The Most Powerful Characters in Avatar (Tier 1)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/garrettd44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
so the most powerful characters in the Avatar series who are they hello one and all welcome to my avatar tearless series where I put the characters up against one another and find out who is the most skilled knowledgeable and powerful in the franchise based on the characters who we've seen actually fight or at the very least the characters that we know their power limits or at least relative power in the series first a few ground rules this first video is going to be very important because if I mess this up then the whole rest of the tier list is going to be pretty bad I have to figure out who the very top of the tier is so I can know based on who is the top who comes after that who comes after who comes after if I mess this up then that destroys all credibility of the rest of them to your list bear with me this will make more sense as more videos in this series comes out or if you're watching us in the future you'll have videos ready for you at some point in one of these cards or recommended videos suggested however YouTube's doing it these days but the main thing I want to get across is that if someone is in the same tier like for instance we're doing the most powerful characters in this video it means that they can give each other a fair fight the only way I would put someone below a different kind of tier is if I think they're they have really no significant chance to win the fight another thing is that I actually do break downs within my tier so we have within tier 1 we have the S class we have the a Class B Class C class etc etc again same kind of principle if they are in different tiers that means generally speaking they would beat another person though sometimes it's not the case because of specific circumstances specific powers don't always translate to one-to-one head-to-head contests so keep that in mind as you see how I organized this list but without any further introductions let's get into it let's find out who I think are the most powerful characters in the Avatar franchise No and stand against me haven't you heard the legends I'm not a regular human anymore to start we'll look at the e-class of the top tier essentially the worst of the best the reason I have avatar state one and the ancient avatars at the bottom of the top comes mostly by way of what Roku sets you Aang about the Avatar States and The Last Airbender book - the Avatar state the Avatar state is a defense mechanism designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past avatars so that means theoretically that each successive avatar should be more well off than the previous because they are extrapolating skill and knowledge from each previous avatar now of course this definition of skill and knowledge isn't exact it's not an exact science I mean typically you'll have different abilities from Avatar avatar on how well they can tap into this spiritual well not all of them can do this at the same capacity for example early on and cores career we saw that she had difficulty entering the Avatar state or even tapping into her spirituality just in general most notably her difficulty in learning how to do airbending at the beginning of book 1 now of course she eventually went on to master the Avatar state but unfortunately she didn't hold on to her ability to have the past lives because at the end of legend of korra book 2 as we know una log or dark avatar state unit or really about to ripped out raava from her and subsequently destroyed all her past lives so she loses out on that advantage and this does become a huge drawback if you really think about it missing out on a hundred or potentially a hundred avatars that we know that ten thousand years of harmonic convergence they all live to be around 100 maybe even 200 there's gonna be between 50 and 100 avatars to lose all of that knowledge is a huge drawback when you're going against say you know and I was hard like Aang or Kyoshi or Roku who have all this experience that are laid out for them now granted to make it clear this does not mean power necessarily this is really a conversation about skill so while Korra may as we will find out later in this video may have more power than the others she does still have the disadvantage of not having you know the skill and knowledge of you know a hundred other avatars but when it does come to avatar WAN and these other ancient avatars as you hold them at this eClass sort of tier again the the worst of the best [Applause] we are now in Class D by his lonesome is dark Avatar State una lot like I mentioned before one avatars ability that's happened to the spiritual may play a large factor in their output of power one such case is in unlock himself once he fused with vaatu one argument that I make in the reason why Luna Locke was so successful in overcoming Korra and it's something that happened between all of that series with him is that he was way more spiritually inclined way more spiritually deep than Korra ever was now granted Korra did you know elevate her spiritual connection by the end of that book and by the end of the series but in that specific book in a specific season it was clear that unalaq was her better in that regard and I should note that Korra was indeed tired when she fought una luck as she was holding her own against bought - and even I'm about to put about to you back into the tree of time and that's something that people kind of leave out and I'm trying to make sure that we do leave that in that there is a factor of her possibly having fatigue when she did face unlock but if we really do look at the overall art of book 2 and Cora's inability to really tap deep into the spirits and Luna lock doing it so seamlessly I think that's a large factor into why in that confrontation dark avatar moon lock was able to overcome Korra in that specific instance and it's not like this just came out of nowhere Luna walk was spending his entire life studying the dark spirits even back when we find out later when he was rolling around with the Red Lotus it's something that he was very fascinated with and everybody in that kind of group was fascinated with spirits or old ancient philosophies and things like that so he was geared to to be the dark avatar and to be a very good version of the dark avatar so I feel pretty comfortable about having him here at Class D I have mash to the elements a thousand times in A Thousand lifetimes now do it once again this one is pretty simple going by the principles established in class II all the avatars we have seen in the franchise including in chin who stood against general old iron Karuk who summoned a tidal wave Kyoshi who split and created her own Island and Roku who held off an active volcano should all be relatively equal to one another putting them solidly in this class [Music] [Applause] while it might seem that egg and corer are on a class of their own and simply because they are the most modern of avatars that's not exactly the singular case yes technically Aang should have a slight advantage as he has more past lives than Cora and Cora should be at a disadvantage because she doesn't have the past lives the reason they're at this class isn't really about their ability to bend all the different elements but their ability to been an entirely different asset in the past full Avatar cycle none of the modern avatars actually discovered anything new until Aang throughout the entire series finale of The Last Airbender Aang was looking for a solution to defeat the Fire Lord without killing him all of his past lives of course gave him different advice so he took it upon himself to seek out the lion turtle and discover energy bending now this is the main reason why I have him and I have Korra on this list on of their own and above the other modern avatars now energy bending isn't a specific ability that can be used against these other avatars obviously but it is a good ability to use against things like vaatu or against una vaatu or Kabir's mech for instance but it does mean the likes of Aang and Korra are more well equipped to take on these sorts of enemies whereas those past avatars didn't have that ability whatsoever and would be at a loss and then my cat totally interrupts the freaking recording give me one second with regards to Korra this goes a step further as we have a direct feed of her tanking and repelling a direct blast from kuvira's giant mech spear canon gun thing a weapon that was tearing through holes through mountains skyscrapers and through space and time itself between the physical and spirit worlds this accomplishment would have taken insane amounts of energy energy that to be fair is something that korra did get via harmonic convergence when she became cosmic Korra and something that she was able to contain because of that experience but I can't take that away from her because there's something that she has that other avatars do not and I have to give an his credit and I put them at relative parity because he is the one who spearheaded this idea and at the end of book one is the one who bestowed her the knowledge the skill and knowledge which is the point of the past lives to learn how to do energy bending in the first place and by this same thought you might have seen at the beginning of this class that I actually noted kuvira's mech the reason I put kuvira's mech in this class even though not really a character but more of like an equipment thing is that at this tier level only kuvira's men could contend with Korra maybe with a now saying with Aang I am assuming that Aang would be able to tank that as well although we don't know if he really would have the energy enough to do that when we know for sure that Korra could but if kuvira for instance was facing someone like a Roku or even a Kyoshi with these energy you know projectile weapons they shouldn't be able to do anything against him now of course you could you know throw some plot reasons for why they would be able to defend but logically speaking they have no knowledge of what energy bending is it's not something that they even taught Aang back in book 1 or book 3 I should say they didn't teach him that meaning that they didn't know it themselves meaning that a weapon or a character of this type would be something that they have no means to defend against so yes Class B goes to Avatar State Aang Avatar state korra and kuvira is mech [Music] poised illa as the fans college though some know this creature as the giant water monster is a very specific creature that is the manifestation of an avatar fusing with law the ocean spirit under a full moon yes these are very specific circumstances but it did happen at the end of the last airbender book 1 the siege of the north part 2 and those two things might not be the only two prerequisites because there might also have to be proper motivation on the part of La who at the time was reacting to the death of his better half twe who had been killed by general Zhao whatever the case the result was a giant water monster that wrecked havoc on the Fire Nation repelling dozens and dozens of their ships with a huge tidal wave the reason cause illest sits alone at Class B is because it's a fusion of both an avatar and a very powerful spirit now if we have what we had previous to this list which is you know basically a bunch of avatars and a little bit of spirits you know sprinkled in from here and there this is basically an elevated and a very specifically elevated avatar so it has to go one above the other avatars I'm sure there's probably other potential meltings out there like maybe there's a dragon fiery spirit or some air sphere you can combine with or some earth's period with the swamp maybe I don't know but if those ever did occur I would put them on the same tier as we have with poise illa or the giant water monster but as it stands we only haven't ever seen Azula and we only ever saw it in a very specific circumstance during the full moon with the death of Thuy and with the fusing of an avatar and Locke but there are two more entities in the Avatar franchise that out class even quois illa the two most powerful characters in the Avatar universe cosmic energy is the power source of the Avatar State the elements the spirits the mortal world all of it is essentially the force in Star Wars usually a character from Avatar can directly connect to cosmic energy when they've been opened up to all seven chakra points but they often don't have the ability to directly channel and use that energy in cores case she got the cosmic energy form that she went into at the end of book two mostly due to the tree of time which of course is a special circumstance in the same way that koi Zillah was able to manifest by fusing with avatar aang she was able to do this not only because she was at the tree of time and because it was during harmonic convergence and of course harmonic convergence is one of the most rare phenomenon of energy in the entire universe in this franchise therefore her ability to level up in book two is quite specific it wouldn't happen on a normal day the reason I have to bring this up and make light of this is because this extraordinary cosmic energy this cosmic force it's not something that can be replicated in fact the specific version of cosmic Korra can only likely be achieved every 10,000 years during this time and as a result we see the most powerful force in the entire franchise including the extraordinary being that is the avatar itself much like the nature of dichotomy between raava and vaatu neither you know vaatu or cosmic Korra can really be placed above one another which is why I have them side-by-side and the s-class these are extremely specific circumstances that both of these characters were created we only get this win about two thing when we've got 10,000 years of Darkness about to be bestowed on the world we can only get cosmic aura when we have the Tree of Life and harmonic convergence happening all at the same time and to say that these beings can be defeated by anything else obviously they can't be defeated by Vaught to on his own he needed the help of Locke to fuse obviously raava couldn't defeat this on her own she needed the help of cosmic aura or just the regular Korra no other character whether it's an avatar or a grandmaster or any kind of spirit that we know from the franchise can actually contend with such cosmic force that we see in this final episode in book two Legend of Korra which is why I have in place as the most powerful characters in the entire franchise and that's it the most powerful characters in the average heart franchise next up we'll take a look at some of the most powerful spirits in the Avatar franchise but I would like to extend the question out to you who do you think are the most powerful characters in the Avatar franchise do you agree with these head above my list and the ordering do you think a character was completely left out do you think there was a character who should not have been in there at all let me know of course in the comments below and as always peace love and remember be water my friend
Channel: Antoine Bandele
Views: 709,236
Rating: 4.7190742 out of 5
Keywords: Antoine Bandele, Geek Talk, Versus Series, tier list, avatar tier list, the last airbender tier list, the legend of korra tier list, hello future me, hellofutureme, nickrewind, nickelodeon, avatarcritic, avatar critic, sliceofotaku, the most powerful characters in avatar, aang vs korra, ozai vs iroh, kuvira vs toph, airspeed prime, the objective geek
Id: mswhXlNL9h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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