Diablo 4 - STOP Crafting WRONG in Season 4! (Diablo 4 Tips & Tricks)

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yo what's going on guys today I'm going to be showing you some of the crazy gear tricks whether it's crafting enchanting tempering I'm going to show you some ways that you may not have known to not only max out your materials get the best possible upgrades for your build very easily and overall help you save on all your materials your gold and overall make your gear better by picking the right affixes to go ahead and upgrade right now in season 4 there are certain upgrades that you can make that actually really don't benefit your build or your character whatsoever and I'm going to show you some of those big mistakes now so just to give you an example here we tempered these gloves so the way the masterworking system works is when you Salvage a masterworked item you get all of the materials back except the very last rank that you upgraded and this is important because it saves you from having to farm a lot of mats especially if you have higher rank masterworked pieces of gear and it again rewards us for actually replacing our gear to make gear better so instead of worrying about oh I got to go get mats to Masterwork my gear all the way back to level 12 or whatever and it's fine because you can get almost all of those materials back back almost in an instant so I'm going to show you here masterworking if let's say we throw these gloves in here we Masterwork it all the way to rank let's say four we get our 25% bonus then we're going to Masterwork this two more times so now we have used 60 ing Leith and 100 OBD deide at this point 100 OB deite is what it takes to get to rank four so again keep in mind we use 60 ing Leith and 100 obesite now if we go in here and actually Salvage this again a lot of people at this point would be like I Masterwork this item they they feel attachment to it actually and don't actually want to salvage it but every time you replace a piece of gear it doesn't matter what it is you should you see once we Salvage this we get 100 obite and 20 inth back again all of your materials back except the last master workor rank that you did so again if you do this it's easy to replace your Masterwork gear this way I mean incredibly incredibly easy if you find a piece don't worry about swapping it out because all you have to do is Savage the old piece and you get like almost all of your materials back the only thing obviously you use and waste is the gold and at the end of this video I'm going to show you how I got three to 4 billion gold in 20 minutes now if you really want to get the most out of your masterworking you need to specifically Target Farm affixes meaning what we need to do is Target specific ones that are going to give us the biggest benefit to our character and masterworking gives you random AIX upgrades But ultimately you can reset these and I'll show you the best way to do it so obviously if we take our harleyquinn Crest here you want to make sure that when you hit your first rank four of your master working so when you hit rank four and get your first 25% bonus from an item if you really care about your gear needs to land on your best in slot stat for that piece of gear for example my Harley Quinn Crest the best stat for me right now is our cooldown reduction so I have cooldown reduction you can see as one of those affixes that's currently buffed now my all stats AIX is currently buffed but that's because at rank eight I hit all stats I don't mind not replacing it because I got at least one big 25% above to an AIX that I really needed now you can see here that's the same with my two-handed mace I got bash C for additional damage buffed up plus 25% giving me a huge power upgrade by hitting rank four and getting that plus 25% and then I got strength after that that's just something you're going to have to live with unless you want to keep rerolling forever so again we're going to take a look at this and say what is our best in slot AIX for this helmet so let's just say we decided we're playing Thorns it was a Thorns build not how that really works but we're going to go with it so let's just say it's Thorns right so we're going to upgrade this to rank four now obviously once we hit rank four we're going to get our 25% bonus here and you can see here once it comes up we got plus 15.4% Thorns while fortified funny enough that would kind of go with the build ideally let's say we wanted Thorns specifically so we didn't get thorns and the rule with this is even though it requires a little luck you can always build amazing gear by making sure your first AIX hits that 25% first before you upgrade any further so since we didn't get that on the first rank four we're actually going to reset this and I know it costs 5 million gold and it only takes you getting one of these rolls on rank four so we're going to upgrade to rank four again now on our helmet we have plus 1317 Thorns that's a gigantic boost especially your big damage stats it makes a big difference in the end game on how much damage you can actually do so now from here we're going to roll this thing out we can roll it to 12 and if we get unlucky we get unlucky but at least we got one 25% guaranteed buff on the main stat we want right now that's our best shot at getting the best gear is by Rolling this with a best in slot AIX to rank four if not resetting the piece of gear and then doing it again until you get it and then you can roll it 8 to 12 to Infinity as much as you want and just you kind of have to get lucky at that point so when we're masterworking another big mistake is paying attention to which piece you