that's up to God y'all hearing me you hearing me I don't want you hitting 27 and getting weird now I've seen it 27 28 29 30 you start looking at all the other friends that are doing other things back home and then you wake up my god they're making 300,000 a year Here I am doing this it didn't look like what I thought what do you do then are you in this thing for him are you gonna get angry when he doesn't care how hard you work for him I'm preaching I'm hitting some stuff inside of you cuz I don't want to see another generation fall away cuz Jesus isn't into doing it the way you thought he was going to do it he says am i enough am i enough is that man his face in his words enough to galvanize you and to settle you into every other thing in your life whatever he has for you no devil and hail can stop it no devil and hail can stop it no man can stop it no person can stop it no work of Darkness can stop it whatever God has put I love what John the Baptist said a man can only receive that which has been given to him from heaven I want you to know whatever God's called you to do nobody can stop it but I want you to know right now that if you work real hard and get into that thing called networking and manipulation and trying to get closer to leaders to open up doors for you and trying to coerce and manipulate and maneuver and get in the right room with somebody if you can get in the right room with that person then they're gonna open the door and then you're going to your destiny I want you to know something right now whatever energy you've got to use to open up that door you've got to use the same energy to keep that door open and I want to tell you there's nothing more embarrassing than to get a door open and then you don't find you ain't got what it takes to stand in that place you ain't got anointing you ain't got history you ain't got character you ain't got anything in God and then you stand up to preach and ain't nothing going on when you open your mouth ain't nothing going on because you ain't cultivated history you try to preach what he preached so that preach or he preached for you to preach to preach and yet ain't nothing happening cuz it ain't real in here go get something real in here where nobody sees it nobody knows it you cultivate history with God you get history with God you get intimate with him and say God with you I want audience with you what I love about King David before we ever met him in the storyline God says oh there's a man after my own heart there's a man that none of y'all know anything about he's already moving me [Music] we need a new generate we need courage courage to set out courage to not just try to get close to all the professor's courage to shut up and courage to listen and you're going to find it's gonna take a while to starve out the voices of our culture it's going to take a while to starve out the voices in the church the voices in your own soul the voices of Who am I the voices are of who are you the voices of God's you're boring and I really don't like being with you too long alone I like meetings I like meetings I like classes I like this I like that but I don't know what to do when it's just me and you it's awkward and I don't know what to do and God says I can handle it it's okay but I want you to know that you mostly don't see me as beautiful you mostly think I'm boring and after you said your three minutes of prayers you don't know what to talk about anymore I was feeling all tender I thought I don't get up here and get all nice on you guys I'm feeling a real tender Father's heart tonight if that helps [Laughter] Lord don't you care let me think about telling Jesus Jesus when you don't get compassionate Jesus when you gonna get empathetic you've seen all the work I've done all the hours of preparation I've done for three years I've been serving people preaching I've been working for you and here she is sitting down this is what happens if you make numb the second commandment your first commandment if you make what you do for God your primary reward you'll always feel you're getting the short end of the stick and this is number two you're always aware of how you're doing more than everybody else you know you're in the wrong spirit if you actually see the Mary's yeah just let that settle cuz Mary didn't see Mary Mary was just lost in Jesus you know you're a Martha when you're aware of the Mary's Martha Martha you're worried worried is choking out the Word of God in many of your hearts trouble is choking out the Word of God in many of your hearts one thing is needed I want to I just want to come tonight and tell you guys that there is one thing that if you get one thing right in your life if you get this one thing right it will set a trajectory for a hundred other things to go right in your life hear me but if you get this one thing wrong it will t leads you to a hundred bad things in your life that may look like ministry success it may look awesome in the eyes of men but Jesus is saying one thing is needed and Mary chose the good part do you know there's a good part there's a better I'm losing y'all you with me Mary chose everybody say she chose which means you got a choice you can have as much of God as you want mary has chosen the good part and it won't be taken away from her what that little girl just did will live forever now move with me right here to Luke 11 verse 1 I didn't mean to go that long and Mary but I just plead with you get this right right now because there's gonna be like a bunch of sand in your mouth when you get to the end of what you thought it was gonna look like and you're gonna get mad at Jesus mad at see if and I and mad at the world because it didn't look like what you've envisioned look at Luke 11 verse 1 now it came to pass as Jesus was praying in a certain place that when he ceased one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray look at this it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples just keep that up there I got a couple of thoughts as I look at a verse like this first when is this who'd have loved to have watched Jesus pray to people right up here would have who would have looked do you understand that for those three and a half years those disciples got an upfront row picture view to watch God talk to God