Avatar's Advanced Bending Techniques Explained!

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you asked for it you got it avatar fans what's up guys I'm Chris Carr and today we're going in-depth than all the sub bending scene in the world of avatar began I just want to give a quick shout out to our super nerd sponsor of the day some assembly required 75 thanks to SAR 75 and all our donors on patreon we're able to keep making videos and undergoing fewer conversations with our parents about getting other jobs like book Chris you'd be so great at culinary school if you want to help out head over to our patreon page and see if a donation to your works for you well thank you a shout outs behind the scenes stuff gag grills and more if you can donate it's totally ok liking sharing and subscribing are awesome ways to show your support let's get to bending when we're talking about sub bending we're talking about the specialized bending techniques that exist within each of the four bending arts water earth fire and air these sub skills can usually only be accessed by skilled benders and often requires the bender to have some sort of deeper understanding of their bending artform as opposed to just sheer raw power understanding others the other elements and the other nations will help you become whole we've talked in other videos how over time certain subsets seem to be more easily accessed by a greater number of vendors such as metal bending and lightning bending while others like blood bending remain accessible to a select few we'll be covering all the bending the show clues us into regardless of mastery level let's first start with a subset of bending we see early on an Avatar The Last Airbender healing healing well this definitely is a special ability that only some water benders possess it does seem to be a more common capability than other sub skills are you here for the healing lesson waterbenders who could he'll do so by drawing upon the life-giving properties of water and are able to address physical wounds illnesses and even some spiritual and mental issues basically the bender uses the water as an impetus for redirecting energy paths around the body the effectiveness of the healing goes hand-in-hand with the skill level of the bender some vendors like Katara instinctually have this ability without proper training because of the patriarchal structure of the Northern Water Tribe Healing was originally an aspect of waterbending only taught to female benders over time male healers would become more common here the women learn from Yagoda to use their waterbending to heal I don't want to heal I want to fight this sub bending ability does have its limitations it can't treat scars like Zuko sadly KY mark birth defects such as tops blindness or internal injuries like the blow dealt to jet during his battle with longfang healing can also be used to detect areas of the body where Chi is blocked that being said water healing is not a remedy for blocked Chi as it cannot undo that blockage what's wrong with him he doesn't look injured his Chi is blocked like anything though rules are made to be broken you can ignore all of the above if you're a healer who is using super mystical water we see this with the water Katara takes from the spirit oasis that water is able to heal the fatal wounds Azula Delta Aang [Music] hailing in the series was inspired by Reiki an alternative medicine practice set to heal energy this literal hands-on or pomme healing technique is said to transfer energy from the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage healing and was developed in Japan back in 1922 spirit bending taking this idea of healing further we also have spirit bending a healing variation that allows the vendor to instill balance or imbalance within a spirit this technique was created by una loc chorus uncle who taught it to Korra while this ability is pretty ambiguous in the series I'll do my best to explain this unique skill set all right so basically the practitioner is able to change the spirits negative energy into positive energy or vice versa the technique calls for a waterbender to encircle a spirit with water and from there somehow their energy can be shifted when a spirit begins to glow a bright yellow they've gone positive and often the spirit fades away or assume some sort of pacified form and when shifting to negative the energy glows purple so you know purple color the devil it's a weird choice I think according to analogue this evil purple variation had the potential to destroy a human soul we see a glimpse of this when unalaq tries to destroy Korres in the episode a new spiritual age he's a pretty sandal he's no arrow your spiritual training has come a long way unalaq may be a horrible person but his spirit powers are no joke this technique well obviously effective on the vast majority of spirits is not effective on spirit vines [Music] lud bending let's round out our water subset with some seriously spooky bending blood bending this sub art is revered as the darkest and deadliest among all the bending arts and their specializations the first known blood bender was kama a waterbender who had been imprisoned by the Fire Nation during the hundred year war while in the Fire Nation facility she realized that since all living things contain water within them she could push herself to bend the water inside any and all organisms blood bending essentially makes you a puppet master able to manipulate and control the movements of another enforcing your own will over theirs once I had mastered the rest I was ready for the men this is an extremely tricky technique to master thus only a handful of water benders have been able to perform blunt bending the blood bending movements are based on key math a Chinese martial arts technique designed to lock an opponent's limbs and neutralize them as we know water benders have their powers heightened during the full moon and most blood benders are only able to tap into that ability with that power surge that being said we know of three benders in Cora who are able to blood bend whenever yacon Tarlac and am on these three also trained extensively and are known to be vendors who can access a psychic blood bending ability this allowed them to telepathically control their victims with limited movements such as the twitch of and I particularly skilled blood vendors are able to launch their victims into the air across short distances can render multiple people unconscious as we've seen during at cones trial in Cora and can be used to crush someone's internal organs [Applause] blood pending is also the only known bending technique they can drive a victim insane it's the crew she a discursive avatar through blood bending Amon was able to seemingly remove bending capabilities by severing Chi pathways a lot of you have asked me before to specifically talk about Chi bending so let's explain how that's and kind of is it there's Chi blocking something a non vendor like tightly or Ramon's cronies were capable of doing through pressure points energy bending like what the Avatar can do and obviously she has energy flow so here you go and there's this blood bending shift Ichi technique that seems only accessible to someone who has a strong mastery of waterbending [Music] energy bending so now that we know that that's a thing let's talk about energy bending energy