Lavabending is Complicated and The Most Dangerous Element in Avatar!

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hey how are you slice of otaku and in the world of avatar the elements of water earth fire and air are for the most part rather self-explanatory water benders harness the power of water earthbenders bear the might of earth firebenders the intensity of fire and airbenders the force of air of course they each possess their own associated stipulations and exceptions but for the most part if you're aware of the fundamentals everything else comes pretty easily and that's because the world's power system was designed with simplicity in mind something like the bending of muddy water may be on the more complicated side of the spectrum but should such a thing be manipulated by the likes of katara and toff a waterbender and earthbender respectfully a rational viewer probably wouldn't find any fault in this as it doesn't outright conflict with any pre-established rules of the world and it's the same brand of logic that may be applied to just about every sub-facet of bending in the case of blood bending close to 90 percent of blood is made up of water now manipulating such a thing despite its impurities with precision is an art similar to that of metal bending as one must be able to recognize and utilize the small remnants of earth within various metals the same may be said for plant bending and so on and so forth now with all of this in mind i find it rather interesting just how confusing and or decisive the subject of lava bending stands to be and so with this video hopefully we can settle the debates and answer your burning questions by explaining the art of lava bending formerly focused upon in book 3 of the legend of korra lava bending stands to be yet another sub-facet of earth bending despite this lava bending actually owes its proper origins to avatar the last airbender wherein although not explicitly stated was very much framed to be an avatar exclusive capability the firebending avatar who predated avatar yang chen may be seen forcing four volcanoes to simultaneously erupt avatarkiyoshi propelled lava upwards during her severance of kyoshi island from the rest of the continent and in the case of avatar roku we actually have two occurrences the first being less commonly known than the other as in an attempt to master the avatar state by means of harnessing the spiritual might of the sun during the winter solstice avatar roku overwhelmed himself with spiritual might at this time he was incapable of leaving the avatar state and or controlling its power causing him to inadvertently spur on the eruption of crescent island's volcano the following instance of course being his elderly attempt at quelling the destruction caused by the two erupting volcanoes on his island which ultimately resulted in his demise now in evaluating these various instances besides them all being avatars there are two constants for us to keep in mind the first being that each time this is done said avatars have entered the avatar state to do so secondly in each of these lava bending cases the manipulated lava was pre-existing which is to say that the sort of lava bending granted by the avatar state is inherently different from the cases of lava bending possessed by the likes of gazan and bolin which in of itself is where i believe a lot of fan confusion inherently stems from the later depiction of this ability sees users produce lava from typical earth and so for the sake of clarity i'd go as far as to denote the version of the ability presented by the legend of korra to be true lava bending and according to various testimonials including that of arguably the greatest earthbender of all time who none of us dare to argue toff beifong the art of true lava bending is a rare one indeed now to fully understand why this may be i'd like us to turn to the origins of bending in its entirety now as far back as we know humanity's usage of the elements began with the bestowal of such energy by means of lions hurdles as to better equip them for the perils of the wilderness and at this time such possession was both momentary and primitive so much so that we'd be remiss to consider such people benders at all as terms such as user or possessor would be far more appropriate but yeah these people belong to societies at top line turtles completely oblivious to one another prior to the advent of the first avatar and with that a precedent was set for territories based on geolocation and so when the lion's hurdles left humanity and imparted the powers of the elements onto them a degree of isolation would subsequently follow and as time progressed people would go from being simple users to prolific vendors by mirroring the world around them and with the exception of waterbender studying the primordial spiritual force of the moon all other disciplines of bending were learned by emulating the practices of particular animals now the world of avatar is a fantastical one in the sense that bizarre animal hybrids are the norm meanwhile something like a simple bear is both bizarre and prized by a king of the earth kingdom however even in this world where giant sharks can swim through sand as far as we've been made privy to there exists no organisms capable of withstanding the environment of a volcano which is to say that by going by what is essentially the standard no source of tutelage was to be found in this field as things currently stand similarly to the position of the world during the last airbender there is virtually no basis for the existence of true lava bending but it would seem that with the end of the hundred year war this would change forever with the establishment of republic city a bustling metropolis founded by firelord zuko and avatar aang that both migrants and descendants from all four nations consider home and as far as we know in regards to the history of the avatar world disregarding the nomadic practices of the late airbenders or war based occupation this is a most interconnected the denizens of the four nations have ever been it is here that a level of cultural diffusion beyond the likes of which the world has ever seen is continually facilitated and with that you have a mixture of cultures and bloodlines that otherwise wouldn't be the case when it comes to bolin we may equate his lava bending disposition to his existence as an earthbender born to an earthbender as well as a firebender which is to say that the ability to lava bend is inherently a hereditary earth-bending rarity which requires a degree of both earth kingdom and fire nation descendants although if it were just that simple