Thor’s Endgame: How A Russo Restored The God of Thunder

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ripest_Tomato 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored and improved by raid Shadow legends Taika Waititi thor ragnarok and the Russo brothers Avengers infinity war destroyed for Thor was a hero sure but he was also a spoiled rich boy prince who had it all across these movies Thor lost his home his brother his best friend his father his eye his trusty hammer and nobody looked like he might turn everything around and save the day he suffered his biggest defeat ever periods if you watched my essay last year on the broken god I detailed exactly how I felt these directors used both comedy and tragedy to different effects as they slowly wore down the Asgardian to his most broken self and it was glorious I finished that essay somewhat open minded as the story still had one more chapter left and I wondered where it would take him now the end game has come out and we've all had time to sit with it I can say this in my opinion Ragnarok infinity war and end game come together as one whole to tell what might be the best character arc for any superhero in a trilogy Thor story of loss tragedy depression and ultimately healing rebirth and heroism ghosts two places never before seen in a big-screen superhero adventure it's constantly surprising heartbreaking and most importantly heartwarming it is a trilogy of pain experiencing it and overcoming it so today I'm going to follow on from where we left off in our last Thor essay and explain why I think Avengers endgame rounded off this unforgettable addition to the morphology of the Marvel character before we fully dive into Thor and Avengers endgame we want to tell you about the new vo game raid shadow legends you might not know from first glance but this is actually a mobile game the game has amazing graphics but graphics on the only reason the game is becoming popular it also has a great storyline crazy boss battles and best of all the game is free to download with over 10 million players now is the time to collect and customize hundreds of champions by choosing their artifacts and creating unique mastery builds for each champion and if you new to the game don't worry raid launched a new loyalty program with a daily login reward for the first 90 days with over 300,000 positive reviews now is the time to download raid Shadow Legends the game continues to grow super fast and the highly anticipated faction wars feature is now live by downloading the game from our custom link below you'll be supporting our channel and raid will hook you up with 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program thank you again to raid shadow legends for sponsoring today's video and thank you to everyone who supports our channel I recognize that there's a strong consensus that war was done with the full character in endgame was not what people wanted I've seen comments from people in the last video telling us that the Russos really did destroy Thor not the way that we meant no like these people think the directing Joe just did all up which is fair enough it's always going to be hard to appeal to everyone particularly a character that a lot of people love and feel attached to even with a movie that's generally considered beloved like Thor Ragnarok we received comments to the contrary on the original video I was surprised that that's just down to my perspective and what was done across these movies I loved it but honestly I can empathize based on my initial feelings with the latest installment when I first saw endgame like many people sing for overweight and drunk used for a series of jokes and then subsequently never losing the bomb Lebowski look it was really disappointing especially after the climax of infinity war which dare I say is his absolute best look in the series to me this guy is like the Kratos of the MCU now Stormbreaker the short hair the black chainmail Oh mwah perfection when he walked off after dispatching Thanos with the music and the frame fading out of focus it felt biblical [Music] by the time the movie concluded it felt like that was actually the moment where for left a picture when we saw him again he was this lame fat-ass that felt like he was the butt of the joke I remember getting so freakin hyped by the final trailer showing off this shot of the big three walking towards Thanos and we all had no idea that just off-screen he really looked like this I have to be honest I remember saying something to the effect of wow that shot was so great and now it's ruined after getting it so right and infinity war this felt like a slap in the face you can even hear some of these raw thoughts on your favorite film is awful podcast which I appeared on fat Thor yeah coming off the back of that it was funny but I think they play the joke out just a little bit too long yeah it's odd at the end when he's running around all doughy with the two hammers strange decision I can't I can't believe they went with that but when later on when there is emotional beats in the in the in the film I can't take them seriously because all I can look at is his belly just saw sitting there in a tracksuit like it's it I completely agree at this point the movie had been out just a few days and I believe I had seen it twice but then after said midnight screening and the second viewing where I was still processing my thoughts I of course saw her again so a couple more times my opinion changed and now a month later following endgames home release I've had even more time to think about six so what were the issues I had originally and how did it improve upon subsequent watches firstly I think there's something to be said about the marketing for the movie I really really don't think it helps they show so little in the case of Thor it's hard and I don't blame Marvel for trying to hype audiences with as little footage from the movie as possible so that we can get as many surprises as possible opening day we