Avatar Spirit World + Every Spirit Explained! (Everything Avatar Pt. 6)

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next stop on our series of Avatar crash courses the spirit world we've talked at length about the spirits of the moon and ocean brought a brava at every opportunity and even touched on lion turtles in our previous videos but we of course haven't even made a dent in the spirit world so be sure to hit the bathroom because there aren't any in the spirit realm do they have bathrooms in the spirit world as a matter of fact they do not I'm Chris Carr and today we're covering the spirits of Avatar but first remember how we're poor please consider helping out our little channel by checking out our patreon page and seeing if one of our tiers works for you well thank you a shout outs behind the scenes lips and more you're poor too that's a bummer but watching liking sharing subscribing and hitting that dang Bell those are all free awesome ways you can support nerd water are you strong are you fearless do you have what it takes to battle the spirits before diving into my list of spirits let's cover where these entities call home the spirit world is a parallel plane of reality that coexists alongside the physical human world these immortal entities typically embody different aspects of nature these spirits are all affiliated with either the light or the dark usually depending on who won the last convergence raava or vaatu raava is the great spirit of light balance and peace while vaatu is the spirit of darkness and chaos since the beginning of time we have battled over the fate of this world and for the past 10,000 years I have kept darkness under control the light and dark spirits cannot exist without each other so even if one manages to defeat the other their counterpart will always come back over time occasionally humans are able to join the spirit realm after death so be clear in the world of Avatar the spirit realm isn't a cut and dry afterlife that being said people who naturally possess spiritual energy or who had a powerful connection to the spirit world during their lives could transcend the mortal plane once they passed on and could exist in the spirit realm so when my work was done in the material world I chose to leave my body behind and come to the spirit world he must have become spirits this way seemed to become more of an idea or essences passes like how I row still looks quite human when we see him whereas the painted lady looks a lot like a ghost spirits can also possess a person's body for a little bounce at a time when this happens you'll notice that the human will physically take on some of the spirits characteristics like how Yahoo found tree-like characteristics if a spirit lingers in a host for too long the host will die if I stayed in there any longer I would have killed which I did consider if they're inside you too long they're gonna kill you but I don't let's get to them spirits high what a fantastic spirit to kick things off with the i-ight spirit is the caretaker of the spirit oasis within the spirit wilds although I I once was tremendously wary of humans the spirit became great friends with one he even nicknamed Juan stinky like a little pet named the i-ight spirit and Juan protected over the Oasis together until one left to find other lion turtle cities I'm proud to call you my friend stinky thank you for everything this spirit is unsurprisingly based on the aye-aye a large lemur native to Madagascar many Avatar theorists have speculated that Momo is actually the spirit III reincarnated we should also note that an eye is Oasis we also encounter two kind spirits who aren't wary of one and wishing well if you know the names these two cuties let me know in the comments below what a great idea that'll be fun baboon spirit any encounters this irritable spirit while seeking advice on how to handle the fire nation this spirit is all about tranquility need to find the moon in the ocean spirits go away but even though the baboon spirits voice actor isn't listed on the end credits of the siege of the north part one the creator's stayed on the DVD commentary that none other than Mark Hamill gave him that distinctive sound Yoda still here yes [Music] dragon bird spirit this legendary Pokemon looking spirit is known to nest in the mountains when they're just babies they're most entirely purple with teeny Tufts of pink feathers along their wings once they're fully grown they develop yellow and red feathers these spirits are mostly bird-like with serpentine bodies and dragging like ears and horns now these creatures always reminded me of the mythical Phoenix and not just an appearance but in behavior dragon bird spirits are said to be fiercely loyal to those that care for them and it turns out their design is based on the Chinese Phoenix [Music] alright now let's close that portal and go find Jinora dragon eel spirit these hybrid spirits are featured heavily in the Korra comics and remove the creator's favorite designs in the entire Avatar universe we don't get involved with human Wars spirits worked with unalaq he was misusing vaatu's power during harmonic convergence dragonfly bunny spirits while these spirits are super friendly dragonfly bunny spirits won't appear before humans unless they feel a strong spiritual connection with a particular person or told to show themselves by a person they fully trust it's okay you can show yourselves how did you do that they can develop strong attachments very quickly and we of course see this with Bob Jim a cave Bumi Junior this sweet little dragonfly bunny spirit became BFFs with bhumi watt the eastern air temple even though this little spirit can't talk you can tell he just adores boo me but not so much as knitting if you don't want to wear the sweater I made you that's fine fog Spirit the fog of lost souls is a boundless prison for humans inside the spirit world inside the fog spirit can infect the minds of those trapped there driving them insane by imprisoning them inside their darkest memories how long can you be trapped in here I am Zhao the Conqueror I am the