Avatar: The Forbidden Airbending Technique That Stops Firebenders

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gale force winds and powers of flight may be possible but nothing is scarier than having the air pulled from your lungs the final battle of monkeyatso is still held in mystery as all those involved perished during the fight with no survivors to tell the tale the frozen moment in time is left in the remains of the southern air temple we can only speculate what happened but the multitude of airbenders we witness in the legend of korra can give us perspective into their capabilities the techniques of benders like zahir shows some of the more brutal potentials indicating how easily an airbender could take down a multitude of soldiers how did this technique get discovered was it taught is it truly forbidden we're going to take a look at that and more stay tuned as we take a deep dive into this brutal and taboo airbending move the assumption that's made regarding this technique is that gyatso managed to pull the air out of the firebender's lungs or out of the room entirely defeating the attacking soldiers but sacrificing his own life in the process the potential for such a move is well within the realm of possibility as seen through techniques used by zaheer later on overall the most likely situation based on the evidence is removing the oxygen from the room working on a mass scale against the invading forces as well as being the unfortunate end to the airbending master to further prove the possibility of this technique we have to look into more specifics how long can a human being last without air normally well to render someone unconscious 30 seconds without oxygen is enough though they may be able to remain awake for up to a minute after a minute there may be potential for survival still anything above 3 minutes will result in damage to neurons and more than 5 is serious brain damage there is the chance of recovery after 5 minutes the guaranteed lethal point being 15 minutes but the potential recovery is low would this be enough to incapacitate elite benders mainly would gyatso be able to perform such a technique for an extended period of time without being stopped by the soldiers being benders ranged attacks are highly possible maybe if it had been another form of bender they could have overcome this obstacle but firebenders found themselves at a huge disadvantage firebenders are the only benders that generate their element as opposed to manipulating what they have surrounding them they ignite the flames that they wield in order for a flame to ignite though they require oxygen part of the chemical reaction that allows fire to exist is air being part of the fuel in combustion but without that air no fire can exist so even if the firebenders stayed conscious during this ultimate move they had no way to fight back a waterbender or earthbender could have launched an attack to break the monk's focus if this were the case being able to manipulate the environment the reliance on the fire nation army on bending was a disadvantage in this particular instance now how would monquiatso be able to hold this technique with the implication that he was not hit by the soldiers with the evidence being the lack of scorch marks and the inability for fire to be ignited in a vacuum he's still a human being if he fell unconscious due to the lack of oxygen the air would return into the room and possibly allow some of the firebenders to escape they may fall unconscious but with oxygen now accessible to them they may eventually come too in order for this ability to overcome them fully gyatso would need to stay conscious longer than the rest this may actually be possible due to his training being a monk of the air nomads he would be training at a higher altitude the different atmosphere would result in less oxygen being accessible and the air nomads would become accustomed to such an environment making them able to function on less oxygen than the average person meditation and further training of this nature may increase this tolerance but even with this as a possibility he may have kept himself encased in a sphere of air to avoid the damage of the technique in performing this technique he still may have fallen in the end due to the sheer exertion gyatso was one of the older monks and despite his power even he may have been drawn to his limits and there was likely no one left to heal him from his injuries all right now that we have a more clear picture of the event itself how did gyatso ever come across such a technique with the moral code of the air nomads it's unlikely that anything remotely similar to such a move is in their repertoire from everything we've seen in the series the airbenders do have techniques for both offense and defense the different forms of air current manipulation can be used for such a purpose zaheer demonstrated a technique such as this on a single person at a time but never on a full room of people the ability to do so would require much more control and power in nature wind phenomenal like tornadoes can create a vacuum-like space that can reduce the oxygen available reduced air pressure will also reduce the potential oxygen those caught in the space could access regardless of the method to create a consistent and controlled effect as a quick reaction to the invasion of soldiers is no easy feat and a master of air bending could reasonably create this in some form but to have this attack in mind in a chaotic situation is a bit more unlikely unless they had heard of or seen it done before so who did it before gyatso well a few figures come to mind not every airbender in history has been strictly adhering to the code of the air nomads a notable rogue airbender is the mother of avatar kiyoshi jessa a former airbending master jessa turned away from the life of an air nomad