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in the light of 2023 and 2024 being some of the biggest years for avatar The Last Airbender we've ever seen I figured now is the best time possible to talk about well avatar the Last airbed because not only are we getting three movies about the original Squad of Avatar with the first movie slated for October 10th of 2025 which is telling the story about Aang and the rest of his adult friends exploring the world where we'll get our first looks at Aang and Katara and Toff and Soca and Zuko in their Prime and then on top of that we're getting a new animated movie every year after 2025 for a total of three movies and on top of all of that it was announced that we're getting the next generation of Avatar in animated TV series just like the Legend of Korra or avatar The Last Airbender following the next Avatar in the cycle who will be in earthbender and since we're getting stories about previous avatars and future avatars I figured there was no better time than to talk about all the avatars so you've already done a video explaining what the Avatar is and what role they play in the world of Avatar it's great video you should watch it but I don't want to talk about the role of Avatar today today I want to talk about specifically avatars and more specifically than that how strong they were in comparison to other avatars what I'm taking a very long and arduous path at here is that today I want to rank and explain every Avatar that's ever existed so far as the ones we know at least because while there has been hundreds of avatars we only know the names of nine and honestly for those of you who haven't read all the books and seen the Legend of Korra and avatar The Last Airbender you may not even know all of those nine so today I hope to teach you a little something about the history of Avatar while also keeping you intrigued by talking about how strong they can punch but before I get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that naughty Bell and if you like hearing me talk about Avatar The Last Airbender while I talk about it an alarming amount on my anime podcast that I do with Danny motto called utaku's Anonymous where we break down everything that happened in anime this week so let's get a couple of caveats out of the way here early always said that we know the names of nine avatars and we do know the names of nine Avatar However unfortunately knowing the names of nine Avatar doesn't mean we know the ability strength or even really backstories of nine avatars so in actuality we're actually gonna be talking about seven Avatar today with two somewhat honorable mentions our first honorable mention is Sly see saliz an avatar that has only ever mentioned twice in kiyoshi's books we don't know what nation salai came from if salai was a man or a woman what salai did with their lives we simply know that in the Kyoshi books they were compared to the likes of young Chen which is actually a crazy comparison considering the fact that young Chen is referred to as the great young Chen if hypothetically salai was equal to or even close to the power of young Chen they would be pretty high on this list but being mentioned twice in two light novels really isn't gonna get you that high on this list our second honorable mention is a somewhat dishonorable mention because it's svedo see svelo was actually the only Avatar in the existence of the Avatar so far as we know that kind of disregarded his jaw this feta was born into an era of incred incredible crisis he was the Avatar prior to Young Chen meaning he is way back outside of Juan he's the oldest Avatar that we know of living somewhere before 345 BG BG standing for before genocide at this time the Fire Nation was kind of eating itself alive crazy plagues ripped Across the Nation there was natural disasters everybody was at each other's throat and sveta wanted to make sure that the Fire Nation the nation he was born into was okay so he gave up the role of Avatar and became a bureaucrat in the fire nation's government and he worked his way up the bureaucratic ladder until eventually he was the Grand adviser to the fire lord taking the Fire Nation out of this crisis era and he just lived as a bureaucrat for the Fire Nation for basically the rest of his life basically all we know about his abilities as an avatar is that he could lava Ben specifically we see him in the Avatar TV show lava Bend from four volcanoes simultaneous so his bending abilities were no Joe but he wasn't even really an avatar so he's not gonna make the list no the first avatar we're gonna talk about is the first avatar one listen I know what you're saying you're saying Nick the first avatar the man who literally bound himself to rava that's the week Avatar the man who split the spirit Dimension from the physical Dimension that's the weakest Avatar the man who trapped vatil in the tree of time the weakest Avatar listen nobody on this list is weak but so far as the Avatar goes unfortunately Juan even though he was the first and had a lot of very impressive Feats is the weakest Avatar if only because of the way that the Avatar Cycle Works seeing an avatar means you largely rely on the wisdom of previous avatars look at how often Aang looked to Roku for advice in