actually want to master work or which AIC you're actually trying to benefit from for example there are many pieces and many builds in this game where you have to have an AIX in your original AIX slot and an AIX that are in your tempered AIX slot that are the same for instance this 77.5% Critical Strike as a greater AIX on the gear and then 81.4% crit strike damage on as a tempered ax now the difference here is the tempered ax is obviously higher than the greater ax so obviously that's the one we want to get masterworked and get all of the 25% bonuses if possible now let's say we're in the case where this Critical Strike damage as a tempered AIX was 65.6% you can see that's the lowest current roll right there so let's say that was the lowest roll and it was currently lower than the greater aex now your intuition would tell you that you then want to get the 25% bonus on your 77.5% crit strike damage because the amount is higher but your intuition in most cases for this would be wrong and that's because the greater AIX gives the original value of that AIX a 1.5% multiplier so the masterworking bonuses like 5% and 25% work on the original AIX amount so to give you an example this before I masterworked it as a greater AIX for Critical Strike damage was 75% that was the original greater ax that means with it being a 1.5x multiplier that means the original crit strike damage ax without the greater ax portion was 50% Critical Strike damage that's what the masterworking percentages scale off of that original 50% none of the greater AIX stuff is in is even involved in that so it scales off that 50% number so if our tempered Critical Strike damage was 65.6% that would be the original number that the masterworking would scale on so 65.6% for the tempered version is way higher than 50% for the greater AIX version meaning you want to Masterwork specifically and aim for that 25% bonus on your tempered AIX because it gives you the greatest actual bonus again this goes the same for if you want to put an AIX and you're debating whether or not you want to put it on your tempered slot or original AIX slot again the most important AIX is typically you'll get bigger and greater benefits from especially damage wise focusing on masterworking your tempered specific slot now I'm going to give you all the quick enchanting tips to save you a lot of gold materials in a lot of time because there's certain things in enchanting that are absolutely annoying so to give you an example here the first thing is before you enchant anything as I've stated in other videos if you're not aware you need to temper your gear before you enchant the reason is because you can come in here and spend millions of gold trying to enchant this helmet to get whatever you want on this helmet for instance and finally get it and then temper your gear and completely brick it because you run out of tempers and you don't have the right tempers on here making it essentially useless so make sure we're tempering first and then if that gets maxed out perfectly the way you like it then come over here and enchant and try until your heart gives out that being said the next thing is making sure your enchanting AIX is actually possible for your gear you would you wouldn't imagine the amount of times I've either Enchanted or somebody else has Enchanted trying to think they can get an AIX that they can't actually get that or one that's really hard to get to give you an example if we change out life per second we get a list of affixes here right and then if we change out Thorns we get another list of affixes here now to give you an example certain slots with different affixes can actually give different roles for instance we can get different roles on this specific slot you see it has lucky hit chance here we can get these specific changes now if you see if we go up to the top slot there's a lot more changes you can get so obviously we already have a resistance roll here meaning again we can't get more resistance rolls down here and vice versa the second slot allowing us to get Critical Strike damage overpower damage vulnerable damage damage overtime stuff that's actually really important for some builds and then if we jump down here to this bottom slot you can't get that it's it's not on the list and that's just the way it works so keep that in mind when you're enchanting when you go to enchant like let's say we don't want this anymore or we don't want lucky hit chance that you actually come in here and focus on what you're trying to get because believe it or not you can't get the damage over time AIX with with a Critical Strike damage ax on another piece because they're all kind of in the same category so it doesn't allow you to do that so make sure you check the list to make sure you can actually get the AIX that you need before you waste millions and millions of gold in all of your resources in general a lot of times some of the better affixes are things like attack speed and Critical Strike chance on things like your rings your amulet and your gloves themselves these are much better AIC is a much more sought-after the same with cooldown reduction on your amulet and your helmet than almost any other a in the game in terms of things you can actually put on most of your general gear another tip is finding amulets with specific passives on them as you can see if we throw our amulet in here to reenchant this we have a certain percent chance to get certain specific pieces on this gear example if I were to enchant this gear and roll it I have a much higher chance to get strength and Max life and things like those basic values then actually coming down here then getting these