The Life of Avatar Yangchen (Avatar Explained)

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what's up guys it's Morgan from goofy flame today we're gonna talk about avatar yank Chad she's a lesser-known avatar but a very interesting one her story was not in the original TV series but was expanded on after the series ended in this video I'm going to break her life down just like I did for the other avatars and other characters in Korra in the last airbender you guys seem to like these videos so I'm gonna keep making them if you want to see the other avatar character videos the playlist for those videos is linked in the description so check that out if you want obviously in this video they're gonna be spoilers just like the other ones so there's your warning I'm not really used to being on screen so this is kind of a test and I think I'm gonna do it for more videos especially in the intro and the outro so let me know what you guys think about it now let's get started avatar yang Chen was four avatars before Aang and was avatar Kirk's predecessor she was born in the Western air temple and was raised by air nuns unlike in the other nations where there's a good mix between benders and non-benders with air nomads they are so spiritually pure that every member had bending ability meaning that yang Chen had a lot of competition when trying to prove herself as an airbender when she was young yang chen bonded with her bison and the two were bonded for life as a small child the air nomads tested her to see if she was the avatar and they did this through the test that the air nation had used for centuries they put in front of her thousands of toys and she chose the four toys that every one of her airbending past lives had chosen proving that yang Chen was indeed the avatar they did not tell her this however until she turned 16 and when it was announced to the world she started her avatar journey as she learned the four elements as all avatars do she and a caretaker named boma who went with her as she completed her avatar training boma being bound by a promise he had made to the air nomads nuns and her very early years of avatar hood she was very eager to make a difference in the world despite being so young after a lot of training yang Chen finally mastered all four of the elements and one week after mastering them she had her first real mission despite yang Chen's protest boma accompanied her as they flew to their destination on her bison the city they went to was located on the shore side and it was the grandest city of that time as they made their way to the city they were caught in a terrible lightning storm a sign of the dangerous they were making their way into when she arrived she went to the king of the city who thanked her for taking pity on them he explained that their fortune tellers predicted that a great tragedy would befall the city that night yangshin studied the fortune tellers who said that vengeance was coming from the sea yang Chen being so young and so new to her avatar duties had not fully attune to the spirit world but even so she could tell that the fortune tellers were right she asked the king what they were talking about but he told her that he did not know gen Chen decided to go out in the storm and sit on a cliff just outside the city she did not see anything but when it hit just past midnight a giant spirit emerged from the depths of the ocean even before she could clearly make out its form she could feel him his immense presence being overwhelming boma who was standing there next to her asked what was going on and yang Chen knowing she was lying told him not to worry as she could handle it yang Cheng could feel the spirit more than ever especially its grief which overwhelmed her and brought her to tears she had never felt anything so deep so intense its Hera fighter she decided to confront the spirit as soon as he reached the shore and she told him that she was the avatar the bridge between man and spirit she pleaded with him to leave the humans alone and told him that any grievances he had to please lay them before her instead this did not go over the way she thought it would however the spirit whacked her to the ground sending her smashing back on the cliff where she had been sitting boma was terrified that she was injured and a Dazed and Confused yang chant spoke to which boma thanked the heavens that she was alright as she got up the spirit made its way to the city and began to destroy it yang Chen was in way over her head and asked moma what to do he told her to pick herself up and go get the spirit meanwhile he would evacuate the city as fast as he could Bulma came through with his side of the plan and evacuated the city to a nearby clearing but yang Chen could not come through on her end to stop the spirit from destroying the city she fought the great spirit into the night giving it all she had using all four elements which he had just mastered a week before there was no use however neither of them could gain the upper hand and their battle left the magnificent city in ruins after hours of fighting and exhausted and out of breath yang ask the spirit what he wanted the spirit responded by touching his finger to her head opening away for the two of them to talk he told her that his name was general old iron and that long ago in the age when spirits still roamed the world he lived here with his friend lady te na he explained that she was the most beautiful spirit in existence and that she tended to the seashore as if it was her garden he then said that he served as her protector which she needed as lady Sienna was too innocent and caring for her own good when a small tribe of humans appeared they made the shore their home without asking for permission the innocent DNA became infatuated with the humans and she watched over them and entertain these humans many requests general old iron had heard what was happening to other spirits and how the humans would eventually wipe them out to protect DNA he planned to stomp the tribe of humans that had settled on the shore out of existence but TNA stopped him because of this she ended their friendship and general old iron was forced to leave he then explained to Yang Chen that over the years the tribe grew into the most powerful city in the world and that just a few nights ago the humans proved general old irons greatest fears and that deep within him he felt lady TNA's last breath he believed the humans had killed her and that his friends death is just the beginning of the humans running rampant and the sphere is dying out the engine was then interrupted by the king of the city asking what the spirit said she told him about lady TNA's death and the king sadly said that it was true and that he caused her death a days earlier he then asked yang chen to beg the spirit for the mercy of his people as they had nothing to do with this as the spirit told the Avatar to step aside he said he was going to do what he should have done long ago as he made his move to destroy the city an inexperienced yang Chen unwillingly went into the Avatar state again being too young to have mastered it yet the two once again began to fight but this time yang Chen had the advantage now being in the Avatar state she pushed them back away from the city and told the spirits to remember that she was the avatar and that she stood on the border between the spirit and human worlds to ensure that the border never grows into a rift now winning the fight she told him that peace and balance was possible if he laid down his armor and listened to her the two came to an agreement general old iron promised to never take up his armor against humankind and in return yen Chen promised and would return to its natural state free of human civilization which was a sign that humans were capable of preserving and protecting and on top of that she built a memorial for his friend lady T Hannah and ensure that she would be honored to do this yang Chen established the ritual among her people once a year she