Avatar: The Last Airbender's Most Powerful Bending Style

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what bending style would you want most between fire earth water and air you've got a lot of great choices but out of all of them which one is gonna make you the most powerful Avatar The Last Airbender introduced us to a fantastical world full of amazing abilities and thanks to Netflix the show is back on everyone's radar so this video is all about the awesome powers from the show and discussing which bending style is actually the most powerful the answer may surprise you let's get into it how did Katara sage long ago the Four Nations lived together in harmony but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked but we know now that the Fire Nation was really only able to take over thanks to a magic space rock in the sky that enhanced their abilities tenfold without it the four elemental bending styles would be about even right wrong if you really examine the for bending styles you'll see that there is a clear ranking from least powerful to most powerful and today we're going to answer that age-old question of which bending style is the most powerful out of all of them so okay to begin let's start at the bottom of the power charts now mind you we're not calling any bending style weak as they're all super powerful in their own ways but this list is examining what bending style would make you the most powerful in the real world so because of that we'll start with firebending which is an amazing ability but probably won't do you a lot of favors today like the way we've seen it depicted it's a very aggressive attacking style without a lot of defensive moves a good firebender won't really think about defense but rather just attack more it's easy to consider firebending as a product of rage and aggression because that's how we saw the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation utilize it in Avatar The Last Airbender but leave it to Iroh to put things into perspective to hear him explain it firebenders use overpowering force tempered by an unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires to be a strong firebender means you have to have something in you driving you to success and all of that is great I mean you got your bending style from dragons after all how cool is that but there are just too many downsides to being a fire vendor unless you have a strong goal or desire and like to feel you your flame would sputter out with a whimper and can you imagine how hard it would be to hide firebending from the world if you suddenly start spouting flames out of your fingers you're gonna turn a few heads next up let's talk about earthbending as powerful and dominating as it appears it actually comes from a place of patience to be a powerful earthbender it doesn't necessarily take a ripped physique like boom he although that certainly helps but rather it takes the ability to listen to the world around you a good earthbender will wait and listen for the opportune moment for their opponent to make a mistake and then strike efficiently and effectively humans originally learned how to Earthbend by observing and imitating the Geo kinetic abilities of blind badgermoles who live in the mountains those big fellows knew how to listen to the earth around them in order to move efficiently and it's also a huge factor why Toph is such an extraordinary earthbender because she's blind she relies on her sense of hearing and her sense of touch to move and fight and it allows for a deeper connection with the earth and in the real world think of all the advantages earthbending could bring you you know that road construction that always slows down traffic around your home well you could fix it easily with a few snaps of your fingers but as the world becomes more technologically advanced it seems the general earth bending would get left behind unless you manage to learn how to metalbend like cough did besides imagine all the destruction you would caused by moving large chunks of earth around which brings me to this second most powerful bending style waterbending overall I think there is a general stigma around waterbending because it doesn't seem as aggressive or powerful as earth or fire but not only is water one of the most powerful forces on earth it also comes with some extreme benefits that make it a bending style that should not be messed with in any circumstance a really powerful water vendor could not only Bend the water in your nearest brand-name water filter but also could suck water and moisture right out of the air if necessary we've even seen Katara bend sweat before and that is not even getting into the scariest bending style of all blood bending by far blood bending is the most twisted form of bending around and if a waterbender was evil enough they could use blood bending to even block people's bending abilities and sure that's the negative side of waterbending but also don't forget how much good it can do to water bending is also known for healing injuries which is incredibly helpful in life that makes it way more powerful than the other bending styles so yeah water bending is an extremely powerful bending style that is useful both in avatars world and in our own but it's not the most powerful and since there's only one element left I think you know where I'm going with this that's right the most powerful bending ability and one of the rarest abilities is the ability to click that subscribe button am i right click and hit that notification bell I think our perception of airbenders will forever be skewed because of Aang for the entirety of the original show Aang was this fun-loving mostly happy kid who went with the flow and had a generally positive and peaceful attitude and because Aang was the avatar and we expected him to be this powerful warrior it kind of overshadowed just how powerful airbending actually was but I'll say this now I think airbending is the most powerful bending style sure the air nomads are peaceful monks and would never do anything to rise up against the world but if they all suddenly drank evil juice and turned against humanity well let's just say that war wouldn't have lasted a hundred years and all of this is because of an airbenders versatility and lack of major weaknesses airbending takes the potential destructive force of fire and earth but it makes it into something precise and even more dangerous you might find yourself in a situation where there's no earth to bend or creating a fire would result in a catastrophe but there will always be air around you to draw from it's more elegant and graceful than waterbending and can be used as though a forceful attack or an unbreakable defense it's the most well rounded bending technique in the way that it could overwhelm your opponents but also provide an incredible defense just imagine if you had air bending in the real world you would have no limitations to what you could accomplish you'll move faster live better and most importantly not draw a lot of attention to yourself assuming you don't have any you know like blue arrow tattoos on your forehead or something and don't even get me started on what would happen if you wanted to become evil this is here from season 3 of Legend of Korra was the seasons big bad and he showed just how deadly airbending could be when done right I mean just ask the earth Queen if you don't remember that here literally sucked the air out of her lungs until she suffocated which is easily one of the worst things we've ever seen on the show and sure airbending may not have that next generation upgrade that the other bending styles do but Zaheer did learn to fly on his own which was just an incredible moment seriously do not mess with airbending so as of right now airbending is the most powerful bending technique but I'm not saying it will stay that way things could change over time because if there is one thing that the avatar universe has taught us it's that things don't stay the same they evolve and adapt to bring a better balance to the world the air nomads were wiped out by the Fire Nation but the universe wouldn't keep it that way forever The Legend of Korra saw everyday people suddenly start developing airbending abilities to correct the damage done by Fire Lord Ozai crazy war and balance was finally restored this implies that the universe will never let one bending technique become more powerful than another if one bending style suddenly gets a fantastic new ability it's a safe bet that the other bending techniques will evolve too and we've seen that concept represented in the show with benders learning how to use their abilities in different ways at first we just saw firebenders being able to lightning Bend which soon became more common in the world of Legend of Korra Toph evolved earthbending all on her own when she figured out how to men which would change earthbending forever fast-forward to Korra's time and all the police use metalbending if that wasn't enough earthbending evolved once again in Legend of Korra as lava bending became more of a commonplace thing this is how those bending styles group it starts with just one person mastering an ability and then more and more people learn how to do it talk about progress and if you think about it waterbending evolved with the concept of blood bending and Qi blocking so it's scary to think what will come next in that evolution but that brings me to airbending since airbending was wiped out for so long it hasn't had the time to evolve to its next state if I had to speculate I would imagine airbending will evolve to the point where it could control other elements well now hold on a second I'm not crazy just just think about it okay oxygen is such an important part of both fire and water that why couldn't a really strong Airbender learn to harness those elements too it's a natural next step if that were the case then surely it would be no question airbending would be the most powerful technique well what do you think do you think airbending is the most powerful bending style or does another reign supreme let us know in the comments below and be sure to hit that subscribe button for more awesome avatar content like this thanks for watching see BR we'll see you next time
Channel: CBR
Views: 391,920
Rating: 4.7856646 out of 5
Keywords: Avatar the Last airbender, Netflix, Legend of Korra, avatar bending techniques, best bending style, waterbending, firebending, airbending, earthbending, toph and bumi, toph invents metalbending, zuko firebends, bolin lavabends, Korra, CBR
Id: 27TPyCGzKe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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