all know that too many trailers show way too much but we're anything so he doesn't spider-man so it feels odd to be sitting here saying this time they didn't show enough but I can't help but wonder if the negative reaction to fad Thor was in part due to it being such a shock as I said the foreign infinity war was like Kratos he was powerful he was the dictionary definition of a hulking badass the trailers implied we're in for more of the same and since we love what we got it's no wonder it could conjure instant feelings of disappointment when we see this after the film came out there was a lot more room for the filmmakers to explain the decision and hype up wife at Thor felt like a logical next step the kind of hype that usually helps to sell a creative direction that's both bold and potentially controversial but again I would have wanted all that stuff spoken about before the movie came out it's a catch-22 on all counts so I guess what I'm really thinking is this if you'd have known fat fall was coming and why would you have been so irritated when it played out in the story I for one think I would have looked upon it far more fairly coming out of the gates in endgame we meet Thor just weeks after the hero suffered an epic defeat at the end of infinity war Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do and wipes out 50% of all life Thor is licking his wounds and wallowing in that defeat he thinks he failed which of course he did but you know there's a lot going around heat there he refuses to speak sits on the edge of conversations but listens intently and wastes no time preparing for battle when it seems there is even a small chance they can undo the snap even though everyone failed Thor internalizes is his failing because he was the one who perhaps came closest to stopping Thanos you should have gone for the head what did you do oh it's deeply personal for him but he hasn't learned anything to make him act any differently than before he's still the same gods with the same issues holding him back the only thing that changes as we fade out is that now Thor Odin's son has nothing left to fight for when we meet him again he's playing fortnight's uses Stormbreaker as a bottle opener looks like he's stopped using thorium shampoo and has of course porn some hounds new master listen buddy if you don't log off this game immediately I'm gonna fly over to your house come down to that basement you're hiding in rip off your arms it's jog him up your butt the general consensus is that Thor becomes the butt of the joke he's a device for comedy in the movie and nothing more but that simply isn't true yes he is used for comedy buddy yeah all right that's fine you look like melted ice cream but it's often to serve a far darker purpose in the commentary track for the movie Markus and McFeely back back and fall for explaining why Thor's humorous bent highlights his pain the depths that character had been driven to you can't get any lower so where do you go when you're at the bottom sometimes the only road for words is humor to shut down everything that hurts it might be funny to see him wax lyrical about Thor the dark four by the way it's nice to see at least one person enjoy that movie it might incite a giggle to see him yelling at kids on fortnight's or demanding Bloody Mary's eggs breakfast no I'd like a Bloody Mary but make no mistake the Russos and the team behind endgame have not forgotten Thor's pain he's jolly and drinks because he's deeply unhappy in the last video we explored the notion of the facade in John York's seminal screenwriting how-to into the woods he talks about how character arcs revolve around the presence of facade covering up the realization of a floor could make them whole he shows it to the reader in a handy graph that looks like this so by the end of the story facade and floor we'll have traded places and the principal character will have faced their fears and in endgame Thor is once again using humor to hide behind the real issues the Dark Elves scary being so Jane but it's been dialed up to 11 and the hope keeping him afloat has dissipated in those rare moments where he lets the real Thor bubble to the surface it's clear just how heartbroken he really is really why would I be scared guy I know one who killed that guy remember my mother as Joe Russo points out in this moment it ends with a joke but he's got tears in his eyes for both the characters in the room in the audience watching the jokes are a distraction but once we've seen a glimpse of how he truly feels the jokes are no longer as funny if anything they're disturbing and the funnier it gets the worse it becomes do what you think is coursing through my veins right now she's with let me do something good and not only is he funny he's useless as the other Avengers get over wallowing in sadness and decide to do something about their predicaments four commits in the most non-committal way possible he watches as the others make the plans build the time machine and work out where to go on their quest to be this all culminates on the mission to Asgard in 2013 to recover the reality stone firstly is not the stone someone's called a disturb before it's more of a kind of an angry sludge sort of a thing so someone's gonna need amend stop doing that I'm sorry Thor this all culminates on the mission to Asgard in 2013 to recover the reality sludgy thingy thought straight up has a panic attack the anxiety has all gotten too much and it's clear he's actually reliant on alcohol crucially Rockets Matt Joe talk to pull himself together and his attempt to physically hurt him into nothing up and shutting up foul spectacular you think you're the only one who lost people what do you think we're doing here of course it did because that didn't address his issues no what does Thor needs he needs his mum what you do across the series Thor's had a lot to say with his father Odin but much less with his mother freer you'd be forgiven for forgetting she even exists in the first movie and