through God God the Son talking to God the Father through God the spirit the one who was with the Father in Genesis one is now talking to the father the one through whom everything was made everything was created the one through whom all the worlds were created is now communing with the father and they got to watch him pray what that looked like how intimate Jesus didn't have to stir himself up into the bosom he lived in the bosom he didn't have to get there he was there how intimate must have been to watch him pray how effortless prayer wasn't a religious activity it wasn't something that it was an addendum to his life Jesus lived in prayer one of my favorite verses is John 17 one he says in the world you're gonna have tribulation be of good cheer I've overcome the world they needed this father the hours come glorify your son that he made glorify you you've given him authority over all flesh to give you eternal life to as many as you've given him and this is eternal life they know you 26 verses of God talking to God you pray he knew they were watching him and yet he prayed who would have loved to hurt Jesus preach this is what mouths look like by the end of the Sermon on the Mount you deliverances Jesus casting out demons with the word the effortless prophetic evangelism to the woman at the well the woman with the issue of blood touching Jesus just think that if revival broke out tonight and that for three and a half years he was a walking revival and those guys were in every revival service think about hearing every message every every miracle every healing ever deliverance and then you know what the book of John says that if they're that if everything that Jesus did were put into a book there would not be enough books to contain all that Jesus did which means not only that were they had every revival service they were in fireside chats after the revival service getting four hours of what did it feel like when the women with the issue of blood touched you and then he goes off around the fire see I felt power coming out of me what'd you mean by that Jesus we don't even know John just says guys there's not enough books to hold it there's not enough books he wasn't playing they saw it all witnessed it all was in his life for three and a half years and we don't see one recorded time in scripture where they asked him teach us to preach we don't see one recorded time where they said teach us to he'll teach us to prophesy teach us to do miracles teach us to do this teach us to do that teach us to do that after spending three and a half years with the Son of God day and night they go we want your prayer life and I believe God is raising up a new breed of leaders a new breed of leaders who provoke that in the ones who see them the most does anybody want your prayer life does anybody want your prayer life if there were a group of people that were to shadow you for three and a half years what would they say at the end of the three and a half years what would they want from your life and I'm asking myself I'm really waiting my call as a leader saying if the greatest leader ever produced that and if he came down from heaven to earth to teach us about this what am i doing Leonard Ravenhill says no man is greater than it's a prayer life no man is greater than his prayer life I'm around a lot of anointed gifted awesome people on stages but I get along with them and they ain't nothing going on with them in God they move in a gifting they moving in an anointing but there ain't nothing going on with God when they close their eyes and we pray together I don't feel anything when someone who's been with God opens their mouth angel smooth demon smooth teach us to pray John did it here's my call to you twenty-year-olds and I know there's older and everybody else but my vision is take your 20s and just shut up and go Diggle well just go Diggle well just get forgotten and get so lost in God and then you'll come out around 32 and you'll come up to give a testimony and when you open your mouth the atmosphere shifts a billion dollars can't buy that a billion doors open can't get that that's only reality in heaven I want to tell you God backs up his friends teach us to pray teach us to pray note that they didn't just say tell us to pray we all in this room know and we mostly feel guilty we don't pray enough that ain't the rocket science the question is don't just tell me I need to pray take me by the hand and introduce me to the realm of heaven and how to bring heaven down teach me how to access resource and see it manifested in my life and in my generation and in this nation God teach me see this is the issue you can't teach people where you haven't been and the question we and the reason we're not asking many people that is because one they ain't been there we need mothers and fathers I got a vision for a generation of mothers and fathers little Bobby wake up at 7:00 a.m. runs into the living room he sees mom on the couch Bible open notebook open worship music on and little Bobby comes into one of the greatest revelations he will ever receive as he sees tears flowing down mom's face and in that moment he gets one of the greatest revelations ever Jesus is not a once a week meeting he's a real man that my mom has intimacy with and I can feel him in the room teach us to pray teach us to pray generation of mothers and fathers that can take the next generation by the hand and saying let me introduce you and Jesus is gonna take us just a few more minutes here then I'll let you go Jesus is okay you want to learn about prayer yeah he goes okay well we got a first deal with your paradigms of Prayer because all of us when I say prayer you have an idea and Jesus says okay we got to deal with your issues hey guys I want you to write down everything you need me to fix in your life save uncle Johnny heal aunt Suzie deliver cousin Robby I need money I need money God did I put I need money he goes ok write it down he goes now give it to me but Jesus here's my list give it to me he takes it from us he blows us a kiss he does this first lesson in prayer it's not a list because I want to introduce you to someone he isn't the most beautiful most exhilarating fascinating most glorious person you will ever meet and and you don't have a clue who he is and I've