My Hero Academia's Ending is PERFECTION?!

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you know if jjk and mha could stop coming out on the same day that'd be that'd be great oh two of the biggest and most important manga of all time are finishing at the same time and I only post two videos on this channel a week and yeah sure Nick you can shift one of your videos from mcy Hammer to the wee Commander but we have ads on every single video for the rest of the month on NC Hammer we can shift no more even now as I'm recording this video I don't know when we're going to post it it needs to come out soon because if you're not first you're last but I you can be like fifth as long as you make like good enough content and I make good enough content because the leaks come out at like 11:00 at night and if you want to be the first that means you have to read the leaks the second they come out and then you have to make a video and then you have to edit it in the middle of the night and then you need to post it for the next morning and I'm just not going to do that mostly because I don't edit my own videos and my editor just had a child but anyways as hype as jjk has been in recent chapters mha has been equally hype it's just not being talked about as much because it's not nearly as popular as jjk is nowadays because here's the thing while the final battle is going down in jjk mha literally just ended yeah you heard me right chapter 423 is like The Last Action based chapter of mha everything after chapter 423 is going to be a wrapup Arc deu growing up graduating from UA possibly being quirkless in fact almost definitely being quirkless that was pretty much confirmed this chapter seeing his mom all might and bakugo getting their dust bones put back together somehow deu maybe marrying aaku and so on and so for chapter 423 of mha is it the story's done and yet jjk decided to drop one of the hypest chapters it's dropped in a year or so and so no one's talking about it but I am that's what I'm here for because I want to talk about chapter 423 of mha because it was incredible because not only does deu eviscerate the final baddy of this show but he also finally reaches shigaraki there's a touching Sacrifice from a character who was able to tow the line between being evil and good and a fateful farewell between two characters who had but heads for 400 chapters all the while we got a true look into the real motivations of all for one and so much more this was an incredibly action-packed well-drawn and Beautiful chapter and honestly a fantastic ending to mha and today we're going to be breaking all of that down because today we're talking chapter 423 of mha explained but before we get to explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you love the idea of me keeping you up to date on all things anime and manga go ahead and follow my anime podcast the talk is anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts so chapter 423 the definitive ending of mha a manga that's been running for almost a decade finishing its story and while the popularity of mha has petered out in recent years looking back upon the entirety of this almost 500 chapter long story you have to be in a little bit of awe mha well it was never able to bring people into the anime Community like Demon Slayer Naruto or Dragon Ball was for at least half a decade the most popular anime in manga on Earth and while the appetite of your average Shonen consumer changed about halfway through mha's run which resulted in some people moving away from the IP genuinely I don't believe horror Koshi could have crafted up A better ending for this story an ending with grit resolve teamwork and meaningful sacrifices an ending that not everybody makes their way out of but the heroes prevail as somebody who's been openly critical about mha and the decisions that horac Koshi has made with this story multiple times like I am with literally any anime I'm watching or Manga that I'm reading I mean it when I say I couldn't have envisioned A better ending for this story so how does the story end well let's get into it see chapter 423 picks up where chapter 422 left off that is to say with a full power deu Landing a oneforall punch directly into all for one's chest now at this point all for one is some kind of chimeric black dragon human being butu punches the human part of him and sustaining this damage from Deku makes off for one realize something that his regeneration Quirk is it working but he can't seem to figure out why on top of that all for one tells us that the reason he was enabl to sense and therefore dodg deku's rather obvious attack is because the hostility of every Hero on the battlefield aimed at all for one hid deku's presence that is to say that the hostility towards all for one from the likes of manetta momo Deni kirima all of class 1 a and everybody else on the battlefield who was helping Deku along to get to All For One mased his presence so that danger sense wasn't able to tell him where deu was all for one then comes to the realization that his regeneration not working and dangerous hence not being able to sense deu must be from the fact that shigaraki's body was destroyed and therefore all for one this incredibly weakened vessel didn't have control over the quirks that he should have on top of that because of the realization of yuichi's death all for one is moving in something resembling a Fugue State feel appreciation or understanding for the things happening around him he's basically mourning and it's at this point that we get a flashback to one of Deku and all might's first conversations to where all might told him that the entirety of the power of one for all would make a human body explode if it was a weak body and therefore ASU is delivering this punch into all for one's chest he's telling all for one that he has directly received the power of all nine users of one for all and since all for one is in this incredibly weaken and decayed version of shigaraki's body the entirety of the power of one for all is too much for him and thus somewhat ironically all for one begins to Decay his body turning into dust much akin to how Stars and Stripes dispersed into the ocean and as his body begins to Decay away falling out of the black dragon tentacle Chimera monster that he had bound himself too numerous Heroes on the battlefield like Hiroshima begin to believe that the battle is finally over but it's not SE off for one uses a myriad of different quirks to take the parts of his body that haven't quite decayed yet and bind them back to together the most notable being his black Rod Quirk I don't remember what it was called it just allows him to shoot