specific passives on this gear not only are there a million more things on an amulet with all these so it's harder to get them anyways but the roll percentage chance for these is generally a lot lower than everything else up here making it much harder to get so if you're actually trying to hunt specific amulets you need to make sure you find an amulet with this already on it meaning any passive that you need and then rolling the rest of this stuff onto the amulet itself versus rolling the actual passive itself because I'm telling you if you sit here and roll this amulet to try and get one to two to pit fighter eventually you might get pit fighter and you're you're only going to get plus one but then on the chance you get plus two I guarantee it will take you 100 or 200 rolls and probably a billion gold trying to roll that onto this thing so that's totally not worth it you need to find an amulet with this stuff on it and add the other stuff later and it will save you a lot of golden mats and just as an example I can show you here if we were to roll off this strength and we enchant this slot let's say we go ahead and enchant it you can see we're going to get strength in Max life again right out of the gate because those are the highest two possible things that roll the most common and it's slightly different for different builds but primarily things like intelligence and maximum life or the primary stat intelligence strength decks whatever your character kind of uses are the most dominant tradeit and then the same with Max life so if you're looking for a weapon with Critical Strike damage and Max life on it and the other spot you need to roll strength you know you can probably go in and roll that item one time and get strength the first time if it has strength and Max life on it and you're missing Critical Strike damage that means you're probably going to have to jump in here and actually probably roll this maybe even 10 20 times to get Critical Strike damage cuz it's a less viable AIX to actually randomly get on the gear because of the percentage roll so keep that in mind when looking for gear Target the a fixes that are more rare and then roll when needed to the easy ones like strength and Max life on pieces of gear make sure you target those specific ones to be able to try and gear out your character and the last two things about enchanting are your angel breath this is something you're going to run out of constantly so I'm going to tell you how to to max out and get like two or 300 of it for an hour's worth of work also you get it while you're farming all of your gear to try and get better stuff so by doing the blood maid in the hell tide obviously completing that will give you Angel breath and the big thing is doing events in Hell tide the hell tide events and the chest that you open up as well all give you Angel breath so every time you walk past an event you need to go ahead and do it and also you can look up on hds.com the current hell tide that's available and find the actual event zones on the site so that way you can just jump back and forth and run back and forth between all four or five events over and over and over max out the max Angel breath you can get and again that will give you 2 to 300 an hour hopefully putting it in to this need of running out of this consistently another thing is you can actually reroll tempered a fixes and they actually keep the same bonuses in The Temper slots what I mean is our 12.6% Thorns while fortified is Masterwork to four out of 12 that means it has some bonuses from Master working on that stat if I got lucky and got both of these app fixes on this gear tempered with still some rolls left then I can actually go in here if I want and retemper this later and that specific slot both of them will maintain whatever bonus they have so for instance our Thorns while fortified got a 25% bonus or hit that 25% bonus from the masterworking four level that means if I go and reroll that slot that specific slot maintains all five all of the 5% bonuses and the 25% bonus no matter what so whatever I reroll that to it actually stays the same bonus no matter what the thing is so Thor W for5 it's 12.6% if we actually reroll this you can see look at all the bases there maximum life 353 total armor 10.5 and Dodge chance 5% if we actually temper this item right here and then we get it now we have a minimum of 46% Maximum life the reason for that again because that specific mod slot or that specific temper slot on that gear keeps all of the Roll bonuses that it currently has so worst case scenario if you temper your gear and you upgrade something and you want to retemper it later and roll that slot you can roll it and keep all of the bonuses on without having to actually switch to a whole new piece of gear now people that are men maxing their build probably aren't going to have four three or two rerolls left on it more than likely sometimes you can get lucky and have a lot of rerolls left and if you do you can always reroll some of those tempered slots if needed and maintain the bonuses next is gold and I'm going to show you how I got three billion plus gold in 20 minutes and that's lucky and that also sounds a little different than how it is but this is what I'm going to show you now you can see what we'll do and I'll put this link again in the description is come to diablo. trade and all you have to do is sign in with your battle net account it's very easy to do create a listing and then you can actually take a screenshot of your image and then just drop it right here or you can manually create it for instance if I want to do this and just drop in any one of these images like my God