come to reveal him to all of you I have come to manifest the nature of my father when you pray say a BA in heaven holy because I want to introduce you to a person I want to introduce you to a place and I want to introduce you to his name but Jesus what about my list he goes I promise we'll get to that later just look at it just look at it the most important issue confronting your prayer life is who do you think you're talking to who do you think you're talking to most of us view a middle-class working dad with 7 billion children and we need to smash our idols everybody say ABBA the revelation of goddess father is the very foundation to growing in a life of prayer everybody say in heaven I want to give every one of you there's an open door over every one of you can you put revelation 4 up here you need to know revelation 4 heck all the worship things are either singing holy holy are worthy worthy why it's because heaven is beginning to beckon this generation saying come here I want to show you how things move in heaven I want to connect you to throne life do you know how to ascend to the throne do you know how to set your mind on things above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of the Father guys I could go off on dad for a long time can i brag on him for a second wake up can i brag on him for a second he is the uncreated everlasting eternal one who has loved us with an everlasting love do you know that your father is uncreated he's always been there's never been a time he was not oh you got that got your head around that one he's uncreated light love power righteousness justice wisdom Dominion glory gracious kindness tenderness there's no beginning to his days and there's no end he's the everlasting father he's the Ancient of Days Psalm 90 says from everlasting to everlasting you are God who are you talking to he's the God who measures the heavens with the span of his hand all the waters in the palm of his hand he hung the earth on nothing he speaks the constellations and then takes care of the smallest most my Newton's details of creation and upholds everything by the word of his power he humbles himself to behold the things that are in the universe who is like our god y'all are done y'all done y'all gree already get the worship team up here we call it a night we'll then pull on it who are you talking to who are you talking to ABBA and to think that in the fullness of time that God who measures came and took on our flesh he came and he got down into our dirty so we could get into his glory when the Satan and one third of the Angels tried to usurp God's throne God throws him down pays no attention 100 percent of us say we don't want your way he goes ha ha that ain't gonna work he didn't become an angel that's a good response he took on our flesh forever two things move the human heart around God God's unapproachable 'ti and God's approachability two things will make you take your shoes off god you're so great and you're so outside my understanding and god you're closer than my skin and you came and you got into my dirty he was tempted with every temptation that's common to every one of us in this room he understands every wound of fatherlessness ever he is the man anyway I'd only have can we talk about God he came and he took you on he's acquainted with our grief you know in John eight the Pharisees say we know who our Father is do you know what they were implying your illegitimate there's only been one woman in history that had the Holy Spirit come over her virgin womb and give birth to the Son of God I want every one of you to know if some of you don't know who your dad is Jesus understands he understands the arrows and the accusations of the evil one he's a man of sorrows acquainted with grief he understands every temptation everything that is common to the human experience he walked it through as our sympathizing high priest and through every temptation he walked through it and did not sin and by putting our faith in that man how he climbed up on that cross and said father what's belonging to them pour it out on me and the father unleashed his wrath on his son and in killing his own son he killed our old man Jesus took us into that grave three days later broke the power of the grave how and then he ascends to the right hand of the Father where he sets down and he raises us up together with him in the heavenly places far above every principality ruler and Dominion he blew it open he blew it up but he blew up he opened the door and he said now come up here come up here you're there now get there you're there get there shift the way you think shift the way you perceive reality you have been raised with Christ that's why when Jesus said pray our Father in Heaven you need to get acquainted with heaven do you know about heaven holy is his name kind of makes you think of those burning creatures around the throne huh burning creatures around the throne burning creatures around the throne in Revelation 4 he's on the throne shining burning emerald rainbow lightnings thunderings voices twenty-four Thrones robe throne and crowns sea of glass like fire seven lamps of fire burning burning and then we got four living creatures one like a lion one like an eagle one like an ox and what has the face of a man and the Bible says they're filled with eyes within and they do not rest day or night hey I didn't say seven seconds holy holy [Applause] holy holy holy they have been in the same room with the same person singing the same word forever they've never gotten used to him they've never arrived they've never gotten bored not one second they've never come to when are we gonna move on to something new they go this is the purpose they've never come they've never reached they've never reached their bounds they are perpetually getting their minds blown with fresh discoveries of God God is not boring you are born it's us that's on trial not God he's been stunning burning creatures with the same word some of y'all get angry at the worship team why you keep singing the same words over and over why keep singing that course over and over when we go move on to something new we'll move when you get it when you've arrived we'll get it we'll move on he's restoring eyes to a generation we're getting our eyes back we're getting