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in anime it seems as though there's always some shady organization pulling the strings from the dark in Bleach it's the royal guard in Naruto it was black zetsu and did Avatar The Last Airbender and Korra it was the White Lotus and no not the white load is the TV show on HBO Max right now the White Lotus an ancient secret society that transcended the borders of the four nations a group of men and women who were concerned about grasping for power but finding the beauty and truth and philosophy of the world but honestly within just the scope of avatar The Last Airbender The White Lotus is really just a name we get thrown at us a couple of times it was through Korra a couple of light novels and a few other projects that we got to finally understand what the White Lotus was with the Avatar Universe painting out a rich backstory for an incredibly important Society but that still leaves us with a question what is the White Lotus when were they founded who were the most prevalent members what were they trying to accomplish and what are they up to now well we're gonna answer all those questions and more in a second here guys but first please remember me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell so the White Lotus as far as a lot of fans understand it it's just a group of old people that Uncle iro happens to be really important in and honestly that's not an inaccurate summation of the White Lotus but it's a lot deeper than that see the White Lotus is a wide-reaching secret society of like-minded people trying to spread knowledge across physical boundaries and while the White Lotus to some might seem like a militaristic group that's able of liberating bossing Say by and large it's a pacifistic group but before we get to talking about the ideals or the members of the White Lotus which should answer some of the easy questions about the White Lotus most specifically what is it well I've already kind of touched on it it is a massive informally secret because it's no longer a secret society of like-minded people think the Illuminati except instead of killing MLK they were just really interested on making sure everybody knows basically everything that they can know this secret society has members in all four nations because in the Avatar World in any world really not every person beholden to a nation agrees with the ideologies of said nation and thus membership in this group was a way for members in the group to pass information to each other across the borders of the four nations and at the end of the day that's basically all this group was there to do pass information see members of the White Lotus joined the White Lotus because they want to seek out the beauty truth in philosophy of the world that is to say they want to unveil the secrets of the world and spread it with everybody in essence they want to operate like a worldwide Library a group of people who hold on to truths that may be erased by Nations you know how they say history is written by the Victor well that's because usually by and large let's say if a war happens the Victor will erase the bad things they did over the duration of this war but White Lotus are dedicated to finding those erased truths in sharing them with the world kind of like Robin in one piece and this goes beyond National divides the White Lotus also shares information across political divides at the end of the day that is their true purpose to make sure that any truth no matter how large or small it is is widely accessible to anybody who wants to find it in essence they're historians but in live time protecting the truth of what's Happening Now and in the past however just because that's the core tenement of what the White Lotus tries to accomplish doesn't mean that's all they ever do obviously we've seen things like the White Lotus stepping up in Boston say to liberate the taken City but sometimes their roles are even greater than that because the White Lotus are basically a worldwide Information Network they're almost always tapped into everything that's going on they're like the Twitter discover page of the Avatar world because they always know what's going on and they're dedicated to pacifism and the continuation of historical culture sometimes the role of locating and training the next Avatar falls into the hands of the White Lotus see the White Lotus since they're so well informed do know whenever an avatar kicks the bucket and since the Avatar cycle goes through all of the four different types of bending in a cycle the White Lotus know where the next Avatar will show up this becomes important to them if hypothetically one of the Nations is trying to catch capture and possibly kill the Avatar or meld it to their own use as this would kind of constitute as trying to rewrite or bend history the White Lotus is directly opposed to it we know this because after the death of avatar kuruk The Avatar who preceded kiyoshi the White Lotus went looking for kiyoshi however they had difficulty finding kiyoshi because kiyoshi didn't even know she was the Avatar until she was 16 and in fact everybody thought kyoshi's best friend Yoon was the Avatar but then Yoon was sacrificed to a giant monstrous spirit and it's the whole thing we're not talking about