Toph Beifong's COMPLETE Family Tree! πŸ”©πŸŒ³ | Avatar

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Here is a closer look at the Beifong family history. First, we have to travel down to the southern Earth Kingdom, where we can find Lao and Poppy Beifong. Originating in the town of Gaoling, the Beifong's were rich and powerful. Often referred to as the house of the flying boar, the Beifong’s were a household name for hundreds of years. It is my pleasure to help anyone of the Beifong family. It is your pleasure. Lao is actually a descendant of Lu Beifong, an earthbending master who helped train Avatar Kuruk and Avatar Kyoshi. Lao wasn't a bender himself, but he was a savvy businessman. He was married to Poppy and had one child, a daughter named Toph. This is it! This must be where I come in! Since Toph was born blind, Lao always had her watched closely by guards. As she got older, her security got tighter. To her father, Toph was a fragile and helpless little girl. Blow on it. It's too hot for her. But little did Lao know, his daughter would become the greatest earth bender in the world. When Toph was six years old, she ran away from home and hid in a cave outside town. There she met a group of badger moles. These creatures were similar to Toph. They were blind earth benders. For Toph, the badger moles were the first ones who truly understood her. They taught her that even though she was blind, she could use earthbending as an extension of her body. In other words, Toph learned how to see with her feet. I feel the vibrations in the earth and I can see where everything is. You... that tree, even those ants. Six years later, Toph was living a double life. When she wasn't being an obedient daughter around her parents, she was taking down benders in the Earth Rumble Tournament. Oh. Ooh! As the Blind Bandit, she was the Earth Rumble champion. But that double life wouldn't last very long. - What are you doing here, Twinkle toes? - How'd you know it was me? Don't answer to twinkle toes. It's not manly. Shortly after meeting Avatar Aang, she revealed her true level of earthbending experience. She's the greatest earthbender I've ever seen. Dad, I know it's probably hard for you to see me this way, but the obedient, little, helpless blind girl that you think I am just isn't me. I love fighting. I love being an earthbender. And I'm really, really good at it. I've let you have far too much freedom. From now on, you will be cared for and guarded twenty four hours a day. But, Dad! We are doing this for your own good, Toph. But it wouldn't do much good because Toph ran away from home again. She joined Team Avatar to be Aang's earthbending teacher. Keep your knees high, Twinkle-toes! [indiscernible] Hah! Uh! By teaching Aang earthbending and discovering metal bending, Toph Beifong played a crucial role in ending the Hundred Year War. Woo! Toph, you rule. While Aang was fighting the fire lord, she helped Sokka and Suki take down the fire Nation airships. Have I ever mentioned how sweet it is that you invented metal bending? You could stand to mention it more. After the war ended, each member of Team Avatar played a part in building Republic City For Toph, she became the city’s first ever chief of police. - Follow me, Twinkle-toes. - Toph, I'm forty years old. You think you could stop with the nicknames? Afraid not. She led an elite group of metal bending crime fighters and took down the city's fiercest criminals, including the bloodbender, Yakone. [grunting] What's the big idea? We have dozens of witnesses, Yakone. We know what you are. Take him away. But not even the notorious Republic City Crime Lord could prepare Toph for an even bigger challenge, raising 2 daughters. Su, what are you doing home? You're supposed to be in school. Oh, no. Are you gonna tell Mom? It's not like she's going to care? Lin and Suyin were actually half-sisters, and unfortunately, the true identities of their fathers remain a mystery. Who's Lin's dad? He was a guy named Kanto. Nice man, but it didn't really work out between us. And... okay. They were both powerful metal benders but had a bit of a complicated past. - Su, stop! - Get your hands off me! You have so much potential, you're ruining your life. At least I have a life. Lin followed her mother's footsteps in protecting the people of Republic City. Calling all units. Robbery, reported on the corner of Fifth and Harbor Unit three responding. One day she came face to face with the one person she never expected too. Su? So you're robbing stores with the Terra Triad now? Oh, What are you going to do, officer? Arrest me? Ahh! Here's what we're going to do. Lin, give me the arrest report. Mom, what are you doing? You can't cover this up. [sighing] This