combat and politics while Juan is incredibly powerful and did trap Batu in the tree of time and split the dimensions he had no previous avatars to look back to him and being the Avatar works a lot like all for one it's accumulated knowledge which is why Korra severing the avatar from all of its previous lives is such a big deal it means more likely than not the next iteration of the Avatar who ends up in the earth Village is probably going to be the weakest ever Avatar but enough about why wands in this spot let's talk about Juan a little bit Juan as we've already touched on was the first avatar he lived 9800 124 years BG back when humans still lived on lion turtles sea lion turtles took pity on humans and allowed humans to live on their back this is because at this point the human plane in the spirit plane coexisted because the humans found themselves in conflicts against Spirits pretty often that they couldn't win therefore they live on the backs of lion turtles for safety now should hypothetically a human need to leave the back of a lion turtle to go get things like resources a lion turtle would be still bending upon the person who was leaving one capitalized on the system by going out with a Hunting Party one day but pretending to chicken out and instead of returning to the lion turtle and giving back his bending he went back to the city where all the humans live this Brave act encouraged the other poor people who lived in the city to also get bending from the lion turtle that they didn't return at which point they used this stolen bending to launch a raid against the rich family that ruled over the city however unfortunately they were caught in one was banished however the lion turtle wasn't cruel and it allowed him to keep the fire bending that had given to him after being banished however being banished wasn't the worst thing for one because he befriended the spirits in the Spirit lands living freely amongst them until one day he stumbled upon two great spirits battling these two great spirits were rava in devotee the spirits are represent the good and the evil of the world as rava was about to finish off vatu vatu tricked one into believing that vatu was being destroyed by an evil spirit and thus Juan uses fire bending to free vatu it was revealed to him after vato got away that vatu was actually evil and that vatu and rava fight every 10 000 years to decide whether the next 10 000 years will be led by light or Darkness it's at this point that Juan has to fuse with rava to defeat vatu and upon fusing with rava he learned all four Elemental bending Styles creating the Avatar Spirit Juan then goes on to defeat vatu separate the spirit world from the physical world and seal away vatu in the tree of time in the spirit world as Juan knew that only the Avatar was able to access the spirit world and therefore humans wouldn't be able to get to the tree of time to break out vote and that's basically all we know about one obviously splitting the human world from the spirit world is no small feet and being able to battle against the actual incarnation of Darkness on Earth and vat to and win is also no small feat but once again for the fact that Juan had no previous avatars to look towards I can't put him that high on this list so let's get to talking about avatars that had other avatars to look towards coming in at number six we have crew now putting kuruk in six is a tough decision as Kirk's life was basically hell but he also probably fought against more dark Spirits than any other Avatar in history see karuk was the Avatar that came after young Chen third in line of Avatar is that we know Kirk was born in 345 BG and died in 312 at the age of 33. his run as Avatar was short and painful Dick's childhood was relatively standard when it comes to being an avatar it was divined that he was the Avatar by the northern water tribe where he was born and at which point he was given a crystal to see if he could Earth bend it which he was able to do after this it was celebrated that he was the Avatar and he began his process of learning all of the elemental bendings he went to bossing say to better his Earth bending he went to the southern air tribe to better his air band and so on and so forth he even went to an uninhabited Island where young Chen learned to water bend and he went to this uninhabited Island to learn the Avatar state in case when he activated it he couldn't control it and that's exactly what happened upon activating the Avatar State he destroyed the entire Island which is one of the more impressive Feats we've seen from an avatar being able to destroy an entire Island but this is kind of where the good things stopped for crew see as crook learned to use the Avatar states he was able to travel to the spirit world free and in one of his first trips to the spirit world he decided to take on a dark Spirit known as the heart Walker however upon defeating the heartwalker with relative ease he realized that the defeat of this dark Spirit cost him part of his own Vitality causing crook to not only be weakened but also to exist in a pseudo-state of pain for the rest of his life this pain would cause karuk to drink as drinking numbed the pain which started a downward spiral for crew Corey started taking part in a lot of things