bending is the ability to bend life energy it existed long before the for bending arts existed one lion turtle will bestow this ability onto Avatar Aang and thus that's passed on to the next avatar Korra and assumingly all avatars that follow should they master this technique [Music] we CN used this ability to take away the bending of Ozai and you come and Cora uses it to restore bending abilities and victims of Amon such as Lin beifong well we don't know much about how this bending is done we do know that the energy bender themselves must be very strong as the process can completely corrupt them energy bending also seems to bleed into manipulating spirit energy and astral projections such as when Korra projects her own spirit metal bending moving on to earth bending subsets let's dive into metal bending as we all know metal bending was invented or discovered if you will by Toph beifong Toph would go on to perfect this method and open her own metal academy to teach others this is one of those bending arts that seems to become way more common as we move into Korra especially since her public city has its own metal bending police force who the use of seismic sense another earthbending skill Toph was able to perceive target and pull trace amounts of Earth that could be found to refined metals and manipulate them since this technique revolves around the manipulation of impurities within metal metals that are pure such as platinum cannot be bent I'm afraid you won't be able to metalbend that wall achieve a bomb it's solid platinum not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure that makes sense alright let's quickly sidequest seismic sense that's the ability to perceive vibrations to the ground very similar to sonar or echolocation earthbenders can utilize this sense to create a map of their surroundings or they can use it to detect if someone's lying based on their heartbeat and breathing resonating through the earth so make sense why you'd put a buttload of earthbenders in charge of your criminal justice system there's a tunnel beneath the workshop running deep into the mountainside lava bending another earthbending specialization we see in the series is lava bending we know Avatar Roku utilized this technique multiple times and the other skilled earth vendors have been able to master this as well like da scene of the Red Lotus the Lin would later discover he also possessed an aptitude for lava bending incredible you're a lava bender this obviously is a technique that allows the user to manipulate lava and has led many to speculate that fire vendors could potentially be lava benders this theory seems to be supported by the overlap and mud bending if both an earthbender and water bender can perform that be it through different techniques then there must be other potential overlaps in the bending arts I personally feel that that might not be the case here molten rock is still rock and will have a bending appears to be more about putting enough pressure on that rock to manipulate it as a liquid it's just liquid earth let me know your thoughts on that though in the comments below lava time bet you didn't expect that lightning generation and redirection onto firebending sub skills we've got lightning generation and redirection with this technique a firebender can produce and guide a bolt of lightning with their fingertips and the use of circular motions the bender must also be in a good place mentally in order to separate the energies of yin and yang the bender is guiding the lightning not necessarily controlling it these moves take a lot longer to charge up than fire attacks some firebenders like Ozai and ma Co can generate lightning really quickly and I guess all those dudes at the electric plant that is still crazy to me prior to the hundred year war we only knew of Azula Ozai and Iroh is lightning benders but I guess if you're gonna I sure in an industrial revolution you're gonna need to figure out how to power that Xin is the redirection part of this is a technique that was developed by aro after he studied master waterbenders and realized that redirecting the pathway rather than facing attack head-on was far more effective again this becomes a much more widespread technique as we enter the age of Korra generally speaking the Lightning bending technique is particularly taxing on a benders team if you let the energy in your own body flow the lightning will follow it the stomach is the source of energy in your body it is called the sea of Chi combustion bending we also have combustion bending that's telekinetic fire bending Kyle this ability channels Chi through the forehead and is typically marked by a third eye tattoo these are shoots powerful beams out of their face it is bananas combustion bending can instantaneously evaporate large bodies of water blow up chunks of earth counter-attacks and more we see all that when sparky-sparky boom boom man comes after team avatar we also see how deadly this technique can be to the vendors themselves combustion man blew off his own limbs prior to mastering this technique light the other bending arts had a lot of specializations but air often seems like it's singularly focused if we're to look at unique techniques we obviously have to explore the power flight this is an insanely rare skill only one other Airbender in history had the ability how'd you figure out how to do it I found true freedom the here was the only Airbender in hundreds of years to access this ability basically the user must denounce all earthly desires and achieve true freedom unlike strong firebenders who seem to use their bending to achieve flight via sort of jet propulsion everything flight looks like your typical Superman flying no whirl winds or gimmicks just straight up levitation and movement spiritual projection airbenders can also master spiritual projection this complex technique demands that the bender is incredibly spiritual as they'll need to move their spirit through the physical realm to create a good projection the user must work in a quiet environment that's free from distractions so they can focus oh you have to get core and the rest of us out of here now hurry finally spiritual projections enable a vendor to employ their surroundings while bypassing physical obstacles we see Jinora utilize this technique in legend of korra if a user were to use this technique during a particularly spiritual time such as during harmonic convergence the projection would be maintained for a much longer period of time and appear way more distinct I would love to hear your thoughts and theories on sub bending many have speculated there's potential for a lot more bending specializations like flesh bending as always let me know if I missed anything I'm just mighty hit me up in the comments and if you want more videos just click to the left of my face once again a big thank you to all of our sponsors on patreon and thank you for watching see a space cowboy [Music]
Channel: NerdWire
Views: 865,001
Rating: 4.8101916 out of 5
Keywords: Avatar bending, the last airbender, avatar sub bending explained, avatar advanced bending techniques explained, avatar explained, nerdwire, kris carr, sub bending, bending arts, water bending, earth bending, fire bending air bending
Id: 8Oe8eUjgS7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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