Emil that I originally sold I can open it it will process it and then it'll set it up so that way you can just easily create a listing and set your price and you can also go in and and search for this item yourself to see what other people are listing them at as well then you just submit it and set your price here and you're good to go all you have to do come up here my listings you can see every listing you've made and then once you get in here people will send you a message and just choose to buy it from you for instance to show you I'm going to go into my chat really quick and show you right here to show you that he bought it for 3.5 billion gold after offering the 1.5 billion I was asking easiest way to make gold you can come in here and sell stuff for 10 20 30 million as long as it has a greater AIC that's really important you can basically sell it to somebody and make a lot of gold this way this is the best way to make gold Point Blank period outside of Whispers and everything else it's still way better than all of these other methods the best thing for farming good gear honestly is running the blood Maiden I've gotten a ton of triple greater affixes from the blood Maiden if you're not trying to farm uniques or Ubers this is the best way to just kill the blood Maiden over and over and over again in Hell tide and get the max amount of rewards that way and you get a lot of actually double and greater aices I've gotten way more from doing that than any other thing in the game you can max out your Angel's breath obviously from doing the events I mentioned earlier so by running around doing hell tight events and doing all of them as quick as possible you can max out and get 2 to 300 of that pretty easy per hour obviously the hell tide chest gives you a lot of the materials a lot of the summoning materials for bosses and also a decent amount of angels breath as well you also get enough materials from farming the blood manen and picking up and recycling all of the excess gear so that's going to be the best way to farm those regular materials now two other things to note are the obal so make sure when you're running the pit especially the higher levels of the pit you get 250 obals for instance every time you complete complete a tier 100 pit level and the best way to do this and speed through these to farm them quickly is using obviously your holy bolts Elixir this going to help you run the pit much quicker to farm those resources much much faster so make sure you have one of those on the thing with this is these actually cost 300 obal to make and they actually last for two solid pit runs so if you use one it'll cost you 300 obals again and if you're running tier 100 pits or higher you'll get 250 obals meaning it cost you 350 using this seasonal Elixir crafting right here at the alchem missed but again you get 500 from running those two pit levels so you actually profit and can get an infinite amount of these things to help you farm much much quicker also I'm going to make sure to put this in the comments as well essentially this is a spreadsheet for the different amount of materials you can get and convert in levels and essentially pit Tier 1 through 30 you can see the amount of obesite you get here you can also see the amount of ength you start at 20 for level 31 through 60 and each level you go up you get one additional inth that's the way it works you start out with the base amount that you get for that first level of that tier and then each tier you go up you get one additional material so again essentially if you go to 61 you'll get 20 NE iron but then if you go all the way to tier 100 you'll get 59 and then you'll continue to get more and more each time you go up again one for every tier level so making sure you're farming what you can at level 100 so making sure you're farming and getting the most mats at level 100 is also important if you can do that now keep in mind there's also this stigi and stone buff that gives us many more stigi and Stones dropping from these different tier levels and I can tell you from running a multiple amount of tier 100 pits yesterday from testing this at 18% stigan Stone drop rate I've gotten at least seven or eight stigan stones from about 30 or so runs so my luck is actually a little bit better than this but this buff has significantly impacted the game and allows you to get much more so the higher levels you farm at these thresholds the more you're going to get so if you're not struggling for materials it really only benefits you to farm tier 100 versus tier 130 or so because you get the same amount of percentage drop and it's a lot easier and quicker to Farm the tier 100s meaning you get more stigan Stones this way that being said those are the best ways to craft in Diablo 4 and all of the little small tips and tricks that I know if this video helped you drop a like on the video subscribe if you're new and I will see you guys in the next one peace here are some of the key tricks you should really know
Channel: CreativeGaming
Views: 173,332
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Keywords: diablo 4, diablo 4 crafting, diablo 4 crafting mistakes, diablo 4 season 4, diablo 4 stop crafting wrong, stop crafting wrong diablo 4, diablo 4 crafting guide, diablo 4 stop craftin wrong in season 4, diablo 4 tips and tricks, diablo 4 tips & tricks, diablo 4 crafting tips, diablo 4 crafting mistake, diablo 4 season 4 crafting, diablo 4 season 4 crafting mistakes, diablo 4 season 4 crafting guide, diablo 4 crafting season 4, season 4 crafting diablo 4
Id: hJ2WguYH0jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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