that he shouldn't take part in as the Avatar human desires like chasing after women and drinking and unfortunately this cycle continued as the time will cook was an avatar there was many dark Spirits trying to break into the physical world and instead of allowing these dark spirits to break into the physical world and wreak havoc will go to the spirit world and kill these dark spirits but every single time he went into the spirit worlds and killed these dark Spirits it cost him more and more of his vitality and he decided to Bear the weight of destroying these dark Spirits so they wouldn't affect the physical world on his own shoulders and his shoulders alone but this didn't stop karuk from living his best life he would challenge firebenders to agnikai's earthbenders to Boulder throwing competitions and it was said that his strength and sparring matches could not be bested for all intents and purposes he was the strongest Bender of his time in every category this was until Kuru came up against the strongest dark Spirit he would ever face father glower see father glowworm was much stronger than crew but Kruk entered the Avatar State and was able to grievously wound father glower a wound so Grievous that it would guarantee that father glowworm wouldn't be able to launch attack against the physical world for at least a generation however the damage incurred by battling against this dark Spirit was more than kuruk would ever be able to heal from which led him to his early death at 33 years old see crook didn't live the life of an avatar he let a hedonistic kind of rock star life I was quite possibly embroiled in more conflict against stronger enemies than any other Avatar but every single one of those enemies made him weaker meaning that he could truly never live up to his full potential both because his Vitality was slowly but surely being chipped away and also because he only lived to 33 which means he didn't have nearly as much time to perfect his bending that a lot of other avatars did I mean kiyoshi lived for over 200 years but speaking of avatars who lived for a surprisingly long time coming up at number five we have Avatar Roku Avatar Roku was the Avatar before a which is why Aang confers with Avatar Roku so often Avatar Roku unlike kuruk was an incredible Avatar though he did live through significantly less turmoil and strife than Korea Avatar Roku was born into a noble family in the Fire Nation and he and soon to be fire lord sozin were best friends so much so that they would train their fire bending with each other all of the time it wasn't until Roku was 16 years old that he was informed he was the Avatar at which point Roku left the Fire Nation to trade in the other three elements he went to the southern air tribe first to learn air bending where he became best friends with a man by the name of gyatsu who was actually the person who brought up Aang he then went to the northern water tribe to learn water bending and then the Earth Kingdom to learn earthbending the reason Roku was lower on this list is because it did take him pretty long to master all of these elements in fact Roku didn't become a fully realized Avatar until he was 28 years old meaning it took him around 12 years something that Eng did in one year however Roku did become a better Bender at the respective element he was being taught than the person who was teaching him every single time which speaks to the level of Master he held over every single one of the elements taught to him in these 12 years that Roku spent training in all these different places gave him a worldly view showing him how unique and interesting every individual culture is giving him an appreciation of the entire world like an avatar should on top of this as a natural born Firebender Roku also had the ability to Lava Bend being able to create massive caves through Magnus systems in volcanoes instantly and after Roku became a fully realized Avatar he returned home to the Fire Nation However unfortunately now fire lord sozin Was preparing for the Hundred Years War as the Fire Nation had begun to establish camps in the earth Kingdom Roku when he found out the fire lord chosen was beginning an offensive movement against the Earth Kingdom busted down the doors of the Fire Kingdom Throne Room telling Fire Lord zosin one of the strongest firebenders in history mind you and if he didn't stop his offensive motion that he would kill him and as Roku tried to leave sozin tried to hit him with fire that Roku easily dodged and uses earthbending to get behind sozin immediately this point that Roku made an earth pillar that caught sozin by his robe and cast him up into the air now Roku could have killed sosin in this moment but decided not to because they were friends when they were children this ends up being one of roku's greatest regrets as if Roku had killed fire alert sozin the Hunter Hundred Years War would have been avoided completely but I don't want to glance past the fact that sozin was so outmatched by Roku that he didn't even get to use a second attack and the only reason that Roku dies is because the island he lives on has two massive volcanoes erupt somewhat simultaneously Roku trying to save his Island and all the people that live on it is trying to bend the lava back down