Avon Respirator drinking system

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today we're going to be testing the British Avon drinking cap system and I'll be comparing it to that American one I was you know using the other day which was a bit annoying so anyway we're going to be checking the Avon one out I have my Fink misses a replica of a British Army canteen because I couldn't find any genuine British Army canteens for sale but you know it's a pretty straightforward thing all the NATO canteens has fries somewhere at least the type 58 NATO canteen or something is called as far as my I have the same connector on it like the same millimetre sort of thread or whatever else so my Eve on one should work absolutely fine with it now on a lot of these canteens they have the top so that like the drinking tube connects but they actually don't so the Avon one actually obviously has the proper cap on it so I'm gonna put that on we're gonna fill it with water and then we're going to test it the s10 and my FM 12 and see if they both work okay so the cap looks like that underneath that's what it looks like on top when you disconnect this this was on very tight to start website a hard job actually pulling it off now interestingly when you've read this on the Avon lid doesn't go anywhere powers down I guess that's does the drinking tube in it it only goes at that far down compared to a normal canteen lid but it does sit on properly so what I'm gonna do is just take that back off put the actual thing that holds it in place on and then we'll fill the canteen of water and test it with the masks okay so the canteen is now full of water hopefully you can hear that I'm just checking the lid isn't quite on tight so let me try and sort that okay so a big complaint to start with these military first canteens are a crap the thread on their sort of thing isn't the proper NATO Fred so I found this avon lid doesn't fit properly obviously it's not going to be the Avon did the fault because that's a proper lid so it's going to be the knockoff canteen so now I don't have to try buy another British Army canteen hopefully I can find an actual genuine one somewhere but I don't seem to turn up on eBay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do this over the sink and hopefully I can at least demonstrate the drinking tube system said one star review for the military first canteen as a canteen of its home leader I'm sure it's fine but the issue is it's meant to fit with all the NATO regulations of fred's and it clearly doesn't anyway let's test the masks in the sink okay so the Avon has ten masks pretty self-explanatory let's pull out the drinking tube and it's got this kind of connector on it yeah that's that connector there so what should happen now is I should just be able to put the Avon connector into the top of that bottle push down and that feels like it's got a really nice secure fit in there so now let me see if on camera I can find a way of getting the drinking tube to actually work on the mask what I might do is just try and suck water through it because I was like I said I can't really turn this counting upside down because I think the canteens gonna leak yeah they can team's gonna leak because military first to make crap stuff is what I've learned from this so anyway let me put the mask on and I'll see if I can suck water through and spear right hopefully I'm in frame as much as possible that's turning into this mask and getting the drinking tube into my mouth we need toys upside down in disaster it works okay so hopefully you can see this even if you know this is incredibly disappointing at the bottle cap but why do you press this a vol bit into that and notice that unlike the American one the a yuan one stays in upside-down what you can do you press up and when that's pressed in it makes the UM you know opening the connector same as the American one except they actually sits in on its own and if the bot will fit with it properly with a crappy military-first ball doesn't because it's not actually a NATO Fred thinks like I say if there was water down out have been working but the bottle is crap okay let's see if we can evaluate the connection strength of the Avon cap I think as you can see this bowl camp connector is much better it actually stays in where it's meant to stay in unlike that American type design that I know I was using it the Russian canteen which is like the worst of both worlds but regardless this is simply better by design but there you go so thumbs up to the Avon drinking system as far as I can tell it works fine big thumbs down to the military first what supposedly a British Army canteen but it's obviously not because the screws don't match up on lids so avoid military first stuff like the plague obviously it's not a British canteen but as far as I can tell what this works so what I'm now going to have to do is try and find another British Army canteen or the standard NATO whatever they're called type so I can actually get a working canteen for my respirators but yeah what I was going to quickly do is get out the FM twelve and just double-check the FM twelve connects to this lid as well okay so the Avon FM twelve I think that drinking tubes actually a bit longer on this in the s10 but as far as I can tell oh yeah same connection actually looks a slightly bad connector on this one the s10 so that's in nice and tight it's just for example again yeah that's not coming out of there that's a good connection makes a change and check out the drinking tube I haven't actually cut this one to size so I'm not great for getting it so there you go works really well as far as I can how Shane military-first make a craphole you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 20,226
Rating: 4.8589983 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Avon Respirator drinking system, respirator drinking tube, gas mask drinking tube, avon s10, avon fm12
Id: _zTlujJrs8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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