for a more exciting criminal career her skills were notable being a great aide in the various misdeeds of her and her husband with her phenomenal abilities and lack of reservations on causing harm to others she predates zaheer in her brutality with airbending abilities she may have used individual tactics similar to how zaheer conducted his attack on the earthqueen in her time she may have developed something closer to what gyatso used in battle jessa was not well loved among the air nomads due to her defection from the group the feeling was likely mutual as she had snakes tattooed over her airbender arrows the chances of a future air nomad looking more in depth into her battle tactics is unlikely her brutal nature and abandonment of her people makes her much more taboo a stain on their history a case can be made against this possibility as her airbending weakened over time jessa then began using metal fans to compensate something that was passed down to avatar kiyoshi and the future kyoshi warriors believing it to be connected to the loss of her spiritual practice without her full potential it is less likely that jessa would have had the ability to pull off such a powerful move and though she was not opposed to violence she was a bandage before she was a murderer making such a move unnecessary feared criminal or not news of someone using this tactic would have spread like wildfire leaving some traces of the possible event in legend avatar yang chen may not be notable specifically for her more violent actions but she is not fully a pacifist in her duty as the avatar she had to combat forces in order to maintain peace she told aang directly that the spiritual needs of the avatar must come second to the greater good she understood that the avatar cannot be free of earthly tethers that the avatar must be human in order to protect the mortal beings of the world there was no chance for perfection and she would not bend her morals in order to achieve such techniques but would she make such a move not likely many of her battles were against spirits making this method much less useful giatzo likely studied her philosophies as she had writings passed down through generations of nomads but it's not probable that this skill came from her a final candidate for this is guru lahima this name is a bit more unfamiliar as this character hasn't been active in plot lines lahima is a legendary poet and philosopher an airbending master his writings have been passed down for thousands of years his works survived into the age of the air acolytes and the rebirth of airbending with the harmonic convergence both tenzin and zahir have mentioned the teachings of the guru a legendary figure who is said to have unlocked the ability of flight tenzin disregarded this point as a myth but zaheer proved it to be true with zaheer's deep knowledge of lahima's writings the guru may have inspired the techniques that the airbender displays as zaheer mirrors the guru's most legendary feat lahima wasn't opposed to some forms of destruction as one of his writings states new growth cannot exist without the destruction of the old the great feats of lahima became legendary and regarded as exaggerations or pure fiction in the many centuries since his passing there is a possibility this may have been a great feat of his lost to time and morphed by many retellings great airbenders have been able to recreate these acts of his giving truth to his legend gyatso surely would have read of this pillar of air nomad culture if this was contained in the records it may have been passed down from the ancient guru with the resurrection of air nomad culture being on the horizon at the end of the legend of korra more and more techniques will be rediscovered and utilized by the ever broadening group the world has seen a great amount of war against unnatural beings powerful benders and influential dictators during avatar korra's time surely offensive maneuvers would be a bigger focus due to the threats of the recent past well maybe not tenzin was trained by aang who was fully engrossed and dedicated to the preservation of life and the use of non-lethal methods whenever possible no matter how difficult tenzin would likely ascribe to similar teachings which he would then pass down to his children and the very sudden influx of airbenders he is certainly a great teacher with his children becoming talented airbenders at a very young age their combat skills are excellent without the need for brutality to take a life is against their beliefs airbending moves that are meant to be lethal would not be part of the curriculum as there is no conclusive origin for this move and no records of the battle the great feat of gyatso may be lost to time and if any benders become inspired by sahir they are unlikely to be friends of the air nomads as they are now this technique remains buried with gyatso and if it is ever unearthed it will surely be forbidden and that's our video with additional stories like the kiyoshi book series there is an incredible opportunity for developing other parts of the avatar universe i personally would love to hear even more about avatar yang chen and her adventures any other bending techniques you think we should break down let us know in the comments below and while you're there remember to like and subscribe for more avatar videos like this one thanks for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 454,702
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Keywords: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Air-Bender, Air Nomads, Tenzin, Avatar Kyoshi, Avatar Yangchen, Zaheer, Monk Gyatso, Avatar Aang, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Fire-Bender, Avatar State, Sub-Bending
Id: bJvZ_xXS7O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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