Tyler thousand actually comes to his Aid to help him Bend these volcanoes but once they realize they can't do it they go to flee however unfortunately Roku succumbs to poisonous gas secreted from the volcano which Violet chosen could have saved him from but he realized having Roku dead was better for his Hundred Years War before Fire Lord sosin showed up Roku was actively bending down an erupting volcano at 70 years old mind you it wasn't until a second volcano erupted that Roku decided the cause was lost and while obviously we saw feeds from svedo where he was able to bend four volcanoes simultaneously Roku was actively trying to redirect all of the lava away from his island in the people that lived there because Roku wasn't regarded as a powerful Bender Roku was regarded as the the Avatar with the most control being able to melt metal bars off people without burning the people to bars are on being able to destroy entire buildings but keeping a singular pillar in the middle of the building untouched his power isn't what made him scary was his control and because of that control I'm putting him at five but enough about fire bending avatars let's get back to water bending avatars because coming up at number four we have Cora Cora is one of the only Avatar to learn that she was the Avatar before 16. and it's not because anybody else told her it's because she just started bending the things around her which allowed her to master water Earth and fire bending before she even left the southern water tribe the only reason she needed to leave the southern water tribe is so she could learn air bending from Tenzin however core was in a heavily spiritual person in that she wasn't connected to the spiritual realm and therefore learning things like energy bending or air bending was difficult for however with the guidance of Aang's Spirit she learned energy bending and after forming a better connection with her previous Avatar reincarnation she learned how to enter the Avatar State at will making her a fully relaxed Avatar and one of the fastest to ever do it on top of all of this Korra is the first and currently only Avatar who learned how to metal bend and as metal bedding is one of the strongest types of bending adding that to her already impressive Arsenal is saying a lot now obviously there's a lot of information about Cora she has four seasons of a TV show and that doesn't even cover her entire story as there's a graphic novel that continues after the conclusion of the fourth season so I'm not gonna do her whole life story like I've done for all the previous avatars we're just going to talk about her abilities we know what the power of her water bending alone that she was able to push back a 25-story tall mech suit on top of the fact that she fully understands and quite possibly can use blood bending just chooses not to on top of that is a capable waterbender she's also proficient in healing as she was taught how to water bend by Katara who was regarded as the greatest healer on Earth on top of all this Coral might be one of the greatest energy Benders we've ever seen as she was able to use energy bending to destroy unalak in purify vat 2. now obviously vodka wasn't Gone Forever vatu has been defeated for the next 10 000 years as rava told us that Darkness nor light can be destroyed so so long as the other exists but still being able to kill unalak and purify vatu is a crazy feat she was essentially pitted up against another Avatar and one and not to mention once again she is a practiced metal bender being able to apply a metal suit to herself like a mech suit to easily pry off the top of vehicles and also be able to fluidly shape metal he's as good a metal bender as anybody in fact she's such a good metal bender that she's able to remove Trace amount of Mercury from her own blood the only reason that I don't have her higher on this list is because during the harmonic conversion she was temporarily removed from rava which broke her connection from all previous avatars meaning that even though she does have some crazy impressive Feats just like one she now has nobody to look back to most specifically like the person who taught her energy bending Aang who also happens to be our number three spot what did you have anger number three or number one and two gonna have to wait and find out now aren't you though I guess if you know all the avatars you could just guess yes we have Aang at our number three spot Aang was the Avatar succeeding Avatar Rogue and he was born in 12 BG but he died in 165 A.G but this is because he spent 100 years in a block of ice just like with Cora I couldn't even begin to go over Aang's life in any amount of detail that would mean anything to anybody watching this video without making this video two and a half hours long so we're simply going to talk about Aang's abilities see I'm not putting Aang here because I love him or because of bias most people don't find out through the Avatar until they're 16. Eng had to become a fully realized Avatar to end a 100 Year War at the age of 12. and he did it Aang became a fully realized Avatar in one year the fastest Avatar to ever do that not to mention also the youngest by a big margin even though he was technically 112 years old which also makes him the oldest