would lead air nomads to the plot of land where TN a statue was and there they would have a festival during the festival they would pay respect to lady te na by bowing to her statue four times then would walk down a cliff to a meadow and would play music as they went and when their they ate a ceremonial air nomads meal because those living in the region knew that the place was sacred to the air nomads and more importantly sacred to Avatar yang Chen no one dared defile it keeping yang Chen's promise alive after Avatar yang Chen's first mission things did not get easier as she hoped they would she faced many dangerous missions and eventually she had her own team avatar one of whom we can infer is boma the man that was her caretaker during her training her team avatar stood by her and supported her on her Avatar quest not only were they her friends however but they were also her bending masters she became very close to them and they became her best friends in the whole world she would have done anything to protect them but the same was true the other way around on one awful mission to members of yang Chen's team avatar both of whom were her bending masters gave their life for defending yang Jen from their enemies Geng Chen mourned her fallen friends and though it was hard their deaths helped her grow as a better person and a better avatar yangchen was known for being well learned very smart and a well rounded avatar more so than most of her past lives she studied many different philosophies including the writings of guru Schley Hema and Shokan we know of lahee MA from Legend of Korra the guru that Zaheer studied to make himself fly Zheng Chen was tasked in dealing with the beginnings of the 5th nation of hybrid fleet who roamed the sea south and east of the earth kingdom now being older and having more experience she used her brains rather than her physical strength here unlike her first mission when she met with their leader she helped develop a treaty between the fifth nation and the other nations which would leave the earth Kingdom southern coast at peace her political decisions were some of the best decisions any avatar had ever made when it came to negotiations relating to the government and peace and they would be analyzed by scholars for many years even after her death yank Jenna mentally died of what we can guess was old age seeing us there's no mention of her being killed too young or unexpectedly and she was reincarnated as avatar Couric in the Northern Water Tribe following her death yen Chen became revered as a holy figure and not just the air nomads eyes but in the earth Kingdom as well the earth Kingdom citizens even praying to her for protection from harm her devotion to her duty as the avatar assured in a prolonged period of peace as no threats of war occurred for an entire generation after her death after yang Chen's death the festival that she had created for lady TNA was dubbed yang Chen's festival and the air nomads kept it faithfully going there every year to pay respects to Lady TNA all was well with general old iron but when the air nomads were wiped out the tradition stopped and the land the yang Chen had promised preserved was taken over by factories and Technology and I'll go into more detail about that in a minute yang chen helped her reading carnations a great deal especially aang when Aang was shot down by Allah in Ba Sing se he fell into a coma where he talked to Avatar yang Chen while talking to yang Chen and asked why the avatar was a human rather than an all-powerful spirit that never died and yang Chen explained to him how the avatar could not be a spirit because they must be compassionate to all people and the only way to do that is to live with them she went on to say that the Avatar must experience sadness anger joy and happiness and by feeling all of these emotions it helps the Avatar understand how precious human life is in this way they would do anything to protect it tension and helped Aang reconnect with his past life to ensure the avatar spirit was okay but she thought him that his physical body was still injured and that he needed time to heal as she touched Aang's arrow she noticed that his ability to enter the Avatar state had been disrupted and that he would not be able to rely on his past life to help him she explained that now he must rely on his friends eggs version of team avatar something that reminded yang Chen of her own team and sadness header as she remembered their sacrifice for her yang Chen and white tangs memory of this meeting and said it would be forgotten like a dream when he woke up and later summoned yang Chen for advice when he did not know what to do about Fire Lord Ozai not wanting to kill him he explained to her how the monks had always said that all life was sacred which yen Chen agreed with but she said that this wasn't about egg about the world yen Chen mentioning the world made egg bring up the monks told him to detach himself from the world so a spirit could be free but yang chen responded saying that many air nomads had attached themselves to achieve spiritual enlightenment but that the avatar could never do this because their sole duties to the world she finished this conversation saying that selfless duty cost for the avatar to sacrifice their own spiritual needs to do whatever it takes to protect the world a few years later yang Chen reached out to egg but an could not understand what she was saying due to him destroying his meditation beads to detach himself from Avatar Roku after they had a fight and tried to celebrate the yang Chen festival for the first time in over 100 years hoping that this would reconnect him with yang Chen and Noah did not work at first when they did the part of the festival where they ate the traditional air Nomad meal it linked the two of them together again she advised him to mend things with Roku or his connection to her and the rest of their past lives would be damaged she then explained to Aang while she reached out and told him about her first mission she said that general old iron was angry that the land she had promised to preserve was taken over by factories and even worse humans again she told Aang that he threatened to come back and destroy the factories and all of the people there before she could tell him the agreement that she had made with general old iron however and had to leave to save his friends tank took yang Chen's advice and mended things with Roku which in turn mended his connection to yang Chen and the rest of their past lives and she was able to tell Aang the agreement that she had made with this information Aang was able to stop general old iron restoring the deal yang Chen had created yang Chen also appeared in Avatar Korra's life once when it was the first time going into the Avatar state that restored her bending unfortunately avatar yang Chen came to an end one year later her spirit being lost forever after una Locke destroyed raava the avatar spirit korra got raava back but raava being destroyed ended all of the past lives before Korra who are now being the first avatar in the cycle avatar yang Chen went down in history it's one of the smartest avatars to ever live and she made a huge difference in the world she was more well-rounded than any avatar we know of and her passion to make a difference of China Bray and her many accomplishments as the avatar thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media to see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for movie's flame updates and I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured in the next video plus get a bunch of other awards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 2,348,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, the last airbender, korra, legend of korra, mako, asami, bolin, katara, sakka, toph, beifong, roku, kyoshi, kuruk, sozin, ozai, iroh, zuko, azula, mai, ty lee
Id: MZOBhoLnNf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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