branchy black rods out of his body and thus this horrifying image of a half decade shigaraki's body held together through black rods begins to approach deu and off for one says that he hasn't accomplished anything yet and that the Demon Lord needs to be absolute and therefore he can't die yet but since this body is very clearly destroyed all for one has to start again he'll have to restart like he did with shikaki that does to say that all for one needs to find somebody to transfer over to whether that be Mador or some other Hero on the battlefield so long as all for one can get his hand on them he can transfer his Consciousness and his quirks over to that person and restart the process of becoming the Demon Lord who eats the entire world but since Deku is the person closest to all for one it's Deku who all for one wants to transfer his Consciousness over to butu isn't about to let that happen without going out with a fight and thus as the creepy version of all for one makes its way to deu who Powers up another punch but before the two of them can Clash in this possibly fatal exchange for the both of them Corgi begins to move now this is interesting because Kiri in the last chapter was very much stated to not be able to create any more portals as we could see probably the emotional turmoil of realizing that he's now a omu and also the amount of portals he opened to get the entirety of the hero forces to this battle against all for one have greatly weighed on him and thus the fire that usually Roars out of his suit was sputtering out but as Cori begins to move Mike yells at him and says shirakumo to which he responds sh yam I have to go I have to protect shikaki and thus In This Moment a combination of shirakumo and Kiri are seen as the Flames Begin to dissolve around Shiro's face and in that moment Kiri remembers the time that he had spent laraki as a bartender for the original League of villains and the shomo or Kiri or whoever you want to call him opens a portal between deu and all for one ensuring that all for one won't be able to to get his hands on deu now this portal that Cori is opening between Deku and all for one appears to be the last of his energy and it also appears to be his entire body because from this portal cor giri says to All For One all for one give back shigaraki he has friends waiting for it now this portal is the only thing keeping all for one and deu from coming into contact with each other and is therefore technically the only thing keeping all for one from transferring his Consciousness over to deu however as Kiri was already low on energy prior to the creation of this portal after kagiri tells off for one to give shigaraki back he begins to fade away cracking at the edges and dissipating the portal begins to disappear but just as the portal begins to crack and deu is about to be taken over by all for one because his punch isn't fast enough to get to all for one before all for one can grab him out of absolutely nowhere flies bakugo propelling an incredibly broken and defeated body bakugo grabs onto deu and propels him with his explosions andu flies now at a greatly increased speed towards all for one through the shattered portal of Cor giri Mike seeing the broken bakugo propelling deu screams at bakugo and says you should be in the hospital and if you look at bakugo's body you would tend to agree but bakugo reveals to Mike that he had flown to the battlefield with his Quirk and he was able to catch up with Deku because Shoto made him an ice ramp that he used to propel himself at high speed high level of speed that he transferred for Deku who is now barreling towards all for one and Deku In This Moment is screaming at all for one telling him he'll never forgive him for everything that he's done but also says that all for one is not a Demon Lord or something incompr reprehensibly evil but instead Deku says instead of this prophetic Demon Lord meant to consume the entire world all for one is just a deeply deeply lonely man and as their fists touch Deku shatters the arm of all for one punching straight up into his torso through him ensuring that deu wouldn't be taken over by the evil hands of all for one because they were now powder and it's after gets his arm shattered BYU we see all for one standing in a dark room by himself now this is most lik L representation of all for one subconsciousness because as all for one is standing there he sees a dim light off in the distance and that dim light is yoichi yoii tells all for one that deku's last punch had transferred the final Ember of one forall over to him and that final Ember the last Ember that stayed with all might and the last Ember that stayed with deu was yuichi or at least the last fragment of yuichi in existence The Quirk one for all itself but all for one screams at this flame and says I don't care about that I just want to see your face that finally having yoichi in his grasp didn't matter because it wasn't the yoichi he knew yoichi as an ember then talks to his brother and says he's sorry that he failed to bring him in the right direction but now deu is allowing for both of the shigaraki brothers to finally rest see the irony here is that was always all for one yearning to bend yoichi to his will when in actuality at the end of the story it was yoichi who was ashamed that he wasn't able to change his brother but all for one doesn't EX any of this he begins to scream at yoichi saying he won't accept yoichi's passing or his own and that he needs yoichi by his side and with this interaction we finally truly begin to understand why all for one yearn to have one for all so badly well obviously a part of it was because the wielders of one for all foiled his plans at every turn in actuality all for one just missed his brother the one person who was born into this world who all for one believed understood it and thus when uichi ran off with the Liberation armies and the first wielders of one for all he realized he had lost the only person who truly mattered to him on Earth and thus while his ploy to get one for all was about global domination it was also about reconnecting with his family a UI tells all for one that it's time to pay for his crimes of using and killing so many people to further his goals over the years and he tells off for one who has returned back to his childhood form as he holds on to the Ember likee version of his brother that they're not alone in this subconscious and it's this moment that we see all the previous wielders of one for all and shigaraki begin to emerge from the shadows and in the next page we see shigaraki from the darkness land to blow onto the vestage of all for one while on the other side in the