Avatar to ever do that before the genocide of the air Nomads even happened Aang was the youngest ever air mastering all of the techniques of air bending and getting his air bending tattoos younger than anybody had ever done it before hanging at the age of 12 was able to battle against the greatest Airbenders amongst the air Nomads however he he only ever uses air bending defensively because as an air Nomad he wasn't trying to hurt anybody and Aang was also the only Avatar to ever learn seismic sense or lightning redirection as he learned seismic sense from both off in the badger moles in lightning redirection from zuka and it was stated that he was the first ever Avatar to learn either of these skills not to mention in the legend of Koro we saw Aang come up against a bloodbender and while this bloodbender thought he had hang on the ropes he simply did not as Aang in the year that he was learning the other three Elemental bending techniques also learned how to master the Avatar state which he used to break himself out of blood bending and steal the bending of the blood Bender something that he learned how to do against fire lord ozon the Aang was able to strip firelord ozai of his fire bending which is insane when he considered the fact that fire alert ozai was being super buffed by sozin's Comet now energy bending somebody's bending abilities away from them is a tug of war as your energy needs to be unbendable otherwise your energy will get bent those was a struggle against ozai but when Aang was 40 years old then he came up against the bloodbender he was able to do it effortlessly showing that his energy bending skills had massively improved and while Eng did accidentally cut off all of the past avatars before Roku he was able to regain his connection to them which is important because Aang operates as a medium a lot see Aang is incredibly spiritual which means he has a great connection to the spirit realm and all Spirits which means that Aang can very easily manifest The Souls of his previous avatars like he did with kiyoshi and Roku and was also able to merge with the water spirit When the Fire Nation was attacking the southern water tribe which allowed Aang to create massive title waves to push back the army so because of the fact that Aang was connected to his previous avatars could energy Bend almost effortlessly and also was incredibly in touch with the spirits around him I gotta say that he's stronger than corn but he's not stronger than the number two entry on our list kiyoshi kiyoshi is her dude while we heard about Kyoshi and avatar The Last Airbender we didn't learn as much as we know about her now until we got her two books it gave us about as much information on Kyoshi as we have about Ang or Cora maybe more considering the fact that kiyoshi lived for 230 years sikyoshi was born in 312 BG and died in 82 BG this seven-foot lesbian is unfortunately my dream woman because I want to be carried around like a satchel but unfortunately no boobs I will almost definitely make a full video about the life of Kyoshi at some point but once again today we're just gonna talk about her ability Avatar was able to bend all four elements however she awoke to the Avatar State for the first time at 16. albeit accidentally however later in the same year that she awoked at the Avatar State accidentally she was able to activate it consciously and remain conscious while in it making her a pseudo fully realized Avatar at the age of 16. however just because she was able to pull off Avatar State once doesn't really make her fully realized Kyoshi is born in the earth Kingdom which means that the first element she learned to bend was Earth and she actually started relatively bad at it as care she actually didn't know that she was the Avatar as the Earth Kingdom thought her best friend was actually the avatar for the majority of their lives well not the majority of their lives because she lived a very long life but until she was about 16. however as Kyoshi trained she became naturally better at earthbend and once she mastered Earth bending everything else was kind of a breeze as both lightning and fire bending came to her relatively naturally it wasn't long until Kyoshi combined her fire and her Earth bending to create lava bending because Kyoshi like Roku and sedo was able to Lava Bend however Kyoshi is the first avatar not from the Fire Nation able to lava bed and she was very good at it most time when people want to talk about how strong Kyoshi is they talk about one thing the time where she separated her entire home Peninsula from the earth Kingdom and pushed it out to sea sikiyoshi was born on a peninsula she wanted to govern that Peninsula she wanted to keep it out of the Mucky politics of the earth Kingdom so she cracked all of the earth that connected her Peninsula to the Earth Kingdom and then used lava bending to separate the land masses in air bending to push in Ireland do you know how heavy an island is now many other better ways there is to move an island then with air didn't stop kiyoshi why she didn't use water bending we don't know because she was actually a very talented waterbed being able to lift all of the water out of a large pond as well as creating a massive wave that lifted an entire ship of a noble woman out of