Kyoshi but that would be a fun video but also a long video we know a lot about Kyoshi she did live to 230 years old there's a lot to know but then as Aang was coming to the end of his life he requested the White Lotus find in train the next Avatar alright now that we understand what the White Lotus is and what they do the majority of the time how was it founded I mean you don't just accidentally make a massive multi-nation Network of information sellers well it's actually formed hundreds of years before the timeline of Avatar I mean we know they were looking for the Avatar after karuk which was kiyoshi and Kyoshi lived for 230 years and then Roku lived for like a hundred years so they've been around for like at least 300 maybe 400 years but essentially the way that the White Lotus was founded was just as a club it was originally just Scholars from different scholarly practices coming together to play each other in Pie's show however as all of these Scholars talked over Pie's show they realized that the spreading and sharing of information was vital to keeping Humanity's history as pure as possible and thus as these Scholars sat and played Pie's show they came up with the name the White Lotus now this is because the White Lotus is a tile in pie show and plays Incredible importance into the strategy of the game and as time went on this club grew and grew and grew to the point where they had to make a sort of secret handshake of sorts in essence if you wanted to show to another scholar you were a member of the White Lotus you would place your pie show pieces in the form of a White Lotus on the pie show board but as this club grew and grew and grew it became more than just an information sharing Network as all of these Scholars from across different Nation lines came together and collaboratively worked on each other to spread the word of History it became powerful so powerful in fact that over the years they began to influence multiple avatars to do good and this happened for a myriad of different reasons either a mentor or a friend of the Avatar would simply happen to be a member of the White Lotus and therefore bring the Avatar Into The Fold of the White Lotus or the circumstance like we talked about earlier where the White Lotus would hunt down the Avatar to make sure that the Avatar worked in the best interests of the White Lotus regardless of how it happened multiple times throughout the history of the Avatar cycle the Avatar was being directly trained and guided by members of the White Lotus but the thing is that's not necessarily the goal of the White Lotus CS I've stated a million times already the goal of the White Lotus is to spread information and thus the White Lotus would only really injected self into the life of the Avatar if they believed the circumstance was very important this is really the only time that the White Lotus ever shows itself only when members of the White Lotus feel as though their influence of the world's most important people can help the world head in a better direction do they ever step out of the Shadows because the majority of the time the White Lotus simply prefers to be an Information Network that watches from afar and in fact prior to Avatar young Chen only one Avatar had ever Truly Come fully into contact with the White Lotus see young Chen was the Avatar before kuruk she was the last air Avatar prior to Aang however upon the time of her birth the Western Air Temple had a lot of White Lotus members living within it because if there's anybody who aligns with the morals of the White Lotus It's gotta be the air Nomads I mean just like the White Lotus the aeronomants commit their entire life to reaching Enlightenment and sharing that Enlightenment with others and thus these members of the White Lotus kept a very close eye on young Chen but Avatar young Chen was a bit odd see we know that all avatars have connections to their lives While most avatars can only truly tap into these past lives in the Avatar State Avatar young Chen was so tapped into her previous lives sometimes she had difficulty telling between the present in the past and she's actually why we know that there was a previous Avatar that had a connection to the White Lotus because Avatar young Chen without ever being indoctrinated into the White Lotus was able to make a blooming White Lotus on a pie show board showing the White Lotus that she was a part of the White Lotus even though she wasn't and since a White Lotus from the day young Chen was born knew that she was the Avatar through her entire life they kept a very close eye on her and the White Lotus watched how young Chen was as an avatar they thought she was compulsive and tried to do too much of herself and that's when young Chen sort of accidentally reached out to the White Lotus when they were dealing with the uniminity project young Chan and the White Lotus worked together to stop the uniminity project now the uniminity project and super Layman's in SparkNotes terms was an attempt by a bunch of cities to break out of the control of the earth Fire and Water kingdoms I believe but essentially the unimini project just happened to have the three first ever combustion Benders so they were trying to use the power of these three combustion vendors which the world had never