light deu lands a blow on him in reality and thus In This Moment Deku and shigaraki's fists come together through all for one as shigaraki attacks him from his subconscious andu attacks him from The Real World and this for the first time and Deku and shigaraki's storied history together they come into contact with each other without shigaraki King deu that is to say they're finally able to come together and as their fists come together all for one's vestage is completely decimated gone all for one as a character eviscerated and In This Moment yuichi is truly correct as with all for one's passing the shigaraki brothers are finally allowed to rest and once all for one is eradicated shigaraki and Deku begin to have a conversation a conversation that opens by Tom telling deu that I thought I was going to be completely swallowed by all for one's Darkness however not vestage the last vestage of one for all the deu was able to fire into shigaraki was able to tether him back to the light to bring him out of all might's darkness and In This Moment Nana was able to save the grandchild she never got to know and finally fulfill the role of the loving mother she had always wanted to be tomra then says kiri's name and looks off as he sees the last pieces of kagiri begin to fade away and as he sees the last parts of his friend begin to fade away into Oblivion he tells Deku even though he was briefly in control of his body he wasn't able to destroy anything which I I don't I don't believe he destroyed a lot of things he almost destroyed Mount Fuji half of the heroes of like all time are dead but in this moment toor follows It Up by saying Deku was right inside of him was just the crying boy and that's why as they stood there their fists touching shigaraki couldn't destroy deku's hands which I also believe is possibly more to do with the fact that the Decay Quirk has been destroyed by shikaki being consumed by all for one's Consciousness but yes AB absolutely because Deku was finally talking to the true Center of shigaraki's core which is a version of shigaraki that existed before Decay before all for one began to augment his life to make him the perfect vessel to switch his body over into that version of shigaraki the true version of shikaki couldn't Decay deku's hands because a he wouldn't want to and B didn't have the Quirk yet Deku then tells shigaraki that he continued to fight because he couldn't forgive the things that shigaraki had done but also because he wanted shigaraki to stop stop because he knew this isn't what shigaraki wanted he wanted the pain and the suffering and the sadness to be over for shigaraki to it shigaraki responds deu if spinner is still alive tell him shigaraki fought to destroy up until the very end to which Deku responds by saying you managed to destroy what you truly needed to in the end which was all for one and it's at this point that we're taken to the final page of this chapter where we see deu in the air in the pose of a giant uppercut floating amongst what used to be all for one in shigaraki's bodies but what is now nothing more than black dust falling from the sky and In This Moment the rain on the battlefield has finally stopped and the sun is shining light has prevailed and shigaraki is gone Yes you heard me correctly there was no I reached out to the little boy and now shigaraki's a good guy moment deu was able to reach out to shigaraki he was able to have a conversation with him he was able to establish the fact that he knew that shigaraki was augmented and manipulated from the moment he was born shigaraki was able to talk to deu and establish the fact that he wanted to destroy the system that messed him up so badly he died fighting against the entity that ruined his life he destroyed one of the most powerful and important and dark entities on Earth and in the end shigaraki's will to destroy was directed in the correct direction it was deu who was able to help him achieve that goal but shigaraki and all for one aren't the only people that are gone because one for all and juichi have also disappeared sidu understood that he only had an ember of all for one left in him as he charged against all for one and it was revealed in this chapter that that ember was yuichi The Quirk itself and therefore as Deku fired this final Ember into all for one's body he became quirkless once again and with all for one Now dust that means the likelihood of Deku ever getting another Quirk is quite low now yes Dr groi has found a way to duplicate quirks and how to give them to other people and or nomu the possibility of Deku going to Dr gaki for a quirk seems infintely small and thus deu ends this story like he started a quirkless hero who finally got to late to rest a boy he knew was struggling and that ladies and gentlemen is the perfect ending to mha yes I'm aware I've screamed about Deku getting his arms back but Deku losing his Quirk and she gaki and all for one fading away into dust all with the help of bakugo is perfect it's a full circle moment that's cements deu as the symbol of peace the true and final destroyer of the symbol of evil on Earth all for one all from a boy who starts and ends the story without the powers given to the world and that is but it's not all sunshine and rainbows because while sure technically the good guys have won and like a month and a half mha's manga is going to be over and sure vigilante still exists but I haven't felt a hole in my heart quite this large ever since Naruto's manga ended and the second that Naruto's manga ended boruto started mha feels like the first truly huge manga that I adored that's coming to an end because well sure bleach is over I didn't read bleach's manga until like a year ago but I am excited to see how this story does truly end and I guess we'll finally get to see if the mha shippers were correct about anything they've been prophesizing about the future of this story needless to say we do still have a couple of very important chapters ahead of us but the hard part is over that is terrifying I am aging but I'm curious did you guys enjoy this ending for shigaraki deu all for one bakugo and everybody else tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bello when jjk and mha are done I I have no idea what I'm going to be reacting to [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 123,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, mha, mha explained, mha manga, mha manga explained, my hero academia, my hero academia explained, my hero academia manga, my hero academia manga explained, boku no hero academia
Id: M-0T9_7MLoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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