our ears back we're getting our met when we get our eyes and ears back I promise you we'll get our mouths back when we get our eyes open and we get our ears open like Mary I promise you whispers we'll release shockwaves in the spirit we're trying to educate this how you say this and this how you say this I just say get your eyes and ears open he wants to fill you with the spirit of Revelation he wants to he wants to fill your eyes with light he wants to deliver you from lesser pleasures he wants to deliver you we're hitting that wall in this semester I get it boredom is creeping in we're tired it also makes us vulnerable to the schemes of the evil one pornography comes knocking Netflix binges for days come knocking dullness comes knocking apathy comes knocking just saying put her to sleep you can come back out look fiery in January you can look fiery again in January when we're all excited because I want to stun you with myself he's not a means to the end he is the end do you find him lovely do you enjoy him do you know his enjoyment of you do you know the pleasure that he takes when he looks at you Psalm 139 says that God searches you anyway I'm illusia off we just go there we're bored we're bored that's why we're boring and that's why were one more voice and a bunch of noises and a bunch of voices we need voices that puncture through the chaos and the noise of the culture we need something to break through all the traffic all the confusion all the radio stations and TV stations and Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and we're the ones that are speak out of encounter go dig a well twenty-year-olds amen amen Lestat it's had the worship team come up here I feel a heart from the next generation of leaders we will get our eyes open when you get your eyes open you won't get your mouth open can you put Isaiah 6 verse something verse about five putted by Isaiah 6 verse 5 up here this is good Isaiah saw Jesus on the throne he saw Seraphim singing holy holy holy to one another there it is good job I said woe is me I'm undone I'm a man of unclean lips I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips why are your lips dirty Isaiah my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts keep that up there please you know Isaiah is not saying I have a cussing problem Isaiah is saying after hearing the burning creatures declare who he is what I'm talking about you just open up your hand well first off just put your hands over your eyes we're gonna pray for our eyes right now thank you God come on give me a little meaner than that just repeat after me right now just say Jesus say Jesus I ask you to forgive me for opening my eyes and my spirit to all forms of perversion immorality spirit of religion Jesus forgive me I ask right now for your blood to wash over me now from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet I want my thoughts to be clean come on I want my emotions to be clean I want my desires to be clean Jesus wash me Jesus cleanse me I receive your cleansing I believe and the power of your blood and in the name of Jesus I shut every door to darkness I break all agreement with darkness and I cut every time we darkness and in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I open up new doors doors of light doors of truth doors of Revelation the name of Jesus Satan I command you leave my mind leave my emotions leave my desires you are not my master and I'm not your servant so I command you to go go go [Music] it just lifts your hands over the room [Music] they say father open my eyes I want to see you like I've never seen you wake me up to heaven ah a new generation of leaders Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful eyes like for beautiful she is [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jeez [Music] sit down I want you to keep singing though right now come on [Music] don't miss the moment I fire [Music] come on sing it she is as a beautiful [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] to see police data noisy no good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy holy Lord God Almighty holy holy the God Almighty holy holy Lord God Almighty holy holy oh god almonds keep singing [Music] hi [Music] Oh Oh [Music] your holy holy holy [Music] you're holy holy holy you holy holy holy you holy holy holy you are holy holy holy holy you holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy you're holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy yes you are you're holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy holy your holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy [Applause] holy holy holy Odyssey holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy you are holy holy holy holy holy hello Oh Oh Oh [Music] holy holy holy [Applause] [Applause] homey Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you'll see Oh they surprised [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh see jealousy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wanna see holy I wanna see what makes them I wanna see I see [Music] ages [Music] you see what see they can cry holy agency [Music] for down while the elder see make them cry [Music] you'll see for down see them cry well makes them [Applause] Oh holy [Music] [Applause] what makes them go home [Music] holy holy [Music] holy Oh holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] hi [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone in the temple cries wholly everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy holy holy holy holy everyone in the temple cries will be everyone in the temple cries holy holy holy [Music] everyone temple cries hold in the temple Christ Oh [Music] everyone [Applause] Oh in the temple Christ in the temple cries [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone in the temple cries holy everyone in the temple cry holy you
Channel: Christ For The Nations
Views: 2,573
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: CFNI, Lecture, CFNI Lecture, Preaching, Teaching, Tuesday Night Encounter | Corey Russell | Prayer Corey russell
Id: wgXioPrkCFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 46sec (9406 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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