is our only option. Lin and Suyin wouldn't see each other again for almost thirty years. During their separation, Suyin took her metal bending skills and paired them with an architect named Bataar. Together they built the city of Zaofu, the metal bending capital of the world. Does Toph live here? Are we gonna get to meet her? I'm afraid not. Eventually, Suyin and Bataar got married and had five children. [grunting] - Oh, nice power, Wei. - Ha! Wing goes down! I'm so proud of those two. We and Wing we're competitive twins who sparred with Avatar Korra while she learned metal bending. I can't believe I'm sparring with the Avatar. I can't believe I'm stuck with her friend. Nope. Okay, maybe if I... Ow! Trial by fire! It's the best way to learn metal bending. Huan bent more than just metal. He was a bender of the arts. Ah, pedestrian! I already know what you look like on the outside. I want you to show me the inner Meelo. Bataar Jr. was an engineer like his father. He worked on further developing technology powered by the spirit vines. But we'll get back to him. Finally, we have Opal Beifong. - It's great to meet you, Opal. - Opal? That's a beautiful name. - Thanks. - I'm Bolin. Opal. But you already knew that. Upon hearing about a new airbender, Lin accompanied Avatar Korra to Zaofu. Lin, your niece is the new airbender. Isn't that amazing? Yeah, Terrific. Opal began airbending training under Korra. Meanwhile, Lin and Suyin decided to... let's just say talk things out. Okay, I guess this is how it's going to be. Should I stop them? You don't have any siblings. Fighting is all part of the healing process. What are you two doing? You're sister's. Why would you want to hurt each other? How about for now, I just promise not to show up at your house and attack you again? Deal. Lin and Suyin were sisters again. But where has Toph been all this time? She used to visit from time to time, but years ago she left to wander the world in search of enlightenment. No one has seen her since. It wasn't until a broken Korra followed a spirit into the foggy swamp. That's where she reunited with an old friend. In a manner of speaking. I can't believe it. - Toph? - Nice to see you again, Twinkle-toes. Toph helped Korra get back into Avatar fighting shape. Meanwhile, Zaofu is being threatened by Kuvira, the fierce leader of the New Earth empire. This land belongs to the people of the Earth empire, and it's time to take it back. She was like a daughter to me. I took her in when she was eight years old and nourished her talents. Kuvira turned my own son against me, and together they plotted behind my back. I love you, Kuvira. I never could have done this without your help. After we claim victory, we can finally get married and rule our empire together. During the siege of the city, Suyin and her family were captured by Kuvira's forces. Take them. Toph, Lin, Opal, and Bolin organized one big rescue mission, Operation Beifong. You give metal benders a bad name! The mission was a success, but the war wasn't over yet. Aren't you coming back to Republic City with us, Grandma? No. My fighting days are over. Don't tell Korra, but my back is killing me now. At some point, you've got to leave it to the kids. Bataar Jr. and Kuvira were knocking on Republic City's door with a new weapon. A colossal mech suit with enough firepower to level the city. Everyone out now. Now! When you left Zaofu, it broke my heart. And our family has never been the same since. Please Bataar, stop all of this and come home. We want you back with us. And once again, the Beifong family aided the Avatar in one last battle to save the world. That wraps up everything you need to know about Toph's family tree. Which Beifong is your favorite? Let us know in the comments and subscribe for more deep dives into the avatar universe. I know I wasn't a great mother, but one way or another, I ended up with two great kids. Good enough to risk my bony old butt for anyway. If you can just find some way not to hate me, maybe that's enough. At least for me. Me too.
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Keywords: avatar the last airbender, the last airbender, avatar, aang, katara, sokka, toph, zuko, azula, iroh, avatar full episodes, atla, team avatar, nickelodeon, avatar the last Airbender full episodes, earthbending, airbending, avatar the last airbender intro, avatar video game, anime, legend of korra, beifong family tree, toph beifong, lu beifong, suyin beifong, lin beifong, metalbending, toph vs kuvira, legend of korra toph, toph metalbending, toph blind jokes, avatar the last airbender netflix
Id: fSAKJyCg5Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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