the water and freeze it instantaneously not to mention she was also an incredibly talented healer with water bending being able to learn water bending techniques that slow down every process in the body including death which is how she lit for 230 years however she used it on her opponents as well as she would use this technique to freeze the hearts in lungs of her opponents which would kill them instantly see that's also one of the true strikes of Kyoshi doesn't blink it violence has most likely killed hundreds if not thousands of people in fact tiyoshi's character Arc is that in the beginning of her life as an avatar she just kills everybody but by the end she only kills the really bad which is this thing she doesn't even need her bending to kill you remember she is seven foot tall and she trained all of the kiyoshi Warriors who use Tess in Jutsu the art of battling with golden metallic fans which he could use to kill you considering the fact she was able to lift a fully grown man with one arm as a teenager once again dream woman but if kyoshi's not number one then who is well you're not gonna love this answer because this Avatar is one of the Lesser known Avatar but coming in at number one we have young Chen dongchan also referred to as the great young Chen is regarded as the most kind and the most powerful Avatar of all time you see Yang Chen was the air Avatar before a which means she came four avatars before a so young Chen grew up in a weird time for the work a time when none of the Nations really interacted with each other as she was the Avatar who followed up sveda an avatar who abandoned his role as Avatar to keep the Fire Nation safe and thus yongchang tried to master the four elements as fast as she could but this task was harder than yancheng bargained for as in this time political Strife was rampant trust wasn't earned but bought deceit lies in cheating with the language of all of the four nations but as she became more realized as an avatar and began to battle against the likes of combustion vendors in cities like Ben ER everybody around the world began to respect her because even though she was raised to pacifists by the Aaron Nomad she was known for her Fierce will to do whatever it takes to maintain peace like when she battled against three combustion vendors that were operating as human weapons simultaneously taking every single one of them out to catch a man by the name of zhongdu the leader of the anamenity project the unanimity project was a project undertaking of the Shang cities trying to break out of the control of the earth Kingdom however Yang Chen trying to bring the countries together and therefore Trying to minimize as much division as possible made sure this didn't happen and because of her incredible will to bring the Nations together and how fear and respected she was she became somewhat of a holy figure so much so that even after her death no wars were waged between any of the Nations for an entire generation out of respect for her which is why karuk didn't have to worry about political Strife she was revered as such a holy person that the Earth Kingdom to this day still praise to her for protection but let's talk about her abilities yongchan is regarded as most likely the strongest Airbender of all time being said to be able to form circular air currents so strong they could move the sky with her air bending she was able to manipulate the weather not to mention she also knew how to remove all of the air out of somebody's lungs or all of the air out of an entire room to suffocate those in it though she would always return the air before the people die as a waterbender she was the greatest healer of her generation and as an air Nomad very similar to Aang she was an incredible media being able to manifest previous avatars or combined with spirits but Yang Chen was even more spiritual than Aang her spiritual connection was so strong it was almost a hindrance she started talking divisions of previous avatars at eight years old and at the age of 11 she was able to cross into the spirit realm and because the true strength of an avatar comes through the connection to your past lives young Chen being the most connected to her past lives means that she is most likely the strongest avatar ever but then again who knows maybe some of the Feats we see from adult Aang in this upcoming movie will disprove everything I just said maybe the next Generation earth-bending Avatar will be the strongest of all time all I know is that I'm excited for the future of avatar The Last Airbender are you guys excited for the future of Avatar did I miss anything in this list tell me in the comments below why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell in the beginning of this video I was like oh it's only seven entries it won't take that long two and a half hours later [Music] Instagram [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 338,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, avatar, avatar the last airbender, kyoshi, roku, fire nation, water nation, earth nation, air nation, bending, earth bending, air bending, water bending, fire bending, blood bending, aang
Id: F1pppsoRpEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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