seen before to break out of the threshold of the four major Nations and since the Shang cities were trying to do something that could shake the very core of the entire continent White Lotus stepped in to help Avatar Young Chang to stop the uniminity project this is a fantastic example of when the White Lotus deems it important to step out of the Shadows the next time we see the White Lotus be particularly active is after the death of Avatar karuk however because the White Lotus couldn't figure out who the next Avatar was going to be after Kuru Avatar kiyoshi's early life is horrifically bad and when the White Lotus became aware of Kyoshi and her backstory they actually apologized to her specifically an air Nomad by the name of jinpaw and a member of the White Lotus apologized for not being able to find her earlier jinpaw would then spend the rest of his life because Kyoshi long outlived him trying to get her to join the White Lotus because Kyoshi is a kind kind of morally gray Yoshi was dedicated to expending justice but in this way she kind of made herself the judge jury and executioner the white loads are trying to correct her from this path to make her use more peaceful means and they succeeded sort of not really I mean kyoshi's always been a girl but she's gonna do whatever the hell she wants after the death of Kyoshi and Roku in the start of the Hundred Years War the White Lotus saw a much bigger step forward in importance see the White Lotus were directly opposed to the Fire Nation taking over the entire world as in the squalor of this war a lot of history would be destroyed and therefore as the Hundred Year War started the White Lotus actually sent spies to infiltrate the fire-bending Army and these members of the White Lotus were dedicated to slowing down the progress of the fire-bending Army in its Invasion into other countries these spies became a lot more powerful after General iro had a failed invasion of bossing say though see Uncle iro the dragon after he had a fail invasion of bossings say lost his son and after losing his son Ira began to reflect and head down a spiritual journey path and while going through this spiritual transformation I wrote found the White Lotus mind you this means that for the entirety of Avatar as a show Uncle iro is a spy for the White Lotus everything he is doing is to attempt to slow down the progress of the fire bending nation and this is most clearly demonstrated in the liberation of bossing say see this is actually a full circle in a beautiful moment for Uncle IRA and even without talking about the white lotus's involved minutes one of my favorite events in the entirety of the Avatar timeline while sozin's common is traveling through the sky Uncle iro uses the Boost to his firebending to liberate the recently taken bossing say but Uncle iro isn't alone see to this point that we fully understand the scale of the White Lotus because for the entirety of the Avatar timeline the White Lotus had been in the shadows because mind you while the White Lotus does take a step out of the Shadow sometimes it's usually in conjunction with the Avatar and considering the fact that was off the map for a hundred years the White Lotus really couldn't do anything during the Hundred Years War it wasn't until Aang became a full-fledged Avatar and finally began to make a difference on the world stage that the White Lotus could step out of the shadows and so it was at this point that Uncle Ira Jung Jung King bomi and piondo retook bossing say this is a beautiful moment for Uncle Ira after failing to take bossing say for the very Army he was infiltrating and spying for currently Uncle iro found the White Lotus and it was with that same White Lotus a half a lifetime later that Uncle iro was liberating the very City that killed his son but even in the singular experience if you boil it down to Uncle iro it perfectly paints out what the White Lotus is it is two firebenders a water bender and Earth bender and a swordsman working together to liberate a city it is a multinational safe space for Scholars all across the world to spread information and make sure that one nation does not monopolize or dictate the entirety of the world's history and power I forgot to mention paku was also there however after the conclusion of the Hundred Year War the White Lotus had to take a slightly different approach see it's hard to shrug away the O who saved bossing say conversation considering the fact all of them were dressed exactly the same and thus after the Hundred Years War the White Lotus took a full and complete step out of the Shadows this is why I said formerly secret society the White Lotus would no longer operate clandestinely in the shadows through pie showboards they took a step out into the world and showed their faces to everyone and it was at that point that the enormity of the white lotus's organization became clear to everyone and by taking this step out of the Shadow the White Lotus were able to serve the Avatar much more openly no longer did they have to find the Avatar the second they were born as an organization they were known for guiding Avatar and thus they could have Avatar come to them or they could simply appear wherever and Avatar was dressed in white Lotus gear attempting to help an avatar be the