during the age of korra 170 ag and beyond lava bending probably wouldn't be considered a rarity so allow me to further elaborate firstly let us remind ourselves that the art of bending as we know it is essentially the application of elemental martial arts and the like now because elemental aptitude exists as a hereditary trait the bestowal of bending associated teachings and or traits over time may become ingrained in a bender's very being and in a sense continue to ferment over the course of generations it's sort of like the long version of the avatar spirit stockpiling of power and knowledge that we spoken about in a previous video the reason you may be able to teach someone how to metal bend as opposed to doing so in the case of lava bending is because a biological prerequisite for metal bending has been within earthbenders for generations making its acquisition more so linked to general bending proficiency and or accuracy whereas the biological components necessary for lava bending have not been passed down long enough for much beyond the occasional exception now i'm sure some of you may feel like all of this came out of left field and it's just another one of those poorly thought out quora additions but i'd beg to differ on account of what we know of water bending i find that the process of lava bending is rather similar to the process of phase shifting that waterbenders possess and i say this because they're able to manipulate water in their liquid solid and or gaseous states just as a lava bender may be able to alter typical earth and by that logic metal bending would be akin to plant bending the manipulation of water within foliage and if we are to once again look at the origins of humanity's relationship with the elements it is made abundantly clear the ancestors of water bending kin lived atop a massive lions hurdle over a large body of water and not only is there no ice around but their city had no shortage of foliage and so when they eventually migrated from this place to the northern and southern poles it would seem that they subsequently learned phase shifting as a part of their adaptation to the climate leading it to become such a fundamental aspect of their genetics that even a waterbender of no formal training such as katara at the very beginning of the series could unintentionally do so however when it came to the removal of water from plants as someone who didn't grow up around any sort of plant life it was something that she had to actively learn but if we look to the foggy swamp tribe however plant bending comes inherently to them but once again the common ancestors of all waterbenders were profusely surrounded by plants and so despite northern and southern waterbenders being so far removed from their swamp dwelling cousins the capacity and capability for such a thing never left and now if you're wondering why mako someone with the same parents as bolin can't lava bend as well well he's a firebender i mean to break things down any further than that would be unbecoming of me they're not the same base element so of course they wouldn't share a sub-element and even if the inclusion of earth-bending genetics could manifest in another way who's to say that he'd even be a one-in-a-million oddity like bolin now of course i'd love to discuss gazan more with this video as he was in fact our first example of true lava bending in the series but honestly the members of the red lotus are so mysterious that to attempt any breakdowns in his case specifically would be a bit too contrived for my taste lava bending is easily one of if not the most destructive bending discipline in the avatar world i mean all it took was one proficient lava bender to topple the once impenetrable walls embossing say in the past we have thoroughly established blood bending to be the most devastating practice in terms of single target focus but when it comes to area of effect damage lava bending is catastrophically dangerous and so the mere thought of such an ability rising to prominence over time and potentially becoming as commonplace as a bending of metal or even ice is enough to shake me to my core forget the threat of blood bending this is world breaking and good luck nerfing something like that it's pretty unclear how long it would truly take for such a trait to become a normal thing but i'd imagine it wouldn't be for several centuries at least so there's that i suppose let me know what you guys think about lava bending now that it's been thoroughly broken down for you and whether or not you prefer true lava bending or the legacy lava bending possessed by the avatar covering this series has easily been one of the best decisions i have ever made with this channel so to be back making them for you all after being terminated under false pretenses and dealing with the loss of my grandpa prior to that is a feeling that's kinda hard to describe but it's certainly a positive one with the exception of a quick update video at the very beginning of the year funny enough nine months in this is our first video of 2020 and on that note if you're still watching thank you so much for appreciating what i do when the channel disappeared it felt like a part of me did too it was as if all the time we shared over the years just disappeared like that but really and truly what helped me persevere and keep going was the support you all showed me over on twitter instagram and twitch thank you all so very much for screaming to the heavens on my behalf i can't even begin to properly thank you all but i will certainly try my best by bringing you the best content that i can muster both here on plot armor and everywhere else so many of you have asked for this one so hopefully you enjoyed it and if there's anything else avatar related or otherwise you'd like to see from me let me know that too but with that thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day i love you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SliceofOtaku
Views: 1,499,445
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Keywords: avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar the legend of korra, the legend of korra, lavabending, lava bending, lavabender, lavabending avatar, lavabending bolin, lavabender ghazan, lava bending avatar, avatar lavabending, lavabending fight, lavabending explained, lava bending explained, lavabending korra, lava bending korra, lavabending vs metalbending, bolin lavabending, ghazan lavabending, sliceofotaku, sliceofotaku avatar, sliceofotaku lavabending, slice of otaku
Id: oA_E_mFbI70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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