moonslayer I will capture the avatar it's like a way cooler more effective smoke monster from lost topical but then again so is this show because it's 15 years old frog spirit another creature of the spirit wild the Frog spirit can morph into different sizes allowing him to fend off any threats the Frog spirits voice would change depending on the size as well the Frog spirit may Jim this spirit has two heads a female head named a and a male head named Jim they fell in love and decided to get hitched ah also you marry each other you complete opposites I know thirty in spirits when aligned with the light these are friendly spirits and serve as guides within the spirit realm they can even teleport when the Guardian goes dark though gets much more aggressive in territorial [Music] these spirits were modeled heavily after pit bulls and Chinese Guardian lions also known as foo dogs foo dogs are typically seen in pairs at the entrance of the temples and are believed to be protected entities representing the dualities that arise from the yin-yang philosophy heyday the black and white spirit hey Bay is typically very friendly in his panda form but if you start messing around with his forest he'll turn to a six-legged black and white monstrosity and destroy everything in his way this powerful spirit has incredible strength and speed as we see when he's on his path of destruction he also has a sonic scream that can level buildings glued the riddance but aside from all those terrifying powers he can also spontaneously grow bamboo and carry folks to and from the spirit world so thank you a friend is here to guide you bang hey knowledge seekers the knowledge seekers are fox-like spirits who assist Wan Shi Tong collecting books and Scrolls to add to his library the knowledge seekers help library patrons find books and are modeled after the Korean spirit the nine-tailed Fox seems it's trying to assist you um sure I guess I'll follow you KO mu now we're getting creepy KO the face stealer spirit with a name that tells you exactly what its thing is ko can steal the face of any creature that shows even the slightest sign of emotion hence people like n trying to remain completely inexpressive while talking with them it's been a long time I've added a child's face to my collection even after he'd face wipes the creature will survive and just be faceless you're just a curly-tailed Bluenose cub is born to the mother faces thousands of years before the hundred year war ko is almost as old as the spirits of the moon in the ocean and can recall when they made the switch to physical forms as koi fish if you want a super in-depth discussion on this fish head over to our video on waterbending legend says that ko chose to steal faces in order to feel close to his estranged mother we learned more about the mother of faces in Dark Horse's avatar Comics late spirit this spirit can transform into a tiny white puppy so obviously this is an adorable fan favorite wait I met you at the tree of time you should have told me who you were if I did would you have followed me the light spirit can also fly using the leaves on his head to whiz through the air the Painted Lady this river spirit can be found in the Fire Nation where locals worshipped the Painted Lady and raised monuments in her honor as I touched on my intro The Painted Lady was a human who had an extremely strong connection to the spirit world and upon her death transcended the mortal realm and became a spirit [Music] Rock Spirit this enormous spirit is you guessed it made a rock this is another spirit featured in Dark Horse's comics The Rock Spirit expresses his doubts of avatar Korra opening a new spirit portal saying I didn't complain when you kept the northern and southern portals open but creating a new one has gone too far the human and spirit world should have remained separate and despite his early protests the rock spirit along with several other spirits answered the call of the Dragon Hill spirit to aid Republic City one Shin Tong he who knows 10,000 things wanshan Tong is a giant owl spirit who collects information in his ginormous library I'm one Shi Tong he who knows 10,000 things and you are obviously humans which by the way are no longer permitted in my study he is far and away the most knowledgeable being and is constantly in search of more knowledge his name literally translates to ten thousand things which is an old Taoist expression that's shorthand for him being all-knowing of course he goes on to blatantly say he's all-knowing votive socket brushed up on his Mandarin he wouldn't have to be so redundant you're not very bright are you enjoy the library wolf spirit in the comics the wolf spirit is the loyal servant to the mother of all faces you might recall from my avatar animals video that these dudes can breathe out moth wasps gross of course there are other spirits I missed definitely ones that we go into more detail on in the comics so let me know who I missed in the comments what else do you want me to deep dive on Avatar Iroh Kyoshi warriors I know you all want that timeline so be sure you hit that bell so you know exactly when it drops your comments Huff's why producer Bret so he knows what we can do if you want more avatar deep dives lore and child runing videos just click to the left of my face or you can beam us right into your living room on roku or plex thanks again to our sponsors on patreon and thank you for watching I'll see you space cowboy
Channel: NerdWire
Views: 111,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar spirit world explained, avatar spirit, avatar crash course, avatar: the last airbender, Legend of Korra, Beginnings Part 2, Beginnings Part 1, Baboon Spirit, Dragon Bird Spirit, Dragon Eel Spirit, Operation Beifong, A New Spiritual Age, Dragonfly Bunny Spirits, Fog Spirit, Frog Spirit, Guardian Spirits, Hei Bei, Knowledge Seekers, Koh, Light Spirit, Painted Lady, Rock Spirit, Wan Shin Tong, Wolf Spirit, nerdwire, nerdwire avatar, avatar explained part 6
Id: h4xPjOUKd2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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