best Avatar they can be but being open wasn't the best for everyone you see some of the White Lotus wanted to remain a secret While others in the White Lotus didn't like how heavy-handedly the White Lotus was now dealing with the Avatar after all for hundreds of years the White Lotus had only taken small steps Out of the Shadows when the world was in Peril now after the conclusion of the Hundred Year War the White Lotus was taking a permanent step out of the Shadows to openly deal with politics that they usually didn't bother with and because of this factions began to arise in the White Lotus until eventually an entirely new group was created out of the White Lotus referred to as the Red Lotus see the Red Lotus took sharing information and Truth to a Next Level see the Red Lotus wanted to reconnect the human world with the spiritual world something that hadn't existed since the first avatar closed off the spirit portals in the North and South Pole see the human world in the spear world had been together for thousands of years however because the human world in the spirit world was together all humans had to live on giant lion turtles bending was originally given to these humans whenever the humans had to leave the backs of these lion turtles to hunt but the Red Lotus saw the spirit world as information that humans didn't have access to and that by keeping the spirit world in the human world separate in essence we were limiting how much information in truth humans had we were lacking a complete and total understanding of the spirit world and even though the connection of the human world and the spirit world had led to humans fleeing onto the backs of lion turtles humans had bending now and therefore the Red Lotus figured it would be no issue to connect the spirit and physical world however obviously everybody outside of the Red Lotus didn't want this to happen because Spirits can be kind of scary and thus the Red Lotus saw every single governmental body as an encumbrance in their path to connecting their Spirit worlds in the earth World once again and thus the Red Lotus became militant and radicalized and even though iro tried to keep all of the White Lotus together the red load has started to see the White Lotus as simply the Avatar's bodyguards and irove for the rest of his life tried to bring the Red Lotus back into the folds of the White Lotus was never successful but in essence what the Red Lotus were trying to accomplish does it not line up with the white lotus's grander schemes the Red Lotus were in essence trying to illuminate truth in Philosophy by connecting the spirit world to the physical world by destroying all governmental agencies they were essentially doing what the White Lotus had done years ago getting rid of a physical or political divide between everybody and making sure that without all of these governmental bodies that humans would be able to communicate and share their truths and histories with each other now obviously the radicalized militancy of it all is not the best in fact I would go so far as to say it's bad but the core of what they were trying to accomplish very much aligns with the white lotus's greater goals during Cora's timeline the White Lotus continued their role as essentially the Avatar's bodyguards being a group of Scholars with access to the information about previous avatars the wetlands are able to guide Korra on the best possible path to her Avatar ship however since the White Lotus have now taken a step out of the Shadows they're also seen doing things like protecting the air Temple ball against equalists another much more in the open activities which is where the White Lotus currently finds himself now as a pseudo un body a group of like-minded individuals from a myriad of different nations places backgrounds bending abilities who come together in order to make sure that the Avatar is uncorruptable and put down the best path possible on top of that acting in the interests of those who might be deemed as the weaker in society making sure that stronger Nations or giant ideologies don't eclipse the truths and histories of weaker or less popular ideologies or countries they are for the lack of a better term the centuries of history but at the same time politicians and warriors who make sure that the world never gets cast into evil and that's about it everything you need to know about the White Lotus did I miss anything guys there is a lot and I mean a lot of Avatar lore out there so it's probably a high chance I missed like one or two tidbits about the White Lotus tell me in the comments below if I didn't while you guys are down there please remember like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell listen I'm not saying that like if I could make one anime character real it would probably be uncle iro because I love him more than anything on the face of the Earth but like can you think of a better option
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 511,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, avatar, avatar the last airbender, white lotus, aang, uncle iroh, red lotus, fire nation, earth nation, water nation, korra, legend of korra
Id: aJbP-5KHleE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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