Avatar History Explained: The World Before Aang (Part 1)

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every story has a beginning boy howdy does the world of Avatar of a pretty epic back story from the spirits who first roamed the world to the first avatar to how exactly I ended up in the ice murder and Agni Kai's I'm Chris Carr and today I'm giving you a crash course in the events that took place before avatar the last airbender before we jump in I want to give a shout out to our patrons on patreon thanks to donors like you we get to keep writing or viewing and revisiting your favorite shows head over and see if a tear works for you if you can't help with monies remember sharing liking and subscribing are still the best ways to show your support now let's dive into all the plot important stops throughout guitar at the start of creation in the world of avatar twee and mom manifest in the physical world assuming the form of koifish during this time the mother faces gives birth to Poe the face dealer the two will become estranged as we learn later when Aang meets ko Bochy breaks through the barriers that separate the human world from the spirit world making it so travel between these two planes as possible this leads us to the era of raava since the beginning of time we have battled over the fate of this world house here we'll call for my spirits video raava the spirit of light and peace battles her dark counterpart vaatu this causes the first harmonic convergence what's this harmonic thing vaatu was talking about harmonic convergence that is when vaatu and I must battle for the fate of the world sometime after he wins mount cities upon the backs of lion Turtles to protect themselves from the dangers of the spirit wilds when humans have to visit the wilds to gather food or other supplies the lion turtles would gift these hunters and gatherers with the ability to control one of the four elements water earth fire or air these cities would eventually lose contact with one another and develop their own independent cultures humans have been forced apart settling on the lion Turtles who protect them and losing touch with each other according to the Avatar timeline around 9800 BG a young man named Juan decided to steal the element of fire from a lion turtle to incite rebellion and steal food from the local family the chose because of this one is banished into the spirit wilds where he learns about the spirits the friends them and learns how to firebend from the dancing dragon shortly after long severs the link between raava and vaatu which releases chaos into the world Thank You human Robin wandering together to restore balance in the universe and have juan master the other three elements raava becomes permanently bonded with juan making juan the first avatar we are bonded forever together they defeat vaatu lock him away in the hollow of the tree of time and one separates the spirit world from the physical once more keeping spiritual portals up the North and South Poles as there is now an avatar the land turtles collectively make the decision that they no longer need to protect mankind and should not grant the ability to bend anymore our time protecting mankind we will no longer give humans the power of the other animals this of course leads to the people residing on the Lion Turtles to leave and once again come in contact with one another many of these groups went to war against one another forcing wand to step in to maintain peace this will become the ongoing duty of the avatar we will be together for all of your lifetimes and we will never give up [Music] the humans divided into four nations each devoted to a bending art as we discussed in our other videos the water tribes learn to bend by watching the push and pull of ocean tides in the moon the earth benders from badgermoles the firebenders from dragons and the air nomads learn to bend from flying bison the tribes would eventually grow to get along and respect one another but do remain separated by their polar locations some of the Southern Water Tribe while wandering through the earth kingdom would end up staying in the foggy swamp and forming a tribe there hey you guys are waterbenders you too that means we're camp the firebenders known as the Sun Warriors creating a thriving civilization under a tribal structure eventually they would fade away hiding in ruins while the rest of the Fire Islands would carry on fire venting and grow their civilization it's like the Sun but inside of you do you guys realize this well our civilization is called the Sun warriors so yeah I also like to note the birth of avatar kyoshi as we do focus on her somewhat later in the series I created Kyoshi Island so my people could be safe from invaders kimchi's victories lead to the first-ever avatar day and as we learned the comics she also creates the Dai Li in response to some peasant uprisings in Ba Sing se the earth Kingdom becomes a constitutional monarchy during her time as avatar once Kyoshi passes on Avatar Roku was born sometime in a tbg fun fact this new avatar Roku is born the same day as the next Fire Lord Sozen nice one so since you were friends with fire lord sozin back then he was just prince sozin and he was my best friend the two would grow together and be best friends on roku 16th birthday as is tradition it's revealed to him that he shall be the next avatar he leaves the Fire Nation to master the elements we're turning around the same time his friend sews and ascends the throne and becomes Fire Lord it's an amazing stroke of fate we know each other so well isn't it together we could do anything yeah we could sozin truly believe that it is his destiny and the destiny of the Fire Nation to conquer the other nations or as he sees it spread their glory years later Avatar Roku will discover the Fire Nation colonies the Fire Lord had created in the earth Kingdom and confront Lord Sozen the to engage in battle resulting in Roku destroying part of the Fire Nation royal palace obviously he's no longer see eye to eye on what's best for the world but I warn you even a single step out of line who was out in your permanent end in 12 BG avatar rope who was killed while fighting a volcanic eruption at Eng the next avatar is born to the air nomads not surprisingly Aang is a particularly gifted Airbender who becomes an airbending master in record time thanks to the invention of the air scooter technique aniele's converges the avatar at the age of twelve four years earlier than normal because the monks fear war is imminent he needs to grow up as a normal boy hmm you cannot keep protecting him from his destiny the monks decide to send Aang off to the eastern air temple to continue his training now there he's gonna be separated from his friends and more importantly his mentor gyatsu just rotten confused by his destiny and runs away from the southern air temple with his flying bison Appa the two are caught in a terrible storm pulling them deep into the ocean and enters the Avatar state and in cases them both an ice near the South Pole the Avatar state is a defense mechanism designed to empower the Avatar with skills and knowledge of the previous avatars the glow which they admit is the combined energy of all those previous lives focusing the energy in the Avatar state you are at your most powerful with the Avatar missing Fire Lord Sozen begins what would be known as the hundred year war attacking the other nations using the power of a comment he launches a genocide I'll attack against the air nomads attempting to find and kill the Avatar once all the air nomads are wiped out for so so's and believes the Fire Nation sets its sights on the next nation in the Avatar cycle the Water Tribes they begin capturing water vendors such as Hama would later develop the dangerous bending ability blood bending but our numbers dwindled as the raids continued Prince Ozai of the Fire Nation takes her a descendant of Avatar Roku to be his bride this isn't happy news for Ursa Prince's brightest see she had just accepted a proposal from the man she loved in her village a team and this arranged union between Ozai and Ursa was to fulfill a prophecy that a powerful ruler would be born from their bloodline Ursa has no choice but to marry Ozai they have two children Zuko and Azula around 94 AG Iroh and his troops lay siege to Ba Sing se this fight would go on for 600 days before I rode back down this was not only due to his tiring troops but also due to the revelation that a son lieutenant been killed in the siege uncle's coming home does that mean we won the war no it means uncle's a quitter and a loser OSI exploits his brothers loss and tries to usurp the throne his father fire lord azulon says that Ozai should feel the same loss as his brother and have his firstborn killed Ozai finds this acceptable grandfather said dad's punishment should fit his crime you must know the pain of losing a firstborn son by sacrificing your own wire desperate to save her son Ursa makes a deal with those I using her knowledge of herbology she'll create an undetectable poison to kill the Fire Lord Ozai agrees but says Ursa must immediately leave the palace so she can't use the poison on him and must leave her children behind never returning Zuko please my love listen to me everything I've done I've done to protect you IRA will then abdicate from the throne allowing his brother Ozai to become Fire Lord once the poison takes effect searching for a new life Ursa comes across a man named Noren who seems to already know her what turns out this Noreen is actually a team the mother faces had given him a new face Noreen tells Ursa they should finally be together and that she should change her face as well she asks the mother faces to give her a new identity which puzzles her since Ursa is so beautiful to test her sincerity the mother offers Ursa a very plain face which Ursa says shall gladly accept she gets her new face and the mother as a mercy offers to erase verses previous life from her mind unaware now of the life she's left behind the exiled Ursa now lives as Noriko remember this Zuko no matter how things may seem to change never forget who you are around this time the southern Raiders of the Fire Nation attacked the Southern Water Tribe still convinced that a waterbender could become the avatar the only vendor in the tribe is eight-year-old Katara so in order to save her her mother kaya sacrifices herself and is killed by one of the Raiders just let her go and I'll give you the information you want you are done mother get out of here years later ozai's heir Prince Zuko in an effort to gain insight into how he'll one day need to rule the Fire Nation sits in on a cabinet meeting there he learns that one of the commanders plans to use a group of fresh recruits as bait you can't sacrifice an entire division like that those soldiers love and defend our nation how can you betray them this outburst is seen as a sign of disrespect not just to that commander but to the Fire Lord himself leading Zuko to battle his own father in an ad nakai rise and fight Prince Zuko I won't bite you you will learn respect because Zuko refused to fight the Fire Lord said he exhibited shameful behavior and banishes him not before scarring him them in order to regain his lost honour Zuko now searches for the avatar I can only return home if he has the avatar in tow and this takes us right up to the events of Episode one of Avatar The Last Airbender uncle do you realize what this means I won't get to finish my game it means my search it's about to come to an end the story is just beginning so be sure to hit that Bell so you know when we drop our video chronicling all of team avatars adventures as they try to take down the Fire Nation and restore balance to the world this show has a huge back story so let us know in the comments which bits we glossed over and that you love more info on or help your fellow out the light out and fill us in on all your pre avatar knowledge this is an ancient Airbender head shaver we've refurbished just for you oh okay you want more avatar videos just click to the left of my face or you can check us out on roku flex thanks again to everyone on patreon and thank you for watching CU space cowboy you
Channel: NerdWire
Views: 356,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar the last airbender history, the world before aang, avatar prequel, Siege of the North, The Storm, Zuko Alone, luten death, ursa saying goodbye to zuko, zuko, aang, avatar history, avatar explained, nerdwire, kris carr
Id: A-pzkzZr6WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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