then basically gets frigid in the second in the end game commentary track the writers actually joked that she probably has more lines here in one scene than in both of her prior appearances I see with my own eyes the excellent when a Russo is finally given something meteor to work with and it probably provides the impetus one of the most significant Thor moments in the series Thor explains everything right up to the point where he stood over Thanos his dead body and Frigga finally tells him what no one else had the gall to she tells him that yes he is a failure everyone fails that who they're supposed to be Thor also that that's okay the measure of a person of a hero is how well they succeed at being who they are for spend all this time looking to the Past playing out the same events over and over again events he was powerless to change and is only here that he realizes the key is in the present that it isn't too late to turn things around it never will be too late to turn things around so Thor gets Russo again but this time it's Renee Russo's mcfeely notes the importance of this these are the words Thor has needed to hear the entire not just the entire movie his entire arc across the MCU he has been striving to fulfill an idea of himself they he just somehow inherently doesn't fit and it's only now that he gets to be who he is this idea that Thor needs to break out of the mold of the person people wish him to be will of course be explored in a pivotal way at the end of the movie but more on that in a bit Thor gets closure with his mother and a newfound sliver of confidence enough confidence that he can take another leap of faith doughboys Oh sometimes it takes a second his expression here is so heartwarming I can't help but crack a smile every time I see it so I feel like giving him a hug and saying of course you're still worthy it's emotional moments like this and those an infinity war not to mention his comedic timing that proved to me Chris Hemsworth is one of the most exciting actors the MCU is cast to date he's just gone from strength to strength he showed so much range in his portrayal of the god of thunder and I just can't imagine anyone else in the role he's funny pitiful heroic heartbreaking I've been all in the same scene Thor has wrestled with being unworthy before when he was arrogant selfish and cruel here he imagined he was unworthy because of the hole he had found himself in but the film makes a point of showing that being depressed or unhappy never means you're unworthy it's a fantastic message that carries weight for anyone in the audience who's ever felt like their mental state has made them feel inadequate of course he still had all the qualities that made him great he just needed to be reminded of that fact it's beautiful we see the spark that lights the fire in Thor Odin's son immediately after the untimely death of Natasha the team are in disarray here the roles are reversed it's the others who are without hope Thor is the one galvanizing the team and trying his best to keep this spirits up stop this [ __ ] where the event is going to go when the Gallner is ready to be used to bring everybody back Thor does not hesitate to put himself forward excuse me the hands are a great comedic touch it's so camp the way his voice cracks just accentuates the desperation good I'm doing what he did wrong has become somewhat of a suicide mission for him in spite of the journey he's gone through in this movie he still doesn't value his own life he's more than happy to sacrifice it to undo his failure look sitting here staring at the thing is not gonna bring everybody I'm the strongest Avenger okay so this responsibility falls upon me I don't believe that he thinks he's the strongest here he just wants to convince everyone else in the room so that they'll let him kill himself equally when banner steps forth to lay down the facts and tell the others that he is in fact the only one capable of doing the snap four steps aside no problem no questions asked proving is not about ego in the slightest Thanos arrives and the heroes become scattered in the aftermath of the bombing I love how cap and Tony find Thor looking like he's about to drop a fire mixtape he's just standing there silently looking to Thanos waiting for his friends to join him compare this to the last movie Thor was all fire and rage charging him without a moment's hesitation to kill Thanos or rather to inflict pain upon him to satisfy his need for revenge it's killing properly this time he knows he can't do it alone he brushes his ego aside this is now only about doing the right thing good as long as we're all in agreement Thor cause the Lightning to him as we've seen before we might have even been expecting him to transform back into his godlike physique for the finale but that of course does not happen he's in his here outfit sure but his gut is still there in all its glory and you know what that's frickin fantastic as screenwriter Christopher Markus said we fix his problem and it's not his white I know some people are sensitive about some of the humor that comes from it which I understand but our issue that we wanted him to deal with was his emotional states that his mom addresses and I think he is the ideal Thor at the end of the movie and he's carrying some weights I couldn't agree more losing weight would have been an aesthetic change but wouldn't have been what his arc is about if he's only confident to do rights when he slim then what kind of hero would that make him as it turns out there was an early draft of the movie where Thor did shed the pounds but Hemsworth himself fought to keep Thor the same size right to the end stating I enjoyed that version of Thor it was so different than any other way I played the character it took on a life of its own you can't discount just how many kids will have seen this movie and I think the fact he doesn't [ __ ] all the weight in a moment's notice carries a great underlying message you don't need to be a certain shape or size to do something good you just need the will to pick yourself back up no matter what challenges you face a lot of people don't like this so I'm going to be candid here and give you my perspective which I hope will illuminate while I think this works I was a fat kid and then I was a really skinny kid and then I was going somewhere in between my white yo-yos a lot and it probably always will because I like going to the gym but I also like burgers they're delicious everyone I know whether they be fat thin muscular Elaine has some sort of body issues I think it's natural to want a different look or to strive to be better and oftentimes the body that we have is the one that someone else out there would kill for even if you yourself would never realize it I certainly know that when I was 10 I never would have dreamed in a million years that I'd see a superhero I admire save the day with a beer belly I think it would have felt really empowering I also think it serves as a good reminder that if you do actually want to look like Chris Hemsworth there's no magic wand fix that will see you transform overnight losing weight is exceptionally hard work let alone to get to the chiseled level of peak Hemsworth if Thor goes back to being ripped by the time we see him again on the flip side I don't think that's a bad thing either well it would communicate to me is that he wanted to look that way and that's the way he looks and feels happy conquer the shame Ziva fat people people who work out skinny people it's all kind of [ __ ] on all sides to me why are you commenting on how anyone looks go look in your own closet and sort your [ __ ] out first if you're comfortable looking a certain way be comfortable if you want to work out and get ripped more power to you the only person that knows whether you want to be a certain size the only person that knows how you want your body to look is you also just aesthetically the braided beard the hair he looks like [ __ ] Gimli he looks like an absolute machine and there to top it all off to hammers to hammers it all ties together with his physique and I think it really works he feels unstoppable even in frames were about a million different punches are being thrown we can still notice just how much Thor has changed because as you can see he almost exclusively goes for the heads what a neat little bit of detail Thor is no longer the battle hungry arrogant boy or the full blinded by vengeance he's a hero trying to do whatever he can to save the universe when cap picks up me on here there's not an ounce of jealousy or ego as was hinted at before Thor is just delighted [Music] and it shows that is awesome as seeing four wheel two hammers is it's even more awesome to see Thor and Captain on the bad guys together with a hammer each we see Thor enraged before Thanos at the denouement of the battle except this time there's no revelry in it he's not trying to hurt Thanos he's trying to stop Thanos and that is a crucial difference it's cathartic to see him let loose and do everything in his power to do so you think this would be enough to make Force 3 movie Ragnarok to end game Ark as fantastic as it is but no in his final scene we get one more cherry on top people need a king know you've been serious the end scene is amazing because he demolishes the Asgardian monarchy it always struck me as kind of weird the Thor's always expected to be king in the movies I mean that's literally how we kick off his first appearance his eventual rise to become King was always a question in the movies and by the end of his first trilogy he becomes king by proxy his father has gone his people in our refugees at the start of the movie he never makes a claim for the throne he has it thrust upon him which you know is fine he's a good person with a good heart but as we know it's hard for a good man to be a king fortress isn't the king type honestly he's not a leader like cap he doesn't have the smarts like Tony he's special in his own way but I don't think those qualities translate to his place as ruler of Asgard hell if low-keyed got up off his ass and done the right thing I'm pretty sure he would have been a good king it's sad they squandered the opportunity that Cree is the perfect choice to rule Asgard she's already been doing it for years yes the title is bequeathed to her by the king so it's sort democratic but hey these are space aliens that dress up like they're in Caligula and largely speak in Shakespearean undertones this is a start and after about qui is done I have no doubts that she'd call the Democratic election but let's be honest she's probably got a good few thousand years before that becomes a problem all of this echoes the ultimate message of the movie embrace who you are not who people expect you to be gods course one thing I think is important is the essence of a good surprise getting something that you didn't expect something that you didn't realize you wanted is a feeling like nothing else sure infinity ward's Thor was incredible and I loved where the Russos and Marvel took the character but also we got it it's still there for all of us to enjoy we can go back and put the blu-ray in and watch in 30 wor and you can experience all that all over again it's never gonna leave you and rather than get that again we got something completely fresh and new in endgame what's Thor forever straddles the line between comedy and tragedy and each Thor and his Payne trilogy is markedly different to the next his story feels seamlessly connected marathoning all three movies together gives you a four trilogy the character wise is on par with the best trilogies in the genre Thor is a character who represents such a broad and complex image of masculinity sure he's usually muscle-bound he has a great big hammer that could easily be interpreted for a phallic symbol and he does his fair share of guttural yelling but he also talks about his feelings we explore the effects of him suffering a panic attack and in one of his defining moments simply has a heart-to-heart with his mum [Music] for a character who on the surface could be the poster child for toxic masculinity it's probably the greatest lesson in what a modern man should be when I watched the first Thor movie I remember having a decent time before wasn't a character I considered one of the boys you know I mean everyone's got their characters who they love just to cut above the rest but now after everything he has endured every way he was tested and every time he rose above his flaws Thor is undoubtedly one of my favorite on-screen superheroes ever and he is undeniably one of the boys unlike cap and Tony who Marvel seems to get right a lot earlier in their respective runs for has only really truly hit his stride so it feels right for the god of thunder to be the first here on the MCU to get a fourth solo movie Chris Hemsworth keeps on going from strength to strength of the character and it's exciting to see what might happen now Natalie Portman is being brought back into the fold in a big way in universe it feels like the right move for his adventures to continue all the way back in for the Dark Thor Loki says this is stay the next 100 years it's nothing it's a heartbeat you'll never be ready so it's fitting that Thor would outlive Tony Steve Natasha and the other mainstays of the series seeing his adventures continue makes it feel like the time he was with those characters was indeed a heartbeat they were humans that he spent time with and now he's off to live out another life for probably another a thousand years his lifespan in the MCU will feel godlike and will echo what is probably still my favorite Thor line you know I'm 1500 years old I've killed twice as many enemies as that and every one of them would've rather killed me but none succeeded I have complete faith that the masterful Taika Waititi will bring us another installment in the former follow gee that is funny surprising and full of heart in a spectacle Laden spacefaring adventure and now that Thor's our God restored wherever he goes next is sure to be out of this world [Music] [Music] thanks for watching as a quick side note there was another different endgame essay that we've been working on for a little while now and that was meant to be the endgame essay that kicked off our content on the movie it's called the missed opportunities of Avengers endgame and it's basically all of my gripes with the movie in a nutshell I went to start with what I didn't like about the movie and then follow up with content about all the positive things that I really loved but obviously that hasn't happened the reason for it is twofold in terms of the actual essay I find it hard to be negative sometimes it feels a little sour and she's not as pleasant to crap on something when you could be spending your time explaining why something rocks the second reason is Patrick Williams Patrick King Williams if you follow Patrick what's that you don't well you should you'll know he just dropped a video on YouTube burnouts and honestly it couldn't have come at a more relevant time for Chris and I you can go away and watch that video and I'll tell you that we've had the exact same frustrations particularly this the last video was supposed to be a way more ambitious one but I was struggling to figure it out so I swapped it out at the last minute with a simpler one and even that was a challenge to finish that's exactly the problem with the missed opportunities video it's turning into a Titan and we want to get it right so we've been continuously focusing our efforts on other ideas that have seemed more manageable and more fun to tackle I'm really glad that we ultimately chose to start with this video and I think it's really helped with that the end game essay well the end game essays are coming they just might not be immediately following this one but our plan is for us to say everything we want to say on the marvel swan song before the year is out but we also need to take care of ourselves we need to make sure we're not burnout and dour and just not hating what we do because we love what we do and we love hearing your responses and I don't want that to change and I want the videos that we put out to be the best they could possibly be sometimes that takes a little bit of time I guess you'd say I failed it who I was supposed to be but now I've had a chance to air out some more positive feelings on the movie I'm ready to be who I want to be until next time stay worthy so in this but someone has actually donated $100 which is enable thank you very much dr. chi k um yeah yeah honestly that's awesome you are as we said our patreon video that you're keeping the lights on so never say thank you very much and yeah we're just sort of full our videos is going to strange new places full fat videos just go upgraded and along with that we're upgrading our patreon with new tiers and rewards 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we probably thank you at the end of every video or on camera you'd be really helping us in any way shape or form if you could consider contributing to our patreon we love making this stuff for you guys and we'd love to keep making more of it so thank you and thank you for watching we're off to go make some more that juicy content we'll see you next time stay milky
Channel: Full Fat Videos
Views: 559,037
Rating: 4.872591 out of 5
Keywords: Video, Essay, Discussion, Review, Problem, Debate, Analysis, Full Fat Videos, analysis, criticism, review, breakdown, MCU, Marvel, infinity war, thanos, redeemed, writing, ragnarok, Thor, film, structure, character arc, iron man, captain america, russo, russo brothers, hulk, avengers, phase 4, character, development, Taika Waititi, Waititi, Guardians of the Galaxy, marvel cinematic universe, screenwriting, film criticism, Phase 5, Avengers Endgame, Endgame, Fat Thor, thor hammer, ruined, dual